
  • November 2019
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輕鬆一日遊 One Day Tour 花蓮太魯閣(大理石)峽谷觀光 TAROKO (MARBLE) GORGE TOUR 旅遊行程 Itinerary 飯店出發→松山機場飛往花蓮→抵達花蓮→太魯閣(大理石)峽谷→長春祠→燕子口 →九曲洞→大理石橋→天祥→大理石工廠→石雕公園→花蓮機場-松山機場→回飯 店 Pick-up from hotel→Transfer to Taipei Airport→Arrive at Hualien→Enbus for Taroko Gorge (Marble) Gateway→Eternal-Spring Shrine→Swallow Caves→Tunnel of Nine Turns→Marble Bridge→Tienhsiang Lodge→Marble factory→Ami Tribe dancing→Enplane for Taipei→Transfer to hotel 費用 Fare 成人 Adult:USD$215 兒童 Children:USD$175 名勝之旅 2 Days & 1 Night Tour 日月潭、埔里鎮及鹿港觀光 SUN MOON LAKE, PULI & LUKANG TOUR 旅遊行程 Itinerary 第 1 日 1st Day 從飯店出發→乘巴士往南投→日月潭→日月潭環湖觀光(遊文武廟、德化社、慈恩集 合塔、玄奘寺)→埔里鎮(文化藝術天堂)→台中(宿:台中市) Pick-up from hotel→Enbus for Nantou-Sun Moon Lake→Lake Bus Tour (Wenwu Temple-Tehua Village→Tse-en Pagoda-Holy Monk Shrine)→Puli (a cultural & artistic heaven)→Taichung City (Overnight at Taichung City) 第 2 日 2nd Day 台中→鹿港(歷史文化古蹟巡禮)→乘巴士或火車回台北 Taichung City→Lukang historical and cultural town→Entrain or Enbus for Taipei 費用 Fare 成人 Adult:USD$235 兒童 Children:USD$187 四天三夜 台灣環島精華遊 4 DAYS / 3 NIGHTS FORMOSA HOLIDAYS

旅遊行程 Itinerary 第 1 日 1st Day 上午台北市區觀光(故宮、忠烈祠、中正紀念堂、途經台北 101)→圓山午餐→乘巴士往 台中 (宿:台中福華大飯店) Pick-up from hotel→Taipei half-day city tour (National Palace Museum‧Chiang kai-Shek Memorial Hall‧Martyrs' Shrine‧Taipei 101 for photo-taking)→Lunch:Grand Hotel→Enbus for Taichung (Overnight at Howard Plaza Hotel Taichung) 第 2 日 2nd Day 台中→日月潭環湖觀光→涵碧樓午餐→乘巴士往高雄→夜遊六合夜市及愛河 (宿:高雄福華大飯店) Taichung City→Sun Moon Lake→Lake Bus Tour (Wenwu Temple‧Te Hua Village‧Tse En Pagoda‧Holy Monk Shrine)→Lunch:The Lalu, Sun Moon Lake→Enbus for kaohsiung→Lio Ho Night Market and Love River (Overnight at Howard Plaza Hotel Kaohsiung) 第 3 日 3rd Day 上高雄佛光山春秋閣寒軒餐廳午餐→往花蓮晚間欣賞阿美文化村原住民歌舞表演 (宿:花蓮美侖大飯店) Kaohsiung Tour (Fokuangshan, Light of Buddha Mountain)→Lunch:Han Hsien Restaurant (Seafood)→Spring and Autumn Pavilions→Kaohsiung airport→Enplane for Hualien→Ami Cultural Village (Ami Folk Dance)(Overnight at Parkview Hotel Hualien) 第 4 日 4th Day 太魯閣(大理石)峽谷→長春祠→燕子口→九曲洞→大理石橋→天祥晶華酒店午餐→ 大理石工廠、花蓮火車站→乘火車回台北 Enbus for Taroko Gorge (Gateway‧Eternal Spring Shrine‧Swallow Caves‧Tunnel of Nine Turns and Tienhsiang)→Lunch:Grand Formosa Hotel Taroko→Marble Factory and its showroom→Entrain for Taipei. 費用 Fare 成人 Adult:USD$620 兒童 Children:USD$535 台灣五天環島 觀光 5 DAYS ROUND TAIWAN ISLAND EXCURSION

旅遊行程 Itinerary 第 1 日 1st Day 從飯店出發→乘巴士往南投→日月潭環湖觀光→埔里鎮觀光→台中 (宿:台中市) Pick-up from hotel→Enbus for Nantou→Sun Moon Lake→Lake Bus Tour (Wenwu Temple-Tehua Vellage-Tse-en Pagoda-Holy Monk Shrine)→Puli (a cultural & artistic heaven)→Taichung City (Overnight at Taichung City) 第 2 日 2nd Day 台中→鹿港文化古蹟巡禮→乘巴士或火車往高雄→高雄 (宿:高雄) Taichung City→Lukang historical & cultural town→Entrain or Enbus for Kaohsiung (Overnight at Kaohsiung) 第 3 日 3rd Day 高雄→貓鼻頭→鵝鑾鼻燈塔→墾丁國家公園→高雄(宿:高雄) Pick-up from hotel→Enbus for Maopitou→Oluanpi Light House→Kenting ParkKaohsiung (Overnight at Kaohsiung) 第 4 日 4th Day 高雄市區觀光(澄清湖、春秋閣)→高雄小港機場→花蓮(宿:花蓮) Kaohsiung City tour (Cheng ching Lake-Spring and Autumn Pavillions)→Kaohsiung Airport→Enplane for Hualien (Overnight at Hualien) 第 5 日 5th Day 太魯閣(大理石)峽谷→長春祠→燕子口→九曲洞→大理石橋→天祥→大理石工廠→ 七星潭→石雕公園→花蓮火車站→乘火車回台北→回送飯店 Hotel→Enbus for Taroko Gorge Gateway→Eternal-spring Shrine→Swallow Caves→Tunnel of Nine Turns→Tienhsiang Lodge→Marble Factory→Chi Hsing Beach→Hualien Stone Sculptural Park→Hualien Station→Entrain for Taipei 費用 Fare 成人 Adult:USD$635 兒童 Children:USD$510

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