Terry Hayfield - The Road To A United Soviets Of America

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Terry Hayfield – The Road to a United Soviets of America

THE ROAD TO A UNITED SOVIETS OF AMERICA By Terry Hayfield March 13, 2003 NewsWithViews.com INTRODUCTION: This [combined 3-part] series is intended for the concerned Patriot "Internet" surfer. The concept of the Permanent Revolution is very simple to understand (a most worthwhile read) but hard to provide a comprehension in a single four to five page presentation. It is impossible to understand the present reality if the existence of the Permanent Revolution is not recognized. The purpose of this series is to allow the reader to visualize this reality. I would like to thank Paul Walter and especially Charlotte Iserbyt and the readers of www.newswithviews.com for the response to my essay Radio Encounters of the Third Kind. Because of this response and at the urging of Mr. Walter, I've been requested to provide a six part series (maybe more) on the Permanent Revolution, presently under the control of the International Democrat Union (IDU) www.idu.org. Not many people are aware of this reality and yet millions of Americans (Conservative of [sic] Liberal) accept the possibility of a Conspiracy Theory trying to establish a (Godless or Fascist) New World Order. The majority of the leading voices of Conspiracy Theories (vanguards of Patriotism) have not yet recognized the existence of the IDU, founded in 1983. This series leads up to a June 10, 2002 major meeting of the IDU held in the White House. This meeting verifies the existence of the Permanent Revolution that is removing impediments to the evolution and proliferation of a specific American/British Capitalism. At this meeting the Bush administration announced its policy of pre-emptive nuclear strikes, against enemies "of the American Way of Life" and support for the spread of the concept of a global Free Market economy. This is not a criticism! It is an educated plea. Please put aside some time to read the following series. Please put aside the Present War deluge of information, "turn off" Hannity and Colmes, boycott Rush and read this most provocative series. Hardly a person in this Republic is aware that the present American foreign and domestic policy is being dictated by the IDU through the Republican Party (a member party of the IDU). And yet when this topic is presented to "off-center political cheerleaders" such as the Liberal Noam Chomsky or the Left Wing subversive turned World, Neo-conservative David Horowitz they scream Conspiracy Theory.

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Terry Hayfield – The Road to a United Soviets of America

This is not a Conspiracy Theory. It is a precise alternative description of the present Reality. PART 1: The on-going World War on Terrorism, which was initiated in what is left of the American Republic, has allowed the elected Federal Government to pursue this war, "Swearing to protect the American way of life." Under this cover the same Government continues to create the political, economic and social environments necessary to implement and develop an evolving Socialism "as the American way of life." It is morally impossible for a "legitimate" government to wage war "in the name of God, Mother and Apple Pie" and pursue another policy that requires the explicit surrender of that National sovereignty. Conservatives and Liberals (or those that claim to be) must understand, see and comprehend the very real existence of the Permanent Revolution. Americans (Republicans) stand on the Constitution defending America's pursuit of a World War of indefinite length and costs. Yet, other Americans (Republicans and Democrats) support establishing a Global Free Marketplace based on International Free Trade. It must be clearly understood the War of Terrorism and expanding Free Trade in the "name of the American way" will not protect or preserve our Constitutional Republic. This enigma is due to the Permanent Revolution. The Permanent Revolution definition: a continuous process of War, Revolution and Terror in order to remove the impediments to the evolution and proliferation of a specific American/British Capitalism. This Capitalism, if it is to survive, must evolve into a Socialism that will create the political, economic and social conditions to allow the creation of a self-regulating classless society, the basic building block for the already existing Soviets in this Republic. Capitalism, Socialism and Communism are all integral parts of the same process! Please put aside your personal ideology if you choose to continue to read this essay. You owe it to yourself intellectually! Before an understanding of the existence of the Permanent Revolution can be realized, several myths (made fact via propaganda) must be recognized. These are (1) the existence of communism, (2) the Cold War of Capitalism vs. Communism and (3) a unified American/British Capitalism is "the American way of life." Ask yourself the question "Has Communism existed?" If you answered "yes!" then it is important you must keep reading. For answers to questions of this dynamic one must seek answers from those individual(s) that would be privy to the precise information (an expert eyewitness). If someone were to pose this same question to Leon Trotsky, the military leader of the...

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PART 2: For answers to questions of this dynamic one must seek answers from those individual(s) that would be privy to the precise information (an expert eyewitness). If someone were to pose this same question to Leon Trotsky, the military leader of the November 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, he would respond (from “The Revolution Betrayed,” 1937), "If you remember that the task of socialism is to create a classless society based upon solidarity and the harmonious satisfaction of all needs, there is yet, in the fundamental sense, a hint of Socialism in the Soviet Union." But, most Conservative and Liberal Americans would all quickly agree with Leon, "sure there isn't any Socialism in Soviet Russia, it was ruled by Communism." This is an incorrect observation for two reasons. (1) Communism is the economic and evolutionary step after Socialism and (2) Communism has never existed. Once again an expert opinion is necessary. We need a precise and clear definition of Communism. This comes from the "Glossary" of “Marx For Beginner's,” 1976, Rius, "Communism/The doctrine of Marx and Engels founded on the materialist conception of history. Communism is the stage following after socialism and when social classes cease to exist. Communism does not yet exist in any country." Again, American Conservatives and Liberals will instantly reply in unison "If the way of life in the Soviet Union was not Communism, I'd like to know what it was." Oddly enough, the expert opinion chosen to answer this challenge comes from Noam Chomsky's essay “Ruling the World” on page 140 of “Understanding Power,” 2002, "The Soviet Union was basically a Capitalist Country." Americans must face the reality, despite popular myth, that Communism has never existed. So if Communism has never existed then that means much of 20th Century American history must be re-written. This re-write, in order to be accurate, would require the inclusion of the concept of Permanent Revolution. In order to visualize the Permanent Revolution precisely an expert opinion is again necessary. From Trotsky's 1968 edition of “The Revolution Betrayed,” 1931, "introduction" by Peter Camejeo, we can read a great description of the Permanent Revolution, "According to Marx, fundamental changes in the mode of production have resulted in the evolution of society in general, and class societies in particular. Slavery was succeeded by feudalism; Western European feudalism gave birth to Capitalism. Capitalism, he predicted, would in turn give rise to socialism, which would proceed to create a classless society. (Now pay very close attention) "Marx's prevision of a socialist society, presupposed the development of the highly industrialized and mechanized production fostered by capitalism"

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"Capitalism won power in Western Europe through a series of revolutionary onslaughts against feudalism" Please keep in mind, in 1914, feudalism still officially existed in Europe. Feudalism would not come to a complete end until 1918 (the aristocracies were defeated by Capitalism's Permanent Revolution). So, if all this is true, then "What was the Cold War of Capitalism versus Communism all about?" The answer to the above plea comes from Antony C. Sutton, former teaching fellow at the Hoover Institute of War and Revolution (Stanford University). On pages 11, 16-17 of his “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution,” 1981, one can feast their eyes on, "We find there was a link between some New York international bankers and many revolutionaries, including Bolsheviks" "It may be observed that both the extreme right and the extreme left of the conventional political spectrum are absolutely collectivist" "Consequently, one barrier to mature understanding of recent history is the notion that all capitalists are bitter unswerving enemies of all Marxists and socialists. This erroneous idea originated with Karl Marx and was undoubtedly useful to his purposes. In fact, there has been a continuing, albeit concealed, alliance between international political capitalists and international revolutionary socialists-to their mutual benefit. This alliance has gone unobserved largely because historians-with few notable exceptions-have an unconscious Marxian bias" "The open-minded reader should bear two clues in mind: monopoly capitalists are the bitter enemies of laissez-faire entrepreneurs; and, given the weaknesses of socialist central planning, the totalitarian socialist state is a perfect captive market for monopoly capitalists" "Historical reporting, with rare exceptions, has been forced into a dichotomy of Capitalists versus the socialists." Just a quick recap: It has been demonstrated (1) Communism has never existed and (2) there never was a Capitalist vs. Socialist war. It has also been established Capitalism is the driving force of the Permanent Revolution and Capitalism, Socialism and Communism are parts of the same process. What hasn't been discussed is the existence of an American/British Capitalism that has become "our way of life" and just exactly what is it? This topic will be introduced and discussed in Part 3 of this series (below). PART 3: What is the American Way of Life? Well, that depends on whom you ask! If you do not recognize the existence of the Permanent Revolution any answer you might give in support of "the American way of life" will be entirely incorrect. You can be sure the Permanent Revolution is real.

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As in part 1 and 2 important points to be made are from "eyewitness" observations. To answer the question "Is the Permanent Revolution real?" I direct the reader to David Horowitz, author of many best sellers, and according to his many bio's' similar to the one for “How to Beat the Democrats, and Other Subversive Ideas,” Mr. Horowitz is a major political advisor to the present elected president and a former left wing subversive. He has the knowledge, experience and position to make valid observations. A few quotes from pages 199 and 228, "Far from renouncing her communist and terrorist past, Boudin is part of the same radical network that fuels Linda Evans' seditious projects and remains an integral part of the permanent revolution" "Since America is a democracy and the people endorse it, the left's "progressive" agendas can only be achieved by lying to the people. The enlightened must be kept ignorant until the revolution transforms them" In order to understand the importance of this Horowitz observation it is necessary to turn to a book from his subversive days, “Empire and Revolution,” 1969. On pages 28, 29 and 30 Mr. Horowitz precisely identifies the existence of the Permanent Revolution, "Lenin referred to 'uninterrupted' or 'continuous' revolution rather than 'permanent revolution,' which had been revived as a term by Parvus and Trotsky" "The bourgeoisie cannot long exist without constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society" "The 'necessary consequence' of this was political centralization. 'Independent,’ or but loosely connected provinces, with separate interests, laws, governments, and systems of taxation, became lumped together into one nation, with one government, one code of laws, one national class-interest, one frontier and one customs tariff." Remember the Permanent Revolution is a continuous process to help a unified American/ British Capitalism survive and evolve into Socialism. David Horowitz believed that in 1969 and feared its approaching success in 2002. Mr. Horowitz has an arch enemy, Noam Chomsky. According to Mr. Horowitz Noam Chomsky is a Marxist Socialist. So according to Horowitz, Mr. Chomsky's observations on the current "status quo" could be considered reliable Liberal rhetoric. To make sure you understand" we are talking about Socialism that is to evolve from Capitalism. If we turn to pages 143 and 144 of “Ruling the World” from Chomsky's book “Understanding Power” we read, "Well, you can argue about what socialism is but, there are some ideas that are sort of at the core of it, like workers' control over production" I want the reader to understand; Chomsky totally believes this fact. Turn back to page 140 and Chomsky reinforces,

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"But of course, achieving real democracy will require the whole system of corporate capitalism to be completely dismantled" "You have to build up alternative popular institutions which, could allow control over society's investment decisions to be moved into the hands of the working people and communities" "Kind of a participatory economy" So, what does this have to do with defining what is "the American Way of Life?" If the Permanent Revolution is real, Communism never has existed and Socialism is the natural evolution Capitalism then one should be able to go out in real life and recognize it, Right? American Conservatives and Liberals (or claim to be) would all chime in unison "You'll never get Americans to accept Communism especially after the day the towers came down. Our way of life will not be threatened by the actions of any form of Dictatorship!" Unfortunately both Horowitz and Chomsky are correct in their observations. The Permanent Revolution of converting Capitalism into Socialism is "the way of life in America." Worker control of the means of production is the major building block of this Socialism. This is not a new event in history. Worker control of the means of production existed for a short time in Russia, February through October 1917 until Lenin the Bolshevik and Trotsky the former Menshevik overthrew the Kerensky government (heavily dominated by the Mensheviks). By the time of the second part of the Russian Revolution begun, a majority of Russian factories were under the control or worker councils. The Bolsheviks abolished worker councils with State Capitalism. (Go to http://flag.blackened.net/ revolt/talks/ russia _fac .html). For those Liberal Socialists that are now appalled and those Conservative Patriots that are confused please read from Chomsky's Understanding Power, 2002, page 141, "First of all, the Soviet Union was basically a capitalist system. The first thing that Lenin and Trotsky did when they took power in October of 1917, remember, was to destroy all of the forms of socialist initiative" "Just now I was talking about workers and communities participating in decision-making-the first thing the Bolsheviks did was to destroy that totally. They destroyed the factory councils, they undermined the soviets..." Worker Councils was an important Socialist initiative! In 1980 Ronald Reagan became the American president. This presidency is commonly referred to as the Reagan Revolution. During these years, under the complete control of Neoconservatives, the economic, political and social environment was prepared to bring back into existence worker control of the means of production. These Neo-conservatives were successful in converting Socialist rhetoric into a Conservative-newspeak.

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The economic, political and social reforms of the Reagan Revolution made possible a most necessary evolutionary step for Capitalism, the creation of the basics for a fully functional self-regulating society. What was once termed as a Soviet work council is now known as Self-directed Work Team, Natural Work Group, Employee Involvement Team or Total Production Management. These are the basic building blocks of Socialism. Whether you/we like it or not, whether you/we are in manufacturing, or a service industry, millions upon millions of Americans earn their living participating in a Soviet work council that operates in American Enterprises of a unified American/British Capitalism" in short, "the American way of life." Yes, the air is filled with loud shouts of "No way!" "Heresy!" "Reagan would never do that!" etc. In 1991, a book was published by Bob and Ann Harper, “Succeeding as a Self-Directed Work Team.” A few quotes form the cover and first few pages will paint the picture for you. "A quick, Easy-to-Read, Very User-friendly guide to the most important work innovation to come along in 2000 years" "It's a must read for all members of any organization that is considering a culture change toward a participatory management" "If you don't already have them - you'll want to know how they're revolutionizing the workplace" "It's high time democracy came to the workplace" "The idea of a self-directed workforce is old and new" "Nothing is stable and predictable anymore in American Business" "Since goods can be made anywhere, American workers are competing with workers all over the world" This is an important moment in history-and if you are a part of a self-directed workforce, you're participating in shaping the future of American business And possibly change the entire system of relationships between-worker-manager-unioncompany, that we have had for 200 years" Now think about the above statements; re-read them a few times if need be. These are not obscure quotes from some obscure right wing fringe published paperback book. These quote come from a book that was passed out to every "salary" employee for well over 100 major corporations or businesses in this Republic. Page ii of Self-Directed Work Teams has a listing of over 80 companies (at this time this writer was a salary employee of one of Page 7 of 8

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these companies) starting with Allstate, Inc. and ending with Xerox. This is a clear demonstration that Soviet work councils are the basic building blocks of a Capitalism that has become the "American Way of Life." Do you still have doubts? Well, on July 10, 1996, the U. S. Senate passed the Teamwork for Employees and Management Act [www.csom.umn.edu/wwwpages/ faculty/jbudd/ teamact/aced.htm]. Two of the sponsors of that bill (S. 295) are most curious; Mr. Ashcroft (presently Attorney General of the USA and Mr. Frist (presently the Senate majority leader). From [www.pbs.org/neshour/bb/ congress/may96/ s295 .html] we can read the following from page 1, "The escalating demands of global competition have compelled an increasing number of American employers to make dramatic changes in workplace and employer-employee relationships" Employee involvement structures, which operate successfully in both unionized and nonunionized settings, have been established by over 80 percent of the largest employers of the United States and exist in an estimated 30,000 workplaces"

Terry Hayfield attended Bowling Green State University, 1966-71. Major, Economic geography and English Education. Served in Viet Nam as Medical Records Clerk (71G20). Elected to vice-president (1978-1981) of Local #1907 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, representing hourly workers for RCA Semi-conductors, Findlay, Ohio. In 1983 started extensive data exchange with Congressman Larwence McDonald (D) of Georgia and then chairman of the John Birch Society. Congressman McDonald was planning on seeking the 1984 Democratic presidential nomination. We were in the middle of negotiating my becoming his campaign manager when he boarded the fatal Korean Air 007. E-Mail: [email protected]

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