Terms Review Chapter 6,7

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Jeremy Keeshin REVIEW CHAPTER 6,7 TERMS Republican

states rights, strict interpretation, France

Benjamin Banneker

American mathematician and astronomer who published an almanac (1792-1802) containing ephemerides that he had calculated.

Phyllis Wheatley

African-born American poet considered the first widely recognized Black writer in America. Her works include Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral (1773).

Richard Allen

American religious leader and the first bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (1816-1831).

Abigail Adams

1744–1818, wife of President John Adams and mother of President John Quincy Adams, lively, intelligent woman, she was the chief figure in the social life of her husband’s administration and one of the most distinguished and influential of the first ladies in the history of the United States. Her detailed letters are a vivid source of social history.

Lucy Knox

husband of general henry knox, womens rights

Articles of Confederation

the compact which was first made by the original thirteen States of the United States. They were adopted March 1, 1781, and remained the supreme law until March, 1789. loose, weak document, unstable government under it, sovereignty of states, almost impossible to amend, no funding

Northwest Ordinance

A law passed in 1787 to regulate the settlement of the Northwest Territory, which eventually was divided into several states of the Middle West. The United States was governed under the Articles of Confederation at the time. The Northwest Ordinance organized the territory into townships of thirty-six square miles each and provided for self-government and religious toleration in the territory. Slavery was prohibited.

“nationalists” “localists”

Hamilton, Madison, Morris, allowing taxation, national debt,

James Madison

agreed with Hume, sustaining vast republic, nationalist

Jeremy Keeshin Montestquieu

a republic cannot flourish in a large amount of territory


a republic can flourish in a large amount of territory

Federalist Papers

madisons political essays #10 is the biggie

Shays Rebellion

W. Mass. Farmers constantly in debt, rebel and voters get new representative

Constitutional Convention Philadelphia Convention

VA, NJ Plan

The gathering that drafted the Constitution of the United States in 1787; all states were invited to send delegates. The convention, meeting in Philadelphia, designed a government with separate legislative, executive, and judicial branches. It established Congress as a lawmaking body with two houses: each state is given two representatives in the Senate, whereas representation in the House of Representatives is based on population. VA plan, by Madison, strong central govt two legislative houses, NJ plan by Patterson one legistlavtive house

Slaves Trade 3/5 Compromise

disagreement over them

Fugitive Slave Clause

assures owners the return of fugitive slaves

Governor Morris

spoke strongly against slavery

George Mason

spoke strongly about lack of bill of rights


for confederation of states, not for supreme national authority


poorer, less urban less educated, critics of constitution

Bill of Rights

Antifederalist legacy, liberties and rights not protected by constitution but that people had by nature

Judiciary Act of 1789

The Judiciary Act of 1789 provided for a system of federal district and circuit courts.

Tariff of 1789

tax of approx 5% on imports

Jeremy Keeshin Cabinet

A body of persons appointed by a head of state or a prime minister to head the executive departments of the government and to act as official advisers. Jefferson and Hamilton have opposing views in Washingtons Cabinet


federalist, great Britain, concentrated federal power, strong national govt., republic of elite, loose interpetation, national bank good, shipping and manufacturing economy, urban based, stablility with direction and profit

Report on public credit

first report by Hamilton, Us in $54 mil debt, assume state debts, fund foreight and domestic obligations

Report on manufacturers

if US wants to be self sufficient needs to develop own industry, textiles by Hamilton third report

Implied powers

art I sect, 8, interpretation of Constitution to give power to do things

Loose v. strict Constitutional interpretation Loose federalist Strictrepublicans Nation bank Bank of the US

second report by Hamilton, strong central bank for economic stability

Excise tax

A tax on the manufacture, purchase, or sale of a good or service. The tax may be based on the number of units or on value. Sales tax??


republicans, jeffersonians, france, power should be with state and local, limited national govt, democracy of townspeople and farmers, strict interpretation, nation bank bad, farming economy, agrarian ideology and self sufficiency

Citizen Genet

French diplomat who in 1793 tried to draw the United States into the war between France and England

Jays Treaty

concluded in 1794 between the United States and Great Britain to settle difficulties arising mainly out of violations of the Treaty of Paris of 1783 and to regulate commerce and navigation.

Jeremy Keeshin Pinckney Treaty Treaty of San Lorenzo

His treaty with Spain (1795) established commercial relations between the United States and Spain, provided for free navigation of the Mississippi by American citizens and Spanish subjects, granted the right of deposit at New Orleans, and set the boundaries of Louisiana and E and W Florida.

Whiskey Rebellion

1794, uprising in the Pennsylvania counties caused by Alexander Hamilton’s excise tax of 1791. The settlers, mainly Scotch-Irish, for whom whiskey was an important economic commodity, resented the tax as discriminatory and detrimental to their liberty and economic welfare. There were many public protests, and rioting broke out in Troops quelled the rioting, and resistance evaporated.

Alien and Sedition acts

by federalists to silence republicans, alien enemies law, alien law, naturalization law, sedition law

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