That Day You Told Her To Come With You

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  • Words: 9,481
  • Pages: 57
Copyright © December 2007

Gerard Paer


The day started again. I am already getting bored with the usual stuff that I do. I am one of those people who are gifted with the ability to control fire. I study in an old school in the East where all the students there can do the things I do and even more. Even if they have the same ability I think I'm better than them. I also work to earn a living. Although my family can give me enough money I still went on my own. I can buy my own things, I can feed myself and I pay my rent. The only thing I need is myself.

It was the same cycle. I go to school then go to work then at night I sleep with a random girl. It was getting boring really.

It was only a month ago when the usual flow of my life was disrupted. It was as if a huge stone was suddenly thrown into the river making it forget for a while its usual flow and when the stone decided to stay the river’s flow was totally altered. A month ago I met a mythical creature. He was called ‘Tebang’. I only read about that creature in books and stories but I never thought that he would attack me.

I was sitting on my apartment’s rooftop. I was alone that night. I remember that the moon was hiding behind the clouds that’s why I don’t know what phase it is that night. I was drinking canned drinks while thinking of girls. I am a man. That’s pretty normal to think about.

Then he came.

The attack was from above. I looked up the moment I sensed him. I didn’t know that he was already close to me by then. I jumped out of my chair. He landed on the chair smoothly as I tried to stand up straight. My drink spilled on the floor.

His eyes motioned towards the spilt drink. I took this chance to attack him. I lit up my right hand and I tossed a ball of fire towards him. He jumped. The fire consumed my chair.

I loved that chair!

He then dived towards me. I dodged him as he approached. When he went back to the sky I also flew to achieve the same height as he is.

There I noticed how he looked. He had a short black hair. His eyes were dark. His skin was pale. He looked like a regular 10-year old except for his pointed ears. His lips were almost white. He was wearing a dark robe and muddy pants. Unlike what I read in books he was not wearing any hat.

“Do you know me?” Tebang asked.

“You are Tebang.”

I thought it was like those fairy tales that when you say the name of the creature he would disappear but then again he didn’t vanished.

I was disappointed.

“Do you know my pet?”


I know that Tebang has a companion. It was a strange-looking creature that people called ‘Simetra’ which meant ‘Master’ in old tongue. But why would he ask for his pet to me?

“How dare you…” he muttered, his eyes looked crestfallen.

What did I do to make him look like that? For that moment he looked like a child that had lost his favorite toy. I pity him for that.

His eyes then moved back to me. He was looking sharply at me again. I gulped. It was going to be a fight. I can sense it. I am not going to lose no matter how strong and mysterious the books say about him.

He attacked. I tried to defend myself. He was so fast that I didn’t know what he was doing. I felt a sting in my left wrist. I felt that I was already losing my flight. I was going down.

As I lay on the cold floor, I felt my left wrist hurting like hell. I looked at it. My eyes widened. I can’t believe what I saw.

I cried as I looked around. Tebang was nowhere to be found.

I looked at my left hand again. I cried even more. It was gone… my left hand, that is.


It took me quite a while to adapt to my new life. I made an illusion so that I could still pretend that I still have a left hand. By doing so I won’t scare away the people around me especially the ladies. I went to school again. It is becoming a daily routine for me.

No one was really asking about my hand because they did not notice it all. My teacher once asked me why I was casting an illusion. I cannot believe that a young teacher like him could sense what I was doing. I answered that it is from an accident. He told me that if I want to have a better illusion quality I should ask this certain girl. I don’t know if I would go to her but someday when there are more people noticing my hand. She is not a professor here anyway just a student like me.

I went to work again. It is fun to pretend you’re normal even if you’re not.

I went home. I changed into something more comfortable before going to bed. As I lay in my soft bed I started to reflect on some things. Holding up my damaged hand... I kind of missed it. It’s true that I can see a moving hand but when I try to touch stuff with it the hand just go through anything. I am disabled and it is because of that stupid Tebang.

Then as if a joke the wind howled violently blowing my window open. I sat up. I looked at the window. The curtains were waving violently as if they were hands waving happily at me. As the curtains move I caught a glimpse of someone sitting in my window sill. He

was a little boy with a strange two-point hat. He was looking at me without a blink. My heart almost stopped. It was Tebang. I made a fireball and shot it at the window. The curtains were devoured in flame in no time. He suddenly vanished. I stood up. My apartment is going to burn if I do not do anything.

Good thing I saved my apartment unlike my hand.

But why is he following me? The next day I went to the school library to find something about Tebang. I searched those yellowish ancient books that were already stacked in the darkest corners of the library. I hate being in the library. It is full of geeks and grade conscious people. I think I’m allergic to them. I am a studious student but I don’t exaggerate studying unlike them. I collected five books. The Encyclopaedia of Mythical creatures, Time travelers in History, Folklore revealed, Magical and Mythical creatures –factual and fictional, and of course, Gurimbaw Tebang. This is the first time I learned that even that brat has a book title of his own.

Two of the books I need to read are thick and so I decided to bring them one by one to the nearest table. I missed my hand so bad that I could kill the first person that has a hand just like mine. However, I just dismissed that thought. That was crazy.

The moment I finished placing the books in the table I sat at the chair. I noticed that there was girl seated opposite to where I was. She was wearing glasses and was reading

religiously. For a moment I was just staring at her. She was not fair-skinned and was obviously Asian. Her black hair was quite messy being tied to a pony like that. I noticed how thick the book she was reading. It was about swords. This girl is a nerd and yet I do not seem to have allergic reactions towards her.

“Hi.” I started.

She looked up with all gentleness. She then smiled at me. She was friendly like that girl I met in the mountains.

“May I help you?” She asked.

She had a lovely feminine voice. I don’t know why I can judge what kind of woman a girl is but I think that is a gift.

“No. I was just thinking... have we met before?” I asked. I like saying this. I think this is the proof that I am hallucinating about me being that popular.

“You are an upperclassman. I do not believe that we have met before.”

She is quite polite.

“Are you a class representative or something? I think I truly believe I saw you once.” Now I also believe that I did see her once before.

“Of course you might’ve seen me once since this is also the school I attend to. You’re quite funny.” She said as she smiled.

“Oh. Yeah. That could be the reason. Well, since we are basically schoolmates then I would like to introduce myself. My name is Gerard Paer. You are?”

“Renruina Alvarez. You can call me Ren. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

I was about to held out my right hand when she held out her left. Does she want to shake my left hand?

“Excuse me?” I uttered almost unconsciously.

“I can sense a fake hand especially if it is this close to me. I do not mean to brag but if you want to fool people with that kind of illusion you should think otherwise. It is quite obvious.”

I can’t believe it! This is the girl my professor was referring to!

I found myself staring at her. I can’t believe that the girl my professor was talking about was this cute and young.

She then looked at the books in my side.

“Researching about Tebang?” She said deciphering the book. She was opposite to them so that book title was upside down from her point of view.

I turned the book around so that she could see well. I am still a gentleman.

“I heard he could cast a good illusion it might help me with my problem.” I lied but she must not know that I lost to a child. My pride is on the line here.

“I see.” She paused as she brought her focus back to me, “I must say Tebang is truly a genius but not in illusions alone. He is a mythical being and even books cannot comprehend all of his power and abilities.”

She is smart.

When she noticed that I did not give my reply at once she went back to reading her book. I opened one book but I was not reading it even if I was looking at the page. I am trying to recall where and when I heard that name... Ren... Renruina.

It does not ring a bell.

She was reading quietly when a girl came to our table. She had long flowing blonde hair. Her eyes were bluish and her skin was fair.

“Ren.” She called silently.

Ren looked at her and smiled. The girl sat beside her and talked about something. I did not dare to listen.

The girl who just arrived then noticed me.

“Hello.” She greeted. From her voice I could tell that this girl is not as shy and quiet as Ren.

I looked up almost not disturbed at all.

“Hi.” I answered.

“You’re Gerard Paer, right? I am Ester.” She said as she extended her right hand.

I shook her hand.

She was a proof that I am that popular.

Ren then closed her book and stood up.

“We have something to attend to. It is a pleasure to meet you.” She said with a bow. Ester waved at me with a wink.

I just sat there looking at the two girls as they vanished in the corner. I suddenly remembered that girl in the mountain. I hope she did not die or something. I would like to meet her again.


I took all the books home. I was driving my car. I left work quite late. I glanced at the digital clock in front of me. 10:30 PM. Great. Now I know why my stomach is rumbling.

I was pretty hungry.

I hurried home. I was terribly hungry. I can’t concentrate well since I was hungry. I was trying to focus on driving when I saw something or rather someone on the road. I instantly hit the brakes and tried to avoid. I almost lost control of my car. I stopped. I hurriedly turned my head back to the road. My heart was racing. I do not want to kill anyone. I do not want to be branded as a reckless driver.

I looked around. No one was there. The other vehicles were just passing by. Some stopped and asked me what was going on. I just smiled at them and said I was okay... averting their questions.

I went back on the road. I think I was just hungry. Either I am hungry or maybe I was being haunted.

I arrived home. I ate supper. I started reading those books. It would be quite a waste if I did not read any of them. Anyways, I found out quite some interesting things about Tebang and her pet Simetra.

Simetra is the one who can travel through time. Tebang cannot. Tebang is good with illusions and usually fools people with his superior illusions. I cannot believe they were praising his trickery so much.

It also said that Simetra has a human-form. I wonder what she looks like.

I did not find a single photo of the two although I already know what Tebang looks like. In all of my encounters with him I have not caught a glimpse of his pet. I wonder why. Tebang and Simetra’s origins are unknown as well as their whereabouts. I do not care where they are. I don’t want to find them anyway.

I did not realize that because of those readings I let myself sleep.

“Nasa huli LAGI ang pagsisi kaya naman ‘wag mo nang gawin ang alam mong pagsisihan mo.”

I had a strange dream. I dreamt of that girl in the mountains again. I know what I did was foolish. Poor girl. I was having problems that time and I do not know what I was doing then. If I could see her again I would apologize. I really did not mean to hurt her or disgrace her.

But as long as I do not see her again it would be useless to say these things.

I stood up and prepared myself for the day to come.

“Ang tao ay sakim hindi nila alam kung ano ang magpapakuntento sa kanila.”

I returned those books back at the library. I still do not know how I would get my revenge at Tebang. It seemed impossible. He is much powerful than me. That brat.

I saw Ren at the library again. She was not reading rather she was fixing the books. Is she a librarian or something?

I slowly approached her.

“Hi” I said with all the intention of surprising her.

She was startled. She suddenly held out a sword from nowhere and pointed the blade on my neck. She stopped when she realized that it was me.

“Mr. Paer. You scared me.” She uttered.

I was looking at the blade the whole time.

“I should be the one who is scared.”

She noticed her sword. Her cheeks became red in an instant.

“Sorry. I did not...” The sword disappeared as she fidgeted.

“Apology accepted. I did not mean to startle you anyway.” I lied once more.

She just went back to what she was doing.

I was turning around when she called my surname again. I looked back.

“Were you able to find out what you were researching?” She asked.

“No.” I answered. Those books are useless. Tebang cannot be defeated.

“Too bad. I was...I mean... I know of a library in this school that could help you.” She said.

“And here I thought you were going to suggest the Internet.” I said almost jokingly.

“Most of the information there about people like us is fictional.” She said almost disappointedly.

I stepped a little closer.

“If you know of such library then please tell me. I need to find some reference about Tebang.”

She looked up to me. I can feel some skepticism in her stare. What is she skeptic about?

“Why?” There was a hidden message to that question.

“I want to learn about him.”

“You’re hungry for knowledge?” She asked.

I just nodded. I hinder my tongue from telling another lie.

“I see. Meet me here tomorrow I shall bring you a more detailed reference about Tebang.” She said with a smile.

She then started to walk away. But then she stopped and turned around again.

“I just hope you don’t plan on fighting against Tebang. It is like suicide.” She said.

There goes my hope. Tebang is unbelievable strong. I do not stand a chance against him.

Will I meet her again tomorrow?

I went through my classes and basically through the day worrying about Tebang and what she said to me.

I was sitting inside a restaurant waiting for my food. I am now having second thoughts whether I should pursue my revenge or not. I should be thankful I just lost my hand and not my life. But I still cannot understand why he attacked me like that?

Actually now that I think about it I do not really want to fight Tebang. I want to know the reason why he attacked me and took my hand. Is it his nature or is it something I did?

I did not do anything to him that I am sure.

But why? I do not believe that Tebang would just attack like that. From the books I have read I found out that Tebang is almost human or rather even above humans. He thinks logically and everything he does has a reason.

Or maybe what attacked me is not Tebang. Maybe it was just a fool who wants to ruin Tebang’s image or who wanted to be Tebang. Maybe this is his way of making his identity known. Foolish brat.

But I do not have any proof. I am not certain about what I am saying and all of these are just guesses. I need proof. Maybe I should meet that girl tomorrow.

Finally my order arrived. The waitress was sure hot. I do not know if this thing with girls could kill me but I hope I would die happily. I was having spaghetti that night. I was eating quietly when something or rather someone passed by me. I was focusing on my food so I just noticed his hand. It was a pale hand that seemed utterly familiar.

That was my hand. I looked up at once. The one that passed by suddenly vanished.

Now I am really sure… someone is haunting me.


I was waiting in the library’s entrance for Ren. The moment I settled to wait for her she arrived. Talk about on time.

“I cannot take you to that library. I am very sorry Mr. Paer.” She said sadly.

I can see the disappointment in her eyes. It was as if she hated herself for letting me down. I just pity her. It was not really her fault.

“It’s alright…” I answered.

“But I brought these books for you.” She said holding up a seemingly heavy paper bag.

She gave the paper bag to me. I took it and noticed that it was full of really big books carefully placed to fit the paper bag. I also realized that it was extremely heavy.

“That’s the most useful of all the books there.” Ren said the moment she gave the books to me.

“Thank you.”

“I’m really sorry that I could not take you there.” She said with a bow.

“It’s okay. You only said that you would bring detailed references, right?”

She looked really worried so I smiled at her. She finally smiled back.

“Kaya mo bang ibuwis ang buhay mo upang humingi ng kapatawaran…”

The day ended smoothly. Nothing’s new aside from the number of books lying at the back seat of my car. I was driving back at my apartment singing to the song being played on the radio.

Just then the song stopped playing. I changed the station but there was no sound. I hit my player a few times thinking that it must’ve been broken. Just when I was to turn off the radio it started to produce this weird chanting sound.

“Is this another gimmick?” I said out loud to stop myself from thinking weird stuff.

I then smiled and laughed.

“It would sure drive the listeners away… it sounds so eerie.” I said talking to no one in particular.

Since I was talking to no one I was not expecting anyone to answer me.

Unfortunately someone did.

“Really. I find it interesting.” Someone said from behind.

I looked up at the rear view mirror. Tebang was there. I was surprised a lot. He almost scared me. That brat was smiling at me and that made him looked scarier.

“To satisfy your curiosity I am Tebang… not some impostor.” He said knowing exactly what my thoughts were.

It was a conversation. I could finally ask what I am dying to ask. This was my chance

“Why? Why are you doing these things to me? What have I done to you?” I asked while still driving.

It was quite hard focusing my eyes on the road and on him.

“No… Mr. Paer. It was not to me.”

“THEN WHO! WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS?” I snapped. I could not help it.

Tebang then held out my diseased hand. He then waved it on his face. He was straightfaced again and his smiled vanished.

“You disgraced someone.” He uttered.

With those simple words I remembered everything about that girl in the mountains. She must be the person this brat s referring to.

“How is she related to you?” I asked.

I can feel the cold sweat travelling down my face. My heart was pumping faster than normal. I am getting nervous now but I still anticipated for everything he was about to say. This is my chance to know everything.

“I am glad you remembered.” He then waved my hand again. His face was covered for a second and when he removed it the smile went back again.

I gulped. I looked at the hand hat was still attached to my body. It was shaking violently. I can see myself from the mirror. I was getting pale.

“Humans are ignorant, disrespectful and greedy. They are never satisfied with anything they have.” He started saying.

The lights were not helping me at all. As they passed by the boy’s face his features were becoming more and more frightening. Tebang cut his sentence off making me digest everything he said in the midst of my nervousness. Silence… it was one of his tactics to make his victims more scared of him and I am afraid that it was working well on me.

“Could you get to the point?” I am truly losing my patience.

I was shaking more violently now. I am afraid that he might attack me at some point in the journey. I was still driving and was trying my best not to crash.

He then waved my hand again this time his whole face vanished. That was it! I was utterly spooked out. I stopped the car at once and looked back.

He was gone. I was breathing frantically and my heart was beating at an abnormal rate but the good thing he was already gone.


The moment I arrived home I opened the books Ren gave me. I scanned it and it showed Tebang’s real face. He looked a lot like the boy I kept on seeing these days.

One thing I am sure now is that the boy was not lying.

I scanned through the dusty pages again. I learned that his most beloved possession was his pet Simetra.

I saw her beast form. It was truly beautiful. Her eyes were round and her body was slender.

After a few pages I finally saw her human form. The harsh reality came to me and dropped on me like an atomic bomb. I was breathless for a second. My heart stopped for a split second. When my mouth could finally utter a word there was only one word that it could say as of the moment.


My legs lost their strength. I had to hold on to the table to support my weight. I can’t believe all this.

“She was… Simetra.”

Now I know why Tebang was doing all these stuff to me. I just disgraced his pet... his beloved pet. The only creature that was important for him.

Right there and then I knew that I am going to die.

“Ang unang hakbang para sa kapatawaran ay aminin ang iyong pagkakasala.”

All the windows of my apartment suddenly burst open. The curtains grew wild as the brutal wind fought with the cloth. The lightweight things did not stand a chance for they all started to fly around. My room is starting to be chaotic. Even inanimate objects were starting to run around because of fright.

He is here and I know that he is finally taking me.

The wind continued to blow. The books opened simultaneously as if the wind was scanning through it’s pages.

When the pages stopped flying it revealed Tebang’s face portrayed by different artists. The books were also trying to warn me… this is the face of my captor.

I heard footsteps. I looked in front of me. There he was. His cape was magnificently flying against the wind. His hair was being brushed by the breeze. His face was just sad.

“Some of those artists died by my hands after they have finished my portrait they all looked the same and yet not everyone believes that I look like those portraits.” He said with a sad look upon his face.

He then looked up. I can see my face in his deep eyes. I stepped backwards almost stumbling.

It was the very fist time in my whole life that I truly feared someone.

“But you should believe them now… I mean you saw me… right?”

I gulped and nodded.

My heart was deafening. I cannot believe that I can’t fight him. I can barely comprehend what he was telling me and all I can give are immediate answers. I can’t even think!

“But tell me… you enjoyed more when you saw her.”

He then grinned. It was as if the devil himself. His grin made my knees weak that I instantly fell on his mercy. I can feel my tears falling down from my eyes.

“Right?” He said almost childishly.

I nodded and the next thing I knew it was all black.

Gurimbaw Tebang


The next day I returned the books to the library. I do not want books about me just lying around in some apartment because it might fall into wrong hands. In this library I know it would be safe.

While I was putting the books in the shelves by hand I felt someone was coming. I did not hide for I knew this presence. He was a professor in this school. I also know that he was Gerard’s teacher. I cannot believe that even if he had a wonderful teacher Gerard was still a useless infidel.

“Returning your books.” He said casually.

I just blinked. He was one of the few people I respect.

“What had he done to you?” He asked.

I knew he was just worried about his student but I also know that he would understand me.

“He disgraced my pet. I would like to cleanse her.” I answered.

“I knew his womanizing ways could get him killed.” He said scratching his head and smiling sheepishly.

“May I go now?” I asked.

“I know that what you will do has a reason and what you are going to do to him is just what he deserves but please hear me out for a minute.” He said calmly.

I always liked his voice that’s why I chose to listen.

“He is a nice man but as every man there is he also has a bad side. If you could just forgive him… then maybe you would not go into this troublesome ceremony.”

“What he did can only be forgiven by one thing… and it may cause him his life. I know that all creatures has a good and bad side but since I found his bad side offensive for that he must pay. No man could say that what he did was against his will for the subconscious reflects what man truly is. I am delighted to have talked to you. Good day.”

With a bow I left the place.

I then found myself facing a big black box where I kept Gerard. I hope he gives up at once so that I could finally have what I want. I know this is such a troublesome ceremony but this is the only way I could cleanse my Simetra.

“YOU MONSTER! LET ME OUT OF HERE!” I heard the infidel scream.

He calls me brat. I call him an infidel. Fair.

His voice was already hoarse. Ever since I trapped him inside all he kept on doing was wearing his body out. He kept on screaming and trying to break the box with all the power he could muster.

They say that man could not live for three days without water and so I gave him some. I fill the place with clean water everyday. I also clean it every night since humans are such dirty creatures. They produce waste products almost everyday.

For a moment I felt pity for the creature… I think I would like to have him as another pet. But somehow this pet would become useless for me. I mean… what can he do aside from burning stuff? I can do that too and besides humans have already invented many cooking machines. It is more convenient to use those machines than a fire user.

So therefore I would not keep him the moment he would give up.

The next day I decided to talk to him.

It was unbelievable that even if he was already suffering like that he still can sense if someone is inside the place.

The moment I stepped inside he turned to me. He was glaring at me. I suddenly felt like a prey looking at the eyes of its predator. Somehow it felt weird. I seldom receive angry stares mainly because no one can really stare at me. How can you stare at someone you cannot see?

“What is it that you really want from me?” he growled.

I looked down at my sandals. I was floating that time for the floor was quite wet. I do not want any part of me to get dirtied by some disgusting human.

“Please die.” I requested.

“Then kill me now!”

“I cannot.” I answered truthfully.

Indeed I wanted him to suffer. It would just be too easy if I would kill him with one blow. But aside from that there was still one other reason why I wanted him to undergo all this.

This is the only way I would make my Simetra clean again.

He disgraced her and took her purity… by making her predator suffer like this until he gave up on his very existence would make her pure and clean again. This is the way it should be and I have no other means of doing this.

“WHY?!” He growled once more.

He suddenly stood up and charged. He went towards me but of course I knew this would happen so I never gave him a chance to touch me. I might lose my purity too.

He just passed through me as if I was made of air or was just an illusion. He stopped when he hit the wall. He did not dare charged once more. He knew that it was futile. I turned around and looked at him. If I can only pity him then I already had but I just don’t know how to pity someone like him.

“I cannot kill you because you must give up your existence altogether. I just don’t want your life I want you… as a being. I want you and every part of you to vanish from this world or any other worlds. I want you to disappear as if you were never born in the first place.” I said calmly.

Although those were emotional words I did not flinch at any emotion whatsoever.

He seemed to be shocked after I said all those things.

He should be. It would prove all in all how I hated him.


I then went back to Simetra after talking to that infidel. He was awfully quiet after I said that. I think he was already thinking of ways of how to please me. He still doesn’t want to stop existing. This one, obviously, is already addicted to living. He is so addicted that he cannot give what I am asking from him.

I was just looking from afar. I still haven’t got what I want from that infidel and until then I still cannot face her. I promised.

She looked so innocent. She was playing around when I noticed that a snake was approaching her. From the looks of it the snake was poisonous. I am envious of snakes for whenever they are included in a story they are always clever, wise or sly. I adore those characteristics because I believe it suits me well.

The snake was hissing around her. She was busy looking at a certain grass. The snake was getting nearer. When it was only a few inches away from her, she finally noticed it. My lovely Simetra just smiled. Her smile was radiant as she stared at the snake blissfully. The snake was ready for an attack. Simetra was still looking at it cheerfully.

The snake attacked. Simetra grabbed it in mid-air.

Before the snake could even realize that it was caught Simetra paralyzed it.

She then placed the paralyzed snake’s head inside her mouth. She was starting to chew it. There was something flowing from the side of her mouth. I was stopping myself from going there and wiping it. She continued eating the snake until the snake was already no more.

She smiled triumphantly after her meal. I always believed that snakes are her favorite snack.

She then gave a small burp. I smiled.

She then stopped smiling. She was slowly turning her head towards my direction. Has she felt my presence? I knew I hid it well.

I then went back to where Gerard was.


Today I noticed that he had no energy left to summon fire so all he could do now was to scream and bump the sides.

I am still not offering him any food. I was thinking of throwing some rats inside the black box but I am too lazy to collect any rats.

I was playing with his diseased hand when I heard something. That infidel was calling out my name. I stood up from where I was sitting down.

I went nearer to the box.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I give up.” I heard him say.

I sighed.

“If you really gave up already then why are you still talking to me?” I answered.

“How can I kill myself inside here! GET ME OUT OF HERE YOU MONSTER!” He suddenly screamed.

Screaming those words did not help a bit. He was still himself so he must still have the will to live. He was not ready yet.

I do not know how long I should wait for him. He really thinks highly of himself. If I could only kill him with my own hands then this is over even before it started but I should not. If I would lose against an infidel like him then it would just prove that I am just like him.

I sighed once more. I do not want to be like him. I find his kind stupid not to mention disgusting.

He kept on screaming and screaming again. Here I thought that he already wanted to give up. He was even a liar. I hated him even more.


The next day he had forgotten how to struggle anymore. He seemed to be thinking now. I think he finally realized that doing all those tiring stuff would just waste his energy. Now more than ever the last thing he would do is to waste his energy.

I still did not want to give him food. I mean why would I? That would just defeat the purpose.

I long to see my Simetra once more. Thinking about that made me hate this whole thing. I cannot imagine myself hating someone like this. I should actually thank this infidel. He reminded me this emotion once more.

It has been a long time since I actually hated someone or something.

I then decided to talk to him once more.

“Good day.” I uttered.

He was leaning on the wall. He was damp. He looked so weak. He doesn’t look like the Gerard I met a long time ago. I think I finally took some hope out of him already.

“If you would just give up.” I said.

His eyes turned towards me. They still had some fire into it. He looked so pitiful if I can only pity him then it would be a lot easier for both of us.

“I do not know how.” He silently said.

I went nearer to him.

“Give up. Just give everything up. Do not think about yourself anymore.” I said.

Though the instructions were not clear those were the exact things I want him to do. I surveyed him from head to toe. If I would release him then even his closest friends would not know who he was. He looked like a different man. I changed him a lot.

“Tebang…” He uttered.

I took my time to listen since I have nothing else to do.

“Take my life.” He requested.

“I’ve already told you. I can’t if I can then I have already done it. Even I am not pleased with this setting.” I answered.

He then bowed and started sobbing. I made him cry.

“I am very sorry… I did not expect that she was your pet. If I only knew that then… then…”

The next words were beyond comprehension. He was saying things in between sobs but then again if someone is talking while crying then do not expect to understand anything that creature would said.

I envy him a little.

He knows how these emotions feel.

“If she was not my pet then she could be another girl. You were just unlucky that it was Simetra. But my point is what you did was wrong. You cannot just dishonor anyone especially those who doesn’t want to be dishonored. What you did was wrong and it was that deed why you are inside my box.”

He continued sobbing.

I do not want to listen anymore.

He continued on crying. I think this is the only thing he can do now. He was too weak to do anything.

Before I left the box I took another glance at him. Poor evil disgusting creature. I bet he was regretting everything. That is what I want. I just wish he would regret already the act that he was born.


I was walking back from hunting. I really like that activity. It was something I can do to kill time. Being someone who can live for a long time is a rather boring so I enjoy doing things like this.

I left my pet somewhere in the mountains so that she could take a dip in a lake.

The moment my feet touched the grass I noticed that something was wrong. I can sense it. I even dropped my catch because of what I felt. I hurried to my pet just to find out that she was hiding from me.

“Simetra! I know you are there. Show yourself.”

I can hide myself from her and so could she. I do not like the idea though.

“Simetra is ashamed of my master. Master should not look at me.” I heard her say.

Because of those words I finally located her. I made her appear before my eyes. A feat I regretted a lot.

She was dirty as if she rolled on the ground. Her hair was untidy. Her bright eyes were red and puffy. She must have cried a lot before I came here… then again I was wrong for she was still crying.

I went closer to her but she slid back. She doesn’t want me to touch her… or rather she doesn’t want herself to come in contact with me.

She bowed. I smelled something that I never thought I would smell from her. Her smell was that of a man.

“What happened?” I asked.

She continued to cry. My beautiful pet was suffering. I cannot bear to look at her but I must for if I would be a coward I would not know the reason behind all these.

“A man came here.” She started trying her best not to cry.

She knew that she would not be able to speak properly if she would be crying. She also knew that I would be looking in her thoughts so she must arrange her thoughts properly. She doesn’t want to get me confused.

She always thinks about me first. It was only natural for I am her master.

“He saw me taking my bath. He said that he would not hurt Simetra. He asked for my name but I did not answer.”

I can see that it was hard for her to narrate these things. I can feel how these memories hurt her so much.

Her eyes turned to the lake. I can almost picture her looking afraid. I regretted that I ever left her side.

“I then decided to swim away or to change into my other form. However, he threatened me with fire. He said that if I would escape he would burn me.”

Simetra was still an animal although she have a human form. I knew she still feared fire. I also know that whenever she is alone any threat can actually scare her.

“He told me to come with him. I said that master would be angry if I would leave the place. He told me that he knew master and he already talked to master. He also said that master already told him that I can come with him.”

Tears were threatening to fall. She felt how foolish she was. She knew I would not do those things.

I actually became angry at that point. I want to know that infidel that used my name against my dear pet. I wanted to kill that man right there and then but I still preferred to stay calm. I want to hear everything.

“I came with him. He took me into a grassy area.”

I just realized. I left no clothes for her. So all that time she was naked. I actually gave the predator the reason to do this.

“He then....” Simetra slowly looked at my eyes.

They were so sad. They were pleading for forgiveness. They were hoping that I would not be angry.

But I already am. Too late.

“He then started to do things that even master does not do to me. He touched me everywhere with his lips. He then… ”

I closed my eyes.

She does not need to narrate everything. I can see what happened to her. I can feel the horrid event. I can smell the man. Sometimes I hated myself for having such strong senses.

“Enough!” I almost shouted.

“Master.” She then started to cry again.

“Simetra is very sorry.” She said as she bowed very low.

I opened my eyes. My anger was unbelievable. I cannot imagine feeling something like this. I looked at my pet. She was disgraced by some man. Her innocence was abused by that man. Because of that he should pay.

The hunt shall begin now and this time he shall be the prey and I am the predator.

“Because of what he did to you then you must be cleansed. I shall collect the blood of that infidel so that you could bathe in it. I do not want to touch a creature that is as dirty as you are now.”

I felt myself looking disgusted at her.

Simetra hated herself upon hearing that.

“As for you. You shall conceal yourself in this forest. If you feel any person going here then transform into your other form. Do not let this incident happen again.”

“Yes… master.” She said sadly.

“Simetra. I swear I shall clean you once more. No other creature could touch you the way I do.”

Simetra smiled. She felt that I have already forgiven her.

She nodded.

“Yes master.”

“I shall go now.” I said as I prepared my flight.

“Be careful master. I shall await for you patiently.”

I almost smiled. I adore my pet so much.


I do not need sleep. I do know how to sleep but I think it is just a waste for someone like me. I do not weaken from my everyday activities. I do not need to rest since I do not have any activity that would require all of my energy. Since I do not need to rest I do not need to sleep.

I am always awake. I will always see everything whether they happen at day or at night. Because of this my life becomes boring ten-fold. These creatures around me are truly envious. Since they need sleep so much they can have a glimpse of dying and be reborn the next day. I don’t.

However, I do recall times that my body would require sleep from me. Those were those rigorous battles back in times of wars. I am very fond of wars they make me feel special since I do not die in any attempt of my life.

I think the only thing that can make my time worthwhile is to find out the cause of my death. If I could truly have the pleasure of dying then how would that be. Thinking about death makes me feel happy. I know I would die too but of course my death must surely be different for I am different.

The sun was already rising while I was thinking about these things. Time to put clean water inside the box. I just looked at the box and instantly I heard the creature inside waking up.

“Tebang…” he uttered quietly.

I can still hear him though. I can hear even the smallest whisper.

“Good morning.” I said.

He did not answer. I took a closer look. I can see him inside even if I was outside.

He was leaning on the wall and looking pathetic.

He looked utterly dirty. I bet he smells rotten. His hair was unimaginable. I cannot believe a human could look this disgusting. His mouth was hanging. Looking at him makes my stomach lurch.

He looked so weak. His face was emotionless. Has he given up?

My heart was beating faster upon the sight.

His eyes were blank.

Was it my victory already?

I then counted the days. Three weeks. It only took him three weeks inside the box for me to win. I cannot believe that this fire user is such a weakling. I thought that since he was a fire user the flame in his soul would be hard to extinguish. But it was good too that this happened.

I entered the box once more. I tried to ignore the sight and the smell. I do not want to vomit in front of him but then again I am not squeamish.

“How are you feeling today? Comfy? Happy?” I teased.

No reaction whatsoever. He was not even looking at me.

I was expecting hate. I was expecting that he would attack me. I was actually hoping that he has some trap set up for me that would be activated once I go inside.

I went to the direction he was looking. I can see that he was not looking at any particular thing. He was looking into space. If I knew better then I might have thought that he cannot see anymore. But that would just be too outrageous.

“Are you giving up?” I asked. I still cannot believe that it was my victory.

Again. No reaction. His mouth was open. There was no sound coming from them. He was not moving anymore.

I slapped his face lightly. He just moved along. I am like touching a doll. He was totally lifeless… and yet he was still alive.

I then sighed. It was over.

“Are you hungry?” I asked almost losing hope. I planned one last thing for him but it seemed that I shall not have the chance to execute the last part.

Suddenly when I was about to go his hand moved. His eyes then turned towards my direction.

I smiled. It was a wicked smile. I was not disappointed.

So he wants food eh?

I held my hand. A plate appeared. If he would eat then he might have a nasty stomach ache since he had not eaten for quite a while. But as they say, fire is the most gluttonous amongst all since it devours anything and everything. Like the element they control, fire users are also gluttonous.

I then took a hand in my pocket. It was his hand. It was not rotting since I was the one keeping it. It would never rot once it is in my possession.

I placed the hand on the plate. I then placed the plate down.

The moment he saw the plate I can see the instinct of fire inside of him. Though he was still burning I can clearly see that he was not a human anymore. Gerard Paer is no more. The one that is moving right now is just his body. There is no soul inside of it. Nothing. Completely nothing.

He started to eat his hand. He seemed to be enjoying every bite. The bones were already soft because of the method I used to preserve it. He can easily chew the bones of his dead hand. His mouth was starting to water. His saliva was all over the hand. Although it was disgusting I seemed to enjoyed every moment of it.

He continued to chew and swallow. Three of the fingers were already gone. He was sucking his thumb gently. He then started nibbling on it. He then bit the thumb and started to chew the thumb.

He sure looked hungry.

Because of eating his hand like that he finished the whole hand in just one sitting. He stopped as he looked at the empty plate. At least he still knows that a plate cannot be eaten.

He seemed to be sad that his hand is all gone. The plate slowly vanished. I do not want him to have any second thoughts on eating that plate.

The fire that burned while he was eating vanished the moment he finished his hand. This is my victory and I am sure of it. He doesn’t care of himself anymore. He did not even noticed that he was eating his own hand.

“Enjoyed that?” I asked almost teasingly.

He didn’t reply and I believe that he would never reply anymore.

“Let’s see, there is more where that came from.” I said as I scanned Gerard from head to toe.

His eyes then turned towards me. I leaned closer.

“That was your hand. If you want more of that then I am looking at the source of it right now.” I said slowly so that he could understand.

His eyes were still vacant but I can sense that he understood me pretty well. Slowly he lifted his other hand. He then smiled. It was the same kind of smile that only crazy people can do. It was a crazy smile. He was obviously out of his mind.

He then looked at me as if asking if it was okay to eat himself.

I nodded while giving a warm smile.

He smiled once more. He then placed his hand on his lips and started licking it. He then started to suck his thumb. Fresh blood then flowed from the corners of his mouth. I never knew how powerful and sharp human teeth are. They can even tear off human skin.

I always knew that human flesh is delicious. That is the reason why it is forbidden to eat human flesh. Of all the flesh that I have eaten before I also think that human flesh is the most delicious. People sold their soul just to have a bite at human flesh. Once you tasted it you could be addicted to it. You will never live the same way again once you have tasted how good human flesh is.

I started to walk out of the box. Gerard did not mind me going he was too busy eating what was left of him.

Once a human already consumes himself then it just mean one thing –he doesn’t care about himself anymore. The reason why people refuse to eat their kind is that they respect

each other’s humanity. It is immoral to eat humans because you yourself are human. If you would eat other people too then you do not regard their humanity anymore. It is like losing any form of respect or recognition about others. Now what if you are already consuming yourself? Then it must mean that he doesn’t recognize himself as a human anymore. He doesn’t respect himself anymore.

Seeing Gerard as he slowly eats the life out of him make me feel that his blood is already ready.

I know that when I come back there would be nothing left of him. After that I can then collect what I have been waiting to collect.


Simetra was waiting for me. I can sense how happy she was that she already felt my presence.

The moment I set my foot on the grass she came to me. She was in her beast form. Her form that barely looked human. I like this other form better since I can ride her when she is in this form.

“Prepare yourself for the cleansing. Go to the lake now my dear.” I said as I showed her a jar.

Simetra smelled the jar. She was then delighted to know the scent of her predator. She then instantly went to the lake as I stayed behind and followed her.

She slowly walked into the water. In an instant she turned into a young maiden. I started to look for a rock where I could stand from. I saw a smooth rock. I went to the rock as Simetra just stayed on the water. I opened the lid of the jar. I can smell his blood. The smelled overwhelmed me. Simetra then clapped she just cannot wait for it.

“Now… now… hold still.” I said as she just giggled.

I then poured the jar’s contents on her head. The blood slowly flowed from her head to her body. Simetra collected some of the blood on her palm and scattered it all over her body. She smelled of blood but I was glad. The blood then went to the water where it slowly dispersed.

The blood flowed to the water. It slowly scattered and disappeared. As I look at it the memories of Gerard Paer also disappeared without any trace. As his blood is being washed away his whole existence was also washed away.

Her bath took only five minutes since we ran out of blood.

Simetra then washed the blood off with water. Now she was already clean. The moment she was finished I hugged her again.

I missed hugging my pet. I missed being hugged. Never again would I let another man do that to her.


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