Test Answers

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 5,315
  • Pages: 41
Question 1

0 out of 1 points The major problem associated with the use of customer metric data is that: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:



[None Given] such data is often not used.

0 out of 1 points About ____________ percent of online retail customers buy once and do not reutrn. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:



[None Given] 30

0 out of 1 points The cost of acquiring customers for an online apparel store is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:



[None Given] 20 to 40 percent lower than for its offline counterpart.

0 out of 1 points The commitment stage is measured by all of the following EXCEPT: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given]


During the marketing opportunity assessment phase, the internet marketer: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:



[None Given] focuses upon collecting sufficient, relevant market research data.

0 out of 1 points Which of the following new skills does the Internet marketer share with ANY entrepreneur? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] willingness to accept risk and ambiguity


0 out of 1 points Internet marketing is the latest way to: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] instigate/consummate exchanges.


0 out of 1 points The MOST important factor in Internet marketing success is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] customer satisfaction.


0 out of 1 points The primary goal of internet marketing is to: Selected Answer:

[None Given]

Correct Answer:


build both on-line an doff-line customer relationships.


0 out of 1 points In a customer-centric environment, the Internet marketer must be proficient in: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] all of the above


0 out of 1 points The internet marketer must be concerned with: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] cross-channel impacts of his efforts.


0 out of 1 points Internet users like to pass the word on new offeringsassisting internet marketers in the practice of _________________ marketing. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] viral


0 out of 1 points Connection intensity may be evaluated by measuring the: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 10

0 out of 1 points Customer relationships:

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] involve all of the above

Question 11

0 out of 1 points All of the following statements about internet marketing are true EXCEPT: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] Segmentation has been made irrelevant by the internet.

Question 12

0 out of 1 points Internet marketers may employ ___________________ in their efforts to balance one-on-one marketing and mass marketing. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] customized mass production

Question 13

0 out of 1 points Internet marketing places new, and greater, emphasis upon: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 14

0 out of 1 points The BASIC goal of all marketing efforts is to provide: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

Question 15

[None Given] satisfactions

0 out of 1 points Which of the following is BOTH a lever and an outcome of marketing activities?

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] branding

Question 16

0 out of 1 points Unprofitable customer relationships are logical targets for: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] B. dissolution.

Question 17

0 out of 1 points _________________ is best described as a set of interwoven relationships built upon shared interests that satisfies member needs that are not attainable individually. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] Community

Question 18

0 out of 1 points Meaningful customer relationships are based on: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] providing demonstrable added value.

Question 19

0 out of 1 points Which of the following LEVER is MOST closely associated with building customer awareness? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] packaging

0 out of 1 points

20 In the pricing area, the internet has been largely responsible for introducing: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] dynamic pricing strategies.

Question 21

0 out of 1 points The advent and growth of the Internet has created a(n): Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] customer-centric environment.

0 out of 1 points

Question 22

Basically, all marketersboth on- and off-linehave only ________________ to sell. Selected Answer:

[None Given]

Correct Answer:


Question 1

0 out of 1 points The most BASIC of the tasks involved in framing a market opportunity is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] identifying unmet or underserved needs.


0 out of 1 points Hybrid value is created by: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:



[None Given] all of the above

0 out of 1 points The process of identifying unmet or under-served needs hopefully results in the discovery of a(n):

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] opportunity nucleus.


0 out of 1 points Which of the following segmentation techniques is MOST consistent with the philosophy of the marketing concept? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] benefits


0 out of 1 points On-line marketing requires all of the following modifications to traditional resource-system logic EXCEPT: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] shift from segmentation to one-on-one marketing.


0 out of 1 points Market mapping are important because: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] all of the above


0 out of 1 points Website loyalty and prior purchases are examples of variables that are most likely to be used in ________________ segmentation. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] behavioral



0 out of 1 points A segmentation is meaningful if: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] segments correlate to differences in profitability or cost to serve.


0 out of 1 points The consumer decision process is composed of ______________ activities. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 10

0 out of 1 points The system of suppliers, distributors, competitors, buyers, and intermediaries that bring an existing offering to market is called the: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] value system.

Question 11

0 out of 1 points A value cluster is composed of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 12

0 out of 1 points A segmentation effort has produced actionable results of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 13

0 out of 1 points Basically, the marketers task is to: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] better meet consumer needs.

Question 14

0 out of 1 points Internet marketers are especially likely to employ _______________ in their segmentation efforts. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] clickographics

Question 15

0 out of 1 points Image-elicited narrative techniques are based on the fact that: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 16

0 out of 1 points Which of the following is LEAST likely to be used in isolation as a segmentation variable? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] psychographics

Question 17

0 out of 1 points Firms that do not currently offer products/services that are direct substitutesbut, have the potential to quickly to do soare called: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] adjacent competitors.

Question 18

0 out of 1 points The use of the internet as a tool for mass customization has allowed marketers to offer: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] a new-to-the world value.

Question 19

0 out of 1 points By creating more efficient markets and/or more efficient market systems, a firm is able to: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] release trapped value.

Question 20

0 out of 1 points The quality of a resource system is assessed through: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 21

0 out of 1 points In assessing its value proposition, a firm should consider: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 22

0 out of 1 points Empathetic research is used to produce all of the following types of consumer information EXCEPT: Selected Answer:

[None Given]

Correct Answer:

customer demographics

Question 23

0 out of 1 points Firms that relate to each other as BOTH competitors AND collaborators are described as engaged in: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] co-opetition.

Question 24

0 out of 1 points The resources that a firm may bring to bear upon a market segment include all of the following EXCEPT: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] external resources.

0 out of 1 points

Question 25

The discrete collection of individual and organizational activities and assets that, taken together, create organizational capabilities defines a(n): Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] resource system.

Question 1

0 out of 1 points Firms often use _________________ to define the ideal product position. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] perceputal mapping


0 out of 1 points Which of the following internet impacts upon segmentation characteristics is LEAST likely? Selected Answer:

[None Given]

Correct Answer:


no change


0 out of 1 points Goals may be mis-aligned as a result of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] all of the above


0 out of 1 points As the internet encourages finer gradations of segmentation, marketing strategy: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] will increasingly shift toward one-on-one marketing.


0 out of 1 points Implementation alignment focuses primarily upon: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] execution.


0 out of 1 points Effective segmentation must be: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] all of the above


0 out of 1 points A firm should consider adding internet marketing to its marketing plan if: Selected Answer:

[None Given]

Correct Answer:


any, or all, of the above


0 out of 1 points Business unit and marketing strategy should be aligned with regard to: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] all of the above


0 out of 1 points Little, or no, difference is made between online and offline market segments under: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] blanket positioning.

Question 10

0 out of 1 points A firm facing newcomers employing an imitative strategy may respond with a ______________ strategy-even at the cost of cannibalizing sales. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] defensive

Question 11

0 out of 1 points The attractiveness of a segment is typically evaluated on the basis of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 12

0 out of 1 points The advent of the internet:

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] enhanced the importance of segmentation.

Question 13

0 out of 1 points Smaller firms forced to compete in a segment with larger, entrenched competitors is likely to employ: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] imitative positioning.

Question 14

0 out of 1 points Traditionally, marketing strategy consists of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 15

0 out of 1 points The shifting of resources from existing segments to other, more attractive segments is described by the term: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] crossover.

Question 16

0 out of 1 points A firm seeking to appeal to more than one purchase motive is likely to employ: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

Question 17

[None Given] hybrid positioning.

0 out of 1 points

Usage rate, benefits sought, usage rate, loyalty status, and product attitudes are elements of segmentation on a _______________ basis. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] cognitive/behavioral

Question 18

0 out of 1 points Order fulfillment, marketing communications, customer service, and pricing are elements in the firms attempts to achieve ______________ alignment. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] activity

Question 19

0 out of 1 points The process of identifying and selecting the segment(s) that are most attractive to a firm is called: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] targeting.

Question 20

0 out of 1 points A firm may enter online marketing even if the online market is currently small under: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] beachhead targeting.

Question 21

0 out of 1 points The traditional building blocks of segmentation, target market selection, and positioning are key elements of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] marketing strategy.

Question 22

0 out of 1 points Buyer readiness/attitude are key factors in segment: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] prioritization.

Question 23

0 out of 1 points The division of customers into large, identifiable, groups that are similar with regard to specified characteristics is at the core of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] segmentation.

Question 24

0 out of 1 points The firms marketing mix is composed of all of the following EXCEPT: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] positioning.

0 out of 1 points

Question 25

New, highly specialized firms are MOST likely to employ a _________________ strategy. Selected Answer: Correct Answer: Question 1

[None Given] niche-market

0 out of 1 points The BEST way to classify consumers according to the hierarchy of customer experience is to: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] allow consumers to classify themselves.



0 out of 1 points Once customers have been classified; Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] the firm must monitor their efforts to move them.


0 out of 1 points E-Bay evangelists: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] all of the above


0 out of 1 points The first step in designing a customer experience requires: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] developing a deep understanding of the target customer.


0 out of 1 points The intimacy of the consumer experience is revealed by all of the following except: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] superior functionality.


0 out of 1 points While performing the basics is considered to be a given, performing them well may increase a firms profitability by: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] 50 percent.



0 out of 1 points Consumer experience is unique to each individual because it is based upon: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] perception.


0 out of 1 points All of the following are stages of the customer experience hierarchy EXCEPT: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] purchase.


0 out of 1 points Typically, loyal/committed users are convinced that a firm or site offers: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] comparable performance.

Question 10

0 out of 1 points Functionality is the basic component of the: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] objective element.

Question 11

0 out of 1 points The ______________ element focuses upon both tactical design decisions and the higherorder strategy choices of the firm. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] reactions-to-stimuli

Question 12

0 out of 1 points Customers that have highly internalized the value of a site and desire to share that experience with others are BEST described as: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] evangelists.

Question 13

0 out of 1 points The BEST way to bring mutual benefits to both customers and company is the: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] customer-centric approach.

Question 14

0 out of 1 points Evangelists: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 15

0 out of 1 points E-Bay courts its evangelists by: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 16

0 out of 1 points The _______________ element is composed of both process and output measures. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] encounter

Question 17

0 out of 1 points Evangelists: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 18

0 out of 1 points Personalization occurs during the: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] intimacy stage.

Question 19

0 out of 1 points The experience hierarchy: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] is described by all of the above.

Question 20

0 out of 1 points A site that is capable of flexibly accommodating each individual user is said to rate high on the factor of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] customization.

Question 21

0 out of 1 points The E-Bay experience was created by: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] listening to consumers.

Question 22

0 out of 1 points Which of the following activities are charged with fulfilling the promises made by an internet marketer? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] back-office activities

Question 23

0 out of 1 points All of the above are elements of the customer experience EXCEPT: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] purchase.

Question 24

0 out of 1 points Potential site users who currently contend themselves with reading message boards or other community postings designed to force emotional ties are called: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] lurkers.

0 out of 1 points

Question 25 The BEST way to evaluate an online experience is provided through the: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

Question 1

[None Given] relative element.

0 out of 1 points According to the factor of __________________ multimedia should be used sparinglyor not at all. Selected Answer:

[None Given]

Correct Answer:




0 out of 1 points In order to retain site visitors, a site designer would seek to maximize: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] pathways in.


0 out of 1 points Web marketers may automatically notify customers when a desired product is back in stock by using: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] agents.


0 out of 1 points Which of the following is used in an effort to recruit viral marketers? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] freeware


0 out of 1 points Regular site updating is recommended by which of the following 7Cs? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:



[None Given] content.

0 out of 1 points According to the factor of _______________, sites should be used to facilitate user interaction and/or modification.

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] customization


0 out of 1 points The aesthetics of a site is BEST described as a form of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] emotional appeal.


0 out of 1 points The BEST source for site design assistance is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] customers.


0 out of 1 points The question of what to present on a site is the subject of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] content.

Question 10

0 out of 1 points Tailoring and personalization are the two basic forms of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] customization.

Question 11

0 out of 1 points Order tracking and customer service is an integral part of:

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] commerce.

Question 12

0 out of 1 points All of the following are primary concerns in the layout of a site EXCEPT: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] section aesthetics.

Question 13

0 out of 1 points The set of interwoven relationships built upon shared interests is called: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] community.

Question 14

0 out of 1 points Stock quotes and/or news items are common examples of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] outsourced content.

Question 15

0 out of 1 points My eBay is eBays means of providing: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] customization.

Question 16

0 out of 1 points Fit and reinforcement are primary tools to achieve:

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] synergy.

Question 17

0 out of 1 points Which of the following 7Cs does eBay seek to minimize: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] connection.

Question 18

0 out of 1 points Site users may be tracked through the use of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] agents.

Question 19

0 out of 1 points Which of the following has the BEST chance of creating viral marketers? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] community

Question 20

0 out of 1 points The four dimensions of content include all of the following EXCEPT: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] communication mix.

Question 21

0 out of 1 points The aesthetics/functional look-and-feel of a site is captured by its:

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] context.

Question 22

0 out of 1 points The ability of eBay to host millions of simultaneous auctions proves that the firm is an expert in: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] communication.

Question 23

0 out of 1 points eBays offering mix focuses on: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 24

0 out of 1 points The ease with which a site can be navigated by users is described as: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] usability.

0 out of 1 points

Question 25 eBay has positioned itself as a(n): Selected Answer: Correct Answer: Question 1

[None Given] ultimate destination.

0 out of 1 points In a(n) _____________ relationship, partners simply give one thing to get another. Selected Answer:

[None Given]

Correct Answer:




0 out of 1 points Which of the following is a PRODUCT factor related to involvement? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] level of symbolism


0 out of 1 points The buyer-seller relationship is MOST similar to a: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] marriage.


0 out of 1 points Frequency of interaction is a useful indicator of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] interaction intensity.


0 out of 1 points A two-way flow of communication is at the core of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:



[None Given] interaction.

0 out of 1 points All of the following are aspects of long-term buyer-seller relationships that increase profitability except:

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] increased service demands.


0 out of 1 points In the _______________ stage, the parties to a relationship feel a sense of duty or obligation to one another. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] commitment


0 out of 1 points Which of the following industries has led the way in the study of customer profitability? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] banking


0 out of 1 points All of the following are stages in the customer-business relationship EXCEPT: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] dissipation

Question 10

0 out of 1 points The bond, or connection, between a firm and its customers is called a(n): Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

Question 11

[None Given] relationship.

0 out of 1 points The challenge of ANY broadcast mediumincluding the internetis the achievement of:

Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] high-individualization.

Question 12

0 out of 1 points Behavioral guidesoften supported by a precise system of rewards and punishmentsare called: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] norms.

Question 13

0 out of 1 points Advertising is most effective in assisting in which of the following relationship stages? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] awareness

Question 14

0 out of 1 points A marketer may encourage unprofitable customers to select which of the following relationship stages? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] dissolution

Question 15

0 out of 1 points Commitment is indicated by: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] all of the above

0 out of 1 points

16 The ability to influence is termed: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] power.

Question 17

0 out of 1 points The necessary basis for ANY relationship is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] trust.

Question 18

0 out of 1 points The extent to which a relationship relates consumers values, interests, or needs is measured by: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] involvement.

Question 19

0 out of 1 points Service costs and complexity is increasedand service speed may be slowedby efforts to enhance: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] personalization.

Question 20

0 out of 1 points The majority of marketing transactions are BEST described as examples of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] situational involvement.

Question 21

0 out of 1 points Which of the following types of relationships is, in its purest form, altruistic? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] communal

Question 22

0 out of 1 points Revenue-sharing alliances require both parties to invest time and resources in: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 23

0 out of 1 points The use of a sampling program is MOST consistent with which of the following relationship stages? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] exploration

Question 24

0 out of 1 points Involvement is the result of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

0 out of 1 points

Question 25 Customer loyalty is based upon: Selected Answer: Correct Answer: Question 1

[None Given] understanding/responding to desires. 0 out of 1 points

Golf clubs and balls are examples of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] complementary products.


0 out of 1 points The traditional level for building customer commitment and ongoing customer dialogue is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] postsales support


0 out of 1 points Model, or working versions, of potential products are called: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] prototypes.


0 out of 1 points Attempts to persuade dissatisfied customers to migrate to other products/versions is typically used to avert: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] dissolution.


0 out of 1 points A firm may conduct ________________ as a form of failure insurance or dress rehearsal. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] test marketing

0 out of 1 points

6 Firms which offer sets of related goods at a special price are employing: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] bundling.


0 out of 1 points A strong product portfolio contains: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] all of the above


0 out of 1 points The key to rapid cycle time is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] modularity.


0 out of 1 points Web sites seek to encourage stickiness by emphasizing: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] personalization.

Question 10

0 out of 1 points Many airlines and hotels offer last-minute discounts in an effort to deal with the ______________________ of their products. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] perishability

Question 11

0 out of 1 points The product life cycle is composed of all of the following stages, EXCEPT: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] dissolution.

Question 12

0 out of 1 points The first line of defense against dissolution is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] customer care departments.

Question 13

0 out of 1 points The internet offers unique augmentations for: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 14

0 out of 1 points The ideal candidate for customization is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] information.

Question 15

0 out of 1 points The MOST basic characteristic of services is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] intangibility.

Question 16

0 out of 1 points The failure of a customer relationship is marked by: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] dissolution.

Question 17

0 out of 1 points Firms which emphasize the generation of as many product ideas as possible without filtering them in any way is called: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] divergent thinking.

Question 18

0 out of 1 points Which of the following is MOST important in competition? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] the augmented product

Question 19

0 out of 1 points The fundamental value offered by a product is its: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] core benefit.

Question 20

0 out of 1 points As a result of _______________ demand, firms may be able to sell products that they could not profitably market otherwise. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] aggregates

Question 21

0 out of 1 points The goal of involving customers in all stages of the marketing process is called: . Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] customierization.

Question 22

0 out of 1 points The internet has had its greatest impact upon: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] customer care.

Question 23

0 out of 1 points Which of the following is MOST likely to produce successful new products? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] customer-driven product development.

Question 24

0 out of 1 points The key lever to professional dissolution is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] customer care.

0 out of 1 points

Question 25

The 20% of a firms customers that are truly committed to its products typically account for __________________ of its profits. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] 80%

Question 1

0 out of 1 points Based on cost-effectiveness alone, a marketer would emphasize: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] search engine positioning.


0 out of 1 points Products depending upon taste, sound, sight, or touch are sold on the basis of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] hedonic benefits.


0 out of 1 points For maximum lever impact, marketers should emphasize: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] interaction effects.


0 out of 1 points E-Bays success is primarily the result of: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] listening to its customers.


0 out of 1 points The MOST basic requirement for a successful product is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] functional benefits.

0 out of 1 points

6 Customers who enjoy a relationship with a firm: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] all of the above


0 out of 1 points The MOST important input in designing a marketspace matrix is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] customer knowledge.


0 out of 1 points E-Bay launched its first television advertising campaign in: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] 2000.


0 out of 1 points Individualization relies heavily upon: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] mass customization.

Question 10

0 out of 1 points Positioning: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] occurs in the mind of the consumer.

0 out of 1 points

11 Firms that fail to establish a differentiated, superior product position: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 12

0 out of 1 points The (positive) reaction of others to a product is described as a(n): Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] symbolic benefit.

Question 13

0 out of 1 points Firms are best positioned to maintain a competitive advantage by selecting levers that are: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] consistent with the firms superior skills/resources.

Question 14

0 out of 1 points Lever selection is influence by: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 15

0 out of 1 points Originally, e-bay achieved awareness through: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] novelty.

0 out of 1 points

16 In the 1998-1999 period, e-bay shifted emphasis toward developing: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] commitment.

Question 17

0 out of 1 points Superior value is based on: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 18

0 out of 1 points The design/creation of a marketspace matrix begins with: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 19

0 out of 1 points Targeting: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 20

0 out of 1 points Loyalty programs: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


[None Given] all of the above

0 out of 1 points

21 The marketer may use __________________ as a tool for identifying the most appropriate levers to move customers through relationship stages. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] marketspace matrix

Question 22

0 out of 1 points A firms relationship with its customers may be: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

Question 23

0 out of 1 points All of the following are indirect communication levers EXCEPT: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] advertising.

Question 24

0 out of 1 points The purpose of the marketspace matrix is to facilitate a(n): Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] customer-centric approach.

Question 25

0 out of 1 points Today, e-bay is: Selected Answer: Correct Answer:

[None Given] all of the above

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