Sys Prog Dec 2002

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 259
  • Pages: 2

B. E. (Computer Science Engineering) VItlt, Examination, December-2002 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING I

Paper-CSE-302 C

Time allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: JOO

Note: Attempt any five questions. 1. Name and explain the major components of a programl111ng 20

system. 2. (a)


What is the difference between





5 F '5' ,explain?

What will be in register 3 after each instruction in the following explain: LA 3, = A (XYZ)

LR3,3 L 3,=F'S' XYZ" LCR 3, 3 LNR 3,3 ]()x2

3. Describe pass I and pass 2. of assembler, giving flowchart for each.

4. (a)

Differentiate between searching and sorting.

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( 2 )

J (b)

Explain Radix Exchange sort and show the results of each pass of a radix exchange sort when performed

on00100, 1000 I, 010 I I, 0000 I , 000 I 0, 00 I

a I , 00000,

01001,10101,01111, ] lOll. 10 5.

Draw flowcharts and explain algorithms for the macro definition and macro expansion, in two-passes.

6. (a)


Describe the input and output of the macro processor. How dependent is it upon the assembler source code format? 10


How could you handle macro calls w;'; -:1 macros?

7. (a)


List advantages and disadvantages of binding at loa. time over binding at assembly time. 10


List advantages and disadvantages of binding at execution time over binding at load time.


Explain basic functions of a loader.

1 0

8.(a) (b)

Explain the purpose of direct linking loader and an assembler. 10



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