Tap 20 Launch Flyer

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 333
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Ca r e e rDe v e l o p me n tSe r i e s

f o rY o u n gPr o f e s s i o n a l s

longer o N c any ous ol el yr el yongoodc r edent i al st ol andaj oboradv anc epr of es s i onal l y .Amor eadv anc ed s etofs k i l l si snec es s ar yt os ec ur et heoppor t uni t yy ouwantandf ur t hery ourc ar eer .

ONSE P S E R N I TheAbi l i t yPr oj ec ti sl aunchi ngac ar eerdev el opments er i esf or20s omet hi ngs . Toc el ebr at eourl aunc hi nJul y2009,wear ei nv i t i nganumberofpar t i c i pant st o at t endoneofours es s i onsf orFREE!

Session 1: J ul y15th&29th 6: 308: 30PM 25th&Br oadway ,NYC


t oc r eat eanenv i r onmentf orcol l abor at i vepr eof es si onalgr owt h. Thr oughpeer t opeerl ear ni ng,i nt er act i ver ol epl ay,and i ndi vi dualaccount abi l i t ypar t i c i pant swi l lpl ott hei rc our set o s ucc es s,nomat t ert hei rc ar eerpat h,byf ocus i ngon:

Session 2: J ul y22nd&Augus t5th 6: 308: 30PM 25th&Br oadway ,NYC

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T os i gnuporgetmor ei nf or mat i onemai l event s@j oi nt ap. com orc al l usat2123665200.

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