[tailor-made] Making Sense Of Everyday Life

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Making sense of everyday life The world was supposed to be a great mass initially. However, as God commanded, everything came into order. First, air and water are separated, light and darkness are separated, animals are named, plants are named. That’s why we are able to recognize different vegetables, insects, etc. Because God want to create an image of himself to glorify himself, he created man and that’s why man exist. Whenever we walk or take a ride on cars, we can observe that trees are always around us. They absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen at daytime while the process is interchanged during nighttime. Men are from mars, women from venus The author arranged both parties to meet on Earth, and this made the parties forget each other’s differences in personality. Men liked to gain support, to gain sense of achievement through meeting goals. Asking for help in Mars is an act of weakness and therefore men like to solve problems themselves. The author mentioned that men liked to enter their own ‘caves’, which meant that they are actively finding solutions to the problems they come across. When men kept silent after women said something to them, it doesn’t mean that the men got mad. It’s that men are working out a method to communicate in a more effective and soothing way. On the contrary, women like to ‘open’ themselves – to express their ideas and feelings freely. They enjoy the sense of security men offer them. Very often, they like to grief. When men misunderstood that women need solution after griefing, women are actually enjoying the process of addressing the problem and convert the process into feelings instead of really seeking a resolution. Morrie: In his own words This was a good book written by Morrie Schwartz. He gives so much useful advice to people around him that it’s hard for people to forget his name. He wrote with many metaphors, which includes the messages to be delivered. These are some points that he offered: 1stly, people should be allowed to grief because it’s a sign of ventilation. People should’nt always bear their burdens themselves, but during their breathe-in-and-outs, they will tap into their subconscious minds and learn more about themselves. When we learn to live, we learn to die? Vice versa? It’s an insightful statement: only when 1 prepares for death will one treasure life, and only when you treasure life will you be prepared to die and to laugh, to be satisfied with what you’ve done for the whole of your life rather than to cry because of the numerous regrets made throughout your life. Sometimes, it’s perfectly alright to be childish rather to be like an adult always. Having to chances to be taken of is quite an enjoyable experience and we can gain opportunities to escape from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. ‘Isness’ is a term invented by Morrie, meaning the essence of something that is enough to distinguish it from other stuff and gives meaning to something. I consider it a good question, for instance: Who is Terence? Why am I here? What should I hell with mother nature? These questions may seem trivial, but indeed puzzled many individuals. Ask help if needed is something Morrie emphasized very much. For One More Day It was a book that mentioned if 1 more day is allowed for a boy to get in touch with his loved ones, like his best friend or his parents, the likely conversations take would take place between them and it expresses how great mothers are like. The Present Very often, people are resentful and can’t possess great skills and have low productivity because of

the fact that they lack the balance between the past, the present and the future, where the present is the most important of all. To improve the present, one must have learned something from the past so that mistakes won’t be committed twice. To plan for future is beneficial for the present because you’re using your present time in a more purposeful and worthwhile way. A young man came across an old man and that’s what useful information the young man gets from others. I bet that I can benefit from this book greatly for the time being. The HKALE exam is over and the 3 years of undergraduate study is going to start. Whether I can learn why my AL exam flinched will certainly determine how I perform in the academic results in undergraduate. For the part of planning my future, I will continuously improve this aspect through planning a good time schedule for myself. For instance, when to rise when to sleep, how much my transportation cost is, how much my living expenses will be and so on. The five people you meet in heaven This is a book full of imagination. It’s soul-soothing and extremely encouraging. The author puts 5 people together with Eddie in a context of a theme park, with Ruby Pier, White Ferris Wheel and so on. Eddie is quite an old character whom devoted his life to fix machines, to think of provocative methods which are useful in increasing the income of the theme park and to twist pipe cleaners into interesting shapes which can amuse children. Though Eddie was always regret that he was unable to save a little girl, the little girl became the fifth character amongst the people Eddie met in heaven, forgiving what Eddie had done, calling his nickname and brought all of the sorrows and fears Eddie had. Some characters didn’t even meet Eddie face to face, but had been the characters to meet Eddie due to the fact that they were still alive, posing an impact in Eddie’s life. For example, the Captain, suffering from the harms during war periods, taught Eddie how to endure harsh lives. What I have gained from the book is that what we might think of worthless and timeconsuming may turn out to be beneficial in others’ perspectives. I can sense that the author is brilliant in expressing emotions, revealed by the part where Eddie met his wife. Touches and voices are stimulating my nerves to make me enjoy the weight the sensational words carry. Besides, this book has actually made me learn more about how amusement parks operate, particularly in the part of the maintenance of apparatus and rides and other operational management. Being in heaven helps a human understand his/her role in the world by hearing what others said. Tuesdays with Morrie Morrie is an old professor teaching Mitch 16 years ago. They talked about different life issues every Tuesday. Concerning marriage, Morrie thanks that one would miss a lot and would regret in is life and if he hadn’t experienced it. About culture, Morries expressed that one should create his own rather than t be conformed by societal values. For example, when the majority of people life to buy things of famous rbans such as Gucci and Prada but doesn’t offer the feeling of love to people, people then have to stop and think about from what sources they can experience love fully, like finding a comrade, etc. Morrie once reminded that only when we learn to die will be able to learn to live. Peace of mind is important for everyone and if we trust that humans are part of the nature and death is the nature of humans, we should not possess much fear throughout our lives.

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