Tcca Playbill 2008 Full

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And the winners are… O c to b e r 2 4 , 2 0 0 8

H i s to r i c Ro u n d ho u s e

S ava n n a h , G A

10/20/08 1:04:34 PM

this program courtesy of

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Welcome to The Creative Coast Innovation Awards, presented by Lott + Barber —the next step in the grand evolution of the well respected and supported Coastal Business, Education and Technology Alliance (cBETA) Technology Awards. The Innovation Awards honors the best and brightest innovators in and around Savannah’s Creative Coast, bringing together both established local leaders and up-and-coming key players in the fields of technology, design and development, including the non-profit, education and government sectors.

6 pm


7 pm

WELCOME & Introductions


8 pm

Kick-off comments

Innovation Awards

Howard J Morrison Leadership Award

Acknowledgements & Closing

welcome O cto b er 2 4 , 2 0 0 8

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the creati v e coa s t inno vation awar d s

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thank you …to our Title Sponsor

Lott + Barber’s mission, “to integrate talent, creativity and technology to deliver exceptional solutions,” makes them an ideal parter for the first Innovation Awards. A leading commercial architecture, sustainable design and land planning firm headquartered in Savannah, Lott + Barber excels at working with clients at every phase of a project, from site selection through grand opening events. Founded in 1990, the firm has been honored with numerous design awards over the

years, including Historic Preservation Awards from Historic Savannah Foundation, Excellence in Architecture awards from the American Institute of Architects and a National Award for Outstanding Technical Merit in Metropolitan Transportation Planning from the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Having made a strong commitment to environmentally responsible building, one quarter of Lott + Barber’s architects are LEED accredited, and the company is dedicated to incorporating sustainability

into its designs by taking a comprehensive look at how lighting, water use and construction materials can be used most efficiently with each project. The firm has evolved and expanded over the years, offering a full portfolio of services, from architecture and community planning to integrated project delivery and visual communications. For more information, visit

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…to our Green Level Sponsors




…to our Blue Level Sponsors




Connect Savannah Carriage Trade PR



Georgia Southern University



DP Partners

HGBD Sea Island Bank SCAD


SkIO Thomas & Hutton

(See Page 24 for Full Sponsor Bios)

The Creative Coast Alliance (TCCa) is a 501(c) 6 organization dedicated to helping create, grow and attract higherwage, knowledge-based businesses in the Savannah region. TCCa is currently funded by contributions from the Savannah Economic Development Authority (SEDA), the City of Savannah, Chatham County, event sponsors and patrons.

LOGO SPECIFICATIONS FONTS: “EFFINGHAM COUNTY” - Impact “industrial development authority” - Futura Medium COLOR: PMS 349 or C - 100 M-0 Y - 91 K - 42 INNOVATION AWA RDS 2008

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one studio



Paula Kinsey 912.920.1997

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On behalf of The Creative Coast Alliance staff, Advisory Board, City of Savannah, Chatham County and SEDA, welcome to the first Innovation Awards. With the valuable support of Lott + Barber, the Innovation Awards is the next step in the evolution of the grand tradition of the former CBETA (Coastal Business, Education & Technology Alliance) Technology Awards —an innovation in itself and a first for this community. We hope that tonight’s event will both pay homage to the hard work and dedication of those before us at CBETA, and well as continue the Creative Coast vision of expanding the conversations, perceptions and possibilities that help move Savannah forward. While the two organizations that combined almost a year ago to create The Creative Coast Alliance (The Creative Coast Initiative and CBETA) have a rich history, the Alliance is just getting started. With 4 Tcca_awards_2008.indd 4

the help of our broad-based support and newly formed Advisory Board, we continue to evolve as a concept and an organization. Most importantly tonight, we’re thrilled to pay tribute to YOU, the innovators in our community that make it all possible. Congratulations and thank you for all that you do to make the Savannah region a true Creative Coast. We are grateful to all of you who’ve jumped on board. Let’s enjoy the ride. Brynn Grant, Executive Director

Fitz Haile, Director of Marketing & PR

Jamie Wolf, Director of Programs & Entrepreneurial Development

Leigh Lawless, Marketing & Member Services Coordinator

TCCa Advisory Board

Mike Polak, Chairman Memorial Health

Sean Brandon

Director of Mobility & Parking Services, City of Savannah

Michael Brooks

Publisher, The South Magazine

Cari Clark

Owner & Creative Director, Clark Creative

Victor Ermoli

Dean, School of Design, SCAD

Michelle Hunter

Cultural Affairs Coordinator, City of Savannah

Susan Isaacs

Managing Director, Paragon Design

Orjan Isacson

Regional Manager, GA Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute

Shannon James

Owner & President, Shannon James, LLC

Dick Johnson

Vice President of Engineering, Gulfstream Aereospace

letter Tony & DaVena Jordan AWOL, Inc.

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CFO, One-Stop IT

Tommy Linstroth

Head of Sustainable Initiatives, Melaver, Inc. Owner & Chief Creative Officer, SmackDab Studios

Jimi Meuse

CFO/COO, Rails Machine, LLC

wn gro lly g) oca rin d l ate an ble c ic an o Ta Org rth t (Ea

Hannah Byrne

rolling out the green carpet er Lighting for the event extensively features LED No bottled wat Livi and CFL lighting to reduce energy consumption ng p (Far (provided by StageFront Presentation Systems)p The mer lant ce D O nterp ap pr rgan i er og Offsetting C ics) eces r o (d wit am (Ea mpos all of the on h ate so is p rth ting carbon to d y-b rin Tab lefto by a te produced le c ver Sp sed d ate fo o for an in n rin od i s k 1 h s 00 g) the scr M ap % o event s ss re Pr cy (donated int cle ing d by ) Renewable Choice Energy)

Yvonne Jouffrault

Aw ard ar stat President, tis ue t w is Small Business Assistance Corporation ith cr re eate Ashraf Saad (Je cycle d b The ro d y a b Department Head, Computer Science, co me m rn-b ar is s l AASU ased ervin Me ater ocal , bio g co i a al d c deg rada ktails ows s Letty Shearer i ) n b le c Assistant Vice President for External ups Recyclin g Affairs, AASU the eve is available at nt the City (provided by Page Siplon of Savan nah.) Executive Director, Tony O’Reilly



Logistics Innovation Center

Steve Stephens

Owner & President, StageFront Presentation Systems

Scott Tobin

Of Counsel, Hunter Maclean

Murray Wilson

Marjorie Young

Owner & President, CarriageTrade PR

Reusable dishware is being used instead of throwaway paper and plastic materials

President,TPS Consulting

for s rking d vehicle a p d e e l r e r u e f Pref atively n alter poolers. r or ca


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finalists 2008 Tcca_awards_2008.indd 7

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This award is to recognize an educational institution or initiative for a creative or innovative development, program or application of technology that has a positive impact on the educational experience. It is open to primary and secondary educational institutions as well as non-profit and community organizations or programs.

education inno vati v e achie v e m ent in


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Savannah Country Day School

Savannah Technical College

University of South Carolina Beaufort




Savannah’s First and Only LEED Certified School Building

Cross-disciplinary Student-constructed Solar Generator and Photovoltaic Program

Tegrity 2.0, An Automated Class Indexing and Content Capture System 


Tegrity is a class capture system, making class time available all the time by automatically capturing, storing and indexing classes on campus for replay by students. Whether using the widely-popular iPod or the ubiquitous cell phone, with the touch of a button students can quickly recall key moments or replay entire classes online, with digital notes, or quickly access indexed content of slides, websites and application names across an entire semester.  Consider this drastic change in chemistry tutoring requests: pre-Tegrity requests averaged 43 per semester; post-Tegrity requests averaged 3. This demonstrated benefit of continuous access to the class content and supplemental materials was the impetus for USCB to expand and capitalize on the potential of Tegrity for other academic disciplines.


The newly constructed SCDS Lower School facility is more than just a schoolhouse - it is a case study in education, responsibility and leadership. Through its environmentally-sensitive construction, SCDS plans for students to learn first hand the importance of stewardship and responsible citizenship. Furthermore, this LEED facility takes a leading role in promoting healthy, sustainable building construction for schools. Features include low-water urinals and water heads, a roof system to catch and store rain, energy saving windows, and carpets, paints and cabinets with reduced volatile organic compounds. Even surrounding landscaping and gardens will nurture plants and shrubbery that require minimal water. This new building is an extension of SCDS’s commitment to providing an atmosphere of service learning where active and engaged students are prepared for the challenges of the future.

Part of STC’s electrical program curriculum for the past year, the solar generator and Photovoltaic Technical Certificate of Credit teaches students how to support, update and maintain solar-powered electrical units. Evolving the program to beyond curriculum, STC’s Electrical Engineering class designed the generator, Drafting students drew up the plans to make the unit mobile, the Welding class took the plans and assembled the parts, and the Photovoltaic students installed all the solar equipment— resulting in a solar generator that can produce enough electricity to power communication systems for the City of Savannah in case of an emergency, and can support a 5000 BTU air conditioning for the school for over 8 hours without battery drain.



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This award is to recognize a governmental entity for a creative or innovative development, program or application of technology that improves operations or the delivery of civic services within the Coastal Community.

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Chatham County Information and Communication Services

SCMPD’s Savannah Area Regional Intelligence Center




Web-based Property Sales Direct Access System

SARIC METRO, A Web-based Intelligence Dissemination Platform




This web-based system was developed for the Board of Assessors to meet residents’ demand for up-to-date property sale information and will dramatically increase data sharing across county departments and improve data accessibility for the public. Residents can query the sales database using a variety of parameters including: Address, Sales Date, Neighborhood Code, Property ID Number, Land Use Code, Property Use and Sales Qualification Codes. This user-friendly online program represents an ongoing commitment from the County to provide webbased tools that allow residents to access information saving time and money on processing and administrative costs.

SARIC METRO is a web-based crime reduction tool unique to the SCMPD that streamlines the sharing of information on wanted persons, wanted vehicles, crime patterns and other valuable intelligence. An unparalleled tool in crime fighting and information sharing, SARIC METRO is updated continously and is accessible 24/7. Every patrol shift monitors this information and receives the very latest specific intelligence to keep police officers better informed so that they can more effectively and efficiently reduce crime. The program is now being copied by law enforcement agencies around the country.

The Savannah-Chatham Metro Police Department (SCMPD) E-police Software Implementation The first of its kind in the region, SCMPD’s E-Police Software allows the public to track crime in their neighborhoods, in almost real-time. An invaluable tool for homeowners, home buyers and apartment seekers, the software provides quick access to information that formerly took days or weeks to retrieve from the police department. The “e-police” software specifically enables residents to view crimes committed within four weeks of any given date, and within a five mile radius of any given locale. With e-police software, people can be more proactive in knowing what’s going on in their community, resulting in more eyes and ears on the street working with police to stop crime.


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This award is to recognize an emerging company (less than 5 years) for a creative or innovative development, program or application of technology related to their business. Entrants will be judged on their ability to manage barriers and challenges that typically face a young business, and on how well they adapt their business, products or services to meet market challenges.

emerging business inno vati v e achie v e m ent


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b y an

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Farmer D Organics

Federal Surveillance Integrators

JodyJazz Inc




Biodynamic Compost Product and Sustainable Farm System

The MCAD System, A Long-range Hazerdous Gas Identifying Technology



The DV and DV NY Series of 24 kt. Gold-plated Single-reed Woodwind Mouthpieces

Farmer D Organics brings us the first certified Biodynamic Compost on the market – an extremely high quality soil made from organic waste through a closed loop system. Utilizing byproducts from farms and grocers – including commercial partner Whole Foods Market – Farmer D reduces and redirects over 50,000 lbs of waste per week previously sent to a landfill. Farmer D Organics currently runs several regional gardens, including one at the Trustees Garden and Market, providing education to the community, youth and low-income families about gardening and nutrition. Additionally, Farmer D has established a new business concept of setting up sustainable farms for residences, resort communities, restaurants and non-profit educational venues such as camps, prisons and community centers.

Developed by Federal Surveillance Integrators, the MCAD system is a technology that locates, identifies and quantifies potentially hazardous gaseous elements and allows first responders and emergency personnel to detect hazardous gases from a distance. The technology, which is currently being employed by the military, can be used to improve safety and security at commercial ports and throughout larger industries. By targeting and properly utilizing the technology, MCAD can be a highly useful instrument in the overall security of our citizens, our economic trade and the livelihood our country.


Created by Jody Espina - a veteran performer and music educator - by combining science, nature and imagination, the DV series of saxophone mouthpieces are based on the Golden Mean or Phi proportions. They introduce a secondary window in the mouthpiece which increases the harmonics in the mid and bottom sections of the sonic spectrum and improves the efficiency of breath passing through the mouthpiece. With the potential to redefine sax playing, this product enhances the sound of the instrument through fatter tone, improved intonation, more harmonics, heightened altissimo, increased power and projection, cleaner articulation and facilitated playing.


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This award is to recognize an existing company (more than 5 years) for a creative or innovative development, program or application of technology related to their business. Entrants will be judged on their creativity, innovation or technical prowess in the delivery of products or services, as well as on the leadership role of management.

mature business inno vati v e achie v e m ent b y a


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Architectural Building Systems

Gulfstream Aerospace

Smart Feet




Low-impact Modular Housing System

Phase II Research and Development Center

Practical Application of Orthotics Impact Research (In conjunction with AASU)


ABS is a team of award-winning local architects providing high-quality modular homes as well as apartment and amenity buildings that are constructed with minimal impact on the land and optimal economy of time and resources. One of their most recognizable successes, dubbed “the house that was built in one day,” is a home ABS constructed in Savannah’s Victorian District that respects Lowcountry architectural vernacular yet was assembled in 1/3 of the time of a “stick-built” house with reduced need for costly, onsite specialty labor. ABS works outside the preconceptions of modular housing, incorporating environmentally sound practices and a cost-effective, time saving process that revolutionizes the potential of off-sitebuilt housing.


As designers, developers and manufacturers of the world’s most technologically advanced business-jet aircrafts, Gulfstream’s newly constructed Research and Development Center will be one of the most sophisticated aerospace R&D centers in North America. The Center will boast two buildings, a 108,750-square-foot office building and a 80,500-square-foot Laboratory Building, that will accommodate 550 employees from Engineering as well as employees of the Accounting and Publications departments. Major areas of aviation research will be conducted within the facility, including research on composite materials, acoustics (including sonic boom suppression), advanced flight deck technology, advanced cabin technology and advanced machine and tooling.


Smart Feet is a local business dedicated to the underappreciated science of orthotics and orthopedic footwear. In conjunction with AASU’s Department of Nursing, Smart Feet recently completed a nationally recognized study on the impact of orthotics on improving balance, thus reducing the risk of falling. The full impact of this study is realized when considering their findings - as published in The Journal of Orthopedic Nursing - that over 60% of deaths of women over 60 are related to falling. While orthopedic footwear may not seem exciting or dramatic, Smart Feet’s product, education and research helps speak to the viability of orthotics as an affordable, non-medical solution for seniors, diabetics and others in need of better foot support.


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This award is to recognize an organization or group of individuals for a creative or innovative development, program or application of technology that has made a significant community contribution that enhances the expansion of a knowledge-driven economy within the Coastal Community.

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Chatham County Safety Net Planning Council, Inc.

Savannah Music Festival

Union Mission, Inc.




World-Class, Cross-Genre Musical Arts Festival

Multi-disciplinary, Collaborative Social Services Model



Through its unique, culturally diverse productions, the SMF has stimulated arts education while simultaneously fostering regional economic growth, generating a cumulative financial impact of $25 million. Their singular events, including commissioned works from artists like Stuart Copeland and Wycliffe Gordon, and unique performances from acclaimed international artists, accentuate the culture and beauty of Savannah for residents and visitors alike. Georgia’s largest musical arts festival, SMF brings together artists and audiences from around the globe, right here in our own backyard.

As the region’s leading social service provider, UM is devoted to finding solutions to regional problems of poverty and homelessness. Behavioral health treatment programs and counseling programs provide a proactive recourse to expensive and ineffectual incarceration of substance abusers, persons with mental health issues, and family violence offenders, resulting in staggering cost savings to the community. In 2007 alone, UM saved Chatham County over $35 million in diverted incarceration costs, diverted emergency room visits and hospitalizations, helping provide services to over 11,000 individuals.  In the last six years, Union Mission has ended homelessness for 2,595 individuals and families, trained 262 persons in job training programs and placed 2,002 community members in employment. 

The Health Information Exchange Project Why

The Chatham County Safety Net Planning Council, a private non-profit collaborative, represents a network of key healthcare providers and stakeholders supporting uninsured and under-insured county residents. In addition, the Council serves as the Step Up Savannah’s Poverty Reduction Initiative Healthcare Action Team. A recipient of a Georgia Department of Community Health Pilot grant in 2007, the Council’s Health Information Exchange Pilot Project is building the foundation for health information exchange by promoting the adoption of electronic medical records and e-prescribing by community healthcare providers in Chatham County. The adoption of health information technology will improve the effectiveness of health care and enhance disease reporting in the county.


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This award is to recognize an entity that has demonstrated environmental leadership through the use or creation of innovative products, business or legislative practices to help make our Creative Coast a more sustainable community.

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Farmer D Organics

Salt Creek, LLC

Southern Environmental Law Center




Biodynamic Compost Product and Sustainable Farm System

Barbour Pointe, a Conservation-Based Housing Development



No-cost Regional Environmental Legal Counseling and Coastal Protection Initiative Coordinator

Farmer D Organics brings us the first certified Biodynamic Compost on the market – an extremely high quality soil made from organic waste through a closed loop system. Utilizing byproducts from farms and grocers – including commercial partner Whole Foods Market – Farmer D reduces and redirects over 50,000 lbs of waste per week previously sent to a landfill. Farmer D Organics currently runs several regional gardens, including one at the Trustees Garden and Market, providing education to the community, youth and low-income families about gardening and nutrition. Additionally, they’ve established a new business concept of setting up sustainable farms for residences, resort communities, restaurants and non-profit educational venues such as camps, prisons and community centers.

Barbour Pointe is the first development of its kind to incorporate low impact site development, independently certified energy-and resource-efficient homes, community solar power generation and conservation easement preservation of riparian buffers and green spaces in a pristine coastal environment. The development was chosen as the pilot for the new EarthCraft Coastal Communities Guidelines, and points toward LEED Silver certification. Additionally, the location is a designated Sanctuary Site for the Wild Garden Project and a release site for birds and animals rehabilitated by the Sanctuary on Sapelo. Many of the ecofriendly aspects of this development have been achieved individually in other developments but Barbour Pointe strives to set precedent in sustainable coastal development by raising the bar to a new height for any single community.


A non-profit, donor supported, public interest environmental law firm, SELC is the only regional public interest law firm in the South whose mission is to exclusively protect the natural resources and special places in the region, with an emphasis on the Georgia coast. SELC’s free legal assistance plays a crucial role in helping to protect more than 2,500 miles of tidal waterways and the East Coast’s greatest expanse of maritime forest, as well as biodiversity, safe drinking water supplies and pollution control. Working alongside other environmental groups on the coast, SELC has coordinated a coastal protection initiative to identify threats and take appropriate action to prevent damage to the unique resources through ongoing projects to protect wetlands, marshes, hammocks, barrier islands, creeks and rivers along the coast. INNOVATION AWA RDS 2008

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distinguished judges Chris Miller

In 2003, Chris Miller provided the original concept, energy and plan that launched The Creative Coast initiative into a leading position in innovationled economic development in the U.S. After serving as the organization’s Executive Director from 2003 to 2007, Miller stepped down from the position to launch his own ventures, “Creative Cities Consulting” and “Illuminomics”. He continues to be heavily involved with Savannah and the regional community, is a lead consultant to The Creative Coast Alliance and is currently working on projects in Sweden, the Baltic states and other areas around the southeast U.S. Prior to his work with TCCi, Chris Miller was an original member of, and held a number of roles critical to the widely acclaimed success of Atlanta-based Internet service provider, MindSpring Enterprises, finally heading-up the Network Operations Center as Vice President for the combined MindSpring/Earthlink Corporation. Miller played a key role in the aggressive growth via acquisition and integrations of PSINet, SpryNet,

Netcom and ultimately, the merger with Earthlink, leading to the creation of the nation’s 2nd largest ISP. In addition to his wide technology experience, he was also a former U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in Zanzibar, Tanzania, and brings to Creative Cities Consulting a wealth of senior management expertise from a wide variety of roles including technical management, commercial sales, event productions, manufacturing operations, small business and entrepreneurship consulting, as well as international, economic and community development.

to extend their brand and build meaningful customer experiences. She is a founding Principal in the firm, Echo Visualization, LLC (EchoViz) in Atlanta, Georgia which focuses on interaction design and user experience. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of IDSA where she holds the position of President of the national organization and has sat on the judging panel for the IDSA/Businessweek magazine Industrial Design Excellence Awards, the Consumer Electronics Show Innovation Gallery, The Microsoft Next-Gen Design Competition and The Seoul Design Olympiad.

Michelle Berryman

Martin Melaver

Michelle Berryman’s award-winning design career has been diverse and includes exhibits, events, interiors, consumer products, and user interfaces for consumer, medical and industrial products. She has an extensive background in corporate identity and has worked with clients like Cooper Lighting, Philips, Hewlett-Packard, Sunbeam, Milliken, Hamilton-Beach, McKesson, Electrolux, Medtronic, Nike, Siemens, Sears and Coca-Cola

Martin Melaver is CEO of Melaver, Inc., a third-generation family owned and operated business devoted solely to sustainable principles and practices. He holds a Masters and PhD from Harvard University, an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern and is a past Fulbright scholar to Tel Aviv University. He is the author of numerous articles on sustainable building practices, is the coauthor of the upcoming book INNOVATION AWA RDS 2008

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The Green Building Bottom Line, to be published in the fall of 2008 by McGraw-Hill and author of Restoring Who We Are, to be published in the spring of 2009 by Chelsea Green. He has been a guest lecturer at Harvard, Dartmouth, and other academic institutions and currently serves as the Board Chair of the Georgia Conservancy, is a board member of Urban Land Institute’s Sustainability Council, the Ossabaw Island Foundation, the Savannah Country Day School, the Chatham Environmental Forum and serves as an advisory board member for various other companies and organizations.

Charles Ross

Charles Ross is the General Manager of the Advanced Technology Development Center and Director of Entrepreneurial Services for Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute. Mr. Ross is responsible for leading and providing the overall strategy for four entrepreneur assistance programs: the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC), a nationally recognized science and

technology incubator; Entrepreneur Outreach, a program that provides hands on assistance to technology entrepreneurs across the state of Georgia; the Georgia Minority Business Enterprise Center (GMBEC) a federal program focused on assisting minority business owners; and the ATDC Seed Capital Fund, an $18M early stage technology fund commissioned by the State of Georgia to establish and grow innovative technology-based entrepreneurial companies. Prior to joining the ATDC and the Enterprise Innovation Institute, Mr. Ross was a Director of Ameritech’s venture capital division where he identified and executed strategic technology investments and has over ten years of business development and engineering management experience acquired through several assignments within Ameritech’s cellular, telephony, electronic commerce and IT business units.

Don McLemore

Don McLemore came to Herty in 2005 and is the current Chief Operating Officer. With a BS, MS and Ph.D. in Chemistry, Physics and Polymer Science, respectively, and almost 30 years of industry experience, Dr. McLemore spent 21 years with the Dow Chemical Company where he rose through the ranks of research management in polymeric materials in both Dow’s Louisiana and Michigan laboratories. During his later years with Dow, he was named Director of Technology and Business Development for Dow Venture. After leaving Dow in 1997, Don went on to work with Raychem and later Microtek Medical (formerly Isolyser Co.) where he achieved the positions of Director of Technology and Business Development and Executive Vice President, respectively. In recent years, Dr. McLemore has formed a private consulting business and accepted an appointment to work with Georgia Tech to lead an initiative in developing a nationally recognized center of excellence in polymer science and engineering.

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Carriage Trade

City of Savannah

Public Relations

Situated on a beautiful 268-acre campus, AASU serves students from nearly every state and over 70 nations. Some 7,000 students enjoy our personalized approach to education in small classes taught by faculty, not graduate assistants. AASU offers 100+ academic degrees and programs, noteworthy student and faculty research, the Center for Regional Analysis and workforce development for education, health care and knowledge-based enterprises. Alliance for Coastal Technolgies The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) is a NOAA-funded partnership of research institutions, resource managers, and private sector companies dedicated to fostering the development and adoption of effective and reliable sensors and platforms. brightwhitespace Creator of the City of Savannah’s logo, and the go-to design firm for top local marketing entities such as Cora Bett Thomas Realty Co., brightwhitespace is a creative team that’s in touch with its clients goals. Recognizing excellence in identity, web and print design, their clients appreciate the cost-savings and consistency of message that they get from this small firm that can do it all. CarriageTrade Public Relations, Inc is an award winning PR firm since 1995. Increase your visibility in the community and online. Chamber of Commerce The Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of businesses and professional men and women who have joined together for the purpose of promoting the civic, commercial and economic development of the community. There are approximately 2,200 member organizations investing in the success of the Chamber via their annual dues and contributions. It is one of the oldest Chambers in the United States and has been in continuous operation since the founding date. Over the years, it has expanded from the narrow interests of the mercantile community to the broad scope of the business and professional communities. It has also expanded its scope from just the city of Savannah, to include the entire Savannah area and surrounding communities. The Chamber now encompasses the coastal regions and deals with the affairs of the state, national and international entities which affect the Savannah area. CONNECT SAVANNAH

The City of Savannah operates under a council/manager form of government which was adopted in 1954. City Council, currently composed of Mayor Otis Johnson, Mayor Pro Tem Edna Jackson, Alderman Larry Stuber, Alderman Van Johnson, Alderman Tony Thomas, Alderman Mary Osborne, Alderman Mary Ellen Sprague, Alderman Jeff Felser and Alderman Clifton Jones, provides legislative direction for the City. City staff works to support the priorities set by the Mayor and Alderman by providing exemplary customer service to the citizens of Savannah. To reach the City, please call 311 or visit our website. DP Partners Effingham IDA Ranked as one of the top choices for business and residential environments, Effingham makes quality of life a top consideration where planning and growth are concerned. That’s why you can find everything you need just around the corner yet still have your own quiet place to call home. Energy Launch Partners LLC

Energy Launch Partners LLC is a clean technology company. It identifies and develops emerging technologies that deliver energy efficiency and renewable energy production.

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GEORGIA PORTS AUTHORITY Facilitating global trade through strategic U.S. East Coast gateways, the Georgia Ports Authority is a leader in the operation of modern terminals and in meeting the demands of international business. Georgia’s ports combine industry innovations with proven flexibility to create new opportunities along the entire global logistics pipeline, delivering what the market demands. Now. Because in the world of trade, we’re not just keeping up, we’re setting the pace.

and graduate programs in civil, computer, electrical, environmental, and mechanical engineering. Cutting edge research facilities support the academic programs as well as the regional office of the Georgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute, the Savannah Advanced Technology Development Center, and the Georgia Logistics Innovation Center. Georgia Tech Savannah (GTS) offers students the same intellectual rigor found in the academic and research programs on the Atlanta campus, but in a burgeoning, creative coastal community.

business-jet aircraft. Gulfstream has produced some 1,800 aircraft for customers around the world since 1958.

Green Lifespace

Hunter Maclean

Green Lifespace is a Savannah-based commercial recycling and consulting firm. Along with commercial recycling for bars, restaurants, and offices, Green Lifespace focuses on helping organizations, schools, and businesses become more environmentally responsible. In addition to hosting GreenFest every year, the company helps promote sustainability issues for major events and functions throughout the city.

Legal ingenuity, professional excellence and outstanding service have defined HunterMaclean’s mission for more than a century. This award-winning, full-service law firm works closely with entrepreneurs and knowledgebased businesses, helping innovative companies succeed at various stages of growth, from start-up through sale or acquisition. With offices in Savannah and Brunswick, HunterMaclean specializes in providing creative solutions and offering business advice in fields ranging from technology licensing to corporate finance. With more than 50 attorneys operating from two offices, the firm offers one comprehensive source to handle a full range of client legal needs.

HGBD Herty

bios Herty Advanced Materials Development Center is a new product accelerator. Focused on value added materials manufacturers, it provides technical, market, manufacturing and development support.

Georgia Power Georgia Power is an investor-owned, tax-paying utility that serves 2.25 million customers in all but four of Georgia’s 159 counties. The largest of four electric utilities that make up Southern Company, Georgia Power, has been providing electricity to Georgia for more than a century at rates well below the national average. Georgia Southern University GEORGIA TECH SAVANNAH Continuing Georgia Tech’s tradition of excellence in engineering-centered education, research and economic development, the Savannah campus projects the Georgia Tech presence to the Southeast Georgia region and currently offers undergraduate

Gulfstream Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD), designs, develops, manufactures, markets, services and supports the world’s most technologically advanced


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Savannah Morning News

The Center of Innovation for Logistics is Georgia’s leading resource for increasing logistics growth and competitiveness. Recognizing the perils of industry fragmentation, our team works directly with each logistics sector to identify common problems - and common solutions. By advancing research, technology and commercialization as well as collaborating with industry thought leaders, technology firms, academia and entrepreneurs; we provide the connections needed to propel Georgia’s logistics industry.

In a world, where design was young and misunderstood, one team stood alone in a deadly game of crossing three different disciplines under one roof. Based on the true story of Paragon Design Group, comes the epic tale of an award-winning design firm, specializing in print, web and motion graphics. An intrepid band of creative thinkers dedicated to the pursuit of sustainable design, bravely battling against the evil hordes of mediocrity and apathy. From the people who brought you the Innovation Awards show package, Paragon Design Group... sitting at a table near you.

The Savannah Morning News and provides multi-media news for readers and advertisers throughout the Coastal Empire. Whether in print, online or on your mobile device, you can trust the Savannah Morning News for in-depth, credible news, sports and entertainment!

Low Country Machinery, JCB Founded in England by the late Joseph Cyril Bamford, for whom the company is named, JCB celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2005.The privately held family company has 18 manufacturing facilities on four continents - 11 in the UK, three in India and one each in the U.S., China, Germany and Brazil. JCB manufactures more than 290 distinct machines including: backhoe loaders, Loadall telescopic handlers, tracked and wheeled excavators, wheel loaders, articulated dump trucks, rough terrain fork lifts, mini excavators, skid steers loaders, JCB Vibromax compaction equipment and groundcare equipment. The company employs more than 9,000 people worldwide.

SCAD Sea Island Bank SEDA

Rails MACHINE Rails Machine LLC provides software, services and support for commercial Ruby on Rails application deployments. Our primary customers are professional Ruby on Rails developers that need simple and high quality solutions for deploying their applications either in a hosted environment or internal corporate environment. We combined our Rails expertise with a reliable, redundant infrastructure and a customized deployment stack to create the ideal platform for your Rails applications. The Savannah Economic Development Authority works to improve the standard of living for all citizens of Chatham County by stimulating the economy through the attraction of new investment, the creation of jobs and the support of established businesses in the area. SkIO

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Smack Dab Studios

Southern Environmental

Structured Green

Law Center

Located smack dab in the middle of Savannah, Smack Dab Studios is a full-service graphic design and web application development firm that prides themselves on creating effective design to help companies achieve their business objectives. Led by Hannah M. Byrne and Blake Ellis, the studio has a solid history of building relationships with clients throughout Georgia. South UNIVERSITY South University was founded in 1899 and is a private academic institution dedicated to providing educational opportunities for the intellectual, social, and professional development of a diverse student population. It has long and distinguished history of putting our students and learning first. Our faculty come to South University because they know we offer something different, and they seize the opportunity to focus on student learning. For 22 years, SELC, a regional nonprofit organization has pursued a unique mission: protect the environment and health of the Southeast through the power of the law. Working in all three branches of government, SELC shapes, enacts, implements, and enforces the laws and polices that affect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the landscapes around us. SELC provides its services free of charge to more than 100 partner groups who rely on its expertise, regional perspective, and strategic leadership.

Structured Green was created by two designers who were looking for furniture that was designed in line with their philosophy: respect for the environment. After a time-consuming search, they decided to start a company that would carry only ecoquality furniture and accessories. Our products are beautifully designed and constructed in a way to reduce their impact, and at the end of their useful life, can be recycled. The products we present to you are “Naturally Good Design.” Thomas & Hutton

SPANISH MOSS Family owned and operated, our personalized, detail oriented service is unsurpassed. Stage Front Presentation Systems STAGE FRONT Presentation Systems has been serving the Savannah community proudly for 30 years.  Founded in 1978, Stage Front designs and installs technical systems that help people better educate, communicate and entertain. Stage Front Presentation Systems is located at 6 Southern Oaks Drive in Savannah. For more information call (912) 236-1345 or visit our website.

Memorial Memorial University Medical Center is a two-state healthcare organization serving a 35-county area in southeast Georgia and southern South Carolina. The system includes its flagship hospital, a 530-bed tertiary medical center; Memorial primary and specialty care physician networks; a major medical education program; business and industry services; and NurseOne, a 24-hour call center.


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special thanks Lott + Barber

brightwhitespace llc


Jennifer Abshire Patterson

Spanish Moss Printing

Moonriver Brewing Company

TCCa Awards Committee Marjorie Young Tommy Linstroth Summer Teal Simpson Shannon James Scott Tobin Rigel Crockett Steve Stevens Anthony Wagner Curtis Faircloth Jimi Meuse Steve Bowman Phil Sellers

Jody Espina and Howard Paul

2008 panel of Judges

Earth to Table (Cha Bella)

Historic Roundhouse and the Coastal Heritage Society

Structured Green Paragon Design Group Stagefront Presentation Systems

TCCa Revenue Committee Rick Winger Howard Morrison Lynn Pitts Mike Polak

Printed on chlorine-free 100% post-consumer fiber with soybased inks

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this program courtesy of

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10/20/08 1:04:53 PM

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O c to b e r 2 4 , 2 0 0 8

And the winners are… H i s to r i c Ro u n d ho u s e

S ava n n a h , G A

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And the winners are…

10/20/08 1:04:34 PM

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