Test 8

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 16

Whichlinesore perpendiculor to AB? En


fl) CDond EF (3) GHond lJ

(21 EFondGH l4l CDond GH


2 . Thereore-

poir(s) of porollellinesond_ perpendiculor linesin thefigure.

fl) 1 , 2 (3) 2 , 2

(21 2, 1 (414,2

poir(s) of

4. Whichof lhe followingstotement is correctoboulthefigure?

{l) l2l (3) (4)

LineBCis porollel to lineEF. LineCDis porollello lineDF. LineDFis perpendiculor lo lineGE. LineCDis perpendiculor lo lineGE.

5. Whichof lhe followingfigureshosbothporollellinesond perpendiculor lines?


Whotis the perimeter of o sguoreof side8 m? (ll 16m (21 24 m (31 32 m l4l 64 m

.|1. r

Drowthe lineCDwhichis porollelto the lineAB. ThelineCDmustpossthroughof leostthreepointson lhe grid wherelhe gridlinescross.

lo lineABond lineCD. 12. Drowthe lineEFwhichis perpendiculor ThelineEFmustcutthe lineABondlhe lineCD.



l> tt (,/

: I




14ond Lookol the figurebelowond onswerQuestions




c H

linbs. 14. Nomeo poirof perpendiculor

AE .|5.

Nomeo poirof porollellines. Answer:



frLl v ,l

17 . Lookof thefiguresond onswerthe question. I!


Thelotoloreoof Figures A ondg isl--l cm2morelhontheoreo | | of Figure C.

18. Fillin the blonkwilh moreltton, lessthon or equolto. 12m 3m


Areoof Rectongle A is l-l rl l

oreoof SquoreB. Answer:-

19 . Theperimeter of o squoreis 28 cm.

Whofis thelengthof thesquore?

20.A pieceof wireis 60 cmlong It is bentto formo rectongle. Whotislhe lengthof lhe rectongle if thebreodlhis l0 cm? l0 cm Answer:-

2l ond 22:2 x 3 = 6 morks,Question 23:4 morksl {Questions

Solvethe followingproblems. Showyourworkingcleorlyin the givenspqces. Thenwriteyouronswercin fhe blonksprovided. 21. Lookol the figureond onswerthe question.

(o) Nomeoll the lineslhot ore porollelto lineDE. (b) Writedown2 poirsof perpendiculor lines. Answer'(o)


22. Thebreodlhof the rectongle belowis 5 cm shorterthonits length. (o) Whotis the breodthof the reclongle? (b) Findfhe oreoof the rectongle.

23. Thesideof o squorewoll is 8 m. (o) Findthe perimeter of the sguorewoll. (b) Findthe oreoof lhe squorewoll.

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