Telli Phone Directory Add

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 152
  • Pages: 2 ---------------------------------migration sql server to oracle s/w ------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------sql book add programming free books add ------------------------------------------------------acrobate reader alternative ---------------------------------------------------------gat 2nd july test roll# 63170670 gat adeel rollno 63171129 ---------------------------------------------------------w32 eml virus name w32.chir.b.enc ---------------------------------------------------------pis_divisor_error select * from pis.b_order_m where doc_id in (select doc_id from pis.b_order_d where fqty=0) ---------------------select * from pis.b_order_d where fqty=0 delete from pis.b_order_d where fqty=0 delete from pis.b_order_d where fwidth=0; commit; --------------------------------------------------------national bank of pakistan email address [email protected] select all b.emp_id, to_date(to_char(a.doc_date,'dd-mon-rr')) a_date, nvl((to_number(substr(a.total_time,1,2) ) *60)+to_number(substr(a.total_time,4,5)),0) totaltime, to_char(a.start_time, 'hh24:mi') s_time, to_char(a.end_time, 'hh24:mi') e_time,b.ename --,decode(a.a_status, 11, 'casual', 12, 'sick', 13, 'earned', 14, 'w/o', 15, 'cpl', 2, 'o/d', 0, 'absent') a_st, -- a.a_status from pms.e_shorttime a, pms.e_emp b --from pms.e_attnd a, pms.e_emp b where (a.emp_id = b.emp_id) and to_char(doc_date, 'dd-mon-rrrr') between :date_b and :date_e

and a.emp_id in (select all e_shorttime.emp_id from e_shorttime group by e_shorttime.emp_id having (sum(to_number(substr(e_shorttime.total_time, 1, 2)))*60)+sum(to_number(substr(e_shorttime.total_time, 4, 5)))>120 order by a_date


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