Terrestrial Biomes Devendra

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 667
  • Pages: 27
Terrestrial Biomes

Terrestrial Biomes v Terrestrial-livings on the land rather than sea or air v Biomes-Major regional community of plants and animals in similar physical environmental conditions v Importance of Biomes- information of the diversity of life on the earth like in chemistry Periodic table • Reflect global pattern of precipitation and temperature • Convenient way to describe world’s flora and fauna

vPlants are immobile. So they can occupy a place for a long time. vAnimals can migrate one place to another place due to food resources, water resources and any natural problem like fire or to save themselves from predator vPlants are good indicator of physical environmentalbecause they compete for water , nutrients and light vMicroorganismreflects physical conditions in a manner similar to plants, but their tiny size and rapid spatial changes in their composition, makes them

Diagram of classification

Tropical Rainforest vLocation – near equator where rain fall is abundant and through the year RED color is showing tropical rain

Features of the tropical rain forest vCombination of moisture and warm allows continuous growth of the plants vContain a greatest diversity of life of any of the world’s biomes vcontain 50% species of the earth vIf you take a cubic meter of soil then u will find at least one invertebrate that has not been

Features of the tropical rain forest vCharacterized by the broadleaved evergreen and deciduous trees vCanopy trees, 30-50 meter high and their most photosynthesis takes place vMany trees produce aerial roots which absorb nutrients just as roots in soil do vAdaption- Some species have cyanobacteriawhich live in their fur and turn it green, helps to reduce predation vMain source of Oxygen

Boreal Forest Location-mostly part in siberia(Russia) GREEN colour in map boreal forest

Climate of Boreal Forest

Features of the Boreal forest • Boreal forest also known as Taiga • Largest biomes in area and contain one third part of the forested land • Podzol –russian word for ‘ash beneath’ • Podzol are products of cold, wet climates where the litter fall is of tough leaves

Features of boreal forest • Main feature of podzolic soil profile is the clarity of the different horizons • Triangle shape of the trees

Features of the boreal forest • Soil contain a lot of organic material so during extensive summer drought fire occurs and soil fire may continue to burn for several years, giving rise to green house effect


• Location- Yellow colour is showing desert part

Classification of desert bomes • • • •

Hot and dry Semiarid Coastal Cold

Features of desert biomes • Spiny nature of plants reduce transpiration and having CAM photosynthesis. • Some plants open their stomata only at night when evaporation rates are lowest. • Cold desert occur in the Antarctic, Greenland, hot and dry desert in west part of Rajasthan

Tundra Biomes Location

Features of the tundra • Continuous period of light for 1 month or 2 month • Use of Transient Electromagnetic Method (TEM) for detecting permafrost thickness • Plants survive the long winter by going dormant, maintaining the living tissues under the soil or snow

Coniferous Forest Biomes Location-

Features of Coniferous forest

• In winter temp -15 to -30 degree • Trees forms cone like shape

Features of the coniferous forest • Normally trees cover mountainsides • Trees are tall, narrow, having thick bark

Temperate Deciduous Forest • Location

Features of deciduous Forest • Enough rain fall for plants and soil are fertile to supply nutrients • Deciduous plants drop their leaves during cold and dry period • Example of trees : Oak, Maple

Tropical seasonal forest and

Features of grasslands • Grass dominated landscape • Grasses having 2 type of photosynthesis one is C4 , second is C3


Save biomes • Biomes area are changing due to the acid rain, game population, logging, agriculture, industrialization • save biomes to maintain ecology system

Ending with John Muir’s quotation • "The clearest way into the universe through a forest wilderness." - John Muir 

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