Course Description: Intermediate course is designed to reinforce the English you have already learned and to continue to expand your knowledge of the language, this course will focus on your Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing skills with grammatical structure explanations in all areas. Our summer program will consist of 6 weeks with approximately 2 hours daily, (110 minutes) Monday through Friday, combining student book and LAADI assignments. General Objectives: At the end of this course, you will be able to communicate by means of the effective use of the four skills, with a command of the grammatical structures, effectively and confidently use cultural knowledge related to the English Language covered in this level. With The new IBERO Torreon Plan you will be taking one or several courses in English in your career. So it is imperative that you be well prepared. Writing: Writing is an important requirement for this course. Your first topic is to write about yourself so that I will get to know you better. You are required to write 2 pages each time. The whole idea behind writing is to improve as the weeks go by, to bring out those creative ideas that are hidden. Please use a brain storming process so that by the end of the course, you will not have difficulty writing an essay of 200 words. I will assign the following writing topics. You will receive a % for your writings. LAADI Assignments: I will leave various assignments at LAADI for you to work with and turn in on the required dates. All of these assignments are designed to improve your grades. Many are grammatical reviews; some are in reference to the units seen in the book. You will receive a % for your LAADI assignments. Oral Presentations: I will ask that you do several oral presentations throughout the course. You will select a topic related to your career, 5 minutes long, use visual aids, power point, to help make your presentation interesting. You will also be graded on these presentations (%). TOEFL for Level 4:
You will have two TOEFL practice tests during the course. I will give you some tips for your final TOEFL test so that you may practice in LAADI. Please remember that you are required to get a score of more than 423 points at the end of the course. Students who study International Business are required to obtain a TOEFL score of more than 459 points. The result of the final TOEFL does not mean you passed the course. This is just one more requirement for the course. Once I give you the result of your first TOEFL, please make plans to study at LAADI 20 minutes every day on your own, in order to improve your TOEFL score. You may go to my office and I will go with you to LAADI and show you the material that is available.
Attendance and Punctuality: Class attendance is essential in order to pass this course, 80%. You are permitted 6 absentees (12 hours). If you are absent because of a Seminar or field trip related to your career, these absentees will count within the 6 permitted. Two late arrivals to class will equal in one absence. Failure to bring books to class will also result in an absence. Since this a summer course, we will be seeing one unit in a two day period. Class Participation and Homework: Come to class prepared to participate. You will need your book, notebook every class period. Class Policies: • Treat others with respect. • Do not drink or smoke inside the classroom. • Turn off cellular phones during class time. • On test dates, neither baseball caps nor cell phones will be permitted. Evaluation: You need to pass with (7.0) and fulfill all requirements, attendance, participation, writing, oral presentations, quizzes, and visits to LAADI, mid term exam, final exam. Both your mid term and final results will be tabulated to give you a final grade. Exams: Two exams will be given during the summer, a mid-term on June17th, and a final exam on July 6th. Final grades will be tabulated and given in my office on July 8th. Evaluation:
LAADI assignments Homework Oral Presentation Essay 250 words Exams
10% 10% 15% 15% 50%
Plus you also need to pass the TOEFL with 423 –459 points. My office is in the Language Center ;( Building F) if you need additional help in your English class please feel free to go by the office. If you are going to be absent or just need to talk, you can write to my e-mail address. e-mail:
[email protected] phone: 7 05-10-81 Elizab eth Agüero Sanchez