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  • Pages: 4

“Father, Into Your Hands I commit My Spirit,” WHEN HE HAD SAID THIS, HE BREATHED HIS LAST.



INTRODUCTION TO TENEBRAE Tenebrae is a Latin word which means darkness or shadows, to remind us that we deserve to live in darkness without God, and that Christ went into the darkness of death for us. For this reason, just like the practice of the ancient catholic (Christian) church, we are holding this Tenebrae Service or the Service of darkness, which begins in silence and ends in darkness. The Seven Candles will gradually be extinguished to signify the darkness, which covered the earth when Jesus hung on the Cross, and also the extinguishing of our Lord’s life. The center candle however, is not extinguished, but merely removed, symbolizing the death of Jesus Christ. But a few moments later, the center candle is brought back, symbolizing our expectation & hope of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. At the close of the service the congregation will depart solemnly. The offerings will not be gathered and brought to the Altar, instead, as we leave, you can place your Good Friday Offerings on the plates at the rear of the church near the entrance. The mood of the service will be solemn, so parents of children are encouraged to have their child by their side If they become difficult to manage and become disobedient, PLEASE DISCIPLINE THEM. Thank You.

Let us now remember and meditate that on that First Good Friday --- Jesus Christ was nailed to the Cross and darkness covered the earth, Let us remember that Jesus yielded up His Spirit and died, his body placed in a tomb and sealed with a heavy stone. INVOCATION P: Almighty God, we ask you to look with mercy on your family here in this congregation for whom our Lord Jesus Christ was willing to be betrayed and to be given over to the hands of sinners and to suffer death on the Cross; who now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, ONE GOD, now & forevermore. Amen THE OPENING HYMN – TLH # 178 – WE SING THE PRAISE OF HIM WHO DIED

The Seven Last Words Of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross ™ The First Word - Charlie Batobato Reader: “Father, Forgive them: for they not what they do” (Mark 15:24 – 25; Luke 23:24) Reader: My brothers and sisters in the Lord: Remember the sins we have committed: in thought, word, and deed, the bad things that we have done, and the good things that we have failed to do. OUR LITANY (Please Rise) Reader: Do not withhold your mercy from me O Lord, may your love and your truth always protect me. Congregation: MY SINS HAVE OVERTAKEN ME, AND I CANNOT SEE. Reader: Be pleased O Lord, To save me; Congregation: O LORD COME QUICKLY TO HELP ME. Reader: May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; Congregation: MAY THOSE WHO LOVE YOUR SALVATION ALWAYS SAY, “THE LORD BE EXALTED” (After this the first candle is extinguished) ™ The Second Word – Benjie Alamon Reader: “Today, You Shall be with me in paradise” (Luke 23: 36 – 43) Reader: Let us remember those who languish in jail and in prisons, those who do not have anymore hope. OUR LITANY Reader: He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Congregation: LIKE ONE FROM WHOM MEN HIDE THEIR FACES HE WAS DESPISED AND WE DID NOT RESPECT HIM. Reader: Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows Congregation: THE PUNISHMENT THAT BROUGHT US PEACE WAS UPON HIM, AND BY HIS WOUNDS WE ARE HEALED. (The second candle is extinguished) ™ The Third Word – Maxim Gacho Reader: “Dear woman, here is your Son, my disciple, here is your mother” (John 19:26 – 27) Reader: Let us remember today those who have broken families, those whose lives are shattered by abusive parents and those who are victims of wrongfully used authority. OUR LITANY Reader: Remember O Lord; what has happened to us; look and see our disgrace. Congregation: OUR INHERITANCE HAS BEEN TURNED OVER TO ALIENS, OUR HOMES TO FOREIGNERS. Reader: We have become orphans and fatherless, our mothers are like widows. Congregation: REMEMBER O LORD, WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO US; LOOK AND SEE OUR DISGRACE. (The third candle is extinguished) THE SECOND HYMN– TLH # 170 – O PERFECT LIFE OF LOVE ™ The Fourth Word – Franklin Lim Reader: “My God, My God, Why Has Thou Forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46) Reader: Let us remember all those abandoned by society, looked upon as outcasts, strangers in their own land. OUR LITANY (Please Rise) Leader: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Congregation: WHY ARE YOU SO FAR FROM SAVING ME, SO FAR FROM THE WORDS OF MY GROANING? Leader: Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the praise of Israel! Congregation: IN YOU OUR FATHERS PUT THEIR TRUST, THEY TRUSTED YOU AND YOU DELIVERED THEM. (The fourth candle is extinguished)

™ The Fifth Word – Elijah Tenchavez Reader: “ I thirst” (John 19:28) Reader: Let us remember the needy among us, those who crave for food and those who thirst for drink, those who are in need of shelter and clothes, but cannot have them they do not have the means. OUR LITANY Reader: But man despite his riches, will not endure in this life --- he is like the beast that will eventually perish and die and be buried in a grave. Congregation: BUT GOD, MY GOD, WILL REDEEM MY LIFE FROM THE GRAVE; HE WILL SURELY TAKE ME TO HIMSELF. (The fifth candle is extinguished) ™ The Sixth Word – Reuben Sabelita Reader: “It is finished” (John19: 30) Reader Let us remember when we fail to acknowledge the finished work of Christ, when we try to redeem ourselves before God by trusting in our selves rather than on Jesus Christ! OUR LITANY Reader: O God lead us out of darkness into Light Congregation: PUT TO DEATH OUR PRIDE AND HYPOCRISY Reader: Free us from our self-centeredness, which is destroying us. Congregation: PUT TO DEATH OUR PRIDE AND HYPOCRISY Leader: Lead us from death to life CONGREGATION: PUT TO DEATH OUR PRIDE AND ™ The Seventh Word – Rev. Villos Reader: ”Father, into your hands I commend my Spirit” (Luke 23:46) Reader: My brothers and sisters in the Lord let us remember how Jesus Christ the Lamb of God was killed so that we might have life OUR LITANY Reader: Comfort my People says our God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. Congregation: FOR ZION’S SAKE I WILL NOT KEEP SILENT, FOR JERUSALEM’S SAKE I WILL NOT REMAIN QUIET, TILL HER RIGHTEOUSNESS SHINES OUT LIKE THE DAWN, HER SALVATION LIKE A BLAZING TORCH (The Seventh Candle is extinguished)

THE THIRD HYMN – TLH # 147 – O Christ Thou Lamb of God (At this point the middle candle – is removed, representing the death of Christ)

SERMON CHOIR – “Dakilang Pagmamahal” After the Choir sings – a moment of silence will be observed for prayer and meditation And after this the….The offerings are to be brought to the altar.

THE STREPITUS will be heard (The Strepitus is the sound of a harsh noise signifying the earthquake when Jesus died and also of the closing of the tomb. After the Strepitus – the Christ candle will be returned in the middle of the Altar in expectation of HIS RESSURECTION)

P: My Brothers and sisters in the Lord. It is Finished! You are redeemed – bought back from yourselves, from sin, from death, from the devil! When we depart in this place – we depart as redeemed brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Receive now the benediction of our Lord from His servant: The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you His peace. C: AMEN, AMEN, AMEN (A moment of silence will be observed -- after which the announcements can be made)

Friday of Holy Week is called Good Friday ("Good Friday" is probably a variant of "God's Friday," the same way we say "good-bye" today instead of "God be with ye"). Good Friday is an observance of Jesus' crucifixion. It is a somber day of reflection and repentance, and some churches remove flowers and all decorative elements from the sanctuary to reflect the mood of the day. Black is symbolic of death, and as such is used as the liturgical color for Good Friday.

Please join us for our EASTER SUNRISE WORSHIP SERVICE this coming sunday at 4:30 AM. After the service breakfast will be served and we will proceed to the beach for our whole day fellowship. Please invite your friends and family so that they can join us as we celebrate the Festival of the Resurrection of our Lord, Master & Savior ---JESUS CHRIST!

“Dear Lord, Let me continue to see my sin through your eyes and Acknowledge it as evil. And when I sin, Let me repent, and confess with all my heart, My wrongdoing, and finally Receive the forgiveness of God in Jesus Christ Amen Soli Deo Gloria! ο δουλοσ του κριστου FAIRBANKS 2004


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