Test 2

  • November 2019
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A.M.D.G. Sacred Scripture Test 2 Part One (One point each) Mark A for True and B for False. 1. 2. 3. 4.

God made the universe out of pre-existing matter. Genesis needs to be read literally before any interpretation can happen. In Genesis 1 God makes man out of clay and takes Eve from Adam’s rib. In Genesis 2 God is called YHWH and is close to Adam and Eve, wlaking aobut the garden. 5. In Genesis 1 God is called YHWH the cosmic creator, but Elohim in chapter 2. 6. Elohim is a title that invokes God as Cosmic creator and majestic God. 7. According to Genesis God’s war with Satan brings about the visible world. 8. The devil traps man’s spirit in a body. 9. God makes the cosmos ex nihilo. 10. Man is made in God’s image and likeness. 11. God the Father’s Love creates the Son and Holy Spirit who are lesser gods. 12. The family is an image of the trinity. 13. God’s Love is so potent that His Being and Doing are one. (Do, be, do, be, do!) 14. According to Genesis man’s work does not have dignity, only God’s work. 15. Eve means, “the woman of the setting sun.” 16. After the fall Eve threw Adam’s rib at him and exclaimed, “this is all your fault!” 17. God’s first command to Adam and Eve in Genesis 1 is to avoid the tree of knowledge. 18. Creation’s purpose is to praise, reverence, and serve God and man’s role is to assist nature in this work. 19. St. Ignatius of Loyola’s spiritual exercises begin with an important statement about man’s meaning and the meaning of creation. 20. When Adam fled Chuck Norris defeated the serpent in Genesis 3. (false…He didn’t even have to. The Serpent ran away crying) 21. Satan was created good, but chose evil. 22. Satan created evil out of nothing in mockery of God. 23. The serpent converses with Eve. Adam is silent in the serpent’s presence. 24. The word for serpent in Hebrew means “slithery little snake.” 25. Adam goes so far as to blame God for his sinfulness. Matching a. Genesis 1 b. Genesis 2 c. Genesis 3 d. You make that up 26. God makes Adam 28. God creates the out of Clay. world in six days. 27. Adam whines and 29. God makes animals blames everyone first. else for his wimpy 30. God makes man behavior. first.

31. The serpent sings “Ridin’ Dirty” 32. God says, “be fruitful and multiply!” 33. God separates the waters. 34. God takes Eve out of Adam’s rib. 35. Eve converses with the serpent.

36. God punishes Adam and Eve by giving them bodies. 37. God keeps saying, “It is good!” 38. Eve calls for Aunty Emm and clicks her heels three times. 39. Adam finds the woman to be a most suitable mate. 40. Adam and Eve get un-naked.

41. Fill In the blank 42. Chapters ______and ____ of Genesis deal with creation, while chapter ____ is about the fall. 43. The Genesis creation accounts are more concerned with telling us ____________, __________________, and _________________ that scientifically how. 44. God created the world _________________ or “from nothing.” 45. Often, in ________________, such as in the story of Cronos and the Titans, the conflict between warring gods brings about the cosmos. Genesis tells us, however, that God simply ____________________. Okay? 46. On the fourth day God made _______________. 47. _____________________, the founder of the Society of Jesus, wrote the ___________________________, which begin with a statement about man’s purpose and the purpose of creation. 48. Man is created to ___________________________________________ _______. 49. Creation is there to ___________________________________________ _. 50. God is ______ persons and ________ nature. 51. The human __________ (mom, dad, and baby (ies)) is an image of the Trinity.

52. God’s labor in Genesis shows us the dignity of human __________. 53. If man is created in God’s image, and God is holy, than man is called to be___________. 54. Man IS NOT a __________ trapped in a ____________. 55. Our ______________ are not a punishment but a gift. 56. ___________ and ____________ are not supported by Genesis since God made the visible world. 57. In Genesis 1 God is called ____________, which shows us His power and Kingship. In Genesis 2 He is called ____________, which shows us His closeness with man. Both stories give us vital information about our origins. 58. In Hebrew the word for _________ does not imply a slithery snake…its more like a giant monster, a dragon, even leviathan. 59. If the serpent was in the garden Adam should have been ______________________. 60. God tells Adam and Eve that they will _____ the ________ or ______ ______ if they eat of the forbidden fruit. The serpent simply tells them that they will not _______. 61. Adam and Eve are ____________ from the Garden. Short Answers (5 points) 62. Why did God make man? Why did He make created things? ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _ 63. What is a main difference between Genesis and most other creation accounts (from mythology etc…)? ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

___________________________________________ ______ 64. How are Genesis 1, 2, and 3 anti Dualist? ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ______ 65. What is the deal with the “devil’s brownies?” ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ __________________________ 66. Why is it so important to Genesis 3 to visualize the serpent properly? ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ __________________________ 67. What is the most interesting thing you have learned so far? ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _____________________________

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