Tata Consultancy Services Corp Brochure 2007

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,681
  • Pages: 11
Insights into Certainty

Experience certainty. IT Services Business Solutions Outsourcing


Strong partners have the knowledge to measure promise against reality, the flexibility to seize opportunity, and the experience to deliver certainty. Tata Consultancy Services is such a partner. From identifying possibilities, to engineering solutions, to carrying out strategies – we apply universal truths we’ve learned while helping clients succeed around the world. Allow us to share these truths and the transformations they have enabled.


Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) helps businesses compete in the global marketplace with efficiency and certainty. We ease our clients’ pressure points through: IT Services – rich technology skills and integrated processes,

delivered across the world with unparalleled rigor and quality Business Solutions – comprehensive strategies, extending from analysis to ideation to solution, drawing upon functional and industry knowledge Outsourcing – superior, scalable services and programs, from optimizing discrete functions to managing entire business solutions and service areas with reduced risk and cost

TCS’ Global Network Delivery Model™ delivers services and solutions anywhere, with consistently superior quality. At the center of this model are our people, providing skills at the appropriate scale, and nurtured by our firm’s ability to attract and retain talent. This combination of platform and people – assisted by collaborative tools – translates to processes that are consistent and effective everywhere.

> Highly refined processes that have earned TCS the first global CMMI Level 5 assessment > Execution by a talented, scalable professional force > Delivery through a network of integrated, global development centers Our Solution Accelerators consolidate TCS’ knowledge – of technologies, industries, and client innovations – into products and tools that enhance companies’ quality and speed to market. We help clients gain efficiency with our software development tools, and expedite projects with solution-specific frameworks. Also, our partnerships with industry leaders have helped us create a suite of focused products that assure results – from financial services to healthcare. > Tools for accelerating application development and refinement > Methodologies for synchronizing and optimizing data > Frameworks for standards enforcement and security TCS clients also benefit from our Innovation Network , which identifies and refines useful emerging technologies. The work of our 25-year-old TCS Innovation Labs is strengthened through collaborating with universities such as MIT and Stanford and teaming with technology leaders such as IBM and Microsoft. This blending of ideas and best practices helps TCS maintain clients’ technological edge.

> Proven innovation from India’s first and largest software R&D unit > Partnerships with both current market leaders and entrepreneurs with rule-changing approaches > Investments in research to develop next-generation solutions > Close collaboration with clients to generate relevant, actionable innovation


Universal Truths

Tata Consultancy Services

British Airways

Among the universe of “highly competitive” industries, the world’s airlines must perform in perhaps the most unforgiving business environment. Facing everything from financial meltdowns, to security threats, to the influx of no-frills upstarts, established carriers are fighting a battle for survival – with customers demanding more for their travel dollar every day. British Airways ( BA ), the world’s second largest international airline, views this grueling environment as a singular call to action. BA has built a reputation for quality and reliability among the 28 million passengers it serves every year. Now, it is focused on strengthening these relationships and reaching beyond, to earn the loyalty of quality-conscious customers.

Our approach lets BA’s marketers tap into the crucial customer information available on its main Website, BA .com; its travel planning Website, BA Holidays; brochure requests, promotions, and the interactions of its business partners in the travel and leisure industry. The process has turned “unknown” customers into high-potential clients, primed for targeted marketing campaigns and promotions. As a result, BA has increased its inhouse customer base by 5 million since TCS began its work. TCS helps BA sustain its momentum in the skies by engaging

and earning the loyalty of an ever-broadening customer base.

With years of experience as a BA partner and a builder of customer-based marketing systems, TCS was the logical choice to help the airline capture, organize, and use invaluable customer information. Over the past two years, we created a system that receives data from seven sources, validates and processes it, then presents the data to marketing professionals in one cohesive view.

Client Experience

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Highly scalable and robust data capture and management solution A single, simplified, actionable data view for marketing leaders Zero defects in both beta testing and post-implementation phases A 70:30 offshore/onshore project staff ensured lower costs Full-scale metric report delivered at project’s end; the quality of which makes it reusable for future projects


Universal Truths

Tata Consultancy Services

CDS Clearing and Depository Services

Imagine operating a computer system through which thousands of parties – bankers, brokers, fund managers, clearinghouses, stock exchanges, and investors – transfer hundreds of billions of dollars every day. Now imagine executing a total transformation of this system that doesn’t result in significant system or procedural changes for its users. Such a daunting task was presented to CDS Clearing and Depository Services Inc. (CDS), Canada’s central securities depository clearing and settlement hub. CDS needed to integrate existing systems, shorten cycle times, reduce costs, and create new functionality for the 21st-century investment community. They turned to TCS for help. What followed was an ambitious three-year engagement to build a new system that represented one of the largest and most complex infrastructure initiatives in Canadian financial services. TCS placed experts on-site at the client’s Toronto headquarters and at our development center in Chennai, India. The ninehour time difference between locations placed our team on the job 24/7, dramatically collapsing timeframes for building and refining the new applications and systems.

Client Experience

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Universal Truths

The first priority was to integrate two 25-year-old legacy systems and create a single clearing and settlement platform with powerful, advanced features. TCS hastened development by using our proprietary Network Custody Solution (NCS), which automates such tasks as trade settlement, corporate-action administration, registration of securities, claims and rejections, securities borrowing and lending, custody and depository management, and charges and taxes. This high level of automation dramatically reduced the overall cost of processing securities transactions. It also positioned CDS and the Canadian capital markets to be ready for any industry move to shorten the settlement cycle from three days to one. TCS helped the Canadian client leap beyond interim solutions to achieve a faster, more efficient, and highly user-friendly system for everyone involved in the financial services arena.

A state-of-the-art solution for Canada’s trading system that is ready for future industry initiatives Largest software development project in Canadian capital markets history Completed at a cost of $50 million – a quarter of the cost of similar projects Delivered on time in a highly complex environment

Tata Consultancy Services

Prudential Financial

In the life insurance business, customer relationships literally can last a lifetime. Naturally, this leads to a quandary: How can an insurer respond to the dramatic technology and globalization trends in the financial services industry while preserving the rock-solid service and quality its loyal customers expect? This was the central question for Prudential Financial as it sought to reduce the cost of operating its legacy systems. Some competitors had tried to accomplish this through traditional outsourcing contracts, only to find themselves with limited control of their environments and less-than-acceptable service levels. Prudential called on TCS for an innovative outsourcing solution that would reduce costs and ensure top-quality service. TCS responded with a comprehensive program to consolidate the various production management units into a 24/7 support center at an offshore location with over 95 percent of the support in India. This resulted in a dramatic initial operational cost savings of 50 percent. More crucially, however, the migration was done with negligible impact on service levels.

TCS was able to achieve such a smooth migration due to its

highly refined transition model, which helped Prudential understand what was required of its team, how the process would flow, and what TCS would accomplish and by when. This proven process allowed Prudential to transition responsibilities of the applications and to realize immediate cost savings through the offshore service delivery model. We were so confident that our approach could sustain excellent service levels while continually reducing costs that we put it in writing: a commitment to an average five percent reduction in annual cost of services for the life of the five-year contract. We will achieve this result for our client through productivity improvements, process efficiencies, and cross training. Prudential is now poised to devote more assets to building systems for the future, confident that its policyholders are getting the quality service they have come to expect from a market leader.

Client Experience

> 50 percent initial reduction in cost > Average 5 percent continuing cost reduction year over year > Consolidated Pennsylvania, Florida, and New Jersey Production Management operations into one location in Chennai, India > Flexibility to grow or shrink to meet business demands – On Demand Business Model


Universal Truths

Tata Consultancy Services


Manufacturers of complex machines know that what they truly are building are foundations upon which enduring client partnerships can emerge. From product installations and upgrades, to maintenance contracts and repairs, these companies must deliver a steady flow of equipment, services, and innovation – for years after the machine is powered up. For Cummins, a global leader in diesel technology with operations in 10 countries, managing this complex supply chain has become increasingly challenging as its product portfolio and market reach have expanded. Cummins’ diesel engines are running in countries around the world, powering everything from cars, to ships to construction equipment. The company also builds a wide range of machines to enhance client productivity, such as emission-control devices and turbochargers. Inventory control and warehousing, supply chain management, crossdivisional coordination – all were demanding better and more integrated supply chain approaches. TCS offered to help. We had already established a four-year track record with Cummins in the IT services area, but this new initiative – to revolutionize their supply chain – required an unprecedented level of partnership. The team began with analysis, finding that Cummins’ legacy systems created logjams and that businesses were using multiple, disparate systems. As a result, data availability and quality were not up to the just-intime requirements of supply chain excellence.

The TCS-Cummins Supply Chain Program provides an endto-end framework for Cummins to transform its supply chain. Under this umbrella program, individual plants are targeted for transformation, beginning with a business process assessment to discover opportunities for supply chain efficiency. Recommended improvements include re-engineering the supply chain process, training staff to achieve organizational change, and enabling advanced planning and process management through cutting-edge technology solutions. So far, one plant has gone through the entire process, and four others have gone through the initial assessments, which have pointed out discrete opportunities to build a near term and longer term transformation roadmap. Beyond providing the technology, TCS has partnered with Cummins to introduce the staff to the new system and processes through a rigorous change management and training program. The solution is helping Cummins more accurately forecast demand for its products and services, and promotes more effective sales and operations planning as well. The one plant that has used the new framework has reduced product proliferation as preferred product options have minimized the need for multiple similar products. The work of our consultants and systems specialists is helping Cummins – like its fine engines – to run more smoothly and efficiently.

Client Experience

> Significant improvement in forecasting > Significant improvement in on-time deliveries > Significant reduction in inventory


Universal Truths

Tata Consultancy Services

National Grid

The process of selling a business is highly complex, involving the transfer of facilities and technologies, employees and customers, and a myriad of critical linkages that can determine whether the buyer inherits a productive or problematic operation. Such was the challenge facing National Grid, which owns and operates an array of electricity transmission and gas distribution operations across the UK and wanted to sell four of its gas distribution networks. Timely delivery of quality data was the most crucial aspect of the separation process; without which, buyer teams inheriting the data would be unable to meet their delivery timelines and load their new systems. With tight timelines, National Grid turned to TCS, a team that had already delivered success in a large migration project.

National Grid also needed to manage the myriad of crucial interdependencies between the core systems and other business processes, interfaces, and infrastructure sharing. Our team was able to deliver customized services from England and Bangalore. The England team held workshops with those executing the migration and worked side-by-side with buyers and National Grid staff. The Bangalore team designed and refined core scripts for data extraction, bringing efficiencies into the code that reduced execution time and costs. TCS’ ability to put the departing businesses on a solid technology footing allowed National Grid to make a smooth, efficient transition and, more importantly, let them focus on launching global initiatives that will shape the future of this leading energy company.

TCS took the lead in managing the complex data migration process to multiple buyers of National Grid’s networks, adjusting to the varied technology landscape and extraction schedule of each buyer. We enforced a common migration platform to reduce cost and simplify the migration process. Most crucially, we carefully analyzed data quality to provide the best possible migration results while meeting aggressive project timelines.

Client Experience

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Defect-free data deliveries – 300 to date 100 percent compliance with the client’s Delivery Excellence model Code efficiencies narrowed a potential window for buyers, thus saving them significant money England-Bangalore team allowed on-site coordination, offshore efficiencies to co-exist


Universal Truths

Tata Consultancy Services


Businesses with a global reach often face a crucial choice when outsourcing IT functions: choose a partner to gain efficiencies of scale, but accept the risk of an all-eggs-in-one-basket approach; or spread the functions among several partners, gaining access to better technologies with lower risk, but increasing project complexity and costs. For Dutch banking giant ABN AMRO, neither of these choices would suffice. With 3,000 branches in 60 countries, the bank needed a comprehensive outsourcing strategy that would capture efficiencies as well as mitigate risk. It had already outsourced some IT functions, but was seeking to take it to another level by engaging multiple Tier 1 vendors for application management, application development, infrastructure, and other tasks. ABN AMRO selected TCS to be a central player in this strategy. One reason was our ability to provide tailored services to ABN AMRO’s local business units and standardized services globally. Another reason was our track record in delivering projects on time and on budget. Finally, perhaps most crucially, we are adept at coordinating work with other vendors, allowing for a smooth integration of systems and services.

Client Experience

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Universal Truths

TCS is providing ABN AMRO with services, including portfolio

analysis and business case preparation; application development, maintenance, and testing; production support; process and quality consulting, re-engineering and migration; and architecture. Additionally, the bank requested our help in defining the future state architecture, technology refresh planning, and long-range IT planning. More than 1,400 TCS professionals are delivering these services to ABN AMRO from Brazil, the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, France, Germany, Hong Kong, and India. These teams work in synchronization with ABN AMRO’s other vendors to ensure success, performing tasks within the bank’s Operational Level Agreement framework and the RACI matrix. With agile business partners like TCS, ABN AMRO is moving with confidence toward increasing business excellence and leading services for its millions of clients around the world.

Achievement of top-quartile IT cost efficiency, compared with peer banks All account-level critical deliverables on-time and accepted Large-scale transition in all business units done by or before deadline 80 percent of projects executed from Mumbai with above-target customer satisfaction levels Savings and productivity improvements gained by leveraging TCS Innovation Labs methodologies

Tata Consultancy Services

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