Task 3.docx

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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 348
  • Pages: 3
1.Adjective 1. 2. 3.

A high building The long pipe. Pipa yang panjang. A good connector. Sambungan yang baik.

2.Adjunct Gelagar jembatan. A bridge girder. 2.

Steel’s strength

A wood saw. Sebuah gergaji kayu.

3.Of N Engsel pintu. A hinge of the door. 3.

The quality of concrete 1.

A tensile strength of the steel. Kuat tarik baja

4.N's Waterpass teman saya. My friend's waterpass. 4.

A mixing concrete 1.

The owner’s new budget. Anggaran pemilik yang baru.

5.Ving (1) Aspal yang (sedang) meleleh. The melting aspalt. The dump truck is transporting the landfill. Dump truck sedang mengangkut tanah urugan.

6.VIII (2) Semen yang yang diayak di bengkel. The cement sifted in the workshop. 6.

That bridge to be operated

The bill of quantity calculated by the consultant. Volume pekerjaan yang dihitung oleh konsultan.

7.To be + VIII (3) Benda uji yang akan diuji. A sample to be tested. 7.

The contractor to build a building

The land to be excavated. Tanah yang akan digali.

8. To + V1 (4) Konsultan yang akan menghitung BOQ (Bill Of Quantity). The consultant to calculate BOQ. 8.

The office being renovated

The bridge to connect two cities. Jembatan untuk menghubungkan dua kota.

9.Being + VIII (5) Gedung yang sedang diperbaiki. The building being renovated. 9.

The beam that has installed.

The tower crane being operated. Tower crane yang sedang dioperasikan.

10.Who/that + have/has + VIII (6) Kolom yang telah diperbaiki. The coloum that has fixed. 10.

The concrete which has been used

The contractor who has retired. Kontraktor yang sudah pensiun.

11.Who/which + have/has + been + VIII (7) Pasir yang telah digunakan. The sand which has been used. The hammer which has been purchased. Palu yang telah dibeli.

12.Adv of place Tanah disana gembur. The land there ( is loose ). 11.

The sand in Lumajang is good

The new land project in Jakarta. Lahan proyek baru di Jakarta.

13.Adv of time Dokumen tender kemarin hilang. The document tender yesterday is lose. The shop drawings were sent by the drafter last night. Gambar-gambar kerja telah dikirim oleh drafter kemarin malam.

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