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Keyboarding/Document Formatting - 1

Business Technology School Year___ Keyboarding/ Document Formatting Course Code # ____0810, ____3775 Term:____Fall____Spring ½ Credit Recommended Prerequisites: Keyboarding

Student: Tevin Howell Grade: 10 Teacher: Mr. Golden School: Booker T. Washington Number of Competencies in Course: 46 Number of Competencies Mastered: Percent of Competencies Mastered:

Standard 1.0 The student will develop and demonstrate effective input technology skills (advanced keyboarding, scanning, speech recognition, handwriting recognition, and the use of a mouse). Student Performance Indicators: Evidence Standard is Maste NonMet Check the appropriate Mastery or Non-Mastery ry Master column y 1 I don’t • Analyzes the uses of current and emerging alternative input think I devices: Master this skill so I •touch system of keying need more help on this •scanning skill •speech recognition •handwriting recognition

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• Keys, formats, edits, revises, prints, prepares business documents using a variety of input technologies effectively, including: • keyboard input • scanner input • voice recognition input • handwriting recognition through the use of a Personal Digital Assistant (PIA) and tablet personal computer input • mouse

I really think I master this skill I know how to get to the formats, edit and etc

Standard 2.0 The student will create business documents, applying the appropriate formatting knowledge and skills. Student Performance Indicators: Evidence Standard is Met Master NonCheck the appropriate Mastery or Non-Mastery y M column a s t

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• Categorizes selected computer and keyboarding terminology.

• Illustrates proper handling of the computer workstation and software.

ED 3040-41 Rev. 2005

I think I m a s t e r This skill Because I know w h e r e Everything On The Keyboard I master t h is Skill Because I Care about m y Worksheet And don’t e a t, Dink and e t c.

Keyboarding/Document Formatting - 4


• Keys using format tools, edits, revises, and prints various documents in mailable format using the touch system.

I master a ll o f These s ki ll s.

Standard 3.0 The student will apply skills in processing business documents using new styles in various formats and lengths.

ED 3040-41 Rev. 2005

Student Performance Indicators: Evidence Standard is Maste NonMetCheck the appropriate Mastery or Non-Mastery r M Keyboarding/Document Formatting - 5 column y a s t 6 I master • Submits required types of documents in mailable form.


• Organizes styles, applies format functions and layout and design techniques in document preparation.


• Uses the proper technique to key correspondence.


• Submits required documents in mailable form.

this one because if I didn’t I wouldn’t have good grade Yes I have master this skill because I know how to use Microsoft word and document, etc

I don’t even know what this is so I didn’t master it Yes because you get my work fine so I master this

Standard 4.0 The student will use input technology skills that adhere to ergonomic principles to develop acceptable speed and accuracy levels. ED 3040-41 Rev. 2005

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Student Performance Indicators: Evidence Standard is MetCheck the appropriate Mastery or Non-Mastery column 1 0

• Keys a minimum of 45 NWAM on a 5-minute timed writing.

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Maste r y

NonM a s t i might can b ut I am not sure so I say I have n ot master this o n e

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1 1

• Applies proofreaders’ marks to indicate all errors in content, format, spelling, and grammar on a document printout.

yes I m a s t e r this b e c a u s e I know h o w To fix my e r r o r Correct

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1 2

1 3

• Keys and formats mailable copies (no errors) from various types of copies to include but not limited to: • letters and memos, • problems applying vertical and horizontal centering with main, secondary, and columnar headings’ using the correct formatting tools, and • at least one mailable, average-length unarranged letter in mailable form in one 25-minute period. • Key numeric data applying the touch system on the numeric keypad.

ED 3040-41 Rev. 2005

I have not Master this Because I Still make Mistake in le tt er And memos

Yes I have Master this Skill b e c a u s e The n u m e r i c Keypad is Right b e s i d e Me

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Standard 5.0The student will research and apply typography, layout, design, and composition concepts and guidelines for document preparation. Student Performance Indicators: Evidence Standard is Maste NonMetCheck the appropriate Mastery or Non-Mastery r M column y a s t 1 i did not • Prepares a layout using typography specifications. 4

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m as te r because I d o n’ t know what th is is

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1 5

1 6

• Applies layout and design principles using original and/or imported graphics. (Gateway Algebra 5.0).

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Applies spot color to graphics and text.

I think I do b ut I Am not s ur e if I totally m as te r it I think I do b ut I Am not s ur e if I totally m as te r it

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1 7

1 8

1 9 2 0

Applies typographical commands to text.

Rotates text and graphics. (Gateway Algebra 5.0).

Proofs, edits, resizes, crops/manipulates copy and graphics (Gateway Algebra 2.0). Prints or publishes hard copy that meets publication and design standards.

ED 3040-41 Rev. 2005

I think I do b ut I Am not s ur e if I totally m as te r it I think I do b ut I Am not s ur e if I totally m as te r it Yes I have Master this skill Yes I have Master this skill

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Standard 6.0The student will apply input and formatting skills in creating reports and tables in various formats and lengths. Student Performance Indicators: Evidence Standard is Maste NonMetCheck the appropriate Mastery or Non-Mastery r M column y a s t 2 Yes I have Inputs a multi-page report that includes a table, • Master this 1 reference citations, headers, and footers in mailable skill form. 2 Yes I have • Edits and retrieves copy, makes changes using the revision Master this 2 mode, proofs revisions, accepts revisions, saves and skill prints hard copy. 2 I think I do • Designs documents such as a newsletter with threeb 3 columns, headers and footers. ut I Am not s ur e if I totally m as te r it

Standard 7.0The student will research and apply knowledge of ethical and legal issues within the industry. ED 3040-41 Rev. 2005

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Student Performance Indicators: Evidence Standard is MetCheck the appropriate Mastery or Non-Mastery column 2 4

2 5

Applies ethical conduct providing the proper credit to those whose ideas and content has been used in creating interactive multimedia projects.

• Demonstrates ethical behaviors in what is written, spoken, or presented in designing and presenting a multimedia project.

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Maste r y

NonM a s t I think I do b ut I Am not s ur e if I totally m as te r it

Yes I speak Well and I Know how t o Presented

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2 6

2 7

2 8

2 9

I know what th is Is but I d o n’ t Do it all the ti m e i don’t k n o w what this is

• Applies knowledge of copyrights in seeking formal permission from copyright sources before using materials.

• Recognizes the legal implications of violating federal and state laws in multimedia\digital publishing.

• Demonstrates legal responsibilities using the Internet for interactive multimedia projects.

• Demonstrate skills necessary for safety and environmental protection in digital design and photography.

ED 3040-41 Rev. 2005

yes this is o n e of the e a s y skill so therefore i master it i don’t k n o w what this is

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3 0

i don’t

• Develop a virtual presentation on ethical and legal issues that could be posted on the web.

k n o w what this is

Standard 8.0 The student will apply concise styles, mailable standards and rules for grammar, spelling, and punctuation creating business documents and reports that communicate the intended message. Student Performance Indicators: Evidence Standard is Maste NonMetCheck the appropriate Mastery or Non-Mastery r M column y a s t 3 yes this is • Composes and inputs a minimum of ten sentences and one o 1 paragraph, applying spelling, punctuation, capitalization, n e number expression, and grammar correctly (English II of the Gateway Standards 1.0, 1.11). e a s y skill so therefore i master it

Standard 9.0The student will compose, input, and format career portfolio documents for job interview.

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Student Performance Indicators: Evidence Standard is MetCheck the appropriate Mastery or Non-Mastery column

Maste r y


yes this is o n e of the e a s y skill so therefore i master it yes this is o n e of the e a s y skill so therefore i master it


3 3

• Inputs a sample letter of application and a resume.

• Composes an original personal letter of application, a resume, a job application, and a follow-up letter.

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NonM a s t

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3 4

I think I do b ut I Am not s ur e if I totally m as te r it

• Input and format a report on effective job interview techniques.

Standard 10.0The student will perform their culmination project by completing a simulation that consists of business correspondence, reports, tables, etc., of varying degrees of difficulty. Student Performance Indicators: Evidence Standard is Maste NonMetCheck the appropriate Mastery or Non-Mastery r M column y a s t 3 yes this is • Inputs and formats mailable correspondence. o n e


of the e a s y skill so therefore i master it ED 3040-41 Rev. 2005

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3 6

3 7

3 8

• Composes, organizes, inputs, formats, and edits documents.

yes this is o n e of the e a s y skill so therefore i master it I think I do b ut I Am not s ur e if I totally m as te r it

• Evaluates the appearance and accuracy of documents.

• Stores documents on a storage device and print a hard copy.

ED 3040-41 Rev. 2005

yes this is o n e of the e a s y skill so therefore i master it

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Standard 11.0The student will develop and demonstrate human relations, self-management, organizational and professional leadership skills. Student Performance Indicators: Evidence Standard is Maste NonMetCheck the appropriate Mastery or Non-Mastery r M column y a s t 3 Yes always • Analyzes leadership and confidence through professional 9 development activities. 4 I think I do • Researches at least five distinguish leaders. Composes, b 0 input, format, and print a paragraph on each indicating ut I the professional attributes of each. Incorporating headers, Am not footers, footnotes and endnotes. (Gateway English II s ur Standards 1.0 and 2.0). (Gateway Algebra 2.0, 5.0). e if

I totally m as te r it 4 1

• Applies effective image-building and public relations techniques.

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4 2

4 3 4 4

I think I do b ut I Am not s ur e if I totally m as te r it

• Composes, inputs, and formats informative articles for publication in local and/or state publications.

• Organizes and manages a team presentation on leadership. • Practices parliamentary procedure skills through group activities.

ED 3040-41 Rev. 2005

Yes always I think I do b ut I Am not s ur e if I totally m as te r it

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4 5

4 6

• Organizes and manages a team to prepare a multi-page report on five outstanding leaders and their leadership attributes applying typography and layout and design concepts. (Gateway English II Standard 4.0).

• Participates in Business Professionals of America and/or Future Business Leaders of America.

ED 3040-41 Rev. 2005

Yes I work Good in g r o u p And also a leader No I was in th e F.B.L.A club b ut Didn’t stay in

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