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Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for International Consultancy

TARUN DAS CV for International Consultancy Google Search: Tarun Das, Economic Adviser, Ministry of Finance 1. Name of Expert: MR. TARUN KANTI DAS, Ph.D. 2A.Permanent Residential Address: 10/14 First Floor, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008, India. Telephone No.: (009111) 25884540 E-Mail Address: [email protected] 2B. Current Position: African Development Bank Macroeconomic Adviser, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, the Gambia, Quadrangle, Banjul. Nationality Date of Birth Marital status

3. Personal: : Indian : August 19, 1947. : Married (Wife: Mitali Das, Son: Arpan Das)

4. (a) Educational Qualifications: BA Hons (Econ), Presidency College, First Class (Gold Medalist), Calcutta University, 1967. MA (Econ), First Class (Silver Medalist), Calcutta University, 1969. Ph.D. (Impact of Demographic Transition on Poverty and Inequality), as Commonwealth Scholar, University of East Anglia, England, 1977. 4. (b) Other credentials: Life Member (i) Indian Economic Association and (ii) Indian Association for Research on Income and Wealth. 5. Languages known: English, Bengali, Hindi- Excellent in speaking, writing and reading. 6. (a) Professional Experiences in Backward Sequence: 21 Oct 2009- till date

African Development Bank Macroeconomic Adviser, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, the Gambia, Quadrangle, Banjul. 15 Aug-15 Oct 2009 Asian Development Bank Macroeconomic Modeling Specialist, Nepal Rastra Bank, Kathmandu, Nepal. 20 Dec 2008- 10 Aug African Development Bank Macroeconomic Adviser, Ministry of 2009 Finance and Economic Affairs, the Gambia, Quadrangle, Banjul. 01 Sept 2008 – Consultant to World Bank (Uzbekistan) and Professor (Public Policy and 19 December 2008 Research Methodology), IILM, New Delhi-110003, India. 15 July-Aug 2008 Consultant (Debt Sustainability Modeling), Com.Sec., London, England. 1 June 2007Asian Development Bank Strategic Planning Expert, Ministry of 8 July 2008 Finance, Government of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Feb 2006- May 2007 Professor (Public Policy), IILM, New Delhi-110003, India. Mar 1989- Jan 2006 Economic Adviser, Ministry of Finance, Government of India. Jan 1987- Feb 1989 Adviser (Modeling and Policy Planning), Planning Commission, India. Oct 1984- Dec 1986 Chief Economist, Joint Plant Committee, Ministry of Steel, India. Oct 1982- Sep 1984 Chief (Economic Division), Bureau of Industrial Costs and Prices, India. May 1978- Sep 1982 Deputy Adviser, UNDP Transport Policy Planning Project in India. Aug 1977- May 1978 Research Officer, Economic Division, DEA, Ministry of Finance, India. Sep 1974-July 1977 Commonwealth Scholar, East Anglia University, Norwich. England. July 1973- Aug 1974 Research Officer, Economic Division, DEA, Ministry of Finance, India. Nov 1971- June 1973 Assistant Director (On-the-job Training), Indian Economic Service. June 1970- Oct 1971 Research Fellow, Dept. of Econ, Presidency College, Calcutta, India.


Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for International Consultancy 6. (b) Specialisation and working experience: Macroeconomic Modelling and Policy Planning; Public Policy; Public Financial Reforms Management; Governance Reforms; Management of Public Debt, External Debt and Contingent Liabilities; Medium Term Public Expenditure Framework; Strategic Planning and Budget Forecasting; Poverty and Inequality analysis; Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Poverty Reduction Growth Strategy; Performance Based Output Budgeting and Program Budgeting; Performance Evaluation; Accrual Accounting; Benchmarks setting; Transport Modelling and Regional Planning; Conducting on-the-job training and Multi-stakeholders’ Workshops. 7. Other experiences:

(a) Worked as a Consultant to the African Development Bank, UN Economic Commission for Africa (UN-ECA), Commonwealth Secretariat, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, ILO, ESCAP, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNITAR, UN-SIAP, Global Development Network and. (b) Worked as Consultant in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Gambia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Samoa, Senegal, Switzerland, Thailand, UK and USA. Also visited Bangladesh, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Morocco, Ireland, Singapore and U.A.E. to attend international conferences. (c) Possesses diversity in skills in research, teaching, on-the-training, policy planning, modeling, public sector management and conducting seminars and workshops. 8. Specific Consultancy, Work and Country Experiences (Related to the project) Country (Funded by) Period 20 Dec 2008- till date

01 Sept 2008 – 19 December 2008

Mongolia (Funded by ADB) 1 June 20078 July 2008

Gambia (17 July 2008 till 23 August on contract)

Designation and Scope of Consultancy African Development Bank Macroeconomic Adviser, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, the Gambia, Banjul. Duties: Macroeconomic modeling, advice on public policy, PRGF, PRSP, MDG, PFR, MTEF, and providing training and refresher courses on macroeconomic forecasting, public policy, economic statistics. Consultant to World Bank (Uzbekistan) and Professor (Public Policy), IILM, New Delhi-110003, India. Duties: Macroeconomic forecasting and debt sustainability analysis for the government of Uzbekistan, and conducting workshops. Strategic Planning Expert, ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, MOF, Govt of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar (a) Strategic planning; performance budgeting; public sector policies; (b) Management of public debt, (c) Macro-econometric forecasting, (d) medium term expenditure framework and assessment; (e) MDGs, PRSP and National Development Plan; (f) To prepare guidelines and manuals and provide training on Output Budgeting; accrual accounting; medium term financial planning; Performance Evaluation; Economic Statistics; Applied Econometrics; (g) Worked as resource person for inter-govt training program on Economic Statistics at the UN-SIAP, Chiba, Japan, 15-31 August 2008. Consultant (DSA for Gambia): Macro-econometric forecasting and Debt Sustainability Analysis; and conducting Workshop. (Funded by Commonwealth Secretariat)


Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for International Consultancy

Ethiopia (Funded by UN ECA) Sept-Nov 1998 Senegal (Funded by World Bank) 21-31 Jan 2005. India (Funded by the govt. of India) March 1989 to Jan 2006

Cambodia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Lao PDR, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, Dec 2006 to March 2007: Cambodia (Funded by UN-ESCAP) Feb 2006 Philippines (Funded by World Bank) Jan-Feb 2002 Samoa (Funded by UN-ESCAP) Sept 2005 Indonesia (Funded by UNITAR) Dec 2005 Lao PDR (Funded by UN-ESCAP) Feb 2006 Nepal (Funded by UN-ESCAP) May 2006

Consultant to UN-ECA- Sept-Nov 1998, Privatisation in selected Asian economies and lessons for Africa, UN Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Preparation and presentation of a paper on Interlinkages Between Development Research and Policy Planning in Developing Countries, 2131 January 2005. Economic Adviser, Ministry of Finance, Govt of India, New Delhi (a) Macro-econometric forecasting and sector planning;

(b) India’s economic relations with World Bank, ADB and IMF. (c) Management of public debt, external debt, contingent liabilities; (d) Fiscal and financial policies; Medium Term Macro-economic and Fiscal Framework and Expenditure policy; (e) Monitoring Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act; (f) Evaluation of food, fertilizer and petroleum subsidies, poverty alleviation and employment generation programs; (g) Conducting training programs and refresher courses on macroeconomic forecasting, public policy, economic statistics. (h) Worked as Consultant to the UN Economic Commission for Africa, Commonwealth Secretariat, ADB, GDN, IMF, UNCTAD, UNDP, UN-ESCAP, UNITAR, World Bank. Consultant to the UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand (a) Inter-linkages between UN Millennium Development Goals, Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy and National Development Plans for Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand and Timor Leste. (b) Presented a paper at the Regional Workshop organised jointly by the ADB, UNDP and UN-ESCAP at Bangkok during 15-17 October 2007. Consultant to the UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand Legal, Institutional, Regulatory Set-up and Policies for Management of External debt, Public Debt and Medium Term Expenditure Framework. Consultant to the World Bank Management of contingent liabilities relating to external debt and public debt, govt. guarantees, Social security and social welfare measures, insurance, provident and pension funds. Consultant to the UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand Legal, Institutional, Regulatory Set-up and Policies for Management of External debt, Public Debt and Medium Term Expenditure Framework. Consultant to the UNITAR, Geneva, Switzerland Legal, Institutional Set-up and Policies for Management of External debt, Public Debt and Medium Term Expenditure Framework; and Resource person for the Multi-stakeholders Consultation on the Public Debt Law. Consultant to the UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand Legal, Institutional, Regulatory Set-up and Policies for Management of External debt, Public Debt and Medium Term Expenditure Framework. Consultant to the UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand Legal, Institutional, Regulatory Set-up and Policies for Management of External debt, Public Debt and Medium Term Expenditure Framework.


Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for International Consultancy

India (Funded by World Bank) 2002-2004 India(Funded by the govt. of India) February 2006May 2007

Project Co-ordinator and Eco. AdviserWorld Bank Institutional Development Project on Management of Public Debt, External Debt and Contingent Liabilities, organised five workshops and produced four books on proceedings and edited papers. Professor (Public Policy), IILM, New Delhi. (a) An evaluation of implementation of the Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. (b) Conducted training programs on economic and social evaluation methodology for poverty alleviation programs of the Ministry of Rural Development, March 2007. (b) Conducted a training program on Applied Econometrics for the Indian Statistical Service, May 2007.

India (Funded by UN-ESCAP)

Consultant to the Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines Preparation of Country Report on India, for the ADB Asian Development Outlook. Attended Third Workshop on Asian Economic Outlook (AEO) (5-9 Nov 1990), Fourth Workshop on AEO (28-31 Oct 1991), Fifth Workshop on AEO (4-6 Nov 1992), Sixth Workshop on AEO (21-23 Oct 19930 and Seventh Workshop on AEO (26-28 Oct 1994), ADB, Manila. External Consultant for UN-ESCAP, every year for short term in 1990-2006 (Country Report on India as inputs for the ESCAP Survey).

Thailand at the UNESCAP Bangkok (Funded by UNESCAP)

Consultant for UN-ESCAP- For various period in 1995 (Privatisation strategy), 1998 (FDI & technology transfer), 2002 (Globalisation and Industrial Transformation), 2003 (Role of SMEs for poverty reduction), 2004 (Social security, pension and insurance funds).

Switzerland (Funded by UNCTAD) (short period in 1993-95)

Member, UNCTAD Ad-hoc Working Group on Non-Debt Creating Financial Flows – preparation of a report of foreign investment policies and strategy of India

Japan (Funded by UN-SIAP) 19-25 Aug 2007 USA, New York, UNDP, UN-Plaza (Funded by UNDP)

Resource person for inter-governmental training on Official Economic Statistics conducted at the UN Statistical Institute for Asia and Pacific at Chiba, Japan during 19-25 August 2007. Consultant to UNDP (a) Human Development Index- Concepts and methodology for alternative Indices, 1993. (b) Financing international cooperation behind national borders- country study on India, 2006.

USA, IMF. (Funded by IMF)

Member, IMF Expert Group to finalize IMF Government Finance Statistics Manual 2001 (Feb 2002)

India (Funded by UNDP) May 1978 to Sept 1982

Deputy Adviser, UNDP Transport Policy Planning Project in IndiaDevelopment, test and calibration of a multi-sectoral, multi-regional, multi-modal Transport Model for India.

Planning Commission, India

Adviser (Modelling and policy planning) January 1987 to Feb 1989

UNDP Transport Policy Planning Project in India

Deputy Adviser- Transport modelling and policy planning.

Philippines (Funded by ADB, Manila) Every year for short term in 1990-1995, 2000 and 2003

(May 1978 to Sept 1982)


Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for International Consultancy

Annex-1: Member of Indian Delegation and presentation of academic papers:

1. UNCTAD Ad-Hoc Working Group on Non-Debt Creating Financial Flows, Geneva, 1st meeting (June 1993), 2nd meeting (Nov 1993) and Final meeting (Oct 1994). 2. Third Workshop on Asian Economic Outlook (AEO) (5-9 Nov 1990), Fourth Workshop on AEO (28-31 Oct 1991), Fifth Workshop on AEO (4-6 Nov 1992), Sixth Workshop on AEO (21-23 Oct 19930 and Seventh Workshop on AEO (26-28 Oct 1994), ADB, Manila. 3. UNCTAD Meeting on Mid-Term Global Review, UN, New York, 26 Sep-6 Oct 1995. 4. UNDP and Harvard Institute Workshop on Population Growth and Economic Development, at Dhaka, Bangladesh, 22-25 April 1998. 5. UNDP and UNICEF Regional Workshop on the Public Expenditure on Basic Social Services, at Bangkok, Thailand, 30 July-1 Aug 1998. 6. Workshop on Budget and the Economy, IMF Institute, Singapore, 15-30 Aug 1998. 7. Study Team on Economic Crisis, Asian Productivity Council, Tokyo, 15-18 Dec. 1998. 8. Forum on Sovereign Debt, World Bank, Washington D.C., 1-3 Nov. 1999. 9. Seminar on External Debt, IMF Institute, Singapore, 21-24 Mar 2000. 10. Workshop on Sovereign Debt, World Bank, Washington D.C., 28 March-4 April 2000. 11. Second UN Commission on Sustainable development, UN, New York, 24-28 April 2000. 12. Visits to Public Debt Offices of England and Ireland, 16-20 October 2000. 13. Workshop on Contingent Liabilities, World Bank, Washington D.C., 9-11 Nov 2000. 14. Expert Group Meeting on Revised GFS, IMF, Washington D.C., 5-9 February 2001. 15. Investors Role for Mitigation of Financial Crisis, IMF, Washington D.C., 5-7 Nov 2001. 16. Expert Group Meeting on Development Policies, UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, 10-12 Dec 2001. 17. Trade Policy Review Meeting, World Trade Organization, Geneva, 19-21 June 2002. 18. Expert Group Meeting on Development Policies, UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, 9-11 Dec 2003. 19. Annual Conference of the Global Development Network, New Delhi, 21-25 January 2004. 20. Annual Conference of the Global Development Network, Dakar, Senegal, 22-26 Jan 2005. 21. Annual Conference of the World Trade Centre, Mumbai, India, 22 October 2005. 22. National Workshop on Capacity Building on External Debt Management, organized by UNESCAP and the Government of Samoa, at Apia, Samoa, 20-22 August 2005. 23. Multi-stakeholders’ Consultation on Draft Law on Public Debt, organized by the UNITAR, and the Ministry of Finance, Government of Indonesia, at Jakarta, Dec 2005. 24. Expert Group Meeting on Development Policies, UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, 9-11 Dec 2005. 25. Annual Conference 2005 of the Centre for Social Markets, U.K., New Delhi, Dec 2005. 26. International Conference on Globalization, organized by The Academy of International Business, USA and IILM, New Delhi, 17-19 February 2006. 27. National Workshop on Capacity Building on External Debt Management, organized by the UN-ESCAP and the MOF, Govt of Cambodia, at Phnom Penh, 20-22 Feb 2006. 28. National Workshop on Capacity Building on External Debt Management, organized by the UN-ESCAP and the MOF, Govt of Lao PDR, at Vientiane, 24-25 February 2006. 29. National Workshop on Capacity Building on External Debt Management, organized by the UN-ESCAP and the Ministry of Finance, Govt of Nepal at Katmandu, Nepal, May 2006. 30. International Seminar on Global Economic Environment, Malaysian Institute for Economic Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2006. 31. Regional Conference on Bond Markets, organized by UN-ESCAP, ADB and Bank of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, 21-22 June 2007. 32. Lecturer for Training on Official Economic Statistics, UN-SIAP, Chiba, Japan, Aug 2007.


Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for International Consultancy 33. Regional Workshop on MDG, UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, 16-17 October 2007. 34. International Seminar on 'Microeconomic Foundations of Economic Policy Performance in Asia' by NCAER and East Asia Bureau of Economic Research, Delhi, 3-4 April 2008.

Annex-2: Major Publications by Prof. Tarun Das 1. Macroeconomic Management and Poverty Reduction Growth Strategy 1.1 An Operational Macro-econometric Model and a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model for Nepal- Model Structures, Data base, Test and Calibration Techniques, Part-1: 60 pages and Part-2: 65 pages, ADB Resident Office in Kathmandu and Nepal Rastra Bank, Kathmandu, October 2009. 1.2 Macroeconomic Analysis, Modeling and Projections- An Inception Report, pp.157, African Development Bank (AfDB) Institutional Support Project on Economic & Financial Governance (ISPEFG), Gambia, Banjul, 31 Jan 2009. 1.3 An Operational Macroeconomic Forecasting Model for Gambia- Basic Concepts, Data Base, Calibration Techniques and Projections, pp.1-71, African Development Bank ISPEFG, the Gambia, Banjul, 31 January 2009. 1.4 Trends and projections of sectoral GDP growth rates for the Gambia during 19982008-2013 and some policy issues, AfDB ISPEFG, pp.1-18, 28 Feb 2009. 1.5 External Debt Sustainability for Gambia- Macroeconomic trends and policy issues, pp.1-50, Commonwealth Secretariat, London, August 2008. 1.6 Macro-economic forecasting and assessment of needs and financing gaps for achieving MDGs and mobilizing external aid for Mongolia in the near and medium term, pp.1-35, ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Mongolia, May 2008. 1.7 Interlinkages between development research, policy planning and outcome in the post reforms period in India and analytical lessons for other developing countries, jointly with Arvind Virmani, pp.1-115, NCAER, New Delhi and East Asian Bureau for Economic Research (EABER), Australia, April 2008. 1.8 Identification of Core and Non-core Functions for the Government of Mongolia and Exploring Public Private Partnership for supply of public goods and services, pp.1-55, ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, MOF, Govt of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, February 2008. 1.9 Preparation of Strategic Business Plans- Structural Framework and Guidelines to Line Ministries, pp.1-74, ADB Capacity Building Projects on Governance Reforms, MOF, Mongolia, Sep 2007. 1.10 Topics on Applied Econometrics- Income Distribution and Forecasting Techniques, Part-1, pp.1-210, and Part-2, pp.1-55, Institute for Integrated Learning in Management, New Delhi, May 2007. 1.11 Public-Private Partnership for financing infrastructure in Asian economies- Scope, Progress, Issues and Perspectives, pp.-1-30, UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, Dec 2005. 1.12 Role of public policies and public institutions in market economy, pp.1-22, Centre for Social Markets, Kolkata, 2005. 1.13 Dynamics of Population Ageing: How India can Respond, pp.1-18, UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, December 2004. 1.14 Role of services production and trade in Asia and Pacific- Problems and prospects, pp.842-849, Proceedings of the Indian Economic Association Annual Conference 2004, December 2004. 6

Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for International Consultancy

1.15 Role of Agro-based and Resource-Based SMEs for Export Promotion and Poverty Alleviation in ESCAP countries, pp.1-126, UN ESCAP, Bangkok, January 2003. 1.16 Economic Reforms in India- Rationale, Scope, Progress and Unfinished Agenda, pp.1-80, Bank of Maharashtra, Planning Department, Pune, February 2003. 1.17 Impact of Pro-Market Reforms on the Poor in India- an Assessment and Lessons for Policy Makers, pp.1-40, Global Development Network, June 2003. 1.18 Preparation of Indices for Services Production, jointly with R. Dasgupta, pp.1-250, National Institute for Banking and Management, Pune, India, Jan 2003. 1.19 Poverty and Environment- How to break the vicious circle? Pp.39-46, Souvenir of the Global Society for Protection of Human Rights, New Delhi, Jan 2000. 1.20 Impact of reforms on productivity of the public sector enterprises in India, pp. 1-35, Asian productivity Council, Tokyo, Sept 1994. 1.21 Implications of Globalization on Industrial Diversification in Asia, pp.ix+1-86, UN ESCAP, Bangkok, UN Publications Sales No.E.02.II.F.52, December 2001. 1.22 Role of private sector including privatization in selected Asian countries and lessons for Africa, pp.1-110, UN-ECA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Oct. 1998. 1.23 Foreign Investment- Technology Transfer- and Growth Nexus in Asian economies, pp.1-158, ESCAP, United Nations, Bangkok, Oct 1997. 1.24 Policies and Strategies for Promoting Private Sector’s Role in Industrial and Technological Development in Asia, pp.1-171, ST/ESCAP/1696, UN, NY, 1996. 1.25 Macro-economic Framework and Foreign Investment in India, WG on Investment and Financial Flows, pp.1-75, TD/B/WG.1/Misc.3/ Add.3, UNCTAD, 1993. 1.26 Structural Reforms and Stabilization Policies in India – Rationale and Medium Term Outlook, pp.20-56, in Economic Liberalization and its Impact, edited by SP Gupta, Macmillan India Limited, Delhi, 1993. 1.27 Pricing, productivity and competitiveness of Indian Steel industry, pp.269-292, in Indian Industrialization, ed. Arun Ghosh, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1992. 1.28 Trends and projections of rail and road goods and passenger traffic in India, pp.105-161, in Transport Planning and Development, ed. V Mahajan, Deep & Deep, Delhi, 1991. 1.29 Multisectoral and multiregional transport model for India– database and calibration techniques, pp.391-403, Environment and Planning (London), 15-A, 1983. 1.30 Application of shift and share technique for forecasting regional and sectoral growth in India in the Sixth Plan, pp.187-200, Indian Journal of Regional Science, 13(2), 1981. 1.31 An economic evaluation of investment on roads and road transport in India, Planning Commission, New Delhi, WP No.18, pp.1-50, May 1980. 2. MDGs, Poverty and Inequality 2.1


Interlinkages between UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), National Development Plans and Poverty Reduction Growth Strategy - Selected Country Experiences from ESCAP, Part-1, pp.1-84, Part-2, pp.1-78, ESCAP, United Nations, Bangkok, October 2007. Bridging research and policy- a case study of India, pp.14-15, Global Development Network (GDN) Research Monitor. No.1, September 2006.


Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for International Consultancy

2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14

Topics on Applied Econometrics- Income Distribution and Forecasting Techniques, Part-1, pp.1-210, and Part-2, pp.1-55, Institute for Integrated Learning in Management, New Delhi, May 2007. Economic and Social Cost Benefit Analysis and Project Review, pp.1-30, Training Material prepared for the Ministry of Rural Development, India, Mar 2007. Promoting resource-based export-oriented SMEs in Asia and the Pacific, pp.33-76, Investment Promotion and Enterprise Development Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific, ESCAP, United Nations, Bangkok, Sept 2003. Poverty and inequality in India–Trends and policy issues, pp.1-30, UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, Oct. 2002. Poverty and Environment- How to break the vicious circle? Pp.39-46, Souvenir of the Global Society for Protection of Human Rights, Delhi, Jan 2000. UNDP Human Development Index – Some Methodological Issues and Alternative Measures, pp.1-30, UNDP, UN Plaza, New York, March 1993. Inequality index with differences in inequality aversion for groups, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commercialli (Milan, Italy), 1983. Decompositions of inequality measures and a comparative analysis, jointly with Prof. A. Parikh, pp.23-48, Empirical Economics (Vienna, Austria), vol.7, 1982. Statistical interpretation and decomposition of Atkinson’s inequality index, jointly with Prof. A. Parikh, pp.13-18, Rivista di Mathematica per le Scienze Economiche e Socoali (Milan, Italy), 15(1), 1982. Decompositions of inequality measures and a comparative analysis, jointly with Prof. A. Parikh, pp.23-48, Empirical Economics (Vienna, Austria), vol.7, 1982. Decompositions of Atkinson’s measure of inequality, jointly with Prof. Ashok Parikh, pp.171-178, Australian Economic Papers, vol.20 (36), June 1981. Choice of demographic units in analyzing the size distribution on income, pp.2029, Journal of Income and Wealth, 3 (1), 1978. 3. Fiscal and Financial Management

3.1 Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) - Basic Concepts, Methodology and Applications for Mongolia, pp.1-50, ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Govt of Mongolia, July 2008. 3.2 An Introduction to Program Budgeting and Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT), pp.1-36, ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Government of Mongolia, June 2008 3.3 Budget Performance Evaluation- Methodology, Systems and Management, pp.1-55, ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Government of Mongolia, May 2008. 3.4 Performance Based Budgeting- Methodology, Systems and Management, pp.1-55, ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Government of Mongolia, March 2008. 3.5 Financial Planning- Part-1: Methodology, pp.1-34, Part-2: Policies, pp.1-32, ADB Capacity Building Projects on Governance Reforms, Mongolia, January 2008. 3.6 Benchmarks Setting and Best Practices for Output Costing and Output BudgetingPart-1: Basic Concepts, pp.1-31, Part-2: Practical Applications for Mongolia, pp.1-


Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for International Consultancy

3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22

36, ADB Capacity Building Projects on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Government of Mongolia, December 2007. Strengthening Budget Preparation Information System (BPIS) in Mongolia- Basic codes and chart of accounts for the general ledger, pp.1-100, ADB Capacity Building Projects on Governance Reforms, Mongolia, November 2007. Accrual Accounting and Accrual Budgeting- Basic Concepts and Methodology, pp.1-43, ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Government of Mongolia, Oct 2007. Output Costing and Output Budgeting – Basic Concepts and Methodology, pp.1-51, ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Government of Mongolia, Sept 2007. Official Economic statistics- Part-1 on Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Balance of Payments (BOP) Statistics, pp.1-70, UN Statistical Institute for Asia and Pacific, Chiba, Japan, Aug 2007. Official Economic statistics- Part-2 on Monetary and Financial statistics (MFS) and Multi–Factor Productivity Measures (MFP), UN Statistical Institute for Asia and Pacific, Chiba, Japan, Aug 2007. Governance of Public Debt- International Experiences and Best Practices, pp.1-44, Best Practices series No.10, UNITAR, Geneva, 2006. Financing International Cooperation behind National Borders- a Case Study for India, pp.1-46, Office of Development Studies, UNDP, New York. March 2006. General Agreement on Trade in Services – Implications for the Indian financial sector, pp.6-14, Bima Vidya, MDC, Mumbai, July 2003. An assessment of the financial sector liberalization in India in the context of its commitment to the WTO, pp.1-50, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi, June 2003. Management of Contingent Liabilities in Philippines- Policies, Processes, Legal Framework and Institutions, pp.1-60, World Bank, Washington D.C., 2002. Management of Public Debt in India, pp.85-110, in Accompanying Document to the Guidelines for Public Debt Management, IMF, Washington, June 2002. Sovereign Debt Management in India, pp.561-579, Sovereign Debt Management Forum: Compilation of Presentations, World Bank, Washington, 2000. Reforms and liberalization of the financial sector in India- organizational structure, needs and policy issues, pp.1-40, UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, 1995. Social security system in India – needs and policy issues, pp.1-40, ESCAP, United Nations, Bangkok, December 1999. Fiscal Policies for Management of External Capital Flows, pp. 194-207, in Corporate External Debt Management, edited by Jawahar Mulraj, CRISIL, Bombay, Dec 1999. Monitoring and Projecting Budget Deficits of the Government – A Technical Note, Ministry of Finance, pp.1-21, August 1990. 4. External Debt and Public Debt Management

4.1 External Debt Sustainability for Gambia- Macroeconomic trends and policy issues, pp.1-30, Commonwealth Secretariat, London, August 2008.


Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for International Consultancy

4.2 Management of external debt in Mongolia- legal, institutional framework and policy issues, pp.1-35, ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Government of Mongolia, Dec 2007. 4.3 Management of External Debt- International Experiences and Best Practices, pp.146, Best Practices series No.9, United Nations Institute for training and research (UNITAR), Geneva, 2006. 4.4 Governance of Public Debt- International Experiences and Best Practices, pp.1-44, Best Practices series No.10, UNITAR, Geneva, 2006. 4.5 Management of external debt in Nepal- legal, institutional framework and policy issues, pp.1-30, UNESCAP, Bangkok, May 2006. 4.6 Management of external debt in Cambodia- legal, institutional framework and policy issues, pp.1-30, UNESCAP, Bangkok, Feb. 2006. 4.7 Management of external debt in Lao PDR- legal, institutional framework and policy issues, pp.1-30, UNESCAP, Bangkok, Feb. 2006. 4.8 Financing International Cooperation behind National Borders- a Case Study for India, pp.1-50, Office of Development Studies, UNDP, New York. March 2006. 4.9 Management of external debt in Indonesia- legal, institutional framework and policy issues, pp.1-30, Ministry of Finance, Govt of Indonesia, Dec. 2005. 4.10 Management of external debt in Samoa- legal, institutional framework and policy issues, pp.1-30, UNESCAP, Bangkok, Sept 2005. 4.11 Off budget risks and their management, Chapter-3, Public Expenditure, and Financial Management Review, Report No. 24256-PH, A Joint Document of The Govt of the Philippines, World Bank and ADB, World Bank Philippines Country Office, April 30, 2003. 4.12 Prepayment of expensive external debt of India, Expert Group Report, pp.1-40, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi, Sept 2002. 4.13 Management of Public Debt in India, pp.85-110, in Accompanying Document to the Guidelines for Public Debt Management, IMF, Washington, June 2002. 4.14 External Sector Contingent Liability- a Case Study on India, with Raj Kumar, A. Bisen and M.R. Nair, pp.1-123, Commonwealth Sect, London, Jan 2001. 4.15 Sovereign Debt Management in India, pp.561-579, Sovereign Debt Management Forum: Compilation of Presentations, World Bank, Washington, 2000. 4.16 East Asian Economic Crisis and Lessons for External Debt Management, pp.77-95, in External Debt Management, ed. by A. Vasudevan, RBI, Mumbai, April 1999. 4.17 Fiscal Policies for Management of External Capital Flows, pp. 194-207, in Corporate External Debt Management, edited by Jawahar Mulraj, CRISIL, Bombay, Dec 1999 4.18 Management of external debt in India and lessons for developing countries, IMF Singapore Regional Training Institute, Singapore, Sept 1998.


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