Tenth Amendment Sovereignty Movement

  • April 2020
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Majority of U.S. States Join Sovereignty Movement, Assert 10th Amendment Rights New World Liberty February 25, 2009 A majority of states have bills passed or have proposed bill which affirm 10th Amendment rights. Some affirm additional rights and/or give specific reasons. New Hampshire has written the most aggressive legislation. With the economy collapsing, it is a very real and immediate danger that the federal government can turn into a completely criminal and fascist government. They’ll put foreign troops on their streets. They’ll grab people to put in forced labor or concentration camps if they are unemployed or protesting. They’ll conduct experiments on these prisoners.

The Federal Reserve owners want the economy to collapse so

This is especially true they can grab real assets and power. since a private corporation owned by a small group of people, who own over half the world’s wealth, control our currency and monetary policy through the Federal Reserve. They also have such power over the world as a whole through the World Bank, IMF, most other national central banks, numerous well-funded non-government organizations, and numerous corrupted government officials. The Federal Reserve owners want the economy to collapse so they can grab real assets and power. Their whole monetary system is a giant ponzi scheme designed to fail because money is based on the issuance of debt, and the interest owed is not put into the system except through more debt with more interest. The stock market has dropped 50% in value since this started last year. This is a great depression. The unemployment will rise. The spending of the two bailouts plus the trillions the Federal Reserve has printed will cause inflation to rise sharply. This same situation happened to the Soviet Union. This is not just an economic recession. This is not just about mortgages since the value of mortgages is much less than the spending packages. The financial re-leveraging of the mortgages in the form of

financial derivatives has magnified the problem. Giving loans to high risk individuals and giving ARM loans did stimulate the problem. The manipulation of oil prices through dollar devaluation and speculation also helped stimulate problem. This current economic problem is largely due to the fact that we’ve been existing on borrowed time, running huge trade deficits and growing debt exponentially. Our assets now exceed our debt. We now owe more interest on our debts than we can possibly earn. The debt Ponzi scheme our currency is based has busted and has started the process of collapse. We can’t spend our way out of this because we’re out of assets and out of credit. This group of men who own most of the world’s currencies and wealth want complete centralized control of printing money. They also want a powerful undemocratic regional and world government which can usurp the sovereignty of national governments. They want more European Unions. They want a stronger United Nations. They want to push their own agendas, which include population reduction through eugenics. The threat is real and well documented in policy documents and in the main stream press. The Federal Reserve is doing to the United States exactly what the IMF and World Bank do to third world nations. Unless we wake up and get our head out of our fluoride and Prozac ass, we’re going to find ourselves as a third world nation, if not in the middle of World War III, the Fourth Reich, civil war, and revolution. The only way we can stop the U.S. government and these banks is through the states. If the states are united, the people are united. If the people are united, the U.S. government ceases to function, and the states are able to reform a functioning and lawful U.S. government instead of the completely corrupt, rogue, destructive, and lawless federal government we have now. Armed rebellion is not going to work. It will just result in a lot of dead people because the U.S. government has excessive firepower. Violent rebellion is exactly what the men in control of our money want. I encourage everyone to write, email, or call their state legislatures to encourage the passage of such bills. You may also wish to contact your Federal Reserve Senators and Representative letting them know you’ve lost faith in their ability to represent the people of the United States. We need stronger legislation with stronger teeth to make a stand peacefully and legally. We must act to prevent what is happening in Arcadia, Iowa, with the Iowa National Guard training for door-to-door gun confiscation. We can’t allow the U.S. government to continue to usurp state sovereignty. If we allow the U.S. government to do this, we’re going to have a lot of dead people in this nation because a lot of people aren’t going to give up their guns and aren’t going to tolerate the U.S. military, corporate militias, and foreign troops invading their communities and homes.

The states may be forced to stand down. However, we started the process of thinking locally to solve our problems and to make it through these tough times. We want local, responsible, and focused local and state law enforcement to maintain order. We don’t want foreign troops and the U.S. military to do this for us. We should consider training our local and state law enforcement to stop such door-to-door terrorism by agents of the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve. We should consider making it a high crime in the state for a federal official to offer a bribe and a high crime to receive such a bribe. Whether you agree with everything I put forth or not, a majority of the people do believe the U.S. government is corrupt, out-of-control, and don’t represent the interests of the people. If you don’t agree, you haven’t done the research nor have you paid close enough attention to the news. We’re on the verge of major crisis and change.

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