Taraweeh Prayers Tasbihaat

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 5
Taraweeh Prayers Tasbihaat Intent (Niyyat) for first three nights of Taraweeh Prayers:

I intent to offer two cycles of Taraweeh prayers for the sake of Allah Ta’ala in following the sunnat of Rasulullah behind this Imam facing (with attention) towards the direction of Ka’ba Shareef, Allah is Great! Replace with th (Niyyat) from 4 night Taraweeh prayers.

in the above intent

1. Upon completion of 4th Rakat (i.e. 2nd Taraweeh Dugana), recite 3 times the following Kalima-e-Shahadat:

I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah, who is one, who has no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and the messenger Then recite the following Tasbih:

O’ Allah we pray Thee, wish Thy Heaven and Thy vision, and seek Thy shelter from the horrible fire of the Hell. O’ Creator of the heavens and the hell. By means of Thy mercy, O’ Almighty Allah, O’ Forgiver of sins, Most Merciful, O’ Concealer of the sins, Most kind and Merciful. O’ great Allah save us from the Fire, O’ Protector from troubles Thou art Excuser of sins and errors, O’ Forgiver of our sins, O’ Kind and Merciful Allah.

Then recite the following Tasbih:

O’ well known Merciful and well known Bestower of blessing, bestow Thy kindness and favors on us, and Thy kindness and Thy Mercy. O’ Allah, O’ Allah, O’ Allah 2. After completing the 8th Rakat (i.e. 4th Taraweeh Dugana), recite 3 times the following Durood-e-Sharif:

O’ Allah, shower Thy Blessing on Muhammad and his descendants. O’ Allah glorify Mohammad and his descendants and shower Thy Blessing and safety on them, and shower Thy Blessing on all the prophets and messengers of Allah and prominent angels of Allah and good and pious people and all the angels by Thy Grace and Mercy. O’ Most kind and Merciful. Then recite the following Tasbih:

O’ Allah we pray Thee, wish Thy Heaven and Thy vision, and seek Thy shelter from the horrible fire of the Hell. O’ Creator of the heavens and the hell. By means of Thy mercy, O’ Almighty Allah, O’ Forgiver of sins, Most Merciful, O’ Concealer of the sins, Most kind and Merciful. O’ great Allah save us from the Fire, O’ Protector from troubles Thou art Excuser of sins and errors, O’ Forgiver of our sins, O’ Kind and Merciful Allah. Then recite the following Tasbih:

O’ well known Merciful and well known Bestower of blessing, bestow Thy kindness and favors on us, and Thy kindness and Thy Mercy. O’ Allah, O’ Allah, O’ Allah

3. After completing 12th Rakat (i.e. 6th Taraweeh dugana), recite 3 times the following Tasbih:

Glory be to Allah and praise, there is no deity but Allah, Allah is the Most Great, there is no power, no might but Allah, The Most High The Most Elevated Then recite the following Tasbih:

O’ Allah we pray Thee, wish Thy Heaven and Thy vision, and seek Thy shelter from the horrible fire of the Hell. O’ Creator of the heavens and the hell. By means of Thy mercy, O’ Almighty Allah, O’ Forgiver of sins, Most Merciful, O’ Concealer of the sins, Most kind and Merciful. O’ great Allah save us from the Fire, O’ Protector from troubles Thou art Excuser of sins and errors, O’ Forgiver of our sins, O’ Kind and Merciful Allah. Then recite the following Tasbih:

O’ well known Merciful and well known Bestower of blessing, bestow Thy kindness and favors on us, and Thy kindness and Thy Mercy. O’ Allah, O’ Allah, O’ Allah 4. After completing 16th Rakat (i.e. 8th Taraweeh Dugana), recite 3 times the following Tasbih:

Glory be to Allah and all praises and purities, The Most High, The Most Elevated. I beseech the Forgiveness of Allah for all sins and mistakes committed by me and offer repentance before Him.

Then recite the following Tasbih:

O’ Allah we pray Thee, wish Thy Heaven and Thy vision, and seek Thy shelter from the horrible fire of the Hell. O’ Creator of the heavens and the hell. By means of Thy mercy, O’ Almighty Allah, O’ Forgiver of sins, Most Merciful, O’ Concealer of the sins, Most kind and Merciful. O’ great Allah save us from the Fire, O’ Protector from troubles Thou art Excuser of sins and errors, O’ Forgiver of our sins, O’ Kind and Merciful Allah. Then recite the following Tasbih:

O’ well known Merciful and well known Bestower of blessing, bestow Thy kindness and favors on us, and Thy kindness and Thy Mercy. O’ Allah, O’ Allah, O’ Allah 5. After completing the 20th Rakat (i.e. 10th Taraweeh Dugana), recite 3 times the following Tasbih:

I seek pardon of Allah from all my sins who is the real Allah, Who is alive forever and who is the Greatest forgiver of sins, Concealer of the deficiencies , Who knows the unknown, Who grants favors and Who turns the hearts and eyes for good, I seek pardon of Him and repent before Him. Then recite the following Tasbih:

O’ Allah we pray Thee, wish Thy Heaven and Thy vision, and seek Thy shelter from the horrible fire of the Hell. O’ Creator of the heavens and the hell. By means of Thy mercy, O’ Almighty Allah, O’ Forgiver of sins, Most Merciful, O’ Concealer of the sins, Most kind and Merciful. O’ great Allah save us from the Fire, O’ Protector from troubles Thou art Excuser of sins and errors, O’ Forgiver of our sins, O’ Kind and Merciful Allah.

Then recite the following Tasbih:

O’ well known Merciful and well known Bestower of blessing, bestow Thy kindness and favors on us, and Thy kindness and Thy Mercy. O’ Allah, O’ Allah, O’ Allah 6. After completing Wajib-ul-Witr prayers, recite 3 times the following Tasbih:

Glorified is He, Who is the Master of the earth and that of the Heaven, Glorified is He, Who is the possessor of Honor, Dignity, Greatness and Grandeur. Glorified is He, Who is the king ever lasting, Who never sleeps nor dies, He is extremely pure and sacred. He is our sustainer and that of the Angels in general and of Jibraeel Then recite the following Tasbih:

O’ Allah we pray Thee, wish Thy Heaven and Thy vision, and seek Thy shelter from the horrible fire of the Hell. O’ Creator of the heavens and the hell. By means of Thy mercy, O’ Almighty Allah, O’ Forgiver of sins, Most Merciful, O’ Concealer of the sins, Most kind and Merciful. O’ great Allah save us from the Fire, O’ Protector from troubles Thou art Excuser of sins and errors, O’ Forgiver of our sins, O’ Kind and Merciful Allah. Then conclude the recitation with the following Tasbih:

O’ well known Merciful and well known Bestower of blessing, bestow Thy kindness and favors on us, and Thy kindness and Thy Mercy. O’ Allah, O’ Allah, O’ Allah End of the one night’s Taraweeh prayers. Note: All the above Tasbihaat must be recited loudly by men whether praying in congregation or praying alone.

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