Term Paper On Islamic Education In Bangladesh

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  • Pages: 9
As an Islamic Country, it is very much necessary to cultivate Islamic Education in Bangladesh. Islamic Education is not only important for our generation, but also for our next generation. It is important to survive our existence and our religion. But it is a matter of sorrow that our Islamic Institutions are going behind day by day. It does not go ahead properly, In the current world. What is our education al system, Where is our problem, how to develop? How to make it interesting and effective to students of Islam study? It is the time to find out the remedy to do out from this problem.

1) Islamic Country: Bangladesh is an Islamic Country. Majority numbers of people are Muslim. We believe in Islam. So we have to know Islam properly and we have must proper knowledge on Islam. So for that we need Islamic education in Bangladesh.

2) Islamic Education: Islamic education is a process of learning Islam. By which we can increase our Knowledge on Islam. Islamic education is not only Madrassa education but also life education. Islamic education is consisting of Holy Quran, Hadish, and Fiqh etc. This is only education of salvation.

3) Importance for generation: Islamic education is very much important for not only this current generation, but also for next generation. If we don’t establish Islamic education, our next generation not will be able to learn Islam properly. If we have no proper knowledge on Islam then we will go behind day by day from the way of Islam. So they will follow wrong way. So Islamic is very much important for generations.

4) Survive our existence: Islamic education is the only education for survive our existence properly in this ordinary world. If we are able to learn Islam properly then we will be able to serve the light of Islam to whole world. Then we could prove that this is only true religion. Then nonbelievers will follow Islam. Then we will be able to survive our existence strongly.

5) Our Religion: In this world, there are many religions. Islam is only true religion of those. We have to prove it though our proper Islamic education. By Islamic education we will be able to learn about Islamic law and rules and education. Then we can follow our rules of Islam and we must have to do that, as a Muslim.

6) Why Islamic Institutions Going Behind Day by Day? Islamic Institutions going behind day by day in our country for our unconsciousness on Islam. We are Muslim in name only. This is our religious status. We are not united. We have no Islamic mind. If some body talks about Islam, we are making some side talking. We have no interest to learn Islam properly. We have no interest on Islamic education. For Example: If any wants to make an admission of his/her children at Madrassa or Islamic Institutions, we discourage them. We say it’s a traditional education, there is no education, and we encourage them to get admission at English medium institution. So our Islam going behind day by day due to our unconsciousness.

7) How have to develop our Islamic education? Developing Islamic education in Bangladesh is not an easy work, but not impossible. For that first of our entire concept on Islam must have to change. Every one of Muslims in Bangladesh comes forward to help each other and also to help Islam. Our intentions also have to change. For Example: which we do for Islam or Islamic education, we can not expect any back for us. We will be able to get result in future


life. If we are being united with helpful, sacrificed mentality and send our children to Islamic institutions, for develop Islamic Education, and then our Islamic education will be developed


How have to make Islamic education interesting and effective to students? Now a days system of Islamic education is very traditional, there students don’t get any interest. We know that interest less education is not effective. So many students neglect Islamic education. For making Islamic education interesting and effective, to students we have to change some system and add some system. Those are given below. a) Teachers have to friendly with students. b) Fearless education. There is no biting. c) Follow new books d) Use visual media e) Yearly picnic f) Yearly sports competition g) Arrange recreational system. Example: TV, satellite channels.

9) Islamic Education System in Bangladesh:

In Bangladesh there are two kinds of Islamic

Education System. These are described below:

a) Institutional Islamic Education: There are two kinds of Institutional Islamic Education these are Government & Private. These are described below: i)

Government Islamic Education:

(1) Madrassa: Under Government Islamic Education Madrassa is one of the important areas where various Islamic subjects have been teaching

(2) School: From primary level to Secondary School level Islamic study subject is compulsory for Muslim Students. Arabic subject is optional for the Muslim students in the Secondary School level.

(3) HSC to Degree level: Islamic History & Arabic subject is optional for Muslim & Non Muslim students.

(4) University level: There are two departments in all Government University. Islamic History & Arabic. So any students have the opportunity to study in these two departments & to learn about Islam.

ii) Private: Islamic study also teaching by the private institutions is available in Bangladesh. There are two kinds of private institutions are available in Bangladesh. These are Alia Madrassa (Called Kharizi) & Kaomi Madrassa

(1) Alia Madrassa: Alia Madrassa followed modern method of education & use the scientific technology to update the Muslim students which will help them to upgrade their professional life & higher study. In the Madrassa English. Mathematics, Bengali, General Science & History are also teaching to the students.


(2) Kaomi Madrassa: The teaching method of Kaomi Madrassa is traditional in heritage from the beginning of Islamic Education. Only Islamic Theological books are teaching to the learners. No other books are teaching to the learners. After finishing the course from the Kaomi Madrassa the students become the Imam, Moazin, Khadem or the teacher of the Koami Madrassa. In the other professional life they can not enjoy because they have no education to perform the modern life. They are the actual religious leader in the society. All classes of people respect to them from religious point of views. At the time of birth, Marriage & death Mowlanas are required for all Muslim Peoples. They regularly perform their prayers in time. In real sense Mowlanas are creating the bridge with The Holy God of the People. They think they have the responsibility to teach the holy Quran to the people. If they can do it correctly they will go to the Haven easily by the grace of God.

b) Non – Institutional Islamic Education: i) Moktab: Muktab is the initial stage of Islamic education where Mowlana or Hojurs are normally teaches to the children. Some times in the evening time adult & old peoples are also teaches the Kaida, Sipara, Aliflam & the holy Quran in the Muktab. In the Muktab three things are very important for Hujur to teach the learner. Firstly Arabic reading, secondly Memorize the Suras from the holy Quran, Thirdly Teaching the Prayer. If they can complete these tree things & the learner can read the holy Quran, Recite the Suras from their memory & perform the prayer according the Islamic Rules their course of Muktab is successfully finished. No certificate is issued from the Muktab.

(a) Islamic Study at home: Some times people engage the Mowlanas at home to teach the Arabic reading, Memorize the Suras & how to perform the prayer.

(b) Teaching Quran in the Scientific method: Some of the Mobile Madrassa have been started to teach the holy Quran through the Scientific method to the Children, Adult & the old people in the Mosque of different area of the city & the country. No certificates are issued from those Mobile Madrasas

(c) Media: Some of the Electronic Media are trying to teach the Arabic & The Holy Quran through T.V. Channel & C.D.

(d) Print Media: Print Medias are also publishing continuously The Holy Quran, Various religious books, Life of the Prophets, Islamic Magazines, Namaj Shika Book Etc.

(e) Broadcast Media: Private T.V. Channel (Islamic TV) has been established to broadcast the Islamic history, the values of Islam, to create the Islamic society, to update the knowledge of modern life of Muslim People from the Islamic point of views. Islamic Saria, Islamic Banking System, Doing business following the Islamic Rules & Saria. How to create the relationship


with the people of Islamic World & the non Muslim people & non Muslim countries. In this modern world Electronic media is very effective to teach the values of Islam to the People.

(f) Compact Disc: Some of the Organizations & Institutions are making the CD for Islamic teaching to the people. At the subsidize price they are distributing these CD through distributor in the different part of the country. The Oldest people are much benefited from this type of CD. Because they can learn a lot of things regarding Islam from these CD & Also they can spend their idle time viewing the CD. (g) Web Site: In the Internet there is thousands of Web Side about Islamic information. From Bangladesh we can browse those web-Sides and learn a lot of things relating to Islam. This is the one of the best way to learn Islam if any one wants to learn Islam.

10) Levels of Islamic Education: In terms of Islamic Education in Bangladesh, Categorized as Private & Public (Government) Institutions which have been described below a) Koami Madrasa: Komi Madrasa are Categorized as

i) Ibtedai (Elimentary Level) : Where only the Holy Quran is memorized and taught ii) Vustani (Middle Level) : Where selected books from Dars-I-Nizami are taught iii) Fauquani (Higher Level): Where the entire Dars-I Nizami is taught in some Madrassas. Where competent Ulemas are available, students after their graduation take up post-graduate courses of study in Tafsir, Hadish and Fiqh b) Government or Alia Madrassa: The another category of Madrassas in Bangladesd is the Government controlled or Alia Madrassa system, a unique system of Islamic religious education with few parallels in the Muslim world divided into five distinct Levels i) ii) iii) iv) v)

Ibtedai ( Elimentary) Dakhil (Secondary) Alim (Higher Secondary) Fazal (B.A.) Kamil (M.A.)

c) These Madrassas teach all the required modern subjects such as English, Bangla, Science, and Social studies, Math, Geography and History etc, along with a revised version of Dars-I Nizami.

11) Changes of Islamic Education in Bangladesh: Bangladesh has some changed some system of education. The Alia Madrassa system is a spectacular example of how modern and traditional systems of education were combined. Changes of Islamic Education in Bangladesh are given below

a) Bangla has replaced Urdu as the medium of instruction. This is an important step in the process of “indignation” of Islam and Islamic scholarship b) Bangla has been made a compulsory subject up to the secondary level c) Subjects such as politics, economics and history of Islam in the Islamic education


d) English has been added as a compulsory subject in the primary section and several Madrassas now provide facilities for English education at higher levels as well

e) Elementary school education has now been integrated with in the Quomi Madrassas incorporating all subjects of general education along with the usual Islamic education f) Comparative region has been added to the curriculum

12) Attitude of Islamic Education: Few years ago, people’s attitude on Islamic Education was bad. Some people thanked that meaning of Islamic education is Madrassa education. It is only for poor people, naughty boys, and orphan children; slam children. There is no real education. Now, matter of hope that, now a days people’s attitude on Islamic education is changing. Now many educated families send their children’s to Madrassa for learning the knowledge of Islam, Grave and World.

13) SWOT Analysis of Islamic Education: SWOT is Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. Those are given below.

a) Strengths of Islamic Education: Strengths of Islamic Education in Bangladesh are given below i) Majority citizens are Muslim ii) Huge numbers of Madrassas iii) Huge numbers of sacrificed peoples are engaged with the Islamic education for free iv) Huge financial support from public to Islamic study v) Huge numbers of students

b) Weakness of Islamic Education: Weaknesses of Islamic education Bangladesh are given below

i. Lack of Finance: Government does not contribute enough to develop Islamic education.

ii. Very old books and methods: Most of the books taught in these curriculums are very old books. Used in philosophy and logic, for example, we are written in the thirteenth centuries. These are very old. Now we should follow modern books. iii. Different Grading Policy: Different private Madrassas have different grading policy. So we can not compare with one other. So there is no chance of credit transfer. iv. No Recreation: in our Islamic Educational System in our country. There are not any chances of recreation. There are no TV, cassette, CD players, etc for recreation for students. v. Conservative: Most of the time students of the Islamic study they can not do any modern work. So people said to them conservative. These kinds of commands are very harmful for an Islam learner. vi. Discriminations between Poverty and Illiteracy: Most of the students of Madrassas are poor, illiterate and children. So they were suffering from discrimination problem with poverty and illiteracy. vii. Business Policy: Business organizations are very limited to Islamic law of point of view. So job is very limited for higher Islamic educated people. viii.Western Culture: Western Culture is an obstacle for Islamic Education. So most students were followed western culture and their education so they were neglecting Islamic Education. It is a matter of shame


c) Opportunity of Islamic Education in Bangladesh: There are also some opportunities of Islamic education in Bangladesh are given below.

i. Job opportunity: In many organizations have job facilities Islam studied students ii. Reduce Illiteracy: By Islamic Education many students can educated. For that we can reduce illiteracy from our country. iii. Find way of Life: Islamic education gives us way of life. How to survive in this ordinary world. iv. Way of salvation: Islamic education is only education of salvation, only way of salvation. v. Knowledge on Arabic literature and culture: By Islamic education, we can learn Arabic literature and culture. Though we can enrich our knowledge. vi. Relationship with the Almighty Allah: This is only education, by which we can make relationship with the God. By this we are able to know, who is me? And who is the God? d) Threats of Islamic Education: Those who are sacrificed for Islam and Student of Islamic education, Non Muslim people are treating them as streamers. As a result, foreign countries are trying to interfere and destroy the Islamic Education System.

14) How have to develop Islamic education system in Bangladesh? For developing Islamic educational system in Bangladesh, all of us have to united and come forward to help each other. Governments also have to help those institutes, those are suffering from lack of finance, teachers, books and teaching materials etc. our attitude on Islamic Education have to change. Every one has to come forward with helpful tendency for helping to Islamic education as our effort. We can help our Islamic education by giving new idea, suggestion, donation, time….etc. if we could follow this I believe that we will be able to develop Islamic Education in Bangladesh.

15) Future Prospect of Islamic Education in Bangladesh: Future of Islamic Education is very bright. There will be many chances are waiting for the student of Islamic education. Now a day’s Islamic banking system is developing and increasing all over the world. By following Islamic Sariah (Islamic law) numbers of organizations are increasing day by day. Where is increasing many jobs. Students of Islamic education will be in the first priority of those Islamic banks, organizations. So students will increase of Islamic education. These students will also develop our Islamic education, develop our nation, and develop our country

Islamic Education is developing day by day. Its have rich resource. If we could research all things and teach Islam though Islamic Education, we will be able to know our self our Creator. Then we will be able to make a nation of peace. So Islamic Education or Islamic study is


mandatory for all Muslims of the entire world. So we should study Islam for knowledge. This is only way of salvation, only hope for heaven, light of Grave.

Reference: a) Article of MUMTAZ AHMED. He wrote about Madrassa education in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

b) Article of unknown person. He wrote about five pillars of Islam, educational c) d) e) f)

development system. Article of The Bangladesh Observer, about religious extremism and nationalism in Bangladesh, Date: 26th September 2007 Read WIEKEPIDIA about Islamic Education in The Internet, Date, 25th November 2007. I have discussed about this topic with my Friends. Some Information taken from my Father, A.K. Bhuiyan



2) Topic : Islamic education in Bangladesh a) Thesis Statement: Our Islamic Institutions are going behind day by day. What is the current system of Islamic education in Bangladesh? Why do we need to improve this situation? How can we improve our current situation?

b) I had chosen this topic, because most of us do not think about our Islamic Education. As a Muslim we should think, talk and write about this.

c) Difference between Topic and Thesis Statement is simply title or subject in a word of research or essay. But thesis statement is the zest of project. This is written in shortly only important, moral thing or zest thing by which we can get idea about overall project. 3) What study I have done for this term paper? a) I have read an article of MUMTAZ AHMED. He wrote about Madrassa education in Pakistan and Bangladesh. b) I have read an article of unknown person. He wrote about five pillars of Islam, educational development system.. c) I have read an article of The Bangladesh Observer, about religious extremism and nationalism in Bangladesh. d) I have read WIEKEPIDIA about Islamic Education in The Internet. e) I have discussed about this topic with several people. 4) Key terms and Main points of my term paper

a) Some key terms of my Term paper: i) ii) iii) iv)

Islamic Education system in Bangladesh Levels of Islamic Education Attitude on Islamic Education SWOT analysis

b) Main points of my term paper. i) ii) iii) iv) v)

Islamic Country Islamic Education Importance for generations Survive our existence and our religion Our Islamic Institutions are going behind day by day


vi) What is our problem? vii) How have to develop Islamic Education? viii)How have to make it interesting and effective to students. ix) Future prospect of Islamic Education.

c) I have chosen these points as a main points, because those points contains main them of this term paper. 5) Model Paragraph Importance for generation: Islamic education is very much important for not only this current generation, but also for next generation. If we don’t establish Islamic education, our next generation not will be able to learn Islam properly. If we have no proper knowledge on Islam then we will go behind day by day from the way of Islam. So they will follow wrong way. So Islamic is very much important for generations.

6) I have some weakness, when I have find about myself as a writer. I had done some parallelism, grammatical mistake. 7) Strength Analysis. My main strengths of my term paper is, all the things which I write this is my own. My term paper is very original. 8) Product approach/ Process approach writing a) For this term paper I have followed process approach writing. I developed my term paper step by step. For that I have read some articles, discuss with several peoples and I wrote more and step by step I have add some new idea. 9) I changed my habit from product to process approach writing, because process approach writing is only way of developing writing skill, way of learning. Every writing can give me new idea, developing power, new thinking etc. It is a great process of writing.

10) Writing in an exam hall is product approach writing and writing in a term paper is process approach writing, here is the main difference between product approach writing and process approach writing.

11) At the last of my term paper, I can complete my term paper by good conclusion , which should contains most important ideas or morals of term paper and some suggestions or advices for all. Conclusion should be interesting. 12) I have gathered some new knowledge by writing. I have learned more about Islamic Educational system, levels and its strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Why Islamic Education is important for all, etc. Some positive approach of this writing is more writing, more learning, more developing myself, more new ideas. 13) I have developed my term paper by writing two drafts. In my second draft, I had added some new ideas and reduce grammatical mistake, and unnecessary points. 14) Reading is important for process approach writing, for finding mistakes and adding new ideas.


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