
  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,475
  • Pages: 21
Terminology Selected Terminology Behavior Response Stimulus Method Introspection Learning Personality Cognition Learning Psychology Cognitive Psychology Education Instruction Educational Psychology Administrative Psychology Physiological Psychology Neuro-Psychology Motive Physiological Motives Thirsty Motive Hunger Motive Curiosity Motive Depend Motive Short Term Memory Long Term Memory Heredity Maturity Questionnaire Neuroticism Extroversion Emotional Stability Normality Beliefs Values Attitudes Measurement Assessment Evaluation

Mental Hygiene Testing Clinical Psychology Counseling Guidance Social Psychology

A abnormal behavior abnormality abuse abused child accomodation accreditation acculturation achievement test active learning actualization adaptation adaption adaptive reaction addiction ADHD adjustment adjustment disorder adolescence advanced accurate empathy affective disorder aging analogy anthropology antisocial behavior antisocial personality anxiety anxiety disorders anxiety hysteria anxiety-depressive disorder, mixed aphasia aptitude test artificial intelligence assessment assimilation association attachment learning attention attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder attitude attribution

atypical depression atypical psychosis autism autistic disorder aversive classical conditioning aversive conditioning aversive stimulus avoidance conditioning avoidance gradient avoidance learning avoidant disorder avoidant personality avoidant personality disorder B behavior behavior disorders of childhood behavior modification behavior rehearsal behavior therapy behavioral assessment behavioral medicine behavioral neurology behavioral observation behavioral pediatrics behavioral sciences behavioral theories of depression behaviorism bioenergetic psychotherapy bioenergetics biofeedback biological psychiatry bipolar disorders bipolar I disorder bipolar II disorder body image body language borderline borderline intellectual functioning borderline personality disorder

brain disorders brain syndrome burnout

C central nervous system cerebral hemisphere character analysis character defense character disorder chemotherapy child abuse child and adolescent psychiatry childhood schizophrenia chronic chronic schizophrenic classical conditioning clinical psychology clinical interview cognition cognitive development cognitive disorders cognitive distortion theory cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy cognitive-behavioral therapy cognitive-emotional therapies commitment communication disorders community mental health community mental health center community psychiatry community psychology comorbidity compensation compensation neurosis compulsion compulsive personality concrete thinking concurrent validity conditioned avoidance response conditioned response

conditioned stimulus conditioning conditioning, operant conditioning, respondent conflict confounds confusion conjoint therapy conscious construct construct validity content validity contingency contingency reinforcement continuous reinforcement schedule continuous variable control group conversion disorder conversion reaction correlation correlation coefficient correlational method correlational study counseling counseling psychologist counterconditioning counterphobia countertransferrence couples therapy course covert sensitization therapy crack cross-cultural psychiatry cross-dependence cross-sectional studies crystallized intelligence cultural anthropology cultural psychiatry culture shock


demographic variable demography dependability dependence dependent personality dependent personality disorder dependent variable depersonalization disorder depression depression with psychotic features depressive disorders depressive personality disorder depressive position deprivation, emotional deprivation, sensory depth psychology descriptive psychiatry descriptive responsibility desensitization designer drugs desire disorder, sexual desynchronized sleep rhythm detachment developmental theories developmental theorist diagnosis Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental disorders diagnostic related group dialectical behavior therapy differential diagnosis differential effects differentiation dimensional classification directive counseling disability, psychiatric discrimination discriminative stimulus disease disintegration anxiety disintegrative disorder disorder of written expression

disorganized schizophrenia disorganized speech displacement disruptive behavior and attention-deficit disorders disruptive behavior disorder dissociative amnesia dissociative disorder, brief reactive dissociative disorders distractibility distributed practice distributive analysis and synthesis divorce mediation double depression double personality double-blind experiment double-blind procedure Down syndrome dramatic-emotional personality disorders dream analysis dream anxiety disorder drive drug abuse drug addicts drug dependence dual diagnosis dummy dyad dynamic psychiatry dynamic psychology dynamic theory dynamics dysfunction dysfunctional assumptions dyslexia

E eating disorder ecology educable ego ego analysis

ego ideal ego involvement ego psychology egocentric egomania elaboration Electra complex electric shock treatments electrocardiogram electroconvulsive therapy electrostimulation elimination disorders emotion emotional control therapies emotional disturbance emotional illness emotional release therapies empathy empirical method employee assistance program empty-chair technique encounter group therapy endogenous endogenous depression endorphin energizing drugs epidemiology epilepsy epistemology essential hypertension ethnology ex post facto analysis executive functioning exogenous exogenous depression experimental effect experimental group experimental hypothesis experimental method explosive personality expressed emotion

expressed emotions expressive language disorder expressive writing disorder external validity extinction

F face validity factor analysis family history study family interaction method family systems therapy family therapy fear fear-drive fear-response feeding disorder of infancy or early childhood fixed interval schedule fixed-ratio schedule fluid intelligence follow-up examination follow-up study forced-choice item forensic psychiatry or psychology formal thought disorder formally organized group frame of reference free association frequency functional autonomy functional disorder functional psychosis functional social support

G gender identity gender identity disorder gender role gene general adaptation syndrome general medical condition

general paralysis generalization generalized anxiety disorder genetic counseling genius gestalt psychology gestalt therapy group dynamics group formation group psychotherapy group structure group test group therapy guided mastery techniques

H habit disorder habituation hallucination halo effects health care proxy health maintenance organization health psychology helplessness heredity hidden observer high-risk behavior holistic approach homosexuality homosexuality, ego-dystonic Hospital and Community Psychiatry hostility humanistic and existential therapies humanistic theory humanistic therapy hyperactivity hyperactivity disorder hypertension hypnosis hypomanic episode hypophysis

hypothalamus hypothesis hysterical neurosis hysterical personality hysterics

I id idealization identity identity crisis identity disorder, dissociative identity disorder, gender identity problem ideographic approach idiographic [context] idiot savant illusion impulse impulse control disorders individual psychology individual tests individual variables induced psychotic disorder industrial psychiatry infancy, childhood, and adolescence disorders infant psychiatry informed consent insane insight insight therapy instinct institutionalization instrumental conditioning intake integration intellectualization intelligence intelligence quotient intelligence test interdisciplinary approach

intermittent explosive disorder internal reliability internal validity International Classification of Diseases interpersonal psychotherapy interpersonal skills interpersonal therapy interpretation interrater reliability introjection IQ

J Judgment

L language disorder latency latency period latent content latent learning leadership learned helplessness learned helplessness deficits learned helplessness theory learning learning curve learning disabilities learning disability learning disorders learning paradigm level of aspiration libido life-span development psychology lifetime prevalence longitudinal studies long-term memory loss of control


maintenance drug therapy major affective disorders major depression major depressive disorder major epilepsy maladaptive maladjustment mania manic episode manic-depressive illness manipulation marital therapy masochism maternal deprivation mathematics disorder maturation mean median mediational theory of learning mediator memory mental age mental age scale mental deficiency mental disease mental disease or mental illness criterion mental disorder mental health mental illness mental retardation mental status mental status examination mentally ill meta-analysis mild mental retardation mixed design mode model modeling moderate mental retardation mood disorders

moral anxiety moral treatment motive motor epilepsy motor skills disorder multifactorial multimethod approach multiple personality disorder multiple-baseline design

N natural environmental type phobia naturalistic observation need for treatment negative reinforcement negative symptoms Neo-Freudian theory nervous system neurologist neuropsychological test neuropsychologist neuroses neurosis nonadaptive reaction nonsense syllables normal curve norms null hypothesis

O objective anxiety observation schedule observational learning obsessions obsessive-compulsive disorder obsessive-compulsive personality obsessive-compulsive personality disorder occupational therapy odd-eccentric personality disorders Oedipus complex open-system thinking

operant behavior operant conditioning operationalization operationism oral stage organic psychosis organismic variable outcome studies overcontrolled [behavior] overlearning

P pain disorder panic attacks panic disorder paranoid disorder paranoid personality paranoid personality disorder paranoid schizophrenia parasympathetic nervous system Parkinson's disease part learning partial reinforcement schedule passive learning pathology perceptual defense perceptual selectivity performance test personality disorder personality disorders personality inventory personality trait pervasive developmental disorders phenomenology phenotype phobia phobic reaction phonological disorder physiology placebo placebo control group

placebo effect play therapy pleasure principle positive reinforcement positive symptoms post-traumatic stress disorder predictive validity prevalence prevention proactive inhibition profound mental retardation projection projective hypothesis projective techniques projective test psychiatric social worker psychiatrist psychiatry psychoanalysis psychodrama psychodynamic theory psychological tests psychological types psychology psychomotor epilepsy psychopathology psychophysiological disorders psychophysiology psychosis psychosocial approach psychosomatic disorders psychosomatic hypertension psychotherapy psychotic depression psychotic symptoms punishment

Q Quality assurance


random assignment range rapid cycling bipolar disorder rational-emotive therapy reaction formation reaction time test reactivity [of behavior] reading disorder reception strategies receptive aphasia receptor reference group reference scales reformulated learned helplessness theory regression reinforcement relapse prevention programs relationship therapy reliability representative sample repressive coping style residual schizophrenia resistance resistance to extinction retinal disparity Rorschach inkblot test

S sadomasochism sample schedules of reinforcement schizoaffective disorder schizoid personality schizophrenia school phobia seasonal affective disorder secondary reinforcement selection strategies selective abstraction self-actualization self-efficacy

self-esteem self-instructional training self-monitoring semantic differential sensitivity training group separation anxiety separation anxiety disorder severe mental retardation significantly different single-subject experimental design situational determinants skewed distribution Skinner box sociability social desirability social distance social distance scale social group social learning theory social motive social norm social phobia social problem-solving social role social selection therapy socialization social-withdrawal disorder sociology sociometry sodomy soma specific phobia split half reliability standard deviation standard error standard score standardization standardized test Stanford-Binet state-dependent learning state-dependent memory

statistical deviance statistical significance stimulus-response theories strategic processing strategy stress management stress-management interventions stressor stroke structured interview structured stimulus substance abuse substance dependence suicide symptom syndrome system of diagnosis

T test-retest reliability Thematic Apperception Test theory theory of disuse therapeutic community therapy outcome study thinking third variable third variable problem thought disorder thought stopping techniques threshold tolerance tools of assessment trait trait theories transfer of training trauma traumatic disease twin study two-factor therapy Type A behavior patterns

type theories

U unconditioned response unconditioned stimulus unconscious motives under-controlled [behavior] undifferentiated schizophrenia unipolar depression unstructured stimulus

V validity variable variable error variable interval schedule verbal test visual hallucination

W Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children whole learning withdrawal distress withdrawal symptoms

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