Team Bonding

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 755
  • Pages: 4
Team Bonding Games

(Day 1: 1230 - 1530)

Aims: •

To build self confidence and team work amongst camp participants.

Activity Structure •

Camp participants will be divided into 5 groups, and rotate amongst the five different stations. This would be followed by a telematch involving all groups. Time


1230-1245 1245-1305 1305-1325 1325-1345 1345-1405 1405-1425 1430-1515

Briefing and grouping of participants Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Station 4 Station 5 Telematch

Station 1: Memory Duration Logistics Requirements Manpower Requirements Venue Aim Game Objectives Game Procedure

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20min 8x paper with pictures or numbers 1x blank paper 1 facilitator per team 1 station i/c School Hall Teamwork Communication Rearranging a puzzle

Participants will have to rearrange a puzzle one at a time. All participants will have to stand 5m away from puzzles. One person will go at a time to arrange the puzzles correctly, with the rest giving instructions. The puzzle is made up of 3x3 A4 size papers. There will be 8 papers that will make up a picture and one blank paper. They can only move the jumbles papers by replacing the papers by the one next to it.

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Station 2: Handicapped Game Duration • Logistics • Requirements • • • Manpower • Requirements • Venue • Aim • • Game • Objectives Game • Procedure • • • •

20min 1x table 1x chair 1x masking tape 5x cards/bags/balloons 1 facilitator per team 1 station i/c School Hall Teamwork Trust Go through an obstacle blindfolded and collect the cards/bags/balloons along the way. There will be a maze traced by masking tape. Parents will be blindfolded and they will have to go through the maze one after another. There will be obstacles along the maze such as gap and tables. They will have to pick bean bag/balloons/cars along the way. The children will be giving them directions.

Station 3: Pyramid Duration Logistics Requirements Manpower Requirements Venue Aim Game Objectives Game Procedure

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20min 6x cans

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1 facilitator per team 1 station i/c School Hall Teamwork Build a pyramid

Participants will use their legs to build a pyramid made of cans without using their hands. The game can be made more challenging by making participants using only one leg each.

Station 4: Save Duration • Logistics • Requirements •

the Treasure 20min 1x pail with handle Brick/weight

• • Manpower • Requirements • Venue • Aim • • • Game • Objectives Game • Procedure • •

3x ropes 1x 1m bamboo stick 1 facilitator per team 1 station i/c School Hall Synergy Teamwork Creativity Save the treasure inside a square perimeter without stepping inside the square. The groups will be given few ropes. There will be 3x3m box which participants are not allowed to enter. They will have to make use of the materials given to bring the treasure out.

Station 5: Help! We Need Water ! Duration • Logistics • Requirements • • • Manpower • Requirements • Venue • Aim • • Game • Objectives Game • Procedure • • •

20min 1x pail raffia srtings 3x plastic cup 2x plastic bottle 1 facilitator per team 1 station i/c Basketball Court Teamwork Synergy Travel water 10m and transfer to bottle without using hands. 3 people have to travel a cup of water without using their hands. They will make use of the materials give- one plastic cup with three strings attached to it. They will then have to transfer the water to a bottle. This procedure would be repeated until the bottle is full or time is up.

Telematch Duration • Logistics • Requirements • •

45min 4x hulla hoop(at least) 4x balls 16x cones

Manpower Requirements Venue Aim Game Objectives Game Procedure

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plastic bags 8x ponchos/canvas sheet sponges 12x big pails of water at least 8x people

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Basketball Court, School Periphery Teamwork To complete tasks.

All the groups will compete against each other in the telematch. Each group will be assigned to a lane. Each lane will be divided into 4 portions. Each portion has a task that the participant has to accomplish. Tasks: 1. Hula hoop 2. Dribble a ball around few cones. 3. Transport a water bomb using only two canvas sheet. 4. Throw soaked sponges into a pail attached to a “see-saw”. They need to lift the other side of the “see-saw”.

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