Tard 2006 Christmas Games

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North Malaita Christmas Games - 2006 Theme: Social Interaction, Unity and Reconciliation through Sports To’abaita Authority for Research and Development (TARD) Final Report

Soccer winners [Folotana boys]

Netball winners [Kwaiana girls]

Proudly sponsored by the Australian High Commission in Solomon Islands

Malu’u School Sports Grounds December 20 – 23, 2006 North Malaita, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands

Contact details: Exsley Taloiburi TARD Chairman P. O Box U40, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji Phone: (679) 9350159 Email: [email protected] Website: http://toabaita-authority.blogspot.com

FOREWORD This report with accompanying documentation such as media publications about the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games and a financial acquittal of genuine expenses mark a crucial milestone in sports development in the North Malaita region. It is through the foresight of the Australian High Commission office in Solomon Islands (in terms of funding), and its continuous commitment to support youth programmes throughout the country that enabled the To’abaita Authority for Research and Development (TARD) student volunteer group to successfully coordinate the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games at Malu’u station from December 20-23, 2006. The games were tagged as the first ever free Christmas tournament in North Malaita and the most successful, well supported and organised sports initiative in the region of Malaita. It also sets a participation record of 59 soccer and 18 netball teams. The theme of the games “Social Interaction, Unity and Reconciliation through Sports” was more fitting particularly during this healing and reconciliation stage after the spill over effects of the ethnic tension in Solomon Islands. It is anticipated that the North Malaita Christmas Games would be an annual event, depending on the availability of funds.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The To’abaita Authority for Research and Development (TARD) would like to acknowledge the following authorities and individuals for their genuine contribution in ensuring that this rural community sports development initiative was successfully implemented in North Malaita. Without your assistance, this initiative would never eventuate. Therefore, TARD is sincerely grateful towards the following bodies and individuals for their collective contribution in one way or another towards this initiative. 1) The Australian High Commission office in Honiara (Solomon Islands), particularly the Acting High Commissioner at that time, for kindly sponsoring the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games with a funding of SB$3,680.00. Without this generous assistance, the TARD sports organizing committee would not be able to implement this rural initiative successfully, as the funding was allocated for prizes, food for participating teams, and other logistical support for the games. 2) Ms. Anthea Blaikie, the Second Secretary for the Australian High Commission office in Honiara, for her willingness to meet with TARD representatives on November 15, 2006 to discuss the TARD proposal. It is through her tireless effort and recommendation that the sponsorship was authorised. TARD is also grateful for her friendliness and understanding which made it easy for TARD to pursue this proposal and eventually secured the funding.


3) Ms. Gabrielle Stewart, the Third Secretary for the Australian High Commission in Solomon Islands, for her kindness to travel at a short notice especially during her leave from Honiara to Malu’u (North Malaita) to witness the opening of the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games. Your presence at the opening of the TARD games has meant a lot to us and the general rural populace of North Malaita. Your down to earth character in mingling with our people at Malu’u during the opening day of the games has painted a brighter picture of the mutual relationship between the Australian Government and North Malaita people, contradicting what the Solomon Islands government is trying to portray. 4) Mrs. Hilda Maeda-Taloiburi, a TARD member and Programme Assistant Officer at the Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific International (FSPI) in Suva, Fiji for her personal donation of FJ$145 (~SB$620) which was used to purchase the Soccer and Netball trophies in Suva. 5) Mr. Alwyn Danitofea, Chairperson of the TARD sports organizing committee and his support team of organizers which include Joyce Maetoloa, Ishmael Alulu, Lenny Konamauri, Simon Mau, Darlyn Ramo, Simeon Riiagalo, William Fikutoa, Wilfred Atomea, Lynly Galie, Robert Iromalefo, Wilson Rafiau, James Iilu, Philip Kanairara, Simon Sefa, Edward Danitofea, Trevor Maeda, and other TARD members and students in other universities throughout the Pacific who have assisted in the games but not listed above. A big thank you to all of them from the TARD executive for their voluntary effort and commitment. 6) The Arnon Atomea Malu’u Community High School committee, staff and parents for allowing TARD to use its facilities including the soccer field, netball court, classrooms for accommodation, water supply and so forth to host the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games. 7) The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) personnel at Malu’u station for provision of balls, grass cutter, arranging accommodation for Gabrielle Stewart, and participating in the soccer tournament. 8) Several rural individuals and groups who have assisted in the games are also acknowledged. These include the dancing group from Gwaunasu’u Village, the provider of the DJ system (Mr. Akwasia at Taba’a), support referees and umpires, announcers, Malu’u police, chiefs, and the Gwaunasu’u boys who helped trim the playing grounds and constructed the commentary stage. 9) Finally, TARD is thankful to the people of North Malaita for their attendance at the games either as a spectator or a player. Without their punctual attendance there would virtually be no tournament.


1.0. PROJECT NARRATIVE SUMMARY 1.1. Introduction The project proposal for the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games was drafted by TARD and initially submitted to the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) office in Honiara through its Public Affairs Manager, Ms. Anne McCaig, in July 2006. The proposal was submitted as an application request for funds amounting to a total of SB$3,680.00 to be allocated for cash prizes and other logistical expenses during the first ever free-of-charge North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games. However, due to genuine reasons the proposal was further forwarded from RAMSI to the Australian High Commission office in Honiara. Upon receipt of the TARD proposal, a face-to-face meeting was arranged between the Second Secretary of the Australian High Commission, Ms Anthea Blaikie, Exsley Taloiburi (TARD Chairman), and Lenny Konamauri (TARD sports committee member) on November 15, 2006 at the High Commission office in Honiara. The purpose of the meeting was used to clarify the background and goals of the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games. The meeting was deemed as successful because TARD representatives also briefed Ms. Blaikie of the goals of TARD and how they can seek further funding from the Australian High Commission for other areas of developmental importance.

Anthea Blaikie handing over funds for the games to TARD Chairman [pic: Anthea]

As a result, the funding was approved by the Australian High Commission on November 17, 2006 and arrangements were made for the official presentation of the cheque on November 23, 2006. The brief hand over ceremony was


undertaken on 23 November at the High Commission leaf hut by Anthea Blaikie and Exsley Taloiburi in the presence of local media and other TARD members. The total sponsorship given to the 2006 Christmas games by the Australian High Commission amounted to SB$3,680.00.

Other TARD members who witnessed the presentation ceremony in Honiara [pic: Anthea]

Funds received were then transferred to the TARD Sports Organizing committee Chairperson, Mr. Alwyn Danitofea on November 26 in Honiara authorizing him to use the funding to successfully manage the games from December 20 – 23, 2006.

Part of the TARD Sports organizing committee at Malu’u (L-R: Darlyn, Alwyn & Joyce)

1.2. The problem TARD was trying to address Christmas period is a festive season where North Malaita people who reside outside the region usually go back to their respective villages and meet relatives. Annually, this season is always celebrated by rural community dwellers with sporting events attracting teams and spectators from both the North Malaita and 4

Lau/Baelelea Constituencies. This is the only time of the whole year that the villages will be packed since most people only return home to participate in the Christmas Games. However, in the past whenever a club or an individual organizes soccer or netball tournaments for prizes, participating teams have to pay a considerable sum of money as entry fees. This was not a problem in the past since rural people can easily afford food and other essential needs at a lower price. But after the ethnic tension, which really affected people from North Malaita money is very difficult for people to get, and as a result the spirit of interacting through sports has declined drastically with only a few community teams who can afford the entry fees dare to participate in sporting tournaments. This has led to the reduction of social interaction and unity amongst people and lowers the sporting ability of upcoming youths to showcase their talents. Therefore, the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games was designed not to raise money but to help promote social interaction, unity and reconciliation through sports. TARD was adamant if the games were free of charge more community sporting teams would participate and as a result people will become united and reconciliation links formed during the events. Gender issues were also considered that was why soccer and netball were introduced. Spectators that do not play any sports can sell their farm produces and other cooked foods at the tournament without paying any market fees, as from previous sporting events. Thus, people will earn money from selling their fresh produces, teams will win prizes, and people can interact freely which promotes reconciliation among the society. 1.3. Initial objectives of the games The initial objectives of the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games were: • To allow people (both men and women) within the North Malaita and Lau/Baelelea Constituencies to form soccer and netball teams and come together on the set date and interact through sports without paying any entry fees. • To promote the development of sports within the North Malaita region by encouraging dissolved clubs who are already dead to participate in the games. • To enable people to sell their farm produces and other cooked foods for free at the tournament so that they can earn money without being charged any market levies. • To occupy the free time of youths in North Malaita by involving them in the games to prevent criminal activities during the Christmas Season. • To allow potential soccer and netball players to showcase their talents so that they can be aware of their natural talents. • To provide a venue whereby people of all forms of life can come together and interact socially, which is the basis of reconciliation among the society.


1.4. Essence of games played at the 2006 Christmas tournament The only games played during the first ever North Malaita Christmas Games in December 2006 were Soccer and Netball. These two games were selected by the TARD sports organizing committee to begin this rural initiative as they are the most common game that are played throughout the North Malaita and Lau/Baelelea Constituencies. The importance of organizing such tournament with the inclusion of soccer and netball in the North Malaita region was not only to bring people together but also to educate and bring awareness to them on important issues affecting their lives today. The tournament was also used as a platform whereby the message of uniting people through sports for the betterment of society to be preached. Since TARD is an initiative by university students from various regional institutions throughout the Pacific, such tournament gives students an opportunity to publicly share ideas about common issues that affect the livelihood of rural communities and possible solutions to tackle them in a sustainable manner. However, the most significant reason for organizing such events is to show how people in a very densely populated area can utilize aid from generous donors to achieve their personal goals and wellbeing. 1.5. How TARD implemented the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games Prior to approval of the proposal by the Australian High Commission, TARD through student member contributions had taken initial initiatives to purchase soccer and netball trophies, soccer balls and netballs, whistles, and sports uniform in Suva. Therefore, even when requested funds were approved TARD has already possessed balls so the money was reallocated for other necessary expenses during the games. About a month before the tournament, awareness materials and invitation letters from TARD were forwarded to all village sporting clubs within the boundary from Kwainafala River in Malaita Provincial ward 6 to Kwai River in ward 9. Theses four provincial wards are incorporated into two national constituencies namely; North Malaita and Lau/Baelelea. Different media outlets in Honiara were also used to aware North Malaita people who are residing in Honiara to become informed of the proposed Christmas Games. Initially, the games were scheduled from December 25 – 28 2006 but had to be shifted a few days earlier to December 20 -23 due to reasons that were beyond our control. But the shift of date did not impose any influence on the attendance of participating teams and spectators. During a week before the tournament, arrangements for on site accommodation for far-away teams at the Malu’u classrooms and logistical arrangement for Gabrielle Stewart to travel to Malu’u to witness the games’ opening ceremony were finalized.


The soccer field, netball ground, and commentary stage were prepared on 18th and 19th December by several TARD members who were already in North Malaita during that week with the support of youths from Gwaunasu’u and Malu’u areas. Registration for participation in the games closed on Sunday 17th December 2006 at midnight.

A Malu’u youth trimming the soccer field

Another youth trimming the netball ground

The official banner for the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games being displayed

The Australian High Commission representative to the opening of the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games, Ms Gabrielle Stewart, traveled from Honiara to Malu’u on 19th December. She was greeted on her arrival at Malu’u with a garlanding by was arranged by TARD. Her accommodation on the night of December 19 was facilitated by RAMSI personnel at Malu’u. In addition to that, the RAMSI team at Malu’u also presented several balls to TARD in appreciation and support of the community development initiative being


coordinated by TARD volunteer members. Draws for the fixtures were finalized by the TARD organizing committee on Tuesday night (December 19) at Malu’u. Participating clubs from both the North Malaita and Lau/Baelelea Constituencies started arriving at Malu’u grounds early on Wednesday morning (December 20).

Gabrielle Stewart being garlanded at Malu’u

RAMSI presentation of balls to TARD

The official opening ceremony of the games began in the morning on Wednesday 20th December, as anticipated, with speeches, team parade, and entertainment from a girls dancing group from Gwaunasu’u Village. Speeches were delivered by the Australian High Commission representative Gabrielle Stewart, RAMSI representative, Malu’u chief’s representative, TARD organizing committee chairperson Alwyn Danitofea, and the Deputy Principal of Malu’u Community School. During intervals the crowd and invited delegates were entertained by a rural contemporary dancing group which consists of girls from the Loina Primary School in ward 9. A cash incentive was awarded to the best team in the parade, which was won by the Sulagwalu Village team. Games kicked off around mid morning with a curtain raiser soccer match between RAMSI and TARD members.

Invited guests being garlanded at opening

Gwaunasu’u dancing group entertaining

Soccer and netball matches begun on Day 1 (December 20) with a total registration of 59 soccer and 18 netball teams from the North Malaita and


Lau/Baelelea Constituencies. Fortunately, netball games for women were just completed at the end of Day 1 whilst soccer continued until Day 4 (December 23). Additional support in refereeing and umpiring soccer and netball games along with commentary was provided voluntarily, only for a very small incentive, by certain local referees, netball umpires, and youths in North Malaita.

Part of the team parade at the opening

The winner of the best parade team (Sulagwalu)

During the whole tournament (4 days), TARD ensured to provide free accommodation at the Malu’u classrooms and food for far-away teams that participated in the games. This was a goodwill gesture that was not initially budgeted for, beside the free entry that was offered to village teams which attended the tournament. This was made available from funding from the Australian High Commission in Honiara.

Winning netball teams lining up to collect their prizes from TARD organizers

Moreover, students also used the opportunity to raise public awareness amongst the participating youth teams and spectators alike on specific common issues of concern in the North Malaita region. At night, video shows were carried out at the


sole expense of TARD with an effort to raise funds towards the Malu’u Community High School. Funds raised from the video shows were handed to the school during the prize presentation ceremony on December 23. At the end of the tournament, the winning teams are as follows: Soccer: Prizes awarded Position Teams 1st Folotana 1 (Baelelea, ward 6) $1,000 cash plus TARD Trophy 2nd Faufanea (Suafa, ward 9) $500 cash 3rd Shared between Green Snails (Kwaiana, ward 7) and Aurafu $150 cash each} Total of $300 cash (Kwene, ward 8) Netball: Position Teams Prizes awarded 1st Green Snails (Kwaiana, ward 7) $300 cash plus TARD Trophy 2nd Dry Kaibia (Walo, ward 7) $200 cash 3rd Darawarau girls (Malu’u, ward 8) $100 cash

Folotana captain collecting the first prize


Dry Kaibia manager collects 2

Green Snail patron receiving the third prize



Darawarau captain collects the 3 prize




The North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games, kindly sponsored by the Australian High Commission office in Honiara, was tagged by participating teams and the rural people of North Malaita as the best ever and well supported sporting event in the history of North Malaita. 2.1. Record turn-out of sporting teams and spectators A total of 59 men’s soccer and 18 women netball teams participated in the freefor-all North Malaita Christmas Games which was organized by TARD at the Malu’u Community High School playing grounds from December 20 – 23, 2006. The very high team turn-out for both men’s soccer and women’s netball has surpassed any previous sporting events in North Malaita. The highest number of teams that have participated in previous Christmas tournaments at the Malu’u grounds was around 26 soccer and 12 netball teams. The great interest shown during the 2006 Christmas Games can be attributed to the fact that the tournament was free of charge, in contrary to previous games where teams were required to pay registration fees. Also, there was great enthusiasm amongst people towards the games because it was organized by a group of volunteer university students, something that has never been seen before in North Malaita. Teams that participated in the TARD Games came from both the Lau/Baelelea and North Malaita Constituencies, extending offshore and to the highlands. Moreover, the four day tournament has attracted a crowd of more than ten thousand spectators, supporters, market vendors and players to Malu’u Station. The spectators were mainly from the To’abaita and Baelelea regions. Massive turnout of teams and spectators resulted in a very successful tournament and dissemination of the goals and objectives of TARD as a student volunteer body to facilitate community development in working closely with rural dwellers. 2.2. Public support The North Malaita 2006 Christmas games has acquired the full blessing and moral support of the rural population in To’abaita and Baelelea regions, as it is one of its kind in the history of the regions. This was evident during the whole tournament where rural youths and people willingly offer their volunteer assistance to TARD in specific areas such designing the banner, brushing the playing grounds, constructing the stage, commentary support, refereeing and umpiring support, and other logistical support to successfully complete the games. During the opening ceremony authorities including the North Malaita chief’s representative, church representative, school representative, RAMSI, and the Australian High Commission representative have spoke highly of the initiative by TARD in organizing the tournament as a way of facilitating unity through sports.


Gabrielle Stewart giving her speech

Chief Rikei appreciating the TARD initiative

In addition, the police at Malu’u also showed moral support to the games by allocating several police personnel to the tournament for security purposes. The games ran and ended smoothly without complaints or criminal activities. In fact, the police at Malu’u have recommended the tournament as the only tournament in the North Malaita region that was completed without any criminal activities or unwanted behaviours. This implies that the tournament has fulfilled its theme to promote reconciliation, social interaction and unity through sports.

Some of the North Malaita support referees who have assisted TARD during the games

2.3. Contribution to the rural community One of the initial goals of the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games was to give back to the community and that was achieved in various ways throughout the games.


Firstly, the ten thousand or so people that flocked Malu’u station during the four day tournament was beneficial to small business owners in the area. Besides that people were also allowed to sell their vegetables, fruits, cakes, and so forth to people who came to witness the games without asking them to pay any levies, as practiced from previous tournaments. As a result, the TARD games at has enabled business holders and other people to earn income during the games.

Malu’u School Deputy Principal thanking TARD for the donation from video show fees

Secondly, in our appreciation towards the Malu’u Community High School committee and staff for allowing their facilities to be used for the games TARD coordinated several video shows to fundraise for the school. As a result, a total of SB$175.00 collected from video shows was donated to Malu’u School during the prize presentation ceremony. Furthermore, TARD has also ensured that the little money that was donated by the Australian High Commission was used fairly to provide certain incentives to other people who have provided their invaluable assistance in different areas throughout the game. This meant the TARD members had to forego certain needs that were initially budgeted for in the approved proposal to extend our contribution to the community. Finally, our students also used the opportunity to disseminate developmental ideas and public awareness on various issues of concern in North Malaita. In summary, the first ever free TARD North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games was a great success in terms of sporting team and spectator turnout, funding, and the overall support given by TARD members and the North Malaita people as a whole. The games highlighted a perfect picture of how a community or region can be united, with the help of aid donors, in trying to achieve sustainable development.


3.0. FINANCIAL ACQUITTAL OF EXPENSES Please refer to separate attached Microsoft Excel file named “Acquittal for TARD games_2006” for a basic record of how the funds provided were spent during the North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games.


Australian High Commission assists sports (Source: SIBC Radio)

14:20 hrs 24/11/2006

In brief: The Second Secretary at the Australian High Commission, Anthea Blaikie, has told a Malaita students group that sports competition is an opportunity for them to impart to their communities some of the things they've learnt over the years. The Second Secretary at the Australian High Commission, Anthea Blaikie, has told a Malaita students group that sports competition is an opportunity for them to impart to their communities some of the things they've learnt over the years. Ms Blaikie said this yesterday while presenting a cheque of more than three-thousand-300 dollars towards organising the North Malaita Games in December. She says Christmas is a wonderful time to impart the information in a social setting where everyone in the community gets together. "It'll be a really good opportunity to pass on additional information to your communities about what it is you're doing in Suva, what you're learning and how that's going to impact on your communities and also improve your communities, I think that's the biggest thing. And getting To'abaita as a language group together is a very important." Meanwhile, Chairman of the North Malaita students group, Exsley Taloiburi, thanks the Australian High Commission for the help towards the soccer and netball games at Malu'u.

4.2. TARD to host N/Mala games (Source: Solomon Star Newspaper) Submitted by Arthur Wate on 28 November, 2006 - 11:47am. Sport To’abaita students studying overseas will be organizing a game for the North Malaita people this coming Christmas thanks to the Australian High Commission office. The Australian High Commission in Honiara has donated $3,680 to the To'abaita Authority for Research and Development (TARD) to organize a proposed North Malaita Christmas Games, as part of a community development initiative by the To'abaita Authority for Research and Development (TARD) youth-initiated volunteer group.


According to the TARD Chairman, Mr. Exsley Taloiburi, the North Malaita Christmas Games is one of several community initiatives that TARD is planning to undertake this Christmas in the To'abaita and Baelelea regions in North Malaita. The North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games will be held from December 20-22 at the Malu'u School playing grounds and will be free to all intending participating clubs. The games will consist of a 7-aside soccer and netball and is only open to sports clubs within the Kwai River and Kwainifala River boundary. The games will be used to launch the goals and vision of TARD by raising community educational awareness during the three day tournament. The theme of the 2006 North Malaita Christmas Games is "Social Interaction, Unity and Reconciliation through sports". In delivering the cheque on Thursday, the Australian High Commission Second Secretary Public Diplomacy, Ms Anthea Blaikie revealed that the High Commission is delighted to have the opportunity to support TARD in organizing this community based initiative. Ms Blaikie has also indicated the High Commission is committed to assisting the goals of TARD to address future community development needs in North Malaita as well as other communityinitiated projects. Receiving the funds along with other TARD members in Honiara, TARD Chairman Exsley Taloiburi, thanked the Australian High Commission for having the confidence in TARD especially because it is initiated and led by students and youths. "It is a small gesture; however it will make a huge contribution to the wellbeing, social interaction and unity amongst the To'abaita and Baelelea people, particularly when the games will be free of charge with attractive prizes on offer. We hope that TARD can build upon this positive relationship to seek further assistance from genuine donors," said Mr. Taloiburi. To'abaita Authority for Research and Development (TARD) is a student initiated volunteer group established in August 2005 by To'abaita and Baelelea scholars in Fiji with the purpose of bridging the gap between rural communities in North Malaita and potential donors. The principal goals of TARD is to gather support towards a collective effort to initiate potential community initiatives and well informed decisions that can benefit rural people in North Malaita. In addition, TARD is also committed to facilitate progressive development and raising community awareness about pressing issues that are facing the livelihood of North Malaita people.



Christmas Games Successful (Source: SIBC Radio)

18:50 hrs 1/01/2007

In brief: The tournament is part of several community development initiatives implemented by the To’abaita Authority for Research and Development, TARD, students group in partnership with the Australian High Commission in Honiara. The tournament is part of several community development initiatives implemented by the To’abaita Authority for Research and Development, TARD, students group in partnership with the Australian High Commission in Honiara. A report from the Games organizing committee says for the seven-a-side soccer; first prize of TARD trophy plus one-thousand dollars went to Folotana and second prize of 500 dollars was won by Faufanea. Teams from Aurafu and Green Snails shared the third prize of 300 dollars. For netball; first prize of TARD trophy plus 300 dollars went to Green Snails, second prize of 200 dollars was presented to Dry Kaibia girls whilst third prize of 100 dollars was won by Columbia girls. The To'abaita students group thanks the Australian High Commission in Honiara which donated three-thousand-680 dollars towards the games as it has achieved its anticipated outcomes.

4.4. North Malaita 2006 Christmas Games completed (Source: Solomon Star Newspaper) Submitted by Arthur Wate on 3 January, 2007 - 10:10am. Sport The first ever free North Malaita Christmas Games was successfully completed in Malu'u on December 23 with a total of 59 soccer teams and 18 netball teams from both the North Malaita and Lau/Baelelea Constituencies. This free tournament is part of several community development initiatives implemented by the To'abaita Authority for Research and Development (TARD) student voluntary group, and kindly sponsored by the Australian High Commission office in Solomon Islands in partnership with TARD. The Australian High Commission office had donated $3,680 towards the games while TARD sponsored the soccer and netball trophies. According to the Chairperson of the TARD sports organizing committee, Alwyn Danitofea, the games was tagged as the best ever witnessed in the history of North Malaita as it was supported by both the Australian High Commission and RAMSI representatives, North Malaita chiefs, participating teams and spectators. The games have set a new precedent for sporting activities in North Malaita as


the first tournament to kick off its program at 9.30am on day one. The normal practice nowadays in North Malaita prior to the games is that day one program usually begins late in the afternoon with very few matches. In addition the total number of participating teams, particularly 59 soccer and 18 netball teams, has surpassed any previous ordinary tournaments in Malu'u as the average maximum for past games was around 27 soccer teams. Reports from the TARD organizing committee stated that the opening ceremony of the North Malaita Christmas Games began on December 20 at 9.30am with speeches from representatives of the Australian High Commission office, Gabrielle Stewart; RAMSI; Malu'u community house of chiefs; Malu'u Community High School and TARD. This was followed by the curtain raiser while intervals were filled with contemporary dancing by Loina Primary School children from Gwaunasu'u Village. The matches kicked off after 11am and netball was completed at the end of day one whilst soccer continued until December 23. Community teams that have won the various prizes are as follows: For soccer; first prize of TARD trophy plus $1000 went to Folotana, second prize of $500 was awarded to Faufanea, and third prize of $300 was shared between Aurafu and Green Snails. For netball; first prize of TARD trophy plus $300 went to Green Snails, second prize of $200 was presented to Dry Kaibia girls whilst third prize of $100 was scooped by Darawarau girls. Therefore, TARD is grateful towards the Australian High Commission in Solomon Islands for sponsoring the games as it has successfully achieved all the anticipated outcomes. TARD is also thankful to the various community representatives in North Malaita including the participating teams for soccer and netball, referees, spectators, and others for the great enthusiasm and cooperation shown towards this community development initiative. The North Malaita Christmas Games is intended to be an annual event 4.5. Malaita Christmas game gets Australia support (Source: Solomon Star Newspaper) Submitted by drupal on 5 January, 2007 - 9:51am. Headlines | Sport The Australian High Commission has pledged Australia’s strong support for young people in Solomon Islands. Speaking at the opening of the North Malaita Christmas Games Australian High Commission third secretary Gabrielle Stewart said Australia's assistance to Solomon Islands has a strong focus on working with young people. The North Malaita Christmas games was held from December 20-23 at the Malu'u School playing grounds. Ms Stewart said Australia was proud to sponsor a sporting event which included both men and women to participate and do their best.


"It is encouraging to see a community activity that meets the needs of young people and helps them to develop the team work and leadership qualities which can be gained from participation in sport." Ms Stewart was one of many spectators at the Christmas Games who enjoyed watching the women's prowess on the netball court and the men's skills on the soccer field during the four-day sports carnival. Ms Stewart congratulated the To'abaita Authority for Research and Development (TARD) student volunteer group, for organising the first North Malaita Christmas Games. Australia's support of sporting programs and organisations like TARD demonstrate its commitment to working with the young people of Solomon Islands.


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