T Neg Armed Forces 4

  • November 2019
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Whitman College 7/27/06

1 Armed Forces Neg Topicality

Armed Forces Neg T Shells Armed Forces Neg T Shells.............................................................................................................1 T – Establish 1NC............................................................................................................................2 T – Effects 1NC...............................................................................................................................3 T – USFG (3 branches)....................................................................................................................4

Whitman College 7/27/06

2 Armed Forces Neg Topicality

T – Establish 1NC A. Interpretation-Establish means “to set up or found” American Heritage Dictionary 2000 (Fourth Edition) B. Violation-The affirmative modifies an existing policy by increasing the amount of people in the already existent National Call to Service Program. C. Standards: Limits- There are hundreds of programs in the military that the Aff could be running. This over-limits the topic and makes it impossible to predict cases. Education- By forcing the affirmative to create a new policy, we encourage creative thinking and real policy-making skills. We are positioning ourselves as policymakers, not policy modifiers. Ground- New policies ensure that the negative has links to spending and politics because all new policies require new funds and always create a big enough political splash for a solid link to politics. D. Topicality is a voter for reasons of fairness, ground, and because the aff must unconditionally prove the resolution true.

Whitman College 7/27/06

3 Armed Forces Neg Topicality

T – Effects 1NC A. Interpretation 1. Substantial must be immediate and actual Words and Phrases 1964 (40 W&P 759) The words “outward, open, actual, visible, substantial and exclusive,” in connection with a change of possession, mean substantially the same thing. They mean[s] not concealed: not hidden: exposed to view; free from concealment, dissimulation, reserve, or disguise; in full existence; not denoting that which merely can be, but is opposed to potential, apparent, constructive, and imaginary; veritable; genuine; certain; absolute; real at present time, as a matter of fact, not merely nominal; opposed to form; actually existing; true; no including admitting, or pertaining to any others; undivided; sole; opposed to inclusive.

2. Increase refers to a process of making greater Oxford English Dictionary 2nd edition 1989 1. The action of increasing V a. The action, process, or fact of becoming or making greater; augmentation, growth, enlargement, extension

B. Violation – The policy that plan expands does not mandate an increase in participation, instead it increases the potential for college students participating; moreover the affirmative results in an increase, it is not a process of increasing. C. Standards Ground – Nothing will link to effects topical affirmatives, all they do is increase the likely hood of people serving meaning we don’t have stable links to Disads or any kritik of national service. Limits- Allowing effectually topical cases justifies millions of plans that have nothing to do with the resolution but in the end increase the likelihood of people serving D- Topicality is a voter due to education, fairness, and ground.

Whitman College 7/27/06

4 Armed Forces Neg Topicality

T – USFG (3 branches) A. Definitions 1 – ‘the’ means all parts Merriam-Webster's Online Collegiate Dictionary, no date, http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary accessed March 23, 2002 4 -- used as a function word before a noun or a substantivized adjective to indicate reference to a group as a whole 2 – The US is three branches Princeton University WordNet 1997, http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=united%20states, accessed May 25, 2001

united states: 2: the executive and legislative and judicial branches of the federal government of the US B. Violations – The plan does not use all parts of the federal government. The plan only has the president expand the National Call to Service Program and doesn’t involve the legislative or judicial branches. C. Our interpretation is best 1. Specifying is unpredictable. It allows the affirmative to claim the plan would be struck down by the Supreme Court to create a good precedent and avoid DAs. 2. Definitional basis is key – They must quote evidence to prove their interpretation is predictable. D. Topicality is a voting issue to assure fairness and clash, and because affirmatives must affirm the topic.

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