The Anti Terrorist On Corporate Revenue Collection

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TheAntiTerrorist & Velluminous Press would like to take this opportunity to point out that in these litigious times it's easy to lose sight of the fact that we—as a community of kindred souls—once valued common sense. So cast back in your memory to that long-forgotten concept and embrace the fact that the TheAntiTerrorist & Velluminous Press stand above all for freedom and personal responsibility. Simply stated, how you apply this information in your own life has nothing to do with us. These transcripts are for education and entertainment purposes only. TheAntiTerrorist on Corporate Revenue Collection Broadcast on 13 October 2008

Hello friends, I am TheAntiTerrorist. Thank you once again for all your messages of support, your emails and your questions. I have been learning and implementing and preparing my family for what is to come. As you can see we’ve been talking about this for a year now and it’s coming into play; the food crisis, the theatre that is the financial crisis, I hope you have all been storing dried food and studying feverishly. This particular broadcast will leave you in no doubt as to who is running the show here. Or at least who’s benefitting from running the show. Now if all you good police officers who have been contacting me over the last year are still in any doubt whether you have been reduced to mere revenue collection agents for private corporations, this episode will clear that up for you, too. [begin email excerpt graphics] I get a lot of emails from disillusioned police officers. They’re beginning to see through the veil. As you can see here there are certain quotes from emails I have received from certain officers, and if you are the officers themselves watching this video, you will recognise your own writings. Of course, I’ve not included your names, but I show these emails to prove to others that there are good cops out there—there are good police officers out there who are completely and utterly disillusioned about the job, and how the job has changed. I want to make it clear I am not anti-police—we need the police because unfortunately there are people out there who do not have the rest of society’s best interests at heart. There are burglars out there, there are thieves and rapists and they need to be dealt with. We need men and women out there selflessly protecting the public. You may well be out there dealing with us in the real world, dealing with the bad guys, trying to make a difference, but the bottom line is, you are there to generate revenue for a full-profit organisation [end email excerpt graphics] [Begin Dun & Bradstreet graphics]

So how can I confidently assert that police officers are employees of private corporations doing business on the international markets? Well, to find that information I would go to somewhere like Dun & Bradstreet. Dun & Bradstreet touts itself as “The worlds leading source of commercial information and insight on businesses, enabling companies to decide with confidence for 167 years. Dun & Bradstreet’s global commercial database contains more than 130 million business records, providing our customers with quality business information. This quality information is the foundation of our global solutions that customers rely on to make critical business decisions...” Allo, allo, allo, what’s going on ‘ere then? City of London Police, trading as City of London Police. What is the overall condition of this business? Well above average. There will be a report like this for every police force in the western world, and you’ll find it on Dun & Bradstreet if you look hard enough. In some cases it will cost you an arm and a leg to get these reports but they’re well worth having. And in some cases there will be information missing with regards to profits, or directors, but here you can see the directors/ proprietors of City of London Police are Bernard Hartie (sp?) and William Taylor. They’re executives. Of a company. Making money. Doing business on the international markets. And if any of you were in any doubt as to The Bank of England’s status, you can see she’s trading as The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street. When did this business start? 1694. And here is a favourite of mine—Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs—trading on Dun & Bradstreet as a full-profit organisation. Now you can see there’s lots of information missing there but they’re definitely registered and commercial piracy is alive and well. Oh and here’s Experian, another favourite of mine. Both Experian and Equifax, gathering data and selling it to banks for profit. What authority do these companies have to take that information from you when they have a county court judgement against them? What about our local councils, surely they’re government owned, they can’t be private businesses? Well at least we know the courts couldn’t possibly be private businesses and making money on the international mar—oh... well, that can’t be good.... Nelson County Court? Operating as a full-profit business on the international markets? Oh, and here’s one of the daddies of them all, The Ministry of Justice, trading as Asylum Immigration Tribunal, Magistrates Courts, the Public Trustee Office—and here’s what’s very interesting—are there any significant legal proceedings events against this business? A county court judgement was registered against this business on the 8th of May 2008. Now I ask you, as a man on the land would you do business with a corporation that has a

black mark against its name like that? It just goes to show you that the story about the judges and courts being immune is absolute nonsense. Total hooey. These are private entities and they are just as susceptible to a commercial lien as any other corporation would be. We’re talking about profit here. There’s money involved, which makes it a whole new ballgame. Changes the motivation for giving out tickets. Changes the motivation for making arrests. And it changes the rules entirely, which is why I am revealing this information to the people who wish to find it. Whenever there are criminal charges, criminal charges always come by statute. Every time the legislature passes a criminal ordinance or statute, the purpose of passing it is to raise revenue for the government. Now the revenue that they’re raising is not the fines that the courts will collect, no. The fines and the courts are sort of like taxes. Taxes don’t run the government and the government doesn’t run off the fines, either. Who do the taxes and the fines go to? The investors. So who the hell are the investors? Whoever it was that bid and paid the government for the right to collect and use all the fines and taxes, based on the violation of the statute. Well then how does the government operate? They pass a statute that says you should not speed, and then, when they pass that statute they’ve got a bunch of number crunchers in the background saying, “Well if we put the speed limit at 30 in the towns, and say, 60 in the country and 70 on the motorways, how many miscreants do you think we might have every year, and how much money or revenue is that going to generate? Well, we think it might generate about 3 billion a year or 5 billion a year...” or whatever it is. And so they pass this statute and the government says, “Okay, we’ve got this statute, how many of you guys would like to give us a quotation, what would you purchase the income stream of this statute for? How much would you pay us to collect the revenue from these statutes and hand that money over to you as a return on your investment?” These banks bid up and and they say, ‘Well, we’ll give you 5 or 6 billion,’ and they pay the government up front , that’s what runs the government. So let me make that perfectly clear. What is collected from the court fines is the revenue which pays back the interest on the principle to the private banking investors who bankrolled the government up front. And which entity is creating the statutes? Oh, look, The House of Commons trading as The Members of Parliament on Dun & Bradstreet. Starting to see the big picture now, are we? So as soon as you violate a statute and a traffic ticket goes out, the traffic ticket is the equivalent of a criminal complaint, which is a negotiable instrument, or a money order. When a ticket is written and ends up with a clerk of the court, the clerk bundles these up and

they get shipped around, appraised, money is put into the accounts of the local courts— wherever it may be—and securities go out in the background and somebody has purchased the right to the revenue stream. “Yeah, that’s all very well,” I hear you say, “but what does it actually mean?” Well, it means they’re all private corporate entities. All of them. The courts, the police, the Houses of Parliament, the councils, all of it, all corporations. And corporations have shareholders who expect a dividend. They are the motivation for the creation of statutes that generate fines as revenue. It also means that where statutory legislation is concerned, if you’re standing in front of a judge or a police officer, you’re dealing with an employee of a private corporation. You wouldn’t let a McDonald’s employee search you bag, would you? [Pinhead] “You are nicked, my son, you are going down. Now, would you like fries with that?” [Fathead] “You are under arrest, buddy.” There’s no difference whatsoever. The only authority they have is what you grant them, voluntarily or out of pure ignorance. It’s your call. Yes, you could say they are just doing business, but it is personal. [disclaimer: Not to be taken as legal advice &c.] Everything I’ve told you is provable and you can look it up for yourself. I certainly would. Don’t take my word for it; after all, I’m a guy sitting here in my study wearing a black balaclava and sunglasses after sundown. Thanks for listening.

HEO 9 February 2009 © MMIX TheAntiTerrorist & Velluminous Press

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