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Text Set [ Emily Mullins ENG 308 Francis 4-29-09


Emily Mullins ENG 308 Francis Text Set Introduction to Emily Mullins’ Text Set This text set, a compilation of sources that revolves around an anchor text, is an example of a group of texts that may be used in a unit of instruction. Each of these additional sources creates meaning for a diverse set of learners. I decided to begin with the canon text To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and finish with the Young Adult Literature novel from this class, Mon­ ster by Walter Dean Myers. I decided to focus on themes both nov­ els   employ   such   as   the   African  American   experience,  making  im­ portant decisions, standing up for what you believe in, and the  ability to  be  courageous in the  face of challenges  and  oppres­ sion. I thought the best way to go about this unit was to focus  more on the themes than on the time period, looking closely at  how   racial   oppression,   intolerance,   stereotypes,   and   prejudice  plays out in literature, as well as in historical and contempor­ ary society. The unit would show multiple facets of the African  American experience from the time period of To Kill a Mockingbird 


to the Civil Rights movement, and to the current racial state of our contemporary society. Artifact # 1: Photo of Atticus Finch in the courtroom of the movie version of To Kill a Mockingbird, along with the closing argument Finch gives at the trial of Tom Robinson (written and auditory).

Atticus Finch Speech: To begin with, this case should never have  come   to   trial.   The   State   has   not   produced   one   iota   of   medical  evidence  that   the   crime   Tom  Robinson  is  charged  with ever  took   place. It has relied instead upon the testimony of two witnesses   whose evidence has not only been called into serious question on  cross   examination,   but   has   been   flatly   contradicted   by   the   de­ fendant.   Now   there   is   circumstantial   evidence   to   indicate   that   Mayella Ewell was beaten savagely by someone who led, almost ex­ clusively, with his left [hand]. And Tom Robinson now sits before   you, having taken "The Oath" with the only good hand he possesses  ­­ his right.


I have nothing but pity in my heart for the Chief Witness for the State. She is the victim of cruel poverty and ignorance. But, my pity does not extend so far as to her putting a man's life at stake, which she has done in an effort to get rid of her own guilt. Now I say "guilt," gentlemen, because it was guilt that motivated her. She's committed no crime. She has merely broken a rigid and time-honored code of our society, a code so severe that whoever breaks it is hounded from our midst as unfit to live with. She must destroy the evidence of her offense. But, what was the evidence of her offense? Tom Robinson, a human being. She must put Tom Robinson away from her. Tom Robinson was to her a daily reminder of what she did. Now what did she do? She tempted a negro. She was white and she tempted a negro. She did something that in our society is unspeakable: She kissed a black man. Not an old uncle, but a strong, young negro man. No code mattered to her before she broke it, but it came crashing down on her afterwards. The witnesses for the State, with the exception of the sheriff of Lincoln County, have presented themselves to you gentlemen -- to this Court -- in the cynical confidence that their testimony would not be doubted; confident that you gentlemen would go along with them on the assumption, the evil assumption, that all negroes lie; all negroes are basically immoral beings; all negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption that one associates with minds of their caliber, and which is in itself, gentlemen, a lie -- which I do not need to point out to you.


And so, a quiet, humble, respectable negro, who has had the unmitigated TEMERITY to feel sorry for a white woman, has had to put his word against two white peoples. The defendant is not guilty. But somebody in this courtroom is. Now, gentlemen, in this country our courts are the great levelers. In our courts, all men are created equal. I'm no idealist to believe firmly in the integrity of our courts and of our jury system. That's no ideal to me. That is a living, working reality! Now I am confident that you gentlemen will review without passion the evidence that you have heard, come to a decision, and restore this man to his family. In the name of God, do your duty. In the name of God, believe Tom Robinson. Auditory Clip: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/mp3clips/new­ moviespeeches/moviespeechtokillamockingbird34593593495.mp3  Explanation: I would use this short auditory clip, as well as the  image and written closing argument all together before the stu­ dents read the novel by Harper Lee. I think this would be a good  way   to   get   students   visually   and   actively   engaged   in   the   story  before they begin reading. Atticus is definitely the moral center  of the novel, as he understands the individual worth of a person  regardless of the color of their skin. He was a wise man, well  beyond the mostly intolerant opinions of the times.


Finch knew that when he took the case that the justice system would not be fair, but he still wanted to fight for the justice Tom Robinson deserved. This will be able to directly correlate to the novel Monster later on in the unit as Steve Harmon is directly affected by the racial bias in the American criminal justice system, a bias that still lingers in the prejudiced minds of many of the people in our society. Artifact # 2: To Kill a Mockingbird, a Novel

This novel will be used as the “anchor text” as stated above to  kick   off  a   unit   on   racial   issues   not  only   having   an   impact   on  America historically but also contemporarily. This novel depicts  the themes of misunderstanding and prejudice and this unit will  allow students to explore these concepts and the themes that are  related to them. I think this will be a great way to kick off a  unit that will progress linearly through the racially oppressive 


and prejudiced societal, political and cultural events that have  occurred in our histories and the events that are still occurring  now. 

Artifact # 3: An essay.

Urban Race Riots in the Jim Crow Era An Overview Essay   By Derrick Ward   The violent, racial confrontations in which mobs of whites   and blacks battled each other in U.S. towns and cities during the   Jim Crow era were triggered by some of the same forces driving   legalized   segregation,   disfranchisement,   and   the   lynching   of   thousands of African Americans. These explosions of urban viol­ ence against blacks differed in several ways from the individual  lynchings and systematic terror practiced by organizations, such   as the Ku Klux Klan, in the 1870s. For one thing, the urban ex­ plosions   were   directed   less   at   individuals   and   more   at   entire   black communities. They also reflected more the anxieties felt by  lower­class whites, who feared competition with blacks for hous­ ing, employment, and social status as African­American newcomers   began moving into urban settings following the Civil War. Also,   although whites­­who felt enraged by some real or imaginary ac­ tions   by   blacks­­always   started   these   riots,   black   victims   in­ creasingly   defended   themselves   as   best   they   could.   Clearly,   the   race   riots   also   were   backlashes   by   white   Americans   who   reacted  


with   contempt   and   rage   to   black   Americans’   cries   for   equality,  justice, and decency.  In general, the riots can be studied according to different  waves of white violence. The first wave occurred in the post­bel­ lum era of Reconstruction. Southern defeat, emancipation, and the  dramatic changes in the political and civil rights of blacks in   the decade after the Civil War presented dramatic challenges to   white   supremacy.   White   supremacists,   desperate   to   regain   their  political power and restore their control over the recently eman­ cipated   African   Americans,   instigated   the   birth   of   the   Ku  Klux   Klan and its members’ terrorist attacks on individual blacks and  white Republicans in the South, as well as mob attacks on south­ ern black communities. Relatively few whites were killed in these  affairs, which peaked in the two years before the 1876 presiden­ tial election.  The second wave of riots, erupting in the last decade of the   19th  and  the   first   decade  of  the  20th  centuries,  reflected  the   new era of stepped­up Jim Crow rhetoric and attempts to legalize  segregation and disfranchisement. Whites all over the nation par­ ticipated in this outbreak of racial politics, including many who   feared   better   relations   among   white   and   black   farmers   and   the   working poor posed by the Populist Movement. In this atmosphere,  white supremacists used the same racist justifications to viol­ ence as those who lynched individual blacks: namely, the alleged  desire of black men to rape white women. This decade also saw the   codification of Jim Crow segregation laws and the passage of dis­ franchisement statutes and codes in most of the southern states.   The United States Supreme Court upheld the "separate but equal"   doctrine in their 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision, throwing the  country’s High Court on the side of white supremacy. At the same  


time, blacks began moving in ever­growing numbers to urban cen­ ters,  competing  with  lower­class  whites for  housing  and  employ­ ment, while growing numbers of African­American professionals and  officeholders began successfully competing with their white coun­ terparts for jobs. With all of these factors in play, white viol­ ence erupted in many small towns and villages, and at least ten­­ four of them in northern cities­­escalated into major race riots:  Lake   City,   North   Carolina   (1898);   Wilmington,   North   Carolina   (1898);   Greenwood   County,   South   Carolina   (1898);   New   Orleans,   Louisiana   (1900);   New   York   City,   New   York   (1900);   Springfield,   Ohio (1904); Atlanta, Georgia (1906); Greenburg, Indiana (1906);  Brownsville, Texas (1906); and Springfield, Illinois (1908).   The   cluster   of   race  riots,  the  third wave,  that  broke out  around   the   World   War   I   period   reflected   both   the   demands   for  justice by angry African Americans and the increasing competition   between blacks and whites brought on by the war and the black mi­ gration   to   urban   areas   in   the   North.   In   1915,   the   new   Ku   Klux   Klan   spread   nationwide   and   signs   of   more   virulent   racism   ap­ peared in popular culture­­such as in the film Birth of A Nation   and in advertising­­across the country. These events fueled the  already uneasy fears of many lower­class whites about the growing  presence of blacks in their midst. As thousands of young men went   off   to   war,   labor   shortages   lured   larger   numbers   of   black   and   white   workers   into   urban   centers   throughout   the   nation.   Blacks   began   moving   into   previously   all­white   neighborhoods,   creating  friction   between   the   races.   As   black   servicemen   returned   from  Europe, they found the old racial hostilities unacceptable after   having  fought   in   a   "war   to make  the  world   safe for  democracy."  These black veterans, in the minds of many whites, had become too   "uppity" overseas and posed a threat to white women as well as  


the social status of all white men. Between 1917 and 1921, an un­ precedented outbreak of racial violence swept across the nation.   Over   20   race   riots   broke   out   between   April   and   October   1919   alone, a six­month period remembered as the "Red Summer."  After the 1921 Tulsa riot and except for the 1935 New York   (Harlem) disturbances, no major racial riots occurred until the   world war era of the 1940s. Many of the same domestic demographic  and social changes affecting blacks and whites that had unfolded  during 1919 accompanied World War II, but this time, on a larger   scale.   The   competition   between   increasing   numbers   of   working­ class blacks and whites for housing and employment in urban areas   again  set   the   stage   for   racial  conflict.  Though  the  race  riots   during the World War II era race were far fewer (only three) than  their World War I precursors, they no less violent. The 1943 De­ troit   riot,   for   example,   resulted   in   the   deaths   of   25   African   Americans and  nine  whites.  The  other  two riots occurred  in  New   York City (Harlem) and Columbia, Tennessee, in 1943. Eight years   later, the last major race riot before the 1960s inner city ex­ plosions   (which   most   historians   view   as   rebellions   rather   than  race riots) erupted in Cicero, Illinois (1951).   Although urban race riots in the United States between 1866­ 1951 were unique episodes rooted in the particular historic situ­ ation of each place, they shared certain characteristics. To be­ gin with, the whites always prevailed, and the overwhelming ma­ jority of those who died and were wounded in all of these incid­ ents were blacks. They also tended to break out in clusters dur­ ing   times   of   significant   socioeconomic,   political,   and   demo­ graphic upheaval when racial demographics were altered and exist­ ing racial mores and boundaries challenged. Perhaps most import­ antly, the riots usually provoked defensive stances by members of  


the black communities who defended themselves and their families   under   attack.   Seldom   did   the   violence   spill   over   into   white   neighborhoods.   Finally,   the   riots   greatly   strengthened   the   re­ solve of blacks to challenge white supremacy legally, intellectu­ ally, and emotionally­­producing greater efforts by organizations   like the NAACP and leaders such as W. E. B. Du Bois, as well as   an outpouring of black cultural manifestations of defiance iden­ tified with the "New Negro Movement" of the Harlem Renaissance.   Explanation: I thought this essay could be used as a supplemental  reading when students are studying segregation, and how although  the laws claimed they were for a “separate, but equal” status for  black   Americans   and   members   of   other   non­white   racial   groups,  this was definitely not the case. This essay will allow students  to more fully engage with Jim Crow laws in the form of segrega­ tion of public schools, public places and public transportation,  and the segregation of restrooms and restaurants for whites and  blacks. It will hopefully get them interested in the next portion  of the unit, leading them into the Civil Rights and Black Power  Movements and the race riots that occurred during and on either  side of the 1960s.


Artifact # 4: Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X Speeches.  Martin Luther King, an American clergyman and an activist, was a  prominent  leader  in  the   African  American  civil  rights  movement.   Stu­ dents,   through   Martin   Luther   King   Jr.,   will   also   be   able   to   look  closely at the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955 and the March on Washing­ ton,  1963, to see more clearly how courageous and important taking  a  stand was and still is. The March will lead into looking at the infam­ ous “I Have a Dream Speech”:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbUtL_0vA­ Jk. I also would like to include a more hip­hop infused response to  King’s speech. This song is called, “Let Freedom Ring” by Flocabulary.  Flocabulary.com has more hip­hop U.S. History songs teachers could use  when   looking   at   history.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xPqiBd_xIw  Students   may   appreciate   this   more   because   of   the   large   role   hip   hop  plays in our modern society. Common’s “I Have a Dream” song and video  can also be a great way to get students to look at the Civil Rights  Movement







http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKfXFA15rqE&feature=related.  Classes can also compare MLK’s speech to Malcolm X’s speech “By  Any   Means   Necessary”:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkTnUxLjO2E  How  are they different? Did they have any similarities? 


I   thought   I’d   make   a   fun   activity   for   students­­a   “Who   Said   What?”  quote activity:

Who Said What? In the space provided, write either a MLK for Martin Luther King Jr. or a X for  Malcolm X to distinguish between the two civil rights activists.  If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive. _____ I have often reflected upon the new vistas that reading opened to me. I knew right there in prison that reading had changed forever the course of my life. As I see it today, the ability to read awoke in me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive. _____ Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. _____ We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. _____ I believe in human beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their color. _____ We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now. _____ I believe in the brotherhood of all men, but I don't believe in wasting brotherhood on anyone who doesn't want to practice it with me. Brotherhood is a two-way street. _____ A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. _____


I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality. _____ He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. _____ Both men spoke eloquently against inequality among races in America but  with entirely different methods of action. King was guided by Gandhi’s  non­violent   activism,   while   X’s   mantra   was   “by   any   means   necessary.”  Both served as human rights icons during the times and still do today.  They   serve   as   important   people   to   study   and   to   represent   the   main  themes of the two main novels, themes of hoping and fighting for equal­ ity in a world that was and is still having trouble making it so. 


Artifact # 5: Riots surrounding MLK’s assassination:  According to Jesse Jackson, who was present, King’s last words on the  balcony were to musician Ben Branch, who was scheduled to perform that  night at an event King was attending: “Ben, make sure you play Take my   Hand, Precious Lord in the meeting tonight. Play it real pretty.” Explanation:  I   thought   students   could   discuss   two   things   concerning  the final words of King as well as the violent wave of nationwide riots  in more than 100 cities across the country. Would King, after all his  hopes for a non­violent end to racial oppression, want to find that his  blood had triggered off bloodshed and disorder? Is it disrespectful to  his   memory   to  not  remain   committed  to  the  kind  of  dedication  to   the  goals which his life served to solving the domestic problems? PICTURES OF THE RIOTS AFTER LEARNING OF THE ASSASSINATION:



Artifact # 6: This is the beginning of an episode of American Dreams,  the TV series: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfFPL8l4eN0 (this is just  part 1/5­the rest can be found in related videos. Also, the riot starts  in   Part   3).   This   clip   gives   insight   into   the   racial   incidences   that  have been occurring in Philadelphia prior to this episode, which also  includes Meg and Sam being caught out after dark together by police of­ ficers. In the entire season finale, racial tensions begin to flare in  North Philly sparking a massive riot while main characters Meg (white)  and Sam (black) are stuck in the new store, also in North Philly, in  the middle of urban chaos. The police try to quell the raging rioters  but police brutality occurs, along with terrible destruction. The ri­ oters made it clear they would not disband until the police left the  area. Other aspects of this episode include African American plans for  dissent, the older son joining the Marines, and family bonds.


I thought using a TV show to depict the themes of the times might  get students interested in not only the Civil Rights Era, but also the  Vietnam War­­the backdrop to the TV show. There is also nothing wrong  with students getting into a quality and historically informative and  engaging show such as American Dreams. I know for sure parents might  appreciate students watching this rather than Gossip Girl or 90210. 

Artifact # 7:  Taking a deeper look at Martin Luther King Jr. and his  heroic efforts to end segregation and the Jim Crow Laws, leading up to  his   senseless   death.   This   YouTube   clip   (however,   there   are   8   total)  looks   at  King  and  his  movement, stemming from Rosa Parks’ courageous  stand, as he tries to lead a movement against Jim Crow laws to abolish  segregation in the deep South in peaceful protest. He was a spokesper­ son   for   people   who   were   denied   full   access   to   the   American   dream,  people who have been struggling for a long time to be free. This clip  is a historical look back at King’s legacy and all the subsequent ac­ tions against him. The clips have interviews from historical experts,  excerpts   of   his   speeches,   and   real   clips   from   the   time   period.   Even  just watching two of the videos will be enough for students to really 


get into the Civil Rights Movement and see just how important it was to  stand up for equality and to stand up against the injustice of an obvi­ ously intolerant, prejudiced, and inhumane system. Students will also  be able to see a little bit of MLK in Atticus Finch.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3a2KqN5tDYM I thought the clip below could also be used as a supplementary  video: The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. 40 years later  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qCI3­FIEEQ&feature=related

Artifact # 8: Rodney King, police brutality, and the Los Angeles  Riots of May 1992. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jgc6vOjCiE.  The LA riots were triggered by the acquittal of police of­ ficers for the brutal beating of Rodney King, who asks “Why can’t  we all just get along?” The news of the acquittal triggered the  Los Angeles riots of 1992. The destruction was extensive: 55 were  killed,  over   2,000   injuries,  7,000  fires,   3,100  businesses,   and  nearly $1 billion in financial losses. This clip shows the begin­ nings











This reflects upon the subjects of both  To Kill a Mocking­ bird and Monster, and the unjust Criminal Justice system that has  long   since   been   a   staple   of   our   society.   Having   both   Rodney’s  statements and a news clip from the riots will be a great way for  students to see the destruction and the amount of passion people  had surrounding this movement and the man who stood as its moral  center and mouthpiece.

Artifact # 9: The Beatles’ song “Let it Be” performed in the mu­ sical









http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4bib4PBqGA.   A   great   film   in   its  entirety, but I think this clip is most representative of the ra­ cial aspects of the 60s the class has discussed so far. They will  get   to   experience   great   music   which   is   before   their   time   but  still important and amazing music. Perhaps it will broaden their  horizons.   Although   the   school   board   and   parents   might   have  trouble with the drug culture, no one can deny the importance of 


understanding the history surrounding the 1960s including but not  limited to Vietnam, Civil Rights, and music.  Another song choice which also resonates with the themes of tol­ erance  and   acceptance,   and   not  having  prejudice   in   our   hearts,  but having love for everyone despite our differences is “All You  Need is Love”.

"There's nothing you can do that can't be done. Nothing you can sing that can't be sung. Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game. It's easy. Nothing you can make that can't be made. No one you can save that can't be saved. Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time. It's easy. All you need is love. All you need is love. All you need is love, love. Love is all you need." -”All You Need is Love” by The Beatles

Artifact # 10: Bono’s On The Move  In this speech, turned into a book, rock star Bono gets to  the heart of faith and humanity in a world where 6,500 Africans  die each day  of  AIDS,  a preventable, treatable  disease.  In  the  21st   century,   can   we   accept   that   longitude   and   latitude   decide 


whether a child lives or dies? This is Bono’s call to action at  the National Prayer Breakfast in a Republican White House. For me, this artifact is so important because of the lack of  knowledge about the situation with AIDS and Africa. Nelson Man­ dela said, “AIDS is not merely a disease, but an assault on human  dignity. We never anticipated that once we achieved our freedom  we would face another challenge of this magnitude. We cannot win  this fight on our own, and we rely on people like Bono to help us  beat this pandemic.” Bono’s plea for justice, as well as charity,  for those suffering from AIDS in Africa has helped change minds  and hearts, as well as government policy. Getting the knowledge  out   there   about   the   voiceless   who   don’t   get   a   voice.   My   hope,  along  with   Bono’s,   is   that  this   speech   and  this  knowledge   will  inspire the students.        

Transcript excerpt: Well, thank you, thank you Mr. President, First Lady, King Abdul­ lah of Jordan, Norm [Coleman], distinguished guests. Please join  me in praying that I don't say something we'll all regret.


That was for the FCC. If you're wondering what I'm doing here, at a prayer breakfast,  well so am I. I'm certainly not here as a man of the cloth, un­ less that cloth is ­­ is leather. I'm certainly not here because  I'm a rock star ­­ which leaves only one possible explanation:  I've got a messianic complex. It's true. And anyone who knows me,  it's hardly a revelation. Well, I'm the first to admit that there's something unnatural,  something even unseemly about rock stars mounting the pulpit and  preaching at presidents ­­ and disappearing to their villas in  the South of France. Talk about a fish out of water. It was weird  enough to have Jesse Helms come to a rock show. This is really  weird. Now, one of the things I love about this country is the separa­ tion of Church and State and although I have to say in inviting  me here both Church and State have been separated from something  else completely: their ­­ their mind! Mr. President, are you sure about this? It's very humbling, and I  will try to keep my homily brief. But be warned: I am Irish. This link contains a full transcript of the speech, an audio and  a video. http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/bononational­ prayerbreakfast.htm  Artifact # 11: “Jesus Hopped the A­Train”


Although I didn’t read the whole play, as I skimmed the text  I   found   a   lot   of   great,   perhaps   somewhat   inappropriate   for   a  younger classroom, 


Artifact   #   12:  http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/20/us/politics/20­ text­obama.html. The New York Times has published Barack Obama’s  Inaugural Address both auditory and the transcript. Obama, as the  first black president,


Artifact # 13: Monster, a novel by Walter Dean Myers. This   novel   will   expand   upon   the   many   themes   and   subjects  covered in the unit thus far including the African American ex­ perience, courage and survival, standing up for truth and equal­ ity   and   tolerance.   It’s   also   about   making   decisions,   as   Steve  wonders “What decisions do I make? What decisions didn’t I make?”  (Myers 270). This novel can also help classes to discuss turning  points and the events that lead us to where we end up and also  the events that lead us to where we want to be and where we want  to go. It will be interesting for students to read this novel and  to understand just how far we haven’t really come, because even  as our diverse population grows and changes, stereotypes, as well  as   racial   intolerance   and   oppression,   still   exists   whether   it  lies   in   an   American   courtroom,   in   race   riots,   or   in   the   AIDS  crisis existing in Africa.  Racism is both a moral and political issue and the govern­ ment should make sure every effort to insure that each individual  is   allowed   his   or   her   “inalienable   rights”   as   outlined   in   the  Constitution. The greatest need is that of the individual. Until  we as a people learn to see each other through the eyes of God,  we will never see one another without fear and prejudice. I   could   bring   in   a   Bible   verse   to  look   into   how   a   higher  power believes in equality: “Then   Peter   replied,   ‘I   see   very   clearly   that   God   doesn’t  show  partiality.   In   every nation  he  accepts  those  who  fear  him  and do what is right.’” (Acts 10:34­35) 


This   is   such   a   quote   representative   of   Steve   Harmon,   who  knows his own truth and knows he has to believe in himself. He  knows   all   human   beings   are   born   free   and   equal   in   dignity   and  rights. Students should be able to use each text used in the unit  to depict in a formal or summative assessment the themes of the  unit and of each of the novels and additional supplemental texts.                

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