Resolution to stop abusive use of eminent domain in Texas ————————————
Whereas, Governments use the power of eminent domain to take property from owners to sell or lease to others for reasons such as higher tax revenues; Whereas, the constitutional amendment approved by voters November 2009 gives property owners some protection but does not provide comprehensive eminent domain reform; Whereas, Another reform effort will likely be attempted in the 2011 session; be it RESOLVED, That this organization supports a constitutional amendment that would include this language...(originally offered by Rep. Frank Corte in 2009): “No person's property shall be taken, damaged, or destroyed for or applied to public use without adequate and just compensation being made, and only if the taking, damage, or destruction is necessary for the possession, occupation, and enjoyment of the property by a common carrier, by an entity providing utility service, by the public at large, by the State, or by a political subdivision of the State.” Adopted by: Organization___________________________________________________________________________________________
Fax to 1-877-837-8505 toll free (also a voice mail) or mail a copy to Wright Gore, spokesman Texas Eminent Domain Reform Association (TEDRA) P.O. Box 541534, Houston, TX 77254-1534.
[email protected]