Talent Management Employer Questionnaire

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 671
  • Pages: 6
Visit hrmba.blogspot.com for more project reports, questionnaire etc. QUESTIONNAIRE ON EMPLOYER TALENT MANAGEMANT WITH REFRENCE TO SUCCESSION PLANNING.

Emp. Name



Emp Age



Emp Designation



Q1. Does your organization have any specific Talent Management initiatives in place? A. Yes

B. No.

Q2. Are Talent Management initiatives a top priority in your organization?

A. Yes

B. No.

Q3. How does your organization identify talent? A. By competencies.

B. By Results.

C. By Potential.

Q4. What are the areas your organization needs to improve in terms of talent management initiatives?

Questionnaire on “Talent Management with reference to Succession Planning” 1

Aspects Aligning employees with the mission and vision of your organization Assessing candidates skills earlier in the hiring process Creating a culture that makes employees want to stay with the organization

Creating a culture that makes individuals want to join the organization Creating a culture that values employees work Creating an environment where employees are excited to come to work each day Creating an environment where employees ideas are listened to and valued Creating policies that encourage career growth and development opportunities Identifying gaps in current employees and candidate competency levels What are the areas your organization needs to improve in terms of talent management initiatives?

Q5. In your organization who is primarily responsible for …… (Tick one per statement) Aspects

No one

Depart ment head(ex cludes employe e supervis or)

Hr staf f

Internal coach(excl udes employee supervisor)

Mentor (excludes employee superviso r)

Outside consulta nt

Recruiting individuals

Questionnaire on “Talent Management with reference to Succession Planning” 2

other s

Further developing employees Retaining employees

Q6. Does your organization have a staff member whose position is exclusively responsible for overseeing talent management initiatives? A. Yes at management / executive level.

B. No.

Q7. What are your talent retention initiatives?

A. Acquiring new talent

B. leveraging existing talent

C. Retaining the current potential.

Q8. Which broadly defined job description are the most critical in terms of attracting and retaining employees? Aspects

1 (very critical)




5 (not critical)

Project Management Technical work Business development Project lead Field operations Research and development

innovation Business unit leadership Senior management

Questionnaire on “Talent Management with reference to Succession Planning” 3

Programme management

Q9. Within your organization what kinds of talent development activities are carried out? A. Classroom workshops. Experience

B. Coaching.

D. Short term assignments.

C. Developmental E. Action learning

F. Others.

Q10. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Tick one per statement) Aspects

Strongl y disagre e



Strongly agree

Aligning employees with the mission and vision of your organization Assessing candidates skills earlier in the hiring process

Creating a culture that makes employees want to stay with the organization Creating a culture that makes individuals want to join the organization Creating a culture that values employees work

Questionnaire on “Talent Management with reference to Succession Planning” 4

Creating an environment where employees are excited to come to work each day

Creating an environment where employees ideas are listened to and valued

Creating policies that encourage career growth and development opportunities Identifying gaps in current employees and candidate competency levels Identifying vacancies that will be created as the company advances and expands Rewarding top performing employees

Q11. In the next three years how effective will the following elements of compensation be in terms of attracting and retaining top performers? Aspects

1(most effectiv e)




5(least effectiv e)

Base pay Health care benefits Retirement/education benefits Share options/equity participation Child care costs/arrangement Job security

Q12. Which broadly defined job description are the most critical in terms of attracting and retaining employees?

Questionnaire on “Talent Management with reference to Succession Planning” 5

A. Sales.

B. Marketing.

C. Business Development.

Q13. How do you except your budget for recruiting developing and retaining employees to change over three years?

A. Increase.

B. Decrease.

C. No change.

Visit hrmba.blogspot.com for more project reports, questionnaire etc.

Questionnaire on “Talent Management with reference to Succession Planning” 6

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