Teddy Bear Day Care Packet-pdf

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 10
Teddy Bear Day Care

Sarah Fatongia 1615-F 10th Avenue Honolulu, HI 96816 808-953-0961 [email protected] Parent Policy Handbook 1. RELEASE OF YOUR CHILD

To ensure the safety of your child, only you or the person’s listed on the registration from will be allowed to pick up your child. Please be on time picking up your child each day. Phone me if you will be late for any reason. 2. HEALTH a) Sick Children The health department requires children stay at home if they are sick. Though I am not yet licensed, I will follow these guidelines. If you are not sure your child is well enough to attend child care call and talk with me. Children must be fever free for 24-48 hours before returning to my care. Your child may come with a slight runny nose but it must be clear and not green/yellow. If your child gets sick while I am watching them, you will need to pick up your child. I am responsible for the health of multiple children so I will follow the health department regulations when it comes to sickness. b) Medication If your child is on antibiotics and he/she continues to be contagious for 24 hours after the first dose of medication, he/she can not return to childcare until this time period has passed. I am not able to give a child medication unless I have signed permission from the parent. (available upon request) c) Medical Emergencies I make every effort to keep your children safe through supervision and childproofing. Minor injuries will receive first aid, and if an emergency injury or illness occurs, you will be contacted immediately. If I am unable contact you, I will call someone you have given me permission to call, in case of emergency. 3. PAYMENTS AND FEES All payments must be received on the 1st of each month. When the first falls on a weekend or a holiday, fees are due on the Friday before. If fees are not paid I will not watch your Child. There are no refunds in fees for absences due to a child's illness or any other reason. There will be a $25.00 charge for all checks returned N.S.F. plus any additional charges incurred to myself and/or by the bank. Parents who have two or more N.S.F. checks will be required to pay by cash or money order. We do not pro-rate days in a month. For drop-in fees, please refer to the “Rates” page in this packet. 4. TOYS I provide a wide variety of playthings. I ask that no toys be brought to daycare from home. Often times, children have a hard time sharing the toys they bring from home. However, a special blanket OR stuffed animal/doll to be used during nap time is welcomed. 5. SUPPLIES Parents are responsible for supplying: Bottles, Formula, Baby Food, Diapers & Wipes, A full change of clothing, A small blanket to nap on, if wanted, a small pillow for napping, and any other supplies your child may need. 6. MEALS & SNACKS Due to the varying ages of children at Teddy Bear Day Care and specific diets for each of them, you are required to provide for your child, any meals that will fall during care hours. Age appropriate snacks will be provided by Teddy Bear Day Care for your child daily. However, if your child is on a specific diet, you have the choice to provide their snacks as well, if you feel it is necessary. 7. OPEN DOOR POLICY While your child is in my care, you can always be assured that the door is open to you. Please feel free to drop in and check on your child, however, keep in mind that a child adjusting to a new surrounding will want to leave with you if you pop in for a visit. If the phone goes unanswered please do not become alarmed, I am busy with the children (changing a diaper, bottle feeding, etc). Please leave me a message and I will call you as soon as I am able. 8. PROVIDER HOLIDAYS & VACATION We are closed on all State and Federal Holidays, with pay. I will be taking three weeks of paid vacation per year (not all at the same time, of course). I will provide ample notice of the dates. 9. COMMUNICATION Communication is very important to me. I feel that we are a team raising your child. If we can work together then your child can feel secure in knowing they have two families who love them very much. Teddy Bear

Day Care will log or record daily in a composition book, about their child’s day. Some typical things that you may find would be daily activities, behavior, feedings/meals, diaper changes and naps/quiet time. 10. TERMINATION The first two weeks of childcare are to be an adjustment period. It is my responsibility to let the parent know if the child seems unhappy or the arrangement is unsatisfactory for any other reason. It is the parent’s responsibility to let me know the same. The parent or myself can terminate the contract anytime during the adjustment period in writing on or before the 14th day after care starts. One months written notice (on or before the first of the month, for the following month) is required by the parent to myself for termination of Teddy Bear Day Care services. Fees will still be due if the parent withdraws the child before notice is given, or at any given time during the notice. I will provide the parents with one months written notice if I am no longer able to care for your child. I will terminate our child care arrangements immediately for any of the following reasons: • Failure to comply with the policies set forth in this book. • Destructive or hurtful behavior of child that persists even with parent cooperation in stopping the behavior. • Non-Payment of childcare fees or late and/or recurring late payment of fees. • Failure to show up for 5 days in a row without any communication. • If parents knowingly bring their child ill. 11. NAP/QUIET TIME All children will be required to lie down for a nap/quiet time each day. I will not force your child to sleep but they must lie down quietly. 12. PRO-RATING Teddy Bear Day Care does not pro-rate monthly rates under any conditions. Sorry. 13. HOURS OF OPERATION Monday-Friday 7:00am – 5:00pm Hours may be extended earlier or later for a minimal charge. We (the parents) hereby acknowledge that We (the Parents) are aware of the conditions stated in the Teddy Bear Day Care Parent Policy Handbook, and agree to abide by the above signed policies and requirements for Child Care Services.

Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________ Date: _______________ Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________ Date: _______________ Child Care Provider Signature: __________________ Date: _______________

Teddy Bear Day Care Registration Form Name of Child: ___________________________________________________

Birth date: _____/_____/_____

Sex: Male ____ Female ____

Full Name of Mother: ______________________________________________ Mother’s Address: ________________________________________________ Home Phone: _____________________ Cell Phone:_____________________ Mother’s Employer (include name, address, phone number & extension): Mother’s Hours of Employment: ______________________________________ Full Name of Father: _______________________________________________ Father’s Address: _________________________________________________ Home Phone: ____________________ Cell Phone:______________________ Father’s Employer (include name, address, phone number & extension): Father’s Hours of Employment: ______________________________________ Time of Child Drop-Off: ____________ Time of Child Pick-Up: _____________ Have you made special arrangements for your child’s care during illness? ( ) Yes ( ) No Please specify: ______________________________________

Person(s) to contact in case of emergency: 1. Name: ____________________________ Relationship to child:___________ Home Phone: ___________________ Work Phone:______________________ 2. Name: ____________________________ Relationship to child:___________

Home Phone: ___________________ Work Phone:______________________ Person(s) Authorized to pick up child: Name: ___________________________

Phone: ___________________

Name: ___________________________

Phone: ___________________

Name: ___________________________

Phone: ___________________

Child’s Health Information Insurance Provider: ________________________ ID#:____________________ Child’s Doctor: ________________________________ Phone: _____________ Does child have any known health problems? Yes ( ) No ( ) (If yes, please attach documentation) Check (√) any of the following illnesses the child has had: □Asthma □Earaches □Bronchitis


□Frequent Colds □Influenza


□Whooping Cough

□Pneumonia □Croup


□Chicken Pox

□Convulsions □Measles

□Rheumatic Fever □Diphtheria



Are your Child’s immunizations up to date? Yes ( ) No ( ) If no please explain: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Note: Please attach a copy of immunization record.

Does you child have any known allergies? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, what are they and what are your child’s reactions: __________________ _______________________________________________________________ Does your child take any medication on a regular basis? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, please list the name of the medication(s) and the medical condition for which it is taken: Note: I am NOT able to administer any medication to your child without a signed Medication Authorization Form. Please ask me for one when needed. Do you have any concerns about your child’s development? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, please comment: _______________________________________________________________ Please comment on any other medical information/or special needs the child care provider should be aware of: ____________________________________

I authorize the child care provider/staff to obtain the following services for this child if necessary: Public Health Nurse, Physician and/or Ambulance in the event of an emergency. (Ambulance fees and/or Health Care costs are the responsibility of the parent/guardian) __________________________ (Date)

____________________________________ (Signature of parent/guardian)

__________________________ (Signature of child care provider)

____________________________________ (Signature of parent/guardian)

Teddy Bear Day Care Child Enrollment Form Child’s Name: ____________________________________________________ Does your child have a nickname? □ Yes

□ No

If yes, what is it:___________________________________________________ Family Names of brothers & sisters _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

Age _________________ _________________ _________________

Names of others living in the home _________________________________ _________________________________

Relationship to child _________________ _________________

What language is spoken in your home: _______________________________ Does your child have pets? □ Yes □ No If yes, what are they? ______________________________________________ Food Is your child bottle-fed? □ Yes □ No If yes: What is your child’s bottle feeding schedule? ______________________ _______________________________________________________________ What position does your child like to be in while being burped? _______________________________________________________________ Has your child been introduced to solids? □ Yes □ No If yes, what type? □ baby food □ table food Does your child have any food sensitivities? □ Yes □ No If yes, please identify: ______________________________________________

What foods does your child like/dislike? ________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Sleep Describe your child’s sleep routine (include naps & lengths of naps): _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Does your child usually cry when going to sleep? □ Yes □ No If yes, for how long? ________________ Where does your child normally sleep? ________________________________ Diapering Describe your child’s diapering routine (include double diapering, liners, creams, powders etc.) ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Is your child prone to diaper rash? □ Yes □ No Treatment:________________ _______________________________________________________________ Social/Emotional Development Describe your child’s temperament: (i.e. colic, likes to cuddle) ______________ What signs does your child give of being hungry, tired or over stimulated? (i.e. pulls at ears, rubs eyes)____________________________________________ Does your child separate easily from you? □ Yes □ No Please comment: _________________________________________________ Is your child afraid of anything? □ Yes □ No Please comment: _________________________________________________ Does your child have a favorite toy, blanket or soother? □ Yes □ No Please identify: ___________________________________________________ What activities does your child enjoy? _________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Please provide any other information relating to your child that would be helpful in understanding and caring for your child: _____________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Date: __/__ /__





Parent/Guardian Signature

__________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature

__________________________________ Child Care Provider Signature

Teddy Bear Day Care Rates Full Time (5 days a week) - $650 per month/per child Part Time (3 days a week) - $450 per month/ per child Drop In Day Rate (up to 8 hours)- $45 for 1 child Drop In Half-Day Rate (up to 4 hours) - $30 for 1 child Weekend Day Rate (up to 8 hours) - $50 for 1 child Weekend Half-Day Rate (up to 4 hours) - $40 for 1 child NOTE: • For Drop In Daily and Weekend Rates, parents with multiple children, please add $10 for each additional child. • Rates are subject to change.

Teddy Bear Day Care Excursion & Transportation Consent I hereby give permission to Sarah Fatongia of Teddy Bear Day Care

for my child, __________________________________ to participate in excursions such as, but not limited to, walks in the neighborhood, walks to the playground, parks and libraries. I also give permission to Sarah Fatongia of Teddy Bear Day Care for my child, _____________________________________to participate in excursions involving private transportation to locations such as libraries, parks, playgrounds, the zoo, and other various locations with child related activities. For excursions involving private transportation by Sarah Fatongia of Teddy Bear Day Care, the parent will be made aware of the excursion in advance to allow for the parent to leave a car seat for their child to use during transportation. Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________ Date: _______ Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________ Date: _______

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