TEST CASE TEMPLATE Test Suite Name: User Interface Test Cases Prepared Date: Prepared By:
Test Suite ID: PMS-TS-01
Executed Date: Executed By:
Test Case Id Action Test Data Expected Result Actual Result Remarks TC-01 check font size and font style. when you are designing a form you have to follow unique font style and size should follow unique font TC-02 Check colours when you are designing a form you have to follow User look and feel colours. should follow atractive colours and maintain same colours. TC-03 Check Allignment when you are designing a form you have to follow correct allignment. should follow correct allignment TC-04 check button sizes when you are designing a form you have to give appropriate length for buttons should give same length for same buttons and no overlaps. TC-05 check tables when you are designing a form you have to give appropriate size for tables should give same size tables in all forms. TC-06 check cells when you are designing a form you should follow same length cells. should design same length cells for tables. TC-07 check speling mistakes when you are designing a form you will write correct speling sentences. should check spellings.
Hi sunny this is kishore, newly joined as software engineer.. I don't have much knowledge. Can u plz give me suggestions?