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BATCH 2019


TAX06– INCOME TAX ON INDIVIDUALS MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which of the following is not considered a non-resident citizen? a. A citizen of the Philippines who establishes to the satisfaction of the Commissioner the fact of his physical presence abroad with a definite intention to reside therein. b. A citizen of the Philippines who leaves the Philippines during the taxable year to reside abroad, either as an immigrant or for employment on permanent basis. c. A citizen of the Philippines who works and derives income from abroad and whose employment thereat requires him to be physically present abroad most of the time during the taxable year. d. A citizen of the Philippines who went on a business trip abroad and stayed therein most of the time during the year. 2. Determine the correct classification of the following: I. Manny, a Fiiipino businessman, went on a business trip abroad and stayed there most of the time during the year. II. Kyla, a Filipino professional singer, held a series of concerts in various countries around the world during the current taxable year. She stayed abroad most of the time during the year. III. Efren, a Filipino "cue" artist went to Canada during the taxable year to train and participate in the world cup of pool. He stayed there most of the time during the year. A B C D I NRC RC RC RC II NRC NRC RC RC III NRC NRC NRC RC 3. Determine the correct classification of the following Fiiipino taxpayers: Scenario 1: A citizen of the Philippines who went on a business trip abroad and stayed therein most of the time during the year. Scenario 2: Onyok is a professional boxer who was featured in four (4) boxing bouts in the United States of America for the current calendar year. He stayed therein most of the time during the year. Scenario 3: To develop a better a relationship in preparation for their upcoming wedding, Pedro and Ana travelled around the world during the current taxable year. They stayed in various countries around the world most of the time during the taxable year. A. B. C. D. Scenario 1 NRC NRC NRC RC Scenario 2 NRC NRC RC RC Scenario 3 NRC RC RC RC 4. Due to his expertise, Engr. Pedro D. Magiba (a freelancer) was hired by a foreign petroleum contractor in Thailand to provide technical assistance for two months from February to March. He was hired again for the months of June-July and October-December of the same taxable year. Engr. Pedro D. Magiba is a; a. Resident citizen b. Nonresident citizen c. Special Filipino employee d. None of the above 5. Cheche, nonresident citizen, arrived in the July 1, 2015 to reside here permanently after working as nurse in the United States of America for many years. Which of the following statements is correct with respect to her classification for income tax purposes? a. She shall be classified as nonresident citizen for the year 2015 with respect to her income derived from sources abroad from January 1, 2015 until the date of her arrival in the Philippines b. She shall be classified as nonresident citizen for the whole year of 2015. c. She shall be classified as resident citizen for the whole year 2015. d. She shall be classified as neither resident nor nonresident citizen for the year 2015. 6. Dr. J, an expert American Physicist was hired by a Philippine corporation to assist in its organization and operation for which he had to stay in the Philippines for an indefinite period. His coming to the Philippines was for a definite purpose which in its nature would require an extended stay and to that end makes his home

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temporarily in the Philippines. The American management expert intends to leave the Philippines as soon as his job is finished. For income tax purposes, the American management expert shall be classified as: a. Resident alien b. Nonresidentalien engaged in trade or business. c. Nonresident alien not engaged in trade or business. d. Resident citizen. 7. Rihanna, an American singer, was engaged to sing for one week at the Western Philippine Plaza after which she returned to USA. For income tax purposes, she shall be classified as: a. Resident alien. b. Nonresidentalienengaged in trade or business. c. Nonresident alien not engaged in trade or business. d. Resident citizen. 8. Which of the following is taxable based on world income? a. Resident alien b. Nonresident citizen c. Nonresident alien d. Resident Citizen 9. It is Important to know the source of income for income tax purposes (i.e. from within and without the Philippines) because; a. Some individuals and corporate taxpayers are taxable based on their worldwide income while others are taxable only on their income from sources within the Philippines. b. The Philippines imposes income tax only on income from sources within. c. Some individual taxpayers are citizens while others are aliens. d. Export sales are not subject to income tax. Use the following data for the next five (5) questions: A taxpayer, married without qualified dependent child, had the following data for taxable year 2018: Gross income, Philippines P 800,000 Gross income, USA 600,000 Expenses, Philippines 400,000 Expenses, USA 300,000 10. If the taxpayer is a resident citizen, married, his taxable income is a. P 400,000 b. P 350,000 c. P 700,000 d. P 650,000 11. If the taxpayer is a non-resident citizen, married, his taxable income is a. P 400,000 b. P 350,000 c. P 700,000 d. P 650,000 12. If the taxpayer is resident alien, married, his taxable income is a. P 400,000 b. P 350,000 c. P 700,000 d. P 650,000 13. If the taxpayer is a non-resident alien engage in trade or business in the Philippines, married and his country grants P 40,000 as a personal exemption for married individuals, his taxable income is a. P 400,000 b. P 360,000 c. P 700,000 d. P 660,000 14. If the taxpayer is a non-resident alien not engage in business in the Philippines, married and his country grants P 40,000 as a personal for married individuals, taxable income is a. P 800,000 b. P 400,000 c. P 360,000 d. P 350,000 15. Mr. Porras, married, left Philippines in the middle of the year on July 1, 2015 to go abroad and work there for two years, the following data were provided as of December 31,2015: (Assume all data from abroad only) Gross

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UCP :TAX 06_ INCOME TAX ON INDIVIDUALS January 1 to June 30 July 1 to December 31

Income P300,000 1,000,000

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His taxable income is; ($1-P50) a. P150,000 c. P843,000 b. P1,403,000 d. P0 16. Based on the above problem, but assuming he arrived from abroad on July 1,2015 to permanently resettle in the Philippines, after working abroad for 2 years, his taxable income as of December 31,2015 is: a. P168,000 c. P843,000 b. P1,025,000 d. P825,000 17. If he did not leave Philippines at all, his taxable income is: a. P168,000 c. P843,000 b. P1,025,000 d. None 18. Which of the following interest income derived within the Philippines is subject to basic income tax? a. Interest income from bank deposits b. Interest income from loans c. Interest income from deposit substitutes d. Interest income from trust funds 19. An instrument with a maturity period of and was transferred to Smith (resident tax should as be: A. B. Juan - 20% final tax True False Smith - exempt True False

ten (10) years was held by Juan (resident citizen) for two (2) years alien), who, in turn, held it for eight (8) years. The final withholding C. True False

D. False True

20. An instrument with a maturity period of ten (10) years was held by Smith (nonresident alien engage in trade or business) for three (3) years and transferred it to Juan, a resident citizen. Juan held it for two (2) years before subsequently transferring it to James (nonresident alien not engage in trade or business) who held it until the day of maturity. The final withholding tax are as follows: A. B. C. D. Smith - 12% final tax True True True True Juan - 20% final tax True True False False James - 5% True False False True 21. Which of the following interest income by a resident taxpayer is subject to 7 ½ % or 15 %? a. Interest income from peso bank deposits b. Interest income from deposit substitutes c. Interest income trust funds d. Interest income dollar deposit 22. A non-resident alien derived interest income from his bank deposit here in the Philippines under the FCDU system of a domestic bank. The interest amounted to $500. How much is the income tax due of the said alien? ($1 = Php50) a. P0 c. P8,000 b. P3,000 d. P10,000 23. If an account in a depository bank under the foreign currency deposit system is jointly in the name of a nonresident citizen such as an overseas contract worker, or a Filipino seaman, and his spouse or dependent who is a resident of the Philippines, the interest on such deposit shall be: a. Exempted in its entirety. b. Subject to final withholding tax of 7 ½% in its entirety. c. 50% exempt and 50% subject to final withholding tax of 7 ½% d. Subject to regular income tax rates for Individuals. 24. Mr, X, a resident citizen, appoints Bank A—-Trust Department to manage his money created through a trust agreement. Bank A—Trust Department then invests said money in a long term investment (10-year corporate bond) of XYZ Corporation under the account name "Bank A - Trust Department", Mr, X did not withdraw his money from such trust agreement for at least five (5) years. The interest of Mr. X from the corresponding trust agreement is: a. Exempt from Income tax b. Subject to 15% preferential tax rate c. Subject to 20% final tax d. Subject to basic Income tax 25. Which of the following royalties earned within the Philippines is not subject to 10% final withholding tax? a. Royalties from computer software

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b. Royalties from books c. Royalties from literary works d. Royalties from musical compositions 26. The following taxpayers who received a dividend income from a domestic corporation will received net of 10% final withholding tax, except; a. Resident citizen b. Non-resident citizen c. Resident alien d. Non-resident alien engaged in trade or business 27. Which of the following cash and/or property dividends actually or constructively received by an individual shall not be subject to final tax but to regular income tax for individuals? a. Cash and/or property dividends from a domestic corporation or from a joint stock company b. Cash and/or property dividends from insurance or mutual fund companies c. Cash and/or property dividends from regional operating headquarters of multinational companies d. Cash and/or property dividends from a nonresident foreign corporation 28. Share in the net distributable income of a general co-partnership by a resident citizen is subject to: a. 10% final withholding tax b. 20% final withholding tax c. 6% capital gains tax d. Basic income tax 29. Share in the net distributable income of a general professional partnership by a resident citizen is subject to: a. 10% final withholding tax b. 20% final withholding tax c. 6% capital gains tax d. Basic income tax 30. If a non-resident citizen received his share in the income of a taxable joint venture, what type of income tax that will apply on the said income? a. Final withholding tax on passive income b. Capital gains tax c. Basic income tax d. Fringe benefit tax 31. Based on the preceding number, except that the joint venture is exempt from income tax, what type of income tax will apply on the said income? a. Final withholding tax on passive income b. Capital gains tax c. Basic Income Tax d. Fringe benefit tax Use the following data for the next two (2) questions Cliff is a self-employed and/or professional. He provided the following information for 2018 taxable year: Gross sales P 1,650,000 Cost of sales 500,000 Business expenses 425,000 Rental income (net) 308,750 Philippine charity sweepstakes winnings 500,000 Royalty income - books 120,000 Other royalty income - Philippines 60,000 Dividend income - domestic corporations 40,000 Interest income, BDO QC 100,000 Interest income received from a depository bank 50,000 under FCDS, Philippines Creditable withholding tax from business income 65,000 Quarterly tax payments 82,500 32. How much is the income tax payable of Cliff? a. P 9,500 b. P 10,500 c. P 57,500 d. P 205,000 33. How much is the income tax payable of Cliff assuming he opted to be taxed at 8% income tax rate? a. P 9,500 b. P 10,500 c. P 57,500 d. P 205,000

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34. Cliff is deriving compensation and business income, He provided the following information for 2018 taxable year: Gross compensation income P 600,000 Gross sales 1,650,000 Cost of sales 500,000 Business expenses 425,000 Rental income (net) 308,750 Philippine charity sweepstakes winnings 500,000 Royalty income - books 120,000 Other royalty income - Philippines 60,000 Dividend income - domestic corporations 40,000 Interest income, BDO QC 100,000 Interest income received from a depository 50,000 bank under FCDS, Philippines Creditable withholding tax from business 65,000 income Quarterly tax payments 82,500 How a. P b. P c. P d. P

much is the income tax payable of Cliff assuming he opted to be taxed at 8% income tax rate? 89,500 90,500 57,500 205,000

35. Michael Cabarles, single, has the following income and expenses for the year 2018. He supports an eight-yearold illegitimate child. Professional Income, net of P60.000 P 540,000 withholding tax, Rental income (net) 47,500 Rewards as BIR informer 30,000 Wagering gains 50,000 Kickbacks received from suppliers of clients 40,000 Interest income on time deposit (net) 32,000 Dividend income from domestic corporations 75,000 Professional expenses 325,000 Household expenses, 24,000 Premium payment on health insurance 4,000 Facilitation fees paid to government agencies 15,000 Compute the amount of his taxable income subject to basic tax for 2018? a. P 325,000 b. P 340,000 c. P 415,000 d. P 445,000 Use the following data for the next three (3) questions: A resident citizen, married, with two (2) qualified dependent children has the following data for the year 2018: Gross sales, Philippines P 5,000,000 Sales returns and allowances, Philippines 500,000 Cost of sales, Philippines 1,500,000 Gross sales, Ukraine 3,000,000 Sales returns and allowances, Ukraine 200,000 Cost of sales, Ukraine 800,000 Business expenses, Philippines 500,000 Business expenses, Ukraine 300,000 Interest income, peso bank deposit BDO-Marikina 20,000 Interest income, US dollar deposit, BDO-Mandaluyong 50,000 Gain from sale of residential house and lot (selling price, P 3,000,000; FMV, time of sale, P5,000,000) Gain from sale of shares of stock listed and traded in the local stock exchange (selling price, P100,000) Gain from sale of shares of stock not traded in the local stock exchange

500,000 30,000 150,000

36. How much is the total final tax on passive income? a. P 14,000 b. P 7,750 c. P 4,000 d. P 11,500

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37. How much is the capital gains tax due? a. P 310,000 b. P 300,000 c. P 180,000 d. P 322,500 38. How much is the taxable net income? a. P 4,700,000 b. P 4,280,000 c. P 2,900,000 d. P 4,200,000 39. A taxpayer received during the taxable year 2018 the following passive income derived from within the Philippines: Interest on bank deposit under FCDU (net) P231,250 Royalty on a software application (gross) 95,000 Dividend income RFC (gross) 150,000 If taxpayer is a non-resident alien engaged in business, the final tax on the above passive income would amount to a. P59,809 c. P19,000 b. P67,750 d. P37,750 40. If the amount of prize received did not exceed P10,000, what type of income tax will apply? a. Final withholding tax on passive income b. Capital gains tax c. Basic income tax d. Fringe benefit tax 41. Which of the following transactions is subject to 6% capital gains tax: a. Sale of condominium units by a real estate dealer b. Sale of real property utilized for office use c. Sale of apartment houses ; d. Sale of vacant lot by an employee 42. Statement 1: Proceeds of sale of real property classified as capital asset may be exempt from the 6% capital gains tax Statement 2: Gain from sale of real property classified as capital asset to the Government may be taxed under Section 24 (A) at the option of the individual taxpayer. a. True, True c. False, False b. True, False d. False, True 43. Larry sold his residential house for P5,000,000. Its FMV when he inherited it was P6,000,000 although its present FMV is P8,000,000. The tax on the above transaction is; a. P360,000 capital gains tax b. P480,000 capital gains tax c. 30% donor's tax d. Value added tax 44. But assuming that Larry used 1/4 of the proceeds of the said house to buy a new principal residence 10 days after the above sale and he properly informed BIR about it, the tax shall only be: a. P120,000 capital gains tax b. P240,000 capital gains tax c. P360,000 capital gains tax d. P480,000 capital gains tax 45. Based on the above problem, but assuming the residential house is located abroad, the capital gains tax is: a. P360,000 c. P120,000 b. P480,000 d. P0 46. Fringe benefit tax is computed based on: a. Grossed-up monetary value b. Monetary value c. Gross compensation d. Net compensation 47. The following statements are true, except a. Fringe benefit tax shall be treated as a final income tax on the employee withheld and paid by the employer on a quarterly basis b. The grossed up monetary value of the fringe benefit is the actual amount received by the employee

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The grossed-up monetary value of the fringe benefit shall be determined by dividing the monetary value of the fringe benefit by the gross monetary value factor d. The person liable for fringe benefit tax is the employer, whether he is an individual, professional partnership or a corporation regardless of whether the corporation is taxable or not or the government and its instrumentalities. 48. An a. b. c. d.

employer subject to fringe benefit tax may be a/an An individual General professional partnership Corporation All of the above

49. Which of the following is subject to fringe benefit tax? a. Basic salary of the rank and file employees. b. Basic salary of the supervisory or managerial employees. c. Fringe benefit of the rank and file employee. d. Fringe benefit of the supervisory or managerial employee. 50. Starting the effectivity of train law, the following are exempt fringe benefits, except for one a. Fringe benefitsgiven to rank and file employee. b. Fringe benefit given for the convenience of the employee. c. When the fringe benefit is required by the nature of or necessary to the trade, business or profession of the employer. d. Rice benefit amounting to P2,000 a month. 51. In 2018, Delta Corporation bought a condominium unit on installment for the use of its executive. The acquisition cost inclusive of 12% interest is P6,720,000. The fair, market value of the property per Tax Declaration is P6,800,000 while the zonal value is P6,500,000. How much is the fringe benefit tax? a. P0 b. P70,588 c. P76,471 d. P80,769 52. In 2015, ABC Corporation gave the following fringe benefits to its employees: To managerial employees P1,360,000 To rank and file employees 5,000,000 The allowable deduction from the gross income of the corporation for the fringe benefits given to employees is a. P2,000,000 c. P6,320,000 b. P2,148,000 d. P7,000,000 53. Data from a managerial employee for taxable year 2015 revealed the following; Salaries and wages (net of SSS and phithealth contribution amounting to 6,000 and withholding tax of 25,000) 354,000 Allowance, not subject to liquidation 48,000 Gasoline allowance, subject to liquidation 30,000 13th month pay 20,000 Taxable compensation income subject to graduated rates is a. P487,000 c. P380,000 b. P386,000 d. P354,000 54. Based on the above problem, the fringe benefit tax due is – a. P36,706 c. P24,941 b. P33,412 d. P22,588 55. The following information are presented to you in connection with the determination of the fringe benefits tax of Rica, Vice-President of Hananiah Corporation: Paid by the company with official receipts under the name of Hananiah Corporation:  Laptop computer for Rica's office use, P80,000.  Air-conditioning unit for Rica's office use, P30,000.  Groceries for Rica's family consumption, P10,000.  Plumbing materials for use in the repair of Rica's residential house, P5,000. Paid by Rica subsequently reimbursed by employer with official receipts under the name of Hananiah Corporation:  Purchase of clothes and shoes for Rica's daughter, P15,000,  Samples of merchandise sold in the competitor's store for marketing study, P12,000. How much is the fringe benefits tax due?

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UCP :TAX 06_ INCOME TAX ON INDIVIDUALS a. P14,118 b. P48,640

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c. P58,824 d. P71,529

56. In the year 2015, Bank of Philippine Archipelago Inc. paid for the quarterly rental of a residential house of its branch manager, Mr. Tolentino, amounting to P68,000. How much is the fringe benefit expense? a. P68,000 c. P16,000 b. P34,000 d. P11,333 57. How much is the fringe benefit tax? a. P16,000 c. P6,000 b. P11,333 d. P5,667 58. International Phone Inc. owns a condominium unit. During the year 2015, it allowed its CEO to use the said property as his residence. The zonal value of the property is P10,000,000 while its fair market value as shown in its current Real Property Tax Declaration amounts to P8,000,000. How much is the fringe benefit expense? a. P500,000 c. P200,000 b. P250,000 d. nil 59. Based on the preceding number, how much is the quarterly fringe benefit tax expense? a. P50,000 c. P25,412 b. P23,529 d. nil 60. Using the same data in Number 46 and assuming that the acquisition cost of the residential property is P7,000,000 and the remaining useful life is 15 years. How much is the fringe benefit expense? a. P500,000 c. P200,000 b. P250,000 d. nil 61. Bangko ng Ginto Inc. bought a residential property on installment for the use of its Comptroller. The total amount paid by the Bank is P5,500,000, gross of 10% interest. The fair market value of the property per Tax Declaration is P6,000,000 while the zonal value is P5,236,000. How much is the annual fringe benefit tax? a. P1,294,118 c. P64,706 b. P1,176,471 d. P58,824 62. Based on the preceding number, assuming the ownership over the property will be transferred to the Bank's Comptroller, how much is the fringe benefit tax? a. P2,823,529 c. P2,464,000 b. P2,588,235 d. P2,352,941 63. In 2015, Jana Corporation purchased a residential house and lot for P2,300,000. The property was later sold to its General Manager for P1,980,000. The fair market value per Assessor's Office is P2,200,000 while the zonal value is P2,100,000. How much is the fringe benefit tax? a. P103,529 c. P150,588 b. P56,471 d. nil 64. Based on the preceding number, assuming the selling price is P2,400,000, how much is the fringe benefit tax? a. P103,529 c. P150,588 b. P56,471 d. nil 65. Enrica Flower Shop, sole proprietorship, purchased a motor vehicle for the use of its manager, Enrica. It was registered under Enrica's name. The cost of the vehicle was P400,000. The vehicle will be partly used for the benefit of the Company. How much is the fringe benefit tax? a. P103,529 c. P37,647 b. P94,118 d. nil 66. An employer gave P1,312,500 cash to the employee to purchase any vehicle of his desire. However, the employee purchased a brand new car only worth PI,200,000. Assuming that the employee is a non-resident alien not engage in trade or business, how much is the grossed-up monetary value? a. P1,312,500 b. P1,750,000 c. P1,200,000

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d. P1,600,000 67. An employer, offshore banking unit, purchased a car in installment for P1,700,000 in the name of the employee, how much is the fringe benefit tax? a. P160,000 b. P800,000 c. P60,000 d. P300,000 68. In general, educational assistance to the employee by the employer may be taxable or tax exempt. Which of the following is required in order that such educational assistance be exempt from fringe benefit tax? I. The education or study involved is directly connected with the employer's business or profession. II. There is a written contract between them that the employee is under obligation to remain in the employ of the employer for a certain period of time they have mutually agreed upon. a. I only c. Both I and II b. II only d. Neither I nor II 69. A leading manufacturing firm in the country provides educational assistance to all its employees' dependents provided the latter qualifies in the entrance examination given by the school of their choice. The educational assistance is/subject to: a. Subject to basic income tax or fringe benefit tax depending on the rank of the related employee. b. Subject to fringe benefit tax regardless of the rank of the related employee. c. Subject to basic income tax regardless of the rank of the related employee d. Tax exempt 70. Prior to the effectivity of train law, an exemption allowed to a taxpayer who has qualified legitimate, illegitimate or legally adopted children. a. Additional personal exemption. b. Special additional personal exemption. c. Optional standard deduction. d. Basic personal exemption. 71. Pedro, taxpayer from Isabela province, married, supports the following:  Ana (recognized natural child), 18 years old, student of ABC University in Manila. Ana stayed most of the time during the year in Manila.  Fe (illegitimate child), 20 years old, who got married during the year.  BJ, a qualified foster child  JJ, stepchild, son of Pedro's wife by a former marriage, 15 years old.  Marta, widowed mother of his wife, 62 years old.  Magda, a senior citizen. Pedro is a qualified benefactor of a senior citizen. For income tax purposes, the taxpayer can claim: Basic exemption Additional exemption a. P50,000 P100,000 b. P50,000 P75,000 c. P50,000 P50,000 d. P50,000 P0 72. Which of the following taxpayers is subject to the rule on reciprocity under the Tax Code with respect to their allowed personal exemption? a. Nonresident citizen with respect to his income derived from outside the Philippines. b. Nonresident alien who shall come to the Philippines and stay herein for an aggregate period of more than 180 days during any calendar year. c. Resident alien deriving income from a foreign country. d. Nonresident alien not engaged in trade or business in the Philippines whose country allows personal exemption to Filipinos who are not residing but are deriving income from said country. 73. A nonresident alien deriving income from Philippine sources claims that he is entitled to personal exemptions. Which of the following is not a condition for the allowance of personal exemptions to said taxpayer? a. That he has stayed in the Philippines for an aggregate period of more than 180 days. b. That his country has an income tax law that allows personal exemptions to Filipinos not residing therein. c. That he has filed a true and accurate return of his total income from all sources within the Philippines. d. That he is married to a Filipina 74. The taxpayer is a married nonresident alien engaged in business in the Philippines with three (3) qualified dependent children. His country gives a nonresident Filipino with income therefrom a basic personal exemption of P40,000 & P30,000 additional personal exemption for each qualified dependent child. He is entitled to total personal exemptions of: a. P50,000 c. P130,000 b. P115,000 d. nil

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75. Statement 1: Life insurance premiums paid by an individual taxpayer is deductible from gross income for a maximum amount of P2,400, provided, that the family's gross income for the year does not exceed P250,000. Statement 2: The premium on health and/or hospitalization insurance is deductible by the spouse who claimed the additional exemption in case of married taxpayers. a. True, True c. False, False b. True, False d. False,True 76. Which is covered by gross income taxation? a. Resident alien b. Nonresident alien engaged in trade or business without reciprocity law c. Nonresident alien not engaged in trade or business d. Nonresident citizen 77. Filipino counterparts of aliens employed offshore baking units and petroleum contractors in the Philippines, may taxed at 15% preferential tax rate subject to the following rules: I. The Filipino employee must occupy managerial or technical position and must be exercising such functions pertaining to said position. II. The Filipino employee must have received or is due to receive under a contract of employment, a gross taxable compensation income of at least P975,000 (whether or not this is actually received), III. The Filipino employee must be exclusively working for the RHQ or ROHQ as a regular employee and not just a consultant or contractual personnel. a. I and II only c. All of the above b. I and III only d. None of the above 78. A Malaysian who is an employee in the regional area headquarter of a multinational corporation had the following data for taxable year 2015, Salaries received Other emoluments Interest income from Philippine Bank Deposit Winnings from Lotto Winnings from Tournament Gain from sale of shares of stock sold directly to a buyer (stocks of a domestic corporation)

P1,000,000 100,000 20,000 50,000 100,000 175,000

The capital gain's tax is; a. P12,000 c. P7,500 b. P12,500 d. P17,500 79. The total combined taxes on all income from Philippines is; a. P330,000 c. P207,500 b. P203,000 d. P220,000 80. Medy, resident citizen, single, supporting three minor illegitimate children, one of them living abroad, has the following data for taxable year 2015: Salaries from XYZ Co. (net of P40,000 withholding tax) Professional fee (net of 10% withholding tax) Expenses incurred (25% pertains to living expenses) Health and/or hospitalization insurance premium paid

P350,000 135,000 80,000 5,000

The income tax payable is: a. P51,700 c. P43,300 b. P49,300 d. P34,000 Use the following data for the next four (4) questions: The following data were taken from Juan (single), holding managerial position for 2018 taxable year: Gross salaries @ P50.000 per month P600.000 SSS contributions 12,000 Philhealth contributions 7,200 Pag-ibig contributions 4,800 Union dues 3,000 Withholding tax on compensation income 73,250 Allowances, not subject to liquidation 100,000 Gasoline allowances, subject to liquidation 17,000 13th month pay 50,000 De minimis benefits 12,000 81. The taxable compensation income subject to graduated rate under Section24(A) of the tax code is: a. P465,000

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b. P576,000 c. P573,000 d. P600,000 82. Based on the above data, the fringe benefit tax due is: a. P0 b. P8,000 c. P53,846 d. P47,059 83. The total income tax expense of Juan is: a. P127,096 b. P141,000 c. P170,760 d. P179,400 84. The income tax payable of Juan is: a. P0 b. P30,000 c. P43,250 d. P73,250 85. Statement 1. The CGT on sale of real properties shall be paid within 30 days from sale or disposition. Statement 2: The CGT on the unutilized portion of the proceeds in case of sale of a real property classified as a principal residence shall be paid within 30 days after the expiration of the eighteen (18) month period. A B C. D. Statement 1 True False True False Statement 2 True False False True

Write the following in the TAX TYPE column: - FWTx = if the income described is subject to final withholding tax on passive income. In addition, if such income is subject to FWT, provide the correct FWT rate in the TAX RATE column. - BTx = if the income described is subject to basic income tax - Exempt = if the income described is exempt from income tax Unless provided otherwise, assume the taxpayer is a resident citizen. TAX TYPE


1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Interest from peso bank deposit, BDO, Makati Interest from US dollar bank deposit, BPI-Manila Interest from a foreign currency deposit in Japan Interest from money market placement, Philippines Interest from a foreign currency deposit in Australia by a nonresident citizen 6) Interest from overdue accounts receivable, Philippines 7) Compensation income, Philippines 8) Business income, Philippines 9) Gain from sale of car for personal use 10) Gain from sale of delivery truck 11) Royalties, in general, Davao City 12) Royalties, books published in Manila 13) Prizes amounting to P30.000, Philippines 14) Prizes amounting to P10,000, Philippines 15) Prizes amounting to P40.000, USA 16) P30.000 Other Winnings, Philippines 17) P10,000 Other Winnings, Philippines 18) P15,000 Other Winnings, Canada 19) P10.000 Phil. Lotto/PCSO winnings 20) P100,000 PCSO winnings by a resident alien 21) Philippine Lotto/PCSO winnings by a nonresident alien not engage in trade or business 22) Lotto winnings in London 23) Interest income from long-term bank deposit by a resident alien 24) Interest income from long-term bank deposit by a non-resident alien not engaged in trade or business 25) Interest income from a government issued bonds with maturity of ten (10) years 26) Interest income from bonds issued by PLDT with maturity often (10) years 27) Dividend income from a domestic corporation

Taxation by Din Rose Gonzales, CPA


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BATCH 2019

28) Dividend income from a resident foreign corporation 29) Dividend income from a nonresident foreign corporation 30) Dividend income from a domestic corporation by a nonresident alien engaged in trade or business 31) Dividend income from a domestic corporation by a nonresident alien not engage in trade or business 32) Gain on sale of shares of stock of a domestic corporation sold directly to a buyer 33) Gain on sale of shares of stock of a domestic corporation traded in the local stock exchange 34) Gain on sale of real properties used in business 35) Gain on sale of real properties classified as capital asset located in Singapore

End of Handouts “”Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” – Matthew 11: 28

Taxation by Din Rose Gonzales, CPA


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