TERM TWO- TE WAHANGA TUARUA TOPIC 2- TE MAHI TUARUA Unit Topic: An inquiry into Where we are in time and place? Level 1-3 Are we there yet? Kei hea matou?
Curriculum focus:
School theme: Citizenship is Everyone’s business!
Key competencies:
Key Idea:
Health and PE: Identity, sensitivity and respect- identify ways in which people discriminate and how we can act responsibly to support them.
Using language, symbols and texts Participating and contributing We will provide a safe zone for indigenous people to share who they are.
Time frame: 5 weeks
(UNDoHRIP- articles 11 and 14) Lines of inquiry:
Rich task:
Tools of learning:
Conflict plays a large role in the World
Compare and contrast indigenous peoples’ conflict in New Zealand and globally.
Parihaka Gandhi Whakapapa Matariki
Conflict affects indigenous people in New Zealand Conflict affects indigenous people in the World Armed conflicts interfere with human rights
Resources: UNDoHRIP Gandhi Parihaka information
(Kidspeak- look at conflict in NZ and the World- what is the same and what is different)
Armed conflict- indigenous people’s rights