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QBank Page No:2

QBANK Topics cover under Quality Center and Rational Rose Questions & Answers 1. How many types of attachments that you can attach to a cycle in Quality Center? Ans: 5 types 2. What is the difference between tying requirements to a release and tying them to a cycle in Quality Center? Ans: Release is a parent to a cycle so all requirements applied to release automatically applied to all cycles in Quality Center. 3. What is the purpose of adding traceability links between requirements in Quality Center? Ans: Traceability enables you to identify other requirements in Quality Center that the change might affect. 4. What does a live analyses graph display in Quality Center? Ans: Quality Center live analyses graph provides a visual overview of all tests within a folder in test plan tree. 5. What is a test sets tree? Ans: Quality Center test sets tree design to achieve specific testing goals and organizes and displays the test sets hierarchically 6. When you run a test on remote host group is the test executed on all the hosts available in the group? Ans: It runs only on the first available host in the group

your day to day activity apart from execution. 9. Why Quality centre is installed and how will you make sure it? Ans: Quality Centre is installed as a service in your windows environment. Before start working on it, make sure that Mercury Quality Centre service is running. 10. From which Browser it can be accessed Ans: Quality Centre can be accessed from web browser using http://<machinename>:8080/sabin/S iteAdmin.htm format, assuming that Quality Centre is listening on default port. 11. What are four distinct things which can be managed in Mercury Quality Centre? Ans: Requirements Test Plan Test Lab Defects These four items can be termed as the 4 pillars of the Quality Process for any organization. Each of these components sections contains information about different projects created using SABin.

7. How many different Quality Center graph types do you know? Ans: There are five Quality Center graph types.

12. How to add a document to Quality Center 9.0 Ans: You can go to the Test tab and create a folder for the current project and create sub folders according to the requirements or modules and then under each sub folder you can create Manual Test cases and also automated Scripts. ...

8. What is QCBin? Give some interactions? Ans: This is how user interacts with tool. QCBin interface gives functionality of creating test plans, defining requirements, creating test cases, creating test labs, associating requirements with defects in essence, everything that as a tester or test manager you need to do in

13. Mercury Quality Centre can be divided into two parts and what are they? Ans: Site Administrator Bin Quality Centre Bin 14. What is Administration Bin? Ans: It is the starting point for the usage of Mercury Quality Centre. This part is used for all the administrative activities

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Quality Center & Rational Rose Questions &

15. How will you define password? Ans: Password for site admin is defined during the installation so, that remember the password during installation. 16. What are the following activities involved in Mercury Quality Centre? Ans: Creating the projects Assigning users to the projects Creating specific roles Configuring QTP or Win runner scripts to use from Mercury Quality Centre Configuring the mail servers Verifying licensing information Information about database 17. What is Mercury Quality Center in comprehensive test management solution? Ans: Mercury Quality Center (QC), like Borland Silk Central Test Manager, is test management software. Quality Center includes Mercury Quality Center Dashboard, Mercury Test Director and other automated testing products. Its easy-to-use, highly customizable web based interface is one of its good features. 18. What are the strong features of QC? Ans: It's Open Test Architecture API, which allows a high degree of customization and automation of the Quality Center, which in turn produces good results with various projects with various needs. 19. What are the sources involved in OC? Ans: Quality Center Product information website (http://www.mercury.com/us/products/ quality-center/) Mercury Quality Center User's Guide Open Test Architecture API reference 20. Why Mercury Quality Center is essential to the management? Ans: The Mercury Quality Center (MQC) is an essential web-based test management tool that is distributed by Mercury, which is a known commercial vendor focusing in software testing tools. MQC helps a


QBank Page No:3 test manager or tester manage and organize the different involved activities. These activities include identifying requirements, managing test cases, carrying out test reporting, managing defects, and automating software test. 21. What are two most important sections that compose MQC? Ans: There are two most important sections that compose MQC. Specifically, these two vital parts are the Site Administrator Bin (SABin) and Quality Centre Bin (QCBin). Evidently, the first portion is designed for tool administrator, whereas the latter, for tool end user. 22. What is the most valuable point in MQC and how does the site perform? Ans: The SABin is basically the most valuable and initial point for Mercury Quality Centre usage. A Site administrator performs all administrative tasks, such as constructing the projects, defining specific roles and assigning them to various users in the project, etc. SABin can be used in configuring different types of programs or applications. 23. What are the considerable factors involved in MQC? Ans: Lastly, there are four considerable factors that need to be managed in MQC. These factors include software testing requirements, test plan, test laboratory, and potential defects. They turn out to be the most commonly recognized by many as the organization’s 4 pillars of quality process. 24. How to download an attachment from Quality Center? Ans: The easiest way would simply be to right click on the attachment and go to the Save As option...Otherwise open the attachment, and then do a Save As... Hope this helps.

Quality Center & Rational Rose Questions & Answers

25. What is the difference between Quality center and Test Director? Ans: Quality center is the latest version of the test director. Upto 8.0 it is called as test director after that it is called as QC. In test director having three tabs only plan test, run test, track defects, but in QC four tabs is there requirements tab will be added. And QTP latest versions are sport only QC .After 8.0 version of QTP. Rational Rose 26. What are the technologies and environments do the rational rose supports? Ans: It supports COM/DCOM (ActiveX), JavaBeans, and CORBA component standards. 27. What is the purpose of comparators in analyzing the results? Ans: purpose of comparator is analysing the result of verification point .comparator compares the result of baseline verification point data against the actual verification point data. 28. What is the purpose of the wait state? What is the use of Global.sbl file in Rational? Ans: Robot provides lobal.sbl file for the convenience of the users. It a blank library source files. You can add procedures to it or make your own wait statement is used to wait the application for that particular period of time and that will move of later for example wait(20), means this statement will wait for 20 sec and it will move from that statement 29. Symbol for comments in Rational? Ans: " ' "........a "singe quote"...... ( " ' " ) is used to comment statements in Rational Robot script. By placing a single quote...the statement turns 30. Purpose of inserting delay values in the scripts of Rational? Ans: Wait values are useful when the application requires an unknown amount of time to complete a task.


QBank Page No:4 Using a wait value keeps the verification point from failing if the task is not completed or if the data is not accessible right away. 31. What is the purpose of comparators in analyzing the results? Ans: purpose of comparator is analysing the result of verification point .comparator compares the result of baseline verification point data against the actual verification point data. 32. Explain user defined data type with an example..? Ans: user must create the data type if none of the standard data types contains the kind of values that user want to supply. For example user need a database column named COLOR & the values should be red, blue, green, yellow, etc .but in predefined data type there is no such data type. So we have to create a user defined data type named color &have predefined values RED, BLUE, GREEN. 1) To create user defined data type in rational robot in Test Manager>>click Tools>>manage data types. 2) Click new. 3) Type name (color) & description>>click ok 4) Click yes when prompted to enter new data values now. Insert red, green, and yellow, blue 5) Click save 33. What is the use of Global.sbl file in Rational? Robot provides lobal.sbl file for the convenience of the users. It a blank library source files. You can add procedures to it or make your own 34. What is the difference between rational rose and QTP? Ans: Quick test professional is a powerful functional testing tool. Its very user friendly interface tool. It mainly fast tests creation, easier maintenance, and more powerful data-driving capability. Identifies objects with

Quality Center & Rational Rose Questions & Answers

Unique Smart Object Recognition, even if they change from build to build, enabling reliable unattended script execution. Rational robot deals with functional and performance testing, 35. What is the difference between Rational Rose and UML? Ans: The UML is the Unified Modeling Language. It is a collection of diagrams, terms, profiles, etc. that one uses to design and develop complex systems and software. The UML is controlled by a standards organization, the Object Management Group (OMG). The current version of the UML is 2.1. IBM Rational Rose is one of many tools for building UML models. The problem with Rose is that it stopped with version 1.5 of the UML. There were some follow-on products (Rational refers to them as RSx). Depending on what you are doing, there are other tools that may be better for your job. For example, if you are trying to design a complex system or trying to build a real time or embedded application, you should use Rational's Rhapsody (IBM bought Telelogic this year, so Rhapsody is now under the Rational banner, but not all sales people know that). Rhapsody has two main advantages over Rose. First, Rhapsody generates complete application code from class diagrams, state charts, activity diagrams and flow charts. The code it generates (C, C++, Java, and I think Ada) is very tight, easy to read and debug, and looks like the code you'd write by hand. Second, Rhapsody supports UML 2.1, so you get ports, structured classes, and other useful extensions. 36. Where the data pool values are stored? Ans: Data pool values are stored in text file with .CSV extension


QBank Page No:5 37. How do you analyze results after playback? Ans: Test manager opens the result window with appropriate comparator. 38. What is purpose of Rational Administrator? Ans: Rational Administrator is a tool for managing associations between rational artifacts such as test data stores, requisite pro projects, clear quest databases and rose models. With the help of rational administrator we can: Create and manage rational projects. Create and maintain users and groups. Upgrade project assets such as requisite pro databases and test data stores. Enable a rational project for use with unified change management. 39. Where the data pool column names are stored? Ans: In data pool specification (.spc) file 40. What is Data pool? Ans: Data pool is test data that supply data values to the variable in script during playback. Data pool values are stored in file with .CSV extension. Data pool columns name are stored in specification file with .spc extension. Data pools are mainly created to run the script multiple times without interruption. 41. How many verification points are there in Robot and what are they? Ans: There are 13 verification points in rational robot they are XML, text, menu, object data, object properties, clip points, window exist, window scan, file exist, file scan, website scan , website exist and some other. Probably there are some changes in this list. 42. When does a plug-in get started? Ans: Each plug-in can be viewed as having a declarative section and a code section. The declarative part is contained in the plug-in.xml file. This file is loaded into a registry when the platform starts up and so is always available, regardless of whether a

Quality Center & Rational Rose Questions & Answers

plug-in has started. The code section is laze loaded by default. They are activated only when their functionality has been explicitly invoked by the user. 43. How to config a plug-in to start automatically during platform starts up? Ans: Define the 'Eclipse-AutoStart=true' header in Manifest file. 44. What are extensions and extension points? Ans: Loose coupling in Eclipse is achieved partially through the mechanism of extensions and extension points. When a plug-in wants to allow other plug-ins to extend or customize portions of its functionality, it will declare an extension point. The extension point declares a typically a combination of XML markup and Java interfaces, that extensions must conform to. Plug-ins that wants to connect to that extension point must implement that contract in their extension. The key attribute is that the plug-in being extended knows nothing about the plug-in that is connecting to it beyond the scope of that extension point contract. This allows plug-ins built by different individuals or companies to interact seamlessly, even without their knowing much about one another. 45. What is the class path of a plug-in? Ans: The OSGi parent class loader. (Java boot class loader by default); the exported libraries of all imported plugins; the declared libraries of the plugin and all its fragments. 46. How to access UI objects from a non-ui thread? Ans: Use Display.getDefault ().asyncExec (new Runnable()...) Display.asyncExec causes the run() method of the runnable to be invoked by the user-interface thread at the next reasonable opportunity. The caller of this method continues to run


QBank Page No:6 in parallel, and is not notified when the runnable has completed. 47. Do we need to explicitly invoke org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image.dispose()? Ans: Application code must explicitly invoke the Image.dispose() method to release the operating system resources managed by each instance when those instances are no longer required. This is because that the Java finalization is too weak to reliably support management of operating system resources. 48. How to fire a key event in my test code to make the program act as if a user pressed a key? Ans: Two ways to implement it in code: generating OS level key event use Display. Post (Event) or use Widge.notifyListeners(...) to just notify a widget's listeners 49. What is a Rational Rose? Ans: Rational Rose is a tool/editor which can is used for designing purposes ,mainly for object oriented concepts, like u can draw class diagrams, sequence diagrams, static structures, block diagrams etc etc, the basic architecture of a project. 50. What is the use of Rational Administrator? Ans: Use the Rational Administrator to: 1. create and manage projects. 2. Create a project under configuration management. 3. Create a project outside of configuration management. 4. Connect to a project. 5. See projects that are not on your machine (register a project) 6. Delete a project. 7. Create and manage users and groups for a Rational Test data store. 8. Create and manage projects containing Rational Requisite Pro Projects and Rational Rose models. 9. Manage security privileges for the entire rational project. 10. Configure a SQL anywhere database server.

Quality Center & Rational Rose Questions & Answers

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