Textile Sector Of Pakistan

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 683
  • Pages: 8

TEXTLE SECTOR OF PAKISTAN HISTORY/BACKGROUND Textile Processing Sector has been operative virtually since the very inception of Pakistan in 1947. With the sudden upsurge of Textile industry in Pakistan during the fifth and sixth decades when quite a few Textile Spinning and Composite Units started picking up roots and Power Loom Units sprang up like mushroom in Pakistan in the unorganized sector, in every nook and corner, whose number rose to about 0.3 million plus. As out of necessity, a proportionate number of Processing Units was required for dyeing, bleaching, printing, sunforising, finishing, packing and packaging of the raw-fabric which was being massproduced by the unorganized Power Loom Sector. And this was the occasion when the entrepreneurs and pioneers of the Processing Sector rose to the occasion and, remarkably enough, came out with flying colors. Despite their meager resources, they succeeded not only in making the country self-sufficient in dress and apparel, but also in providing quality fabrics to the International Export Market while their quality was second to none. The Textile Processing is one of the most value-added and export-oriented sector of Textile Industries in Pakistan. All Pakistan Textile Processing Mills Association (APTPMA) was formally affiliated with the Federation of Pakistan


Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI). APTPMA with its Head Office in Faisalabad was registered with Ministry of Commerce on 5th July,

1990 under Trade organization Ordinance. 1961, and started functioning from July 1991. All

Unregistered organization established for similar purpose merged themselves into one Association and then the organization opened three regional / Zonal Offices namely Faisalabad, Karachi, Lahore/Gujranwala. The total number of its registered Member Units as on 20th September 2000 is 394. The principal object in the association is to protect and promote the interest of all persons dealing of processing of textile products in Dyeing, Bleaching and Printing. OBJECTIVES


RESERCH PROBLEM: The main problem which faces from the textile sector of Pakistan is those economic problems and also the devaluation of rupee b/c of that in the process of doing export Pakistan takes higher rates as compare to their compotators as INDIA, CHINA. This is the main reason that international market wants to do business with INDIA and CHINA the reasons behind that problems are as fallows

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Government of Pakistan Backwardness of economy Shortage of electricity Lack of machinery Less promotion by state bank of Pakistan Devaluation of Rupee

VARIABLES 1) Labor union. 2) Instability in management. 3) And also other factors which will know after research… 4) Union activity 5) Turnover 6) Pay RSERCH METHODES:


LIST OF QUESTIONS: TEXTLE SECTOR OF PAKISTAN Q: What is your name? A: __________________________________________________________________________ Q: What is your occupation? A: __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Q: Which type of production u produces? A: __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Q: Are you facing any problem regarding the production? A: __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


Q: Do you completely satisfy form your technology or either you are in need of latest technology? A: __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Q: Is the shortage of electricity created any problem? A:___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Q: At international level who are the best compotators of TEXTILE SECTOR? A: __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Q: What are the reasons behind the backwardness of TEXTILE SECTOR in Pakistan? A:___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Q: Why the TEXTILE SECTOR of Pakistan is backward than India and China? A:___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Q: Why the international markets prefer to do business with china and India rather than Pakistan? A:___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Q: What are the reasons behind that type of backwardness in TEXTILE SECTOR OF PAKISTAN? A:___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Q: Who is responsible for that position of TEXTILE SECTOR OF PAKISTAN in international markets? A: Government of Pakistan Backwardness of economy Shortage of electricity Lack of machinery Less promotion by state bank of Pakistan


All of these

Q: Which types of step Pakistan should take to improve the textile sector of Pakistan? A:_____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ____


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