Taliban-list Of Leaders

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Taliban - List of leaders (taken “as is” from Wikipedia)

This wikipedia info was last modified on 30 December 2008 Groups: Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan Islamic Emirate of Waziristan

Name Mullah Mohammed Omar

Pakistan Taliban umbrella group, Dec. 2007 an association of Waziristani chieftains with close ties to the Taliban recognized by the Govt. of Pakistan, Sept 06 Position


Emir of Afghanistan; Head of the Taliban At large Movement

Chairman of the Ruling Council; Mullah Mohammad Rabbani Head of the Council of Ministers

Died in Pakistan of liver cancer, April 2001

Mullah Mohammad Hasan

At large; spoke to Reuters by satellite First Deputy Council telephone from an undisclosed location on of Ministers May 4, 2003

Mawlawi Abdul Kabir

Second Deputy Council of Ministers

At large

Abdul Wakil Muttawakil

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Surrendered to US troops in 2002; released in 2003; ran for Afghan parliament in 2005.

Abdul Rahman Zahed

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Allegedly created an impression that he entered Pakistan after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, but had returned before the end of 2001 to his home village in Loghar province[1]; at large

Mullah Abdul Jalil

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

At large

Mullah Ubaidullah Akhund Minister of Defense

Mullah Abdul Razaq

Minister of Interior Affairs

Captured by Pakistani forces, late Feb. 2007 [2]

Afghan forces captured Razaq while scouring a rugged mountainous region north of Kandahar, April 1, 2003.[3] Razaq's son, Abdul, had been killed on September 5, 2002 as he tried to shoot President Hamid Karzai

Mullah Khaksar Akhund

Deputy Minister of Interior Affairs

Staged a public press conference in Kabul, late November, 2001 and denounced the Taliban; by August 2002, he supports the U.S.-backed Afghan government of Hamid Karzai[4]; at large

Mohammad Sharif

Deputy Minister of Interior Affairs

At large

Qari Ahmadullah

Minister of Security (Intelligence)

Killed in late December, 2001 by a U.S. bombing raid in the Paktia province [5]

Mullah Nooruddin Turabi

Minister of Justice

Allegedly sheltered in Quetta by Pakistani officials by the end of 2001 [1]; captured by U.S. forces and then set free and given general amnesty in early January 2002 [6][7]

Qari Din Mohammad

Minister of Planning

At large

Amir Khan Muttaqi

Minister of Culture & Information

Allegedly moved to Peshawar, Pakistan before the end of 2001 and still "hiding out in the Pakistani frontier" March 19, 2002 [1] [8] ; still at large

Mullah Ghausuddin

Foreign Minister

Killed in a gun battle in Zabul province, May 27, 2003 [9]

Mullah Abbas Akhund

Minister of Health

In February 2002, he was "hiding with his military force about 5 miles from Uruzgan village" [10]; at large

Sher Abbas Stanekzai

Deputy Minister of Health

At large

Mullah Abdul Salam Haqqani

Minister of Education

At large

Mullah Yar Mohammad

Minister of Communication

At large

Alla Dad Tayeb

Deputy Minister of Communication

At large

Alhaj Mullah Mohammad Isa Akhund

Minister of Mines and Industries

At large

Mawlawi Mohammadullah Mati'

Minister of Public Works

At large

Mawlawi Rostam Nuristani

Deputy Minister of Public Works

At large

Hafez Mohibullah

Minister of Haj and

At large

Religious Affairs Mawlawi Moslim Haqqani

First Deputy Council At large of Ministers

Mawlawi Abdul Raqib

Unknown (is he the same Abdul Raqib as First Deputy Council the official from the agriculture department of Ministers in 2003? [1])

Mullah Mohammad Jan Akhund

Minister of Water and Electricity

At large

Mawlawi Faiz Mohammad Faizan

Deputy Minister of Commerce

At large

Mawlawi Abdul Hakim Monib

Deputy Minister of Frontier Affairs

At large

Mawlawi Shahid Khel

Deputy Minister of Education

Captured in Afghanistan in early April 2003

Sattar Sadozai

"A key intelligence official"

Captured in Afghanistan in early April 2003

Zabihullah Zahid

Deputy Minister of Education

Arrested in Balkh province, Afghanistan in early August 2003

Field Commanders Name


Mullah Fazel Mohammad Mazloom Chief of Staff Jalaluddin Haqqani Taliban's current military leader (former Mujaheddin) Mullah Dadullah ? Mawlawi Nanai ? Mullah Ahmadullah ? Mawlawi Habibullah Ershad Commander of Shamali front Abdul Razaq Nafez ? Juma Khan Military commander Mullah Shahzada provincial commander Mullah Haji Amir militia commander Mullah Tohr Maqid militia commander Muhammad Hasan Rehmani militia commander Baitullah Mehsud field commander Sakhi Dad Mujahid field commander Gul Mohammed Jangvi field commander Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Osmani field commander Mullah Abdul Zahir group commander

Situation at large ? Killed At large ? At large at large captured released from Gitmo Killed in US raid Killed in US raid Mullah At large entered a truce on February 8, 2005. captured ? Killed in U.S. airstrike Killed in the U.S. airstrike

Governors Name Mullah Niaz Mohammad Mawlawi Abdul Kabir

Position Governor of Kabul Province Governor of Nangrahar Province; Head of Eastern Zone; (also see above) Governor of Herat Province

Mawlawi Khair Mohammad Khairkhwah Mawlawi Nurullah Nuri

Governor of Balkh Province; Head of Northern Zone

Na'im Kucki Commander Bahsir Baghlani Commander Arif Khan Mawlawi Shariqullah Mohammadi Mawlawi Ahmad Jan Mullah Dost Mohammad Mullah Badar

Governor of Bamian Province Governor of Baghlan Governor of Kunduz Province Governor of Khost Province Governor of Zabul Province Governor of Ghazni Province Governor of Badghis Province

Situation At large Allegedly moved to Peshawar, Pakistan before the end of 2001 [2] At large In December 2001, he was captured and known to be in Mazar-I Sharif in the custody of Afghan Northern Alliance commander Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum [3]; whereabouts now unknown At large At large Assassinated in Pakistan April, 2000 At large At large At large Captured by Afghan forces in the province of Badghis in early April 2003

Other high ranking officials, ambassadors and envoys abroad Name Noor Mohammad Saqib

Position Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Abdul Rahman Agha

Chief Justice of the Military Court Head of the Vice and Virtue Ministry

Mawlawi Mohammed Qalamuddin Sayed Mohammad Haqqani Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi Abdul Hakim Mujahid General Rahmatullah Safi Akhtar Mohammad

Situation Allegedly moved to Peshawar, Pakistan before the end of 2001 [4]; arrested January 30, 2002 near Quetta by Pakistani authorities [5]; whereabouts now unknown At large Allegedly captured April 17, 2003, in Logar province, Afghanistan

Ambassador to Pakistan

At large

Envoy to United States

Currently a student at Yale University [6]

Envoy to the United Nations Envoy to Europe

Arrived in Pakistan in early December 2001 [7]

Head of Aviation

In early October, 2001, reports alleged that he was killed

At large


during air raids by U.S.-British forces [8]

Other high ranking officials, ambassadors and envoys abroad contd.

Hammdidullah, aka Janat Gul

Head of Ariana Afghan Airlines

Aljah Mullah Sadruddin Mawlawi Abdul Hai Motma'in Toorak Agha

Mayor of Kabul City

Surrendered November 24, 2001 east of Konduz[11] . Status later established by a Combatant Status Review Tribunal as "no longer enemy combatant" and released[12]. Unknown

Spokesman in Kandahar

At large

Ex-Governor of Paktia Province ?

At large

Mullah Baradar David Matthew Hicks John Walker Lindh Yasser Esam Hamdi

At large

Other Taliban members of note The "Australian Talib" • Captured during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. The "American Talib"

U.S. born Taliban member

Captured during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, now serving 20 years in prison in the United States Captured during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and held in a naval brig in Norfolk, Virginia until 2004. He was deported to Saudi Arabia in Oct. 2004.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Taliban_leaders http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Quaeda#Organization_structure

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