Thai Girls

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Songkran, the Thai New Year: The Most Fun You'll Have Anywhere Songkran is the Thai New Year and Thailand's Water Festival t.html?cat=16 The Thai New Year, Songkran, is celebrated every year in Thailand from April 13-15. It is the most fun you will ever have in your life, and well worth a visit to Thailand for. It celebrates not only the New Year, but also the end of the dry season and the beginning of the rainy season. As 60% of Thais are farmers, it's the most important time of the year for them. Songkran is officially the time when go to the temple and give food and alms to the monks. They also pay respect to their parents and grandparents in a special ceremony at home, where they will kneel in front of their elders and gently pour perfumed water over their elders' hands. This signifies respect and wishes them good things for the New Year. Thais will also clean their houses and make 'resolutions' to improve their lives in the coming year. Two years ago, I went to Chiang Mai in northern Thailand to celebrate Songkran. The main part of Songkran centers on the water throwing, which occurs from around 8am to 7pm every day. Everybody in Thailand either has a water pistol and heads off to 'shoot' at people with it, or families will stand outside their houses with big buckets of water and drench you as you walk past. In Chiang Mai, there is an old moat that encircles a lot of the old city. This section becomes the place where everybody in the city gets into large trucks, loads the truck up with a huge barrel of water, and then drives around the streets pouring water over passersby. What started as a religious celebration is now basically an enormous water fight, but boy is it fun! Thai boys and young men and their girlfriends will pile into the backs of trucks armed with huge water pistols, and will drive by and 'shoot their enemy'. It's all in good fun, there are very few hurt feelings, but you do have to resign yourself that you will be soaked through for three days. As this is the hottest time of the year though, nobody seems to mind. It's just about the only thing that cools you off. In some cities like Chiang Mai and Ayuttayah, the Buddha images from all the temples are put

into ornately decorated pick up trucks and are paraded through the city. People stand all along the parade route and pour water over the Buddha image as it passes, to 'cleanse' the statue. The parade also includes elephants, Thai dancing girls, Thai farmers in traditional costume and so much more. The parade in Chiang Mai is about 3 hours long and is beautiful to watch. A great place to take photographs too. In most cities, the water throwing is supposed to stop at 6-7pm, so that people can go home and change and then go to dinner without the fear of being drenched with water. This doesn't always happen, and most Thais will not listen when you beg them not to wet you, so you do have to have a certain amount of relaxed thought about the whole thing. One downside to the festival is the large loss of life Thailand suffers every year. The men often drink a lot of alcohol and are then killed in alcohol related traffic accidents. Also, in some cities such as Bangkok, they also use talcum powder or plaster mixed in with the water. This is thrown onto people even when they're driving their motorcycles. The powder goes into their eyes, they cannot see, the motorcycle goes down and they are sometimes killed. Every year, the government pleads for less drinking and more calm, but it has little effect. This is why many people go to Chiang Mai to celebrate. The powder is not used in Chiang Mai, so it's a lot cleaner, and it's easy to walk around the city so you don't have to worry about being in vehicles with drunk drivers. Overall, Songkran is the best festival to celebrate in Thailand. Everybody is happy and having fun, the weather is hot but gorgeous, it really gets your aggression out to be able to aim at anybody you want with a water pistol (even the police are not excused!) and it's an inexpensive way to have an amazing time. If you come to Thailand over Songkran, it's advisable to book your accommodation early, as in cities like Chiang Mai they fill up fast. Also, realize that most businesses and companies are closed for at least the first 3 days. Some of them will even close for the week. Songkran is not the time to come to Thailand if you're expecting to do a lot of traveling or have business things to take care of. However, if you're looking for a fun time at a cheap price, Songkran in Thailand is seriously the most fun you will ever have anywhere. So hop on a plane and join us.

Top Ten Things that Drive Me Crazy About Thailand I Love Living in Thailand, but There Are Still Some Things that Are Crazy Making razy.html?cat=9 I was thinking this morning that, even though I've lived in Thailand for five years and love it here, some stuff still drives me nuts. After all, it's still an alien culture and they still do things differently here. So, I came up with a list of the top ten things that drive me nuts about Thailand. Of course, take it with a grain of salt - it's just meant to be silly, not serious. 10. Thai sidewalks - I'm developing rounded shoulders and a permanent crick in my back because of looking down when I'm walking on Thai sidewalks. Every sidewalk in Thailand consists of one huge hole after another, with cement that's bumpy and uneven and wires from the electricity poles often left dangling. If you don't look down, you fall over or down something and I'd rather not break my leg, thank you. Add into this the motorbikes that drive on the sidewalk, the street dogs everywhere, and the food stalls that are set up on them, and every sidewalk in Thailand is nothing more than an obstacle course. 9. Thai taxi drivers - Taxis are cheap in Thailand, around $1 a trip, but Thai taxi drivers can be a bit frustrating. For some reason, many of them don't want to go where you want to go, even if it's just around the corner and a few blocks down.By law, if they stop, they're supposed to take you wherever you say but try telling them that when you don't speak much Thai and they're pulling away as you're head is still stuck in the back door of the taxi. 8. The bloody rain - it rains all the time in Thailand. Almost every day, for at least seven months of the year, it chucks it down. Like cats and dogs. Really. And when you rely on public transportation and taxis to get you from A to B, a rainy day can really screw with your plans. Everybody in Bangkok suddenly wants a taxi when it rains, so sometimes walking home and getting soaked is your only option. of my Thai friends did teach me the Thai for "It rains every f**king day", so at least now I can express my displeasure and people understand me! 7. The heat - It couldn't be any hotter. Honestly. It's hot from the minute you leave the house till the minute you get home. Dripping with sweat is my natural condition and spending 10 minutes in the bathroom cleaning up is mandatory when I get to work. If you come from a cold country you think you'll like the weather. Wait till you've been here a couple of years. You'll be begging for just one cold day. Pleeease!

6. The slowness - Thais just don't know how to be quick. Sometimes I buy a muffin at Au Bon Pain on my way to work. Now, tell is it possible to take 10 minutes to put a muffin in a bag and ring it up on the cash register? I see it being done every day and I still can't figure out how they move so slowly. 5. No air-conditioning in bathrooms - Like I said, Thailand is one of the hottest countries in the world. Yet, in most shopping malls and office buildings, the bathrooms don't have air-conditioning. Everywhere else does, but the smelliest, ickiest room in the building is steamy and humid and really rank when you're trying to peel off damp, sweaty clothes and freshen up a bit. 4. No air-conditioning in elevators either - Most elevators in Thailand, even in the fancy office buildings, don't have air. Add to that the fifty Thai people that have just crammed on the elevator with you (Thais have no sense of personal space), and it's really freakin' hot in there. 3. Thais have no sense of personal space - Like an American-Thai friend of mine keeps saying, Thais have no spatial awareness. They'll get on an underground train that's almost empty and then come and stand right next to you. There's a whole freakin' train carriage available. Why don't you go and stand somewhere else? 2. The traffic jams - Traffic is horrendous in Bangkok. Last night, I took a taxi from my local mall to my apartment. It was raining. A trip that takes only 15 minutes to walk and less than 3 minutes in a taxi normally, took 55 minutes in the rain. I could have walked there and back....... twice. was someone was empty the world's largest aquariums no our heads, over and over again. So, I sat in the taxi and patiently waited while we crawled less than 10 yards every minute. Fix the traffic, Thai government. Seriously! 1. Thai girls - Seriously, I love Thai girls. Some of my best friends are Thai girls. But they are the slowest people on the planet and they always walk in a gaggle. If you get behind one, they will also walk from side to side, never in a straight line. This means, if you try to pass them on the left, they'll move left. So, you try to pass them on the right and then they move right. Getting behind a Thai girl on the sidewalk can add 10 minutes to your trip. Some days, it's a good job I don't have a machine gun or I would strafe them all with bullets. No problem. There you have it. Ten things that drive me nuts about Thailand. Tongue in cheek. Really. No place is perfect; we'd be bored if it was.

How to Find a Thai 'Good Girl' Girlfriend or Wife in Thailand There Are Thousands of Western Men Looking for Thai Girlfriends and Wives, but How Do You Meet a Good Girl? end.html?cat=16 Tens of thousands of Western men come to Thailand every year, most of them because they're looking for a Thai girlfriend or wife. The biggest mistake a lot of these men make though is choosing a 'bar girl' or prostitute, simply because these are the girls they can meet easily and most of them speak English. But, if you wouldn't date or marry a prostitute in your own country, why would you want to date or marry one in Thailand? For a lot of men though, they're not sure how to meet a 'good Thai girl' (this is what the Thais call them) and, even if they do, what do they talk to her about and how do they treat her? For those Western men who are looking for a good Thai girl, here are a few tips to help you find a nice Thaigirlfriend or Thai wife and, once you've found her, how to treat her well. 1. Good Thai Girls Won't Talk To You First. If you come to Thailand to meet a girl, and a Thai girl talks to you before you talk to her, believe me, she's not a good Thai girl. Well brought up Thai girls from good families are taught never to talk to men first, and definitely never approach one. So, no matter how much the girl tries to persuade you otherwise, she's not a good Thai girl. Good Thai girls are shy and reserved and you will have to approach them. But where? 2. Where To Meet A Good Thai Girl. A lot of Thai women like Western men and would love one as a boyfriend. Thai men often have the reputation of having too many girlfriends and a lot of them still have a mistress (or mia noi) even after they get married. Consequently, quite a few educated Thai girls aren't that interested in marrying a Thai guy. These girls also think that Western men are better (I'm not sure if that's true, but who am I to judge!) A great way to meet Thai women is to hang out in coffee shops or bookstores. Thai women will tend to go around in groups, so you might have to have enough courage to chat to several Thai women at once. But, sitting at a table next to a group of Thai women and asking them to help you with the menu is a great way to get started. Thais are very helpful and many of them love to practice English. You will get a lot of giggles and blushes but there will be at least one girl in the group who will help you and then talk to you more than the others. Bookstores are also great places to meet women (if you're in Bangkok, Kinokuniya at Siam Paragon mall is a good one) and some of them have coffeeshops too. So, if you strike up a

conversation with a nice girl, you could suggest having a cup of coffee to continue the conversation. A friend of mine met his Thai now-wife on a boat in Bangkok. Going from the main shopping area to one of the temples, he took a small klong (canal) boat. He ended up sitting next to a Thai woman and they started to talk. One year later, he was married to her. She's smart, well educated, from a nice family and is an awesome wife. One place not to expect to meet a good Thai girl is in a bar. While some good Thai girls will go to bars with friends, most won't, as most good Thai girls don't drink. If you meet a Thai girl in a bar, especially if she's outgoing and a bit aggressive, she's not the good girl she says she is. 3. Dinner With The Chaperone. Once you've met a nice Thai girl and want to see her again, ask her out for dinner. Thais love to eat more than any other nationality on the planet and they love going out to dinner. However, a good Thai girl will always bring a friend, a sister, or a cousin with her on at least the first two or three dates (sometimes more) and you will be expected to pay for both of them. Good Thai girls always have to have a chaperone so, if the girl you meet immediately agrees to meet you for dinner alone, chances are she's not a good girl. 4. What to Buy Thai Girls As Gifts. Thai girls just love getting gifts and that's one thing Thai guys are very good at. As a potential new boyfriend therefore, you will be expected to give her a gift or gifts. It doesn't have to be too expensive (expecting very expensive gifts is another dead giveaway that your girl isn't such a good one), but it should be cute. Thai girls of any age (even in their 40s) love soft toys. A teddy bear, rabbit, fluffy cat or stuffed whale will be fawned over and loved. Chocolates are also adored, as are flowers. You can buy huge bouquets of flowers at the markets in Thailand, often for less than $5 and the seller will arrange them in an elaborate bouquet for you. Thai girls love them. 5. Meeting The Family. Thais are very connected to their families and their family will be more important than anything, including you. If your Thai girl starts to get serious about you, she will expect you to meet her family. And, if you start getting serious, at least once weekly lunches or dinners will be expected. If, after a few weeks, you haven't met her family either she doesn't like you enough, her parents don't approve of Westerners, or she's trying to hide something about them. None of these are good signs and if, after asking, you still don't get to meet the family, it might be time to look for another girl.

6. Be Sweet To Her. One thingThai guys are really good at is being sweet. They sweet talk girls, they are always kind to them, they buy them gifts, they take them out for lunch, and they allow the girls to think they're the boss (well, most of the time, they are!). Consequently, a Thai girl is going to expect you to act the same. If you are too aggressive, too rude, not polite when you're out with her, and expect her to have sex with you, she won't stick around for very long. Think about your long-term goals, and be patient. Thai women usually make amazing wives, so treat her nicely from the minute you meet her and you won't be sorry. 7. Try To Find A Girl You Have Something In Common With. Too many Western men in Thailand marry Thai women they have nothing in common with. Many of them marry women who don't speak much English and they don't speak much Thai. A year later, the gild has gone of the lily and they're bored stiff with their marriage and their wife. There are many Thai women who would like to have a Western boyfriend or husband so choose carefully. Try to meet girls you have something in common with and who speak some English. Especially in Bangkok, there are many educated girls and most of them will speak some English. 8. Don't Expect A Good Thai Girl To Have Sex With You. Now, of course this is slowly changing but, overall, most good Thai girls will not have sex with you until they marry you. At least 60 to 70% of Thai women are virgins when they get married, so they'll expect you to wait to have sex too. Of course, there are definitely Thai women who are having sex before marriage but it's not a subject they will talk about, even with close friends. So, if you meet a Thai girl, she jumps into bed with you right away and seems to know what she's doing, there's only a miniscule chance in heck that she's a good girl. Don't forget, Thai girls are just like anyone else. They want a man who will love them, take care of them and protect them. They will expect you to honor and respect their family and to help their family if needed (both emotionally and financially). In return, they will love and take care of you and, quite frankly, will often make a better wife than a lot of Western women. So, if you're coming to Thailand to meet a Thai woman, keep these few tips in mind and you won't be disappointed.

Finding a Thai Bride: Western Men Looking for Love in Thailand Thousands of Western Men Come to Thailand Every Year Looking for a Thai Wife oking.html?cat=16

There has been a trend in Thailand for many years. A trend of Western men coming to Thailand and signing with dating agencies to find Thai brides. As Western society changes and Western women become more independent and more like men, traditional Western men are looking to Thailand to find a more traditional wife. Thai women are often beautiful, thin, take very good care of themselves and also take care of their husbands. They cook, they clean, they take care of the children and they make their man feel like he is a King. It's no wonder Western men want Thai wives. But, although this sounds wonderful, what are the drawbacks to having a Thai wife? Even more interesting, what are the drawbacks for Thai women having a Western husband? For the women, the men are seen as a good catch. Western men, even poorer ones, usually have more money than Thai men. Western men offer a Thai woman a chance to leave Thailand and see another country. Western men are seen by some Thai women as being kinder than Thai men (I'm not really sure where they get this idea from?), and Thai men have a reputation of not being faithful. Many Thai men also don't settle down after marriage, and will still have a mistress even though they have a wife and children at home. So for some Thai women, a Western man offers things a Thai man does not. When Western men come to Thailand to meet a woman, many of them will sign up with one of the dating agencies that abound in Bangkok. Here, they will meet several women who match their criteria, most of them young and attractive and, for a high percentage of these men, marriage will follow quickly. They end up with a younger wife, who is usually very beautiful and has everything a man thinks he wants. For the women who sign up with the dating agencies, they usually mention they want somebody who is "kind, gentle, will take care of me, has money and a good job". When they meet an older Western man, they assume he has all these things. The problems start for the women when they get back to the man's home country to find he is a working class man, with little money and no life. I've met Thai women who have married a man like this, gone to England or America to be with them, and realized within a few weeks that this man and way of life is not for them. They ended up back on the first plane to Bangkok a few weeks later. For Thai women who choose this life, they want to see other countries. All Thais however love Thailand and the way of life here. It only takes a few weeks in the cold of England or the brashness of the US for them to realize they want no part of it. For the men, they marry a Thai woman believing they've got somebody who is beautiful, young, will love them and take care of them, and be their fantasy wife. Reality sets in when the true

personality of the Thai wife sets in. Thai women have an outer appearance of calmness and subservience. In reality, Thai women rule the roost and have strong personalities. For a Western man who thought he had his obedient dream girl, it's a huge wake up call. Suddenly their wife is stricter and more difficult to please than any Western woman they've ever been with, and the gild is quickly off the lily. There's also the fact that the Western man is fooling himself when he thinks a young, beautiful Thai girl is marrying him for himself. These women are looking for a better life (who can blame them!), and it's all about economics. Most of them wouldn't choose the 55 year old Western guy if they had other options. But, if the 55 year old Western guy comes with a big house, a nice car and a good bank account - yes, they'll take him. A year down the road though, when he realizes conversation with his wife is limited because her English skills are low and she has different interests and tastes, that's when these men start thinking about divorce. I know a few men in Bangkok who are now on their third or fourth Thai wives. The problems they had with the first couple are already apparent with the new one, but they keep trying, thinking this time will be different. For the women, Thailand is becoming a country that is about money and material wealth. Most average Thai women have no way of achieving this so, when a Western guy appears like a knight in shining armor, very few of them will refuse his advances. Everything they've ever wanted is being handed to them. Why would they turn it down? I've been in Bangkok for five years and have seen a lot of these Western-Thai relationships. The ones that survive and even thrive are usually between the younger Western men who meet a Thai woman at work, at a party, out with friends - in the same social situations in which you would meet a woman in the West. The ones that die are the ones where the man has met the woman through a dating agency or in a bar. A certain type of Thai girl signs up for these things. For a 'good Thai girl' these places would be the last place she'd think of going to meet a husband. I say all this without judgment, just with knowledge and experience from what I've seen. I feel sorry for both parties in the affair. The man is coming to Thailand because he's lonely, doesn't want to spend the rest of his life alone, and truly believes he can meet someone to take care of and love. The woman wants a better life, and this is her way of finding it. That the majority of these relationships don't work out is a testimony to true love. The men I know who have fabulous marriages with their Thai wives are the ones who found it naturally. They're a similar age, have similar interests and similar educational backgrounds. Their relationships are

the same as they would be if married to a Western woman. To the men who come to Thailand looking for love, I say "Good luck" and "Beware". It can happen for you but the natural way of finding it is usually the best. To the Thai girls I say "Get to know this man slowly. In any culture, there are good and bad men. Look out for warning signs, and trust your heart. If you have doubts, they are there for a reason. Money isn't everything, happiness is." And to both - "Good luck", sincerely "Good luck".

Forget Italian Men: Thai Men Are the New Romeos If You Come to Thailand, Don't Overlook the Thai Guy - They'll Make You Feel Special like No One Else Ever Has html?cat=9 Thailand is famous for its women. Beautiful, petite and charming, they're often a Western man's dream. If the women are so amazing though, what about Thai men? Does the same hold true for them? As a Western woman living in Thailand I must admit dating here can be a bit of a nightmare. The Western guys are here for the Thai women so that leaves us with the Thai guys. But..... you won't hear me complaining on that score. Given a choice of a Western guy in Bangkok or a Thai guy, I'll choose a Thai guy any day of the week and here's why. Thai men are sweet. They're kind, generous and funny and they know how to take care of a woman. All the Thai men I know pay for most things when they're out with a woman, (not something I really think is important but, as a woman, it definitely makes you feel special and taken care of), they call you just to talk (and they'll talk for hours), and they'll even carry your bag at the mall (looks a bit gay at first, then you get used to it and realize just how sweet it really is). And did I mention the Thai guy's beautiful brown eyes, toned body and the fact that, even when you're in a bad mood, they'll make you laugh so hard you'll soon forget why you were in the bad mood in the first place? Most Thai men aren't aggressive like many Western men are, and they still believe in traditional values. Family is important, friends are equally important, and being a 'good man' (often related to Buddhist values) is something they all aim for. Of course, not all of them succeed but, hey, at least they're trying. It beats the goals of some of the Western men I know whose idea of being a

'good man' is too drink too much alcohol, get into a fight with another 'good man', then go home and blame their girlfriend for all their problems. Speaking of 'good men', I recently met a Thai guy who is probably the nicest man'I've ever met. He's smart and funny, kind and sweet, cares about others and is one of those guys you always hope you'll meet but never do. To me, a Western woman who has travelled everywhere and experienced many things, this guy is still a breath of fresh air. He's someone you'd think at first glance might be quite boring but then, as you get to know him, you start to peel away the Thai layers and realize he's more complicated than he first seems. He has a strength of character and a sense of right and wrong that is rooted in Buddhism and a soul that seems so naive and simple, yet at the same time so old and wise. He has a child-like quality I've only ever seen in Thai men, but one that's so endearing I find myself more and more drawn to him the better I get to know him. Now, as much as I love men, I'm not easily captivated by them so, if this guy has impressed me so much, you can only imagine how amazing he is. This, I think, is the secret of the Thai man and why so many Western women I know are moving away from Western men and into the arms of Thai guys. Thai men creep slowly into your life and because many of them are less aggressive in personality than Western guys, at first you don't take them that seriously. Then you wake up one day and realize the Thai guy you barely noticed is suddenly in your thoughts a lot more than you expected. That's when you realize you've now joined the world of those who appreciate Thai men and things will never be the same again.

The Thai Woman's Diet: Follow This And You Too Can Be Thin Thai Women Are Very Thin, But There's a Reason for Their Thinness d.html?cat=51 If you come to Thailand, one of the first things you will notice is how thin Thai women are. Of course, most Thai women are petite, but they are also tiny in body size. The average Thai women's size is between a two and a four, and many Thai women are as small as a size zero. As a Westerner living in Thailand, it does get frustrating. Even when I'm at my smallest, an American size eight, and buy clothes, I'm still told "We don't sell Extra Large size." You can only imagine how some of the larger Western women feel. Thai women however eat in a particular way, and if you follow how they eat you too can lose weight and stay slim.

Food is very important to Thai people. If you watch them, they seem to be eating all the time. Breakfast is food from a street stall. A snack comes about an hour and a half later from another street stall. Lunch follows on quickly, with another snack in the afternoon, a snack before dinner, then dinner. You would think with all this eating Thai women would be fat. So why aren't they? 1. Snacking is a good thing. Although it seems like Thai women eat a lot because they're always snacking, if you watch closely you will see the portions they eat are actually quite small. But, because they are constantly snacking, their metabolisms are fast. Eating small amounts constantly actually speeds up your metabolism. The way we eat in the West, with three very large meals, causes our metabolism to slow down and the food our bodies don't burn up gets stored as fat. So we get fat. 2. Small portions. For breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner most Thai women eat communally. That means they buy several items and then share among friends. Each women will eat a few different things but in small portions. Overall, they may eat a lot of different kinds of food but in portions that are almost doll size. 3. Not much meat. Thai people do not eat a lot of meat. Meat is in many Thai dishes but it is small portions of meat that are mixed in with vegetables and a sauce, then served over rice. Even when they order meat dishes, it will be usually part of a communal meal where rice and vegetables are still the main things they eat. 4.Drink green tea. Green tea has been proven to increase the body's calorie burning mechanism and causes people to lose weight quicker. In Thailand, Thai women drink a lot of green tea. Green tea extract is also in things like ice cream, cake, pastries and smoothies. Not only is green tea healthy but it can also help you lose weight. 5. Eat spicy food. Thai women love spicy food, in fact the hotter the better. Some studies have shown that spicy food may very well improve the body's capacity to burn calories. So eat spicy food several times a week. It's delicious, it's healthy and it could help you lose weight. Thai women are known as some of the world's most beautiful women and definitely some of the thinnest. You don't have to be Thai though to eat like they do and have the same benefits this kind of eating can have. So eat like a Thai woman. You will lose weight and get healthier guaranteed.

4 Secrets to Getting and Staying Thin .html?cat=51 Do you get stuck when you're trying to lose weight, or do you feel like a failure when you gain weight? You stick to your plan for a short period of time, but eventually you fall off the wagon and whenever you try to change your behavior it never sticks. With all the obstacles in your path, how can you do like the naturally thin people do and get and stay thin? There are certain behaviors that separate the people who struggle with their weight and those who don't. What is it they say about imitation being a sign of flattery? Well, take that approach and study what thin people do and apply it to your own life. Here are four secrets that naturally thin people do to keep the extra weight away: #1 - Naturally Thin People Don't Diet Not only do diets not work, research shows that they'll actually cause most people to gain weight. The odds are only 1 in 10 that you'll keep any weight you lose on a diet off for ten years or more. And if you're not careful, dieting can actually harm you by causing you to binge or emotionally eat or get other eating disorders. So why don't diets work? Following a plan that restricts eating any type of food causes you to stop listening to your body signals about when and how much to eat. Eventually you override those cues due to a feeling of deprivation, and that makes it difficult to reach or maintain your preferred weight. #2 - Naturally Thin People Eat When Hungry and Stop When Full It really is that simple. Naturally thin people eat only when they're hungry and will stop when they're satisfied. Take note of when you're hungry and when you become full. And actually listen to your body when it's telling you that you're full. We have to eat to live, but people who are naturally thin don't act like eating food is a hobby of theirs, they treat it more as a survival tactic. #3 - Naturally Thin People Eat Whatever They Crave

You might have tried losing weight by cutting out certain types of foods, like fried foods and sodas. This sounds like a good idea and you don't want to eat too much of that to get or stay healthy, but when you know you can't have something you tend to want it more. Completely cutting out the high fat/high calorie foods that you really love can trigger bad eating habits. Enforcing this type of rule on your eating will more than likely set you up to gain weight. And when you do indulge in these food cravings, you beat yourself up over it later. Thin people don't do that to themselves; if they like and have a craving for a cheeseburger, they'll eat a cheeseburger. It's no big deal to them. #4 - Naturally Thin People Don't Cope With Emotions By Eating Thin people only eat to give fuel to their bodies and satisfy their hunger, not for any other external reasons. If you find yourself eating for other external reasons, you need to search for why you're doing so. It could be because you're bored or lonely or scared; it could be because you're procrastinating about something; or it could be because you're thinking you have to eat everything so you don't waste any food, especially when there's a scarcity of food in other parts of the world. Whatever the reason, you'll need to find out what it is before you can find a permanent solution to stop it. Naturally thin people find other ways to cope with their emotions, and that's what you'll have to do as well. Being (or at least looking like) a naturally thin person has nothing to do with following some strict diet or exercise program. To be the kind of person you want to be, do what the person you want to be is doing. That's true when it comes to doing business, and it's true with weight loss success. Don't make the word 'dieting' a part of your vocabulary - naturally thin people don't.

The Thai Woman's Way to Make a Man Fall in Love with You Thai Women Are Experts at Making Men Fall in Love with Them n_fall.html?cat=16 I currently live in Thailand and, even though it has a reputation for sex and prostitution, in reality many single Thai women are very naive about sex. When dating, even seriously dating someone for many years, many of them are still virgins when they marry, yet they're experts at getting men to fall in love with them. As a Western woman who is more used to the freedom of

sexualrelationships in the West, to some extent I now find myself agreeing with the Thai way and admiring Thai women and here's why. 1. Men Don't Respect Women Who Have Sex on the First Date. You can rationalize this all you want, but the truth is 99.9% of men have little respect for a woman who will sleep with them on the first date. Sure, you can say Ï don't normally do this" and they'll nod and act like they believe you. Secretly though they're thinking, if you'll do this with them, how many other men have you done it with? And that in itself is an immediate relationship killer. Thai women who are 'good girls'definitely don't have sex on the first date yet, in Thailand, I see a huge amount of respect for the women Thai guys are dating. Some of the guys I know have been dating the same woman for several years but are adamant that sex will be saved for marriage. Yet they treat their girlfriends like princesses and Thai women demand and expect this. 2. Men Like A Challenge. Men are socialized to have to compete for everything. Even the ones who tell you they don't like women who are a challenge, it's not true. Men are used to having to compete in work, sports, business and relationships. So a woman who is a challenge is automatically someone men will work to get to know better. Once you've had sex with them, the challenge is over. As my mother always told me, "Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free". A little crass and blunt maybe, but so true. Thai women are always a challenge because they don't talk to a guy first, they don't pursue a guy and they don't give up their friends when a new man appears on the scene. Thai women make men work for them and that's probably why Thai men adore them so much. 3. Men Like Mystery. If you have sex with a man on the first few dates (or even in the first few months), the mystery has gone. Men fall in love while they're imagining what could be. Once they've experienced it, the mystery is gone and there's no impetus to try harder. This is when they normally start looking for another woman. It's also why I make absolutely sure I'm in love with someone and him with me before I go anywhere near the bedroom, and if that takes months or years, so be it. Thai women are masters at this and it's probably why they have Thai guys hanging around for years, even though they've never even managed to have sex with them yet. Thai women also are very private about personal things in their lives. So the Thai guy always feels that element of mystery around his girlfriend or wife. 4. Men Do Love Romance. New studies show that men actually do likeromance and fall in love just as deeply, if not more so, than women do. For men, they're often in love a long time before they'll admit it to themselves or to anyone else, so keeping the romance going means a guy will

be in love that much longer. Not having sex with a guy keeps the romance going and keeps the man interested in you. Think of the old-fashioned movies and books, where the realromance was, and how many of the men in those movies and books were so in love with the women they would do anything for them. Thai women always act in a very romantic way and Thai women also dress in a very feminine way. They wear high heels, cute skirts and blouses, have beautiful long hair, manicured nails and perfect make-up. They hang out in big groups of women friends and always look sweet and feminine. Consequently, Thai guys will drive halfway across the country for their girlfriends, help them with boring family things, bring them food every lunch time, go pick them up wherever they are and drive them home, and generally make sure their every need is satisfied. It's romantic helping your girlfriend and Thai men love doing it. So, if you want a guy to fall in love with you, maybe you should try the Thai way. Thai men idolize the women they are with. Don't you want that too?

The True Meaning of Thai Time Is that Real Time or Thai Time? You Always Have to Ask that Question in Thailand cat=16 When you first get to Thailand and figure out that Thais look at time differently than the rest of us, it's confusing. But once you get used to it, Thai Time is actually quite simple. If someone tells you "I'll see you at Cafe du Lac" at 5pm, add on another 30 minutes. Showing up at 5:30 should give you ample opportunity to purchase your latte, have a nice long sip of it, and have read a few pages of the novel you always carry around with you before your Thai friend shows up. If someone tells you "We'll reimburse your 10,000 baht next week, and have you sign a new school contract at the same time", add on another 3-4 weeks to that estimate before you get your 10,000 baht and then presume you'll be signing the new school contract for this semester at the beginning of next semester. If someone tells you "New student come class tomorrow. He good English speak", presume he'll actually show up next week, and won't even be able to answer the English question "What is your name?"

If someone tells you, "I order audio tapes for your textbooks today. You get next week." Add about 8 weeks onto that estimate, and understand that by the time the tapes get to you, you won't need them anymore. If you know you have to be at the airport for your flight to Malaysia at 7am and you need to order a taxi for 4:30am, order a taxi for 4am and be down there at 3:30 - because Thai Time can sometimes go either way. My friend recently ordered her 4am taxi, arrived downstairs in our apartment building to wait for it at 3:55am, only to discover he'd arrived at 3:30 and left 10 minutes later. See. Thai Time. Once it's explained to you. It's easy!

The Best Thai Beauty Secrets Great Tips to Make You as Beautiful as Thai Women cat=16 Among other things, Thailand is known for the beauty of its women. Thai women usually have long silky hair, gorgeous clear skin, thin sleek bodies and perfect nails. Although some of them use Western-style beauty products, many Thai women I know still use traditional beauty secrets. Here are some natural beauty tips that give them the most amazing results. 1.Papaya. Many Thai women use papaya as a refreshing face mask, and it's so simple to do. Just scoop out the flesh of the fruit, mix it with a little bit of fresh lemon and apply to your face. Leave on about 10 or 15 minutes and wash off. With the antioxidants in the fruit, your face will be clean and glowing. This mask not only cleans the skin it also wards off wrinkles. 2.Lemongrass Detoxifier. Lemongrass is in many Thai dishes. It's a pungent smelling herb that gives Thai food so much of its wonderful flavors. But Thai women also use it as a detoxifier. Chop up lemongrass and add some chopped ginger, basil and jasmine. Boil all this in water for about 10 minutes, then cool the liquid. Once it's cooled, add some lemon or lime and drink throughout the day. It's an amazing detoxifier for the whole body as well as a digestive aid. No wonder Thai women have such beautiful skin.

3.Turmeric. Turmeric is an unbelievable facial scrub. You can either buy the fresh turmeric and grind it but, as this is a bit time-consuming, you can use the dried turmeric, which works just as well. Wet your face then pour a little turmeric powder into your hands, add some water and make a paste. Spread the turmeric paste all over your face and rub well in for 3-5 minutes. Wash off. You will notice your skin is a little tingly and also has a very slight orange color to it. Don't worry, as that will wash off with just a little soap and water. Your skin will feel fresh all day and will have an unbelievable glow to it. It also is reputed to get rid of fine lines.

Sexpats in Thailand: The Demise of the Western Man Thailand Has More Than Its Fair Share of Sexpats, Expat Men Living in Thailand Because of the Sex Trade e.html?cat=16 If you ask most people in the Western world what they know about Thailand, they'd be hard pressed to get beyond "prostitution" and "Western men moving there for Thai women". Thailand has much much more to offer than that, but they would also be correct on both counts - both do exist here. Thailand has its fair share of visible prostitution, however per capita-wise it actually has less prostitution than does the United States. It's just that it's more visible in Thailand. And as far as Western men moving to Thailand for Thai women, yep, we have tons of them - we call them 'Sexpats' (expats here for sex) and they're everywhere. But how do you spot a Sexpat? And why is he here? (and I say 'he' because, even though there are a few female sexpats in Thailand, they're outnumbered 1,000 to 1 by men). And what is it that makes them hook up with prostitutes, when there are thousands of 'good Thai girls' who would likely give them a chance? Men who fall in the sexpat category seem to come to Thailand when all else has failed in their home country. They're often going through a messy divorce or break-up, they're not paying their alimony or child support, they've got credit card bills out the yin-yang they can't afford to pay, and the job they've had for 30 years is killing them. Then a friend of theirs tells them about Thailand. Otherwise known as the Land of Smiles, it's a place where the sun always shines, the living is cheap, and Thai girls are falling over themselves to date and marry a Western man. Unlike your ex-wife or girlfriend, they'll treat you right. They'll wait on you hand and foot, cook and clean, always look slim and beautiful, and the sex will be earth shattering.

So these guys pack up everything they own, board a plane and they're in the Land of Smiles within a week. They check into a cheap hotel or rundownapartment building and head down to Patpong or Nana, the famous sex tourist areas in Bangkok. When they get there, they're bowled over to see their friend was correct. There are beautiful, sexy Thai women everywhere and all shouting "Hi honey, sexy man, you come home with me?". And sure, you've got to pay. But it's cheap, right? Their first few weeks, even months, in Bangkok disappear in a blur of drinking,drugs and sex. By the time they wake up, they're usually married to or at least heavily-involved with one of the girls they met in a bar. She's moved into his apartment, her kid's there too, and she now spends most of her day watching soap operas or on the phone gossiping with friends. She talks a lot but he doesn't understand what she's saying, and she soon gets angry with his refusal to learn Thai. She'll leave at night to do her stint at the bar. Or she won't, and the guy will soon be saddled with paying for all her bills and necessities as well as his own. It's then when he realizes he's actually got it worse here than in his own country, because at least at home he can speak the language. This is when reality usually sets in. Here he is miles from home in a foreign country, still not quite fully developed, shacked up with a woman who is half his age and who's conversational abilities in English don't usually extend beyond "When we eat?", and "You buy me this?" It's then many of them begin to spend even more time at the bars, either with the hope of meeting somebody different (they won't!) or just wanting to drown their sorrows in cheap Singha or Chang beer. A year down the road, they'll still be there. In the same bar stool, with the samegirlfriend or another one similar, and with even less money than when they started. Most of them will have picked up a low-paying 'teaching' job, something they're not qualified for and don't really know how to do. They'll show up for work most of the time, although several days off a month with a hangover won't be unusual. The school will keep them on because they're desperate for Western teachers, but the respect they initially had for them will dwindle. Eventually, they'll be kicked out on their ass and will simply go on into another dead end job, this one probably worse than the last and paying even less. It's all sad, meaningless and empty and, what's really tragic, is there are thousands of these guys. You see them all over Bangkok. In their 50s and 60s, overweight and bald, with a Thai girl barely out of her high school uniform hanging on their arm. They're loud and rude and despised by the Thais, yet they walk around with the colonial mentality that they're God's gift. After all, they must be. They have an 18 year old Thai girl on their arm, a bottle of $1 beer in their bag, and all's right with the world. But deep down, when you get one of them alone and they think they're talking to a sympathetic ear, the floodgates will open and it all comes out. They hate their jobs, and their girlfriends treat them like dirt. They don't understand what's going on around them, they're living from paycheck to paycheck but don't have the money to go home even if they could. They thought their life in America, the UK, Australia, Germany was bad, but this is even worse. Then 10 years later, on the same bar stool in the same bar, you'll see them again. Older, fatter and balder and, by now, usually smellier too. Same story, same mess, different girlfriend, worse job. Same life. Thus is the tale of a Bangkok sexpat - and there's more coming every year.

How to Survive Chatuchak Weekend Market, Bangkok, Thailand market.html?cat=16 Chatuchak Weekend Market (also known as Jatujak by the locals) is a large outdoor market in northern Bangkok, Thailand. I've heard differing numbers of stalls from many sources but let's just say this.......if you want to see between 8,500 and 14,000 stalls, Chatuchak is for you! I live about 10 minutes from it, so I go every weekend without fail. I also run a business and purchase a lot of my wholesale orders from Chatuchak as the prices are great and the stall owners are extremely friendly. The market is located next to the Mo Chit sky train station so is very easy to get to. The relatively new underground system also has two stops that service Chatuchak - Chatuchak Park, which brings you into the park next to the market and Kamphaeng Phet, which opens up right into the market itself. The market is open on Friday evenings, and all day Saturday and Sunday. Some people will tell you it opens at 7am on the weekends but really, other than food stalls, there's not much open until 9am. The sellers begin to close at 6pm and everything is pretty much over by 7pm. There are however a couple of bars and restaurantsthat will stay open until 9pm. Survival at Chatuchak Market is an art and here are 10 points to help you learn that art: 1) Arrive early. Best arrival time is about 9:30 am on a weekend. That will give you time to grab a quick breakfast and a drink before you hit the stalls. It starts to become crowded by noon and by 2pm is pretty much unbearable. Sunday is even busier than Saturday, so if you can't get there till the afternoon try to make it a Saturday afternoon. 2) Don't bring a purse and be careful of your wallet. Thailand is the safest country I have ever been to. However, like anywhere, there are sometimes problems with pick pockets and Chatuchak is notorious for it. I personally know one Westerner who lost almost $2,000, taken out of his wallet while he was trying to decide on which diamond ring to purchase for his girlfriend. You don't need a purse, only money, which you should put into your front pocket or in a money pouch. Preferably split it into two sections so, if you have the unfortunate experience of having your pocket picked, all of your money doesn't disappear in one fell swoop. Men, don't put your money in your back pocket. Seriously, only idiots do that! Front pocket, split into two lots. Got it? 3) Stay hydrated but no need to bring water. Out of the 12,000-plus stalls, about 8,000 of them sell water. No joke! So if you're dying of thirst, which you will be, you can grab a bottle for 10 baht (about 25 cents). You can also get shakes, fruit juices, coke, Pepsi, iced coffees and teas, beer,

wine and pretty much anything else you could want. There are also bathrooms so drink as much as you like! 4) Get a map. There are free maps available at the information counter at the main gate. Take one. Chatuchak is a maze and difficult to find things if you don't know where you're going. Each section has specific things eg: clothing, silks, shoes etc. so it's easier to find things if you know what each section sells. 5) If you like something, buy it. If you see something you like, buy it. Don't wait to see if you'll find a better price because you might, you might not. But you will never find the first stall again! 6) Bargain. Part of the fun is bargaining. Don't be insulting but do try to knock them down. Some stalls do have a fixed price and will not bargain, but most will. A good place to start is to offer about 70% of the original price. The seller will counter offer but you can usually get them down by 15-20% and, if you buy more than 1 of an item, you will get an even better price. I buy in bulk as part of my business, and usually end up paying 90 baht each for a shirt that will be 180 baht to another Westerner. This also though is because I speak Thai so you're not likely to get quite as cheap a price if you don't live here and don't speak the language, but you can get close. 7) Food. Chatuchak is known by the Thais to have some of the best food in Bangkok. There are little stalls and restaurants everywhere that sell anything from squid on a stick to green curries, traditional Thai somtam (spicy papaya salad), cut fruit, noodles, spring rolls, French fries, fried chicken, soups, desserts, doughnuts, ice cream (both regular and traditional Thai ice cream on a stick) and any number of other yummy things. The food is safe, I don't know of anyone who has gotten sick from it, it's dirt cheap and really good. 8) Bars. There are several bars at the market, usually populated by mostly Westerners although some of them have a Thai flare and are favorites of the locals. Beer is cheap, wine and mixed drinks are reasonable, and they'll often have a guy walking around with a basket of 'bar snacks' (nuts, beans, spicy seeds etc.) Very good and only 15 baht (around 40 cents). 9) Toilets. There are several around the market. They charge 2 baht entrance and don't forget to also buy tissue paper (usually 4 baht) as there will not be any once you get in the stalls. Thai girls also take forever in the bathrooms so be prepared for a long wait if you're female. 10) The market is a circular shape. So it's easy to walk the whole way around it. There is a street that runs in a circle from one side of the market all the way around and back. Stalls and alleys then run off this street in all directions. If you head into the middle bit and keep going, you'll eventually arrive straight through it and back onto the circular street on the other side. There are also policemen everywhere who speak enough English usually that you can ask for directions if you get lost. Now we've gone through the survival points, what do they sell at Chatuchak? Fruit, vegetables, plants, clothes, shoes, artwork, jewelry, watches, silks, Thai crafts, wooden furniture, household items, electronics, young fashion, candles, dogs, cats, rabbits, snakes, exotic animals, bags, purses, wood carvings, toys, fake designer wear, fake bags, fake DVDs, baskets, antiques, sheets and pillowcases, ceramics, glassware, jewelry boxes, photograph frames, fabrics, silk flowers, gifts, towels,.......pretty much anything you have ever seen in your life is at Chatuchak and certainly anything you've seen in Thailand. It's also a lot cheaper here than almost anywhere else in Bangkok. For instance, if I buy a t shirt in downtown Bangkok I would normally pay from 150 baht to 200 baht (between $4.42 and $5.90). At Chatuchak, the same shirt costs me between 50 baht and 100 baht ($1.47 and $2.94)......much cheaper and a lot more choice!

A final note - if it is raining, avoid Chatuchak completely. The narrow alleys and sois flood, the corregated iron roofs leak like a collander, and everybody skuttles for cover like drowning cockroaches. Pedestrian traffic grinds to a halt and you'll find yourself stuck sheltering in a little alcove crammed between 50 other people. No fun and there are many air-conditioned, indoor malls in Bangkok that are better places to spend a rainy day. So, remember, on a normal sunny, hot Bangkok day here's how to enjoy, and survive, Chatuchak - Go early, get a free map, don't bring a purse, hydrate often, bargain, get snacks, ask a policeman or stall owner to help you if you get lost, and most importantly, buy it if you like it because you'll never find it again. At least 4 hours is required, I think, to get a good feel for the place and to find what you're looking for. Get breakfast first, then shop. Stop for a break and a drink after a couple of hours. Shop again. Have another snack or lunch when you're done, then head back to the skytrain or underground and go back to your hotel to drop off your hundreds of bags. Mostly though, have fun, talk to the locals and take lots of photos!

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