
  • May 2020
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The Command listener does not display special characters like É é so instead of ZURÚCK it shows ZURnCk similarly with SÉLECT. Please check other languages also. The "Credit" screen is not very clear, it flickers. In main menu, score board and in options the text crops either in the top or in the bottom of the screen. In Random mode, while playing "Medium" the word "Pikeman" overlaps with "Your town under attack". In campaign mode, while playing mission 5 the text "your town is under attack and pikeman complete" gets overlapped The text size in the whole game is very big The text in the credits section is displayed in Italian language for all the languages In all the languages except english, some special characters are displayed which were not displayed before in other devices In Credits menu, some of the informations like development team, testers name etc., are missing Tower protects your town should be implied The shape and size of the special characters are different when compared to the previous builds In German language, in credits menu, the word "In-Fusio" is not in the center place In credits menu, text are overlapping with each other In english language, text in the credits section are displayed in spanish language In running text, the letters 'g', 'y' and 'q' are half displayed In all the languages the informations in the credit section is displayed in English only. After game over in multiplayer the message will be displayed reagrarding Winning of the player that message is cropped in Spanish,italian, language No Up and Down scroll arrows in Main Menu and other Menus. This makes the user unknon to the fact that there are more options that he can select than the once displayed on the screen. The "Scores", "Instructions", "About" and Ingame help info text is getting over-lapped by the Up and Down scroll arrows and the "Ok", "Next button. The "About" info screen the RSK (red color arrow) is getting over-lapped by the "Ok" button. The "Help On/Off", "Sounds On/Off", the "Game Mode", the"Choose Mission", "Ok" and "Next" texts are not vertically alligned with the rectangular box around them. Some of Ingame help info text scroll arrows are not proper. The name text of a building or person shown, when building or person is selected, in the bottom central portion of the screen is touching the border. No Up and Down scroll arrows in Main Menu and other Menus. This makes the user unknon to the fact that there are more options that he can select than the once displayed on the screen. The "About", "Instructions" and in some InGame info text is getting over-lapped by the Up and Down scroll arrows. In some InGame info text Up and Down scroll arrows is out of the info area. In full game, consecutive line texts are too close, some are also over-lapping. Some texts that appears in the lower left portion of the screen is over-lapping the LSK (green) arrow. Such as "Your Town Is Under Attack" text. No Up and Down scroll arrows in Main Menu and other Menus. This makes the user unknon to the fact that there are more options that he can select than the once displayed on the screen. The "About", "Instructions" and in some InGame info text is getting over-lapped by the Up and Down scroll arrows.

The "Instructions" and in some InGame info text Up and Down scroll arrows is out of the info area and in some the upper scroll is not blinking. The "Help On/Off", "Sounds On/Off", the "Game Mode" and and the"Choose Mission" texts are not vertically alligned with the rectangular box around them. The "About", "Instructions" and in some InGame info text is getting over-lapped by the Up and Down scroll arrows. The "Instructions" and in some InGame info text Up and Down scroll arrows is out of the info area and in some the upper scroll is not blinking. Some texts that appears in the lower left portion of the screen is over-lapping the LSK (green) arrow. Such as "House Complete" text. The "Help On/Off", "Sounds On/Off", the "Game Mode" and and the"Choose Mission" texts are not vertically alligned with the rectangular box around them. The "About", "Instructions" and in some InGame info text is getting over-lapped by the Up and Down scroll arrows and also by the RSK botton text. In some InGame info text Up and Down scroll arrows is out of the info area and in some the upper scroll is not blinking. In the "About" info screen the RSK (red color arrow) is getting over-lapped by the "Ok" button. Some texts that appears in the lower left portion of the screen is over-lapping the LSK (green) arrow. Such as "Your Town Is Under Attack" text. The text "Development team" and "Game design" is in sentence case, whereas to keep the consistancy, they should have been in title case. The "Scores" and "About" text is not centrally alligned. The text "Advance to Feudal Age" displayed in the lower positon of the screen when the Town Hall is selected to Upgrade the Civilization, the "g" in the "Age" word is getting cut in the lower half. Note : Same behaviour is observed in some other texts which are displayed in the lower position of the screen. Pressing the # key displays different types of builds. Some of the build names does not scroll through and some does. The "Instructions", "About", and the ingame help texts are not vertically alligned with the rectangular background box or form. The "Help On/Off", "Sounds On/Off", the "Game Mode" and and the"Choose Mission" texts are not vertically lligned with the rectangular box around them. The text alignment and Paragraph are not proper. Some texts that appears in the lower left portion of the screen is over-lapping the LSK (green) arrow. Such as "Your Town Is Under Attack" text. The "About", "Instructions" and in some InGame info text is getting over-lapped by the Up and Down scroll arrows and also by the RSK botton text. There is also much blank space left in the bottom of the text. In some InGame info text Up and Down scroll arrows is out of the info area and in some the upper scroll is not blinking. Some texts that appears in the lower left portion of the screen is over-lapping the LSK (green) arrow. Such as "Your Town Is Under Attack" text. When the a building construction or a villager or soldier is ready, a text appears in the bottom of the screen stating production complete. If the RSK is pressed at that moment, we can see(for a second) that the text shifts down and over-laps the text in the command listner. Some texts that appears in the lower left portion of the screen is over-lapping the LSK (green) arrow. Such as "Your Town Is Under Attack" text. The text is also flickering. The consecutive lines are touching each other.

The text "Development team" and "Game design" is in sentence case, whereas to keep the consistancy, they should have been in title case. The "Scores" and "About" text is not centrally alligned. The text "Advance to Feudal Age" displayed in the lower positon of the screen when the Town Hall is selected to Upgrade the Civilization, the "g" in the "Age" word is getting cut in the lower half. Note : Same behaviour is observed in some other texts which are displayed in the lower position of the screen. Pressing the # key displays different types of builds. Some of the build names does not scroll through and some does. In full game, consecutive line texts are too close, some are also over-lapping. The number of people entering the club on a specific day, which is displayed on the top middle portion of the screen, is not vertically aligned with the green background bar. In the "Help" screen, the last line is missing. The number of "Week" text is overlaping the "Notifiche" icon. About Screen : [email protected], 'S' and 'm' appear out of Screen,The spelling of Wireless is wrong the 'e' is missing Text on main menu needs to be aligned at the centre of the display area The Select and quit options of the other languages in the main menu is not proper. It has to be both in Title cas or Upper case In the Language French The Select option CHOISIR, the Letter "R" does not appear In German Once the player`s chance comes back, there is a text display which has not been arranged properly,("Player 1 its ur chance" in English). In German when user pauses the game the word "UNTERBROCHEN" needs to be put exactly in the block Selection box in the main menu touches the text when it is dropped down to next line Dropdown the selection from play to options, observe the text "y" it touches the selection box Selection box in the play menu touches the text when it is dropped down to next line Dropdown the selection from New game to load game and load game to back, observe the text "g" it touches the selection box Selection box appears in the command bar gets cut at the bottom Controls give in the control option is not applicable in game In Instructions menu, For Key 6 Alignment is not proper In Instructions, for key 1 and key 3 comma should be put. In french language-->in Instructions, for key 4 and key 6 text alignment is not proper In English Language-->Main Menu-->Play-->Load game-->In the game confirmation text, the letter "D" is missing from the text "Do" and "Load". In all Language-->In Score Screen, The text "Unlock" is over lapping with the weapon images. In English Language-->Game Save Screen-->In the game confirmation text, "n" is missing from the text "has been". In French Language--->Score Screen-->If you select "Sauver", The selection box is overlapping with the text "Continue". In french language, in Instructions, for key 4 and key 6 text alignment is not proper In french language, in Instructions Key 4 and key 6 is not alligned properly The size of the text through out the game is very small In French language, Instructions, for key 4 and key 6 alignment is not proper More space is given between the lines in "Credits" and "Instructions" menus.

In french language, in Instructions, for key 4 and key 6 text alignment is not proper In french language, in Instructions, the key 6 text alignment is not proper In french language-->in Instructions, for key 4 and key 6 text alignment is not proper The size of the text displayed in game is very small In main menu, the letter 'Y', 'J' and 'P' is cut by the selection box. In french language, in Instructions, key 6 text alignment is not proper The size of the text through out the game is very small In french language, in Instructions, key 4 and 6 text alignment are not proper In French language, Instructions menu, For Key 4 Alignment is not proper The running text in credits and instructions are not displayed properly The speed of the running text in credits and instructions is slow In french language in Instructions key 3 and key 8 is not alligned properly In Dutch language, there is no information in Credits section

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