Tenancy Agreement-lumut Staff House

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  • Words: 901
  • Pages: 4




TENANCY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made on 1st September, 2009 between (Brunei IC No. ) of Negara Brunei Darussalam (hereinafter called “the Landlord”) which expression shall where the context so admits include his/her successors in title and personal representatives of the one part and MASHHOR FOODS SDN. BHD. (hereinafter called “the tenant”) which expression shall where the context so admits include his successors in title and personal representatives of the other part. WHEREBY IT IS AGREED as follows:-

1. The Landlord hereby lets and the Tenant hereby takes ALL THAT land building known as Brunei Darussalam (one house built thereon and together with the yards, gardens, outbuildings and appurtenances) (hereinafter reffered to as “the premises”).

2. The Tenancy shall be a term of YEARS. The rental will commence on

the 1st September, 2009 payable by monthly installment of B$00.00 Brunei Dollars: (HUNDRED ONLY) The first of such installments shall fall due on the 1st September, 2009.

3. The Tenant hereby agrees with the Landlord as follows:a) To pay month security deposit, a total of B$00.00 only. b) The above deposit to be refund by the Landlord to the Tenant upon completion of the agreement. However, as requested by the Landlord, the Tenant hereby agrees to compensate the above deposit for the renovation work carry out to the building at the time of termination of the agreement. Therefore the Tenant do not required to put back the building to its original condition upon termination of the agreement. c) Not to use the demised premises for any illegal or immoral purpose. d) To pay the rent hereby reserved on the days in the manner aforesaid without any deduction except as herein provided. e) To permit the Landlord or his agents and workmen at all reasonable times on the giving twenty-four hours notice to the Tenant to enter the said premises for the purpose of examining the state and condition there. f) To pay half of the charges in respect of payment for electricity, water and gas on the said Premises during tenancy. g) Take good care of the interior of the demised premises including the doors, windows, locks, latches, fastenings, fixtures, fittings and the septic tank reasonable wear and tear being expected and to yield up the same at the termination of this agreement in such good repair and condition. h) To maintain and upkeep the compound regularly. i) Not to assign sublet or part with the possession of the demised premises or any part thereof under any circumstances.


a) To pay all taxes, rates, assessments and outgoing which are existing or May hereafter be charged or imposed on the said premises by law of Negara Brunei Darussalam. b) To maintain the fault in construction structure of the said premises in good repair throughout period of this agreement including the roof, joists, main walls, drains, timber, land and fence. c) To take full insurance cover on the said premises against damage, loss by fire, flood and other accident against the building and its furniture’s. d) That the tenant upon duly paying the rent and observing and performing the terms and complying with the conditions of the part of the tenant to be performed as herein set forth shall at all times during the term hereby granted quietly have hold and enjoy the said premises without any suit trouble or hindrance from the landlord of any person or persons lawfully claiming under or in trust for the commence any legal proceedings or use any other lawful means in order to re-take possession of the said premises or any other part thereof during the continuance of this agreement. e) To permit the Tenant to make use of part of the compound for storage purpose such as boxes and small containers with assurance that the compound shall be kept tidy and clean by the Tenant.


IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED that in case at anytime during the said premises or any part thereof shall be destroyed by fire, lighting or tempest or other caused beyond the control of the tenant so as to become unfit for inhabitation and use then the rent hereby reserved for a fair and just proportion thereof according to the nature and extend of the damage sustained shall be suspended and case to payable until the said premises shall have been rendered for habitation and use.

6. If the Tenant shall be desirous of entering into a new Tenancy Agreement in respect of the said premises after the expiration of the term hereby granted, he shall deliver to the Landlord by A.R. Registered post at his last known place abode in Brunei Darussalam a notice in writing not less than months before the expiration of the said term of his intention to take such further term.

7. This Tenancy Agreement is for Years and this Agreement may be terminated by giving either party One-month notice by either party in writing.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties have hereinto set their hands the day and year first above written.

Signed By:

…………………………………………… ……………………………………… Hjh Sapurahbee Hj Ibrahim MASHHOR FOODS

Signed By:




…………………………………………… Tasconi Pizza Presentative Representative

……………………………………… Land Lord

Name:…………………………………… ………………………………


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