Syllabus Privacy In Jewish Law

  • Uploaded by: Michael Pitkowsky
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  • May 2020
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Course: HAL 460-Advanced Codes Instructor: R. Michael Pitkowsky ([email protected]) Description: In this course we will learn a number of topics found in the Hoshen Mishpat section of the Tur. We will examine issues that discuss relations between neighbors, citizens in a town, and newcomers to towns. The material for the course will consist of sections from the Tur along with numerous commentaries on it, i.e. the Beit Yosef, Bayit Hadash (Bah), and the Darchei Moshe. All of the sources for the course have been collected in a source book which will be available for purchase. Requirements: Students must come prepared to class. In addition to the expectation that students have prepared the material for every class, each student will be responsible for presenting the material to be learned to the entire class on one day during the semester. There will also be a final exam. Feb. 12:

1. Introduction 2. Tur, siman 154, source no. 1 (p. 4f)

Feb. 19:

1. Beit Yosef, s.v. !"#$ %&, source no. 2 (p. 4); s.v. !'" () *+,, source no. 3 (p. 5) 2. Bah, s.v. !"#$ %&, source no. 4 (p. 4); s.v. -.,& /&0 0/+, source no. 5 (p. 5)

Feb. 26:

1. Beit Yosef, s.v. &+123! 0/+, source no. 6 (p. 6) 2. Darchei Moshe, s.v. !"&0)2 ".4 *+, source no. 7 (p. 6) 3. Derisha, s.v. ("032!,, source no. 8 (p. 6) 4. Bayit Hadash, s.v. 0/+ !"32!,, source no. 9 (p. 7)

March 4:

1. Beit Yosef, s.v. ,'&02 %2&4,, source no. 10 (p. 10); s.v. ("0%2 %2&4,, source no. 11 (p. 11); s.v. $,/45 2/,3, source no. 13 (p. 12) 2. Darchei Moshe, s.v. &+123 0/+, source no. 12 (p. 11)

March 11:

1. Tur, siman 155, source no. 14 (p. 15f) 2. Bayit Hadash, s.v. !"#$ %&, source no. 15 (p. 15)

March 18:


March 25:

1. Beit Yosef, s.v. !&&56! 5605 !&!, source no. 16 (p. 18); s.v. )"0%2! 0/+, source no. 17 (p. 18); Beit Yosef, s.v. !#! *&'6! /0,%/,, source no. 18 (p. 19) 2. Darchei Moshe, s.v. &+123! 0/+, source no. 19 (p. 19)

April 1:

1. Tur, siman 155, s.v. &/)73 *+,, source no. 21 (p. 20) 2. Darchei Moshe, s.v. &+123 /,!8!0, source no. 22 (p. 21)

April 8:

1. Tur, siman 155, s.v. *,)85 !0,%/, source no. 23 (p. 25); s.v. ,5)3 1$)0 "&#$!, source no. 24 (p. 30)

April 15:

Beit Yosef, s.v. %"0&2! 0/+, source no. 25 (p. 32)

April 22:

Pesah vacation

April 29:

1. Tur, siman 156, s.v. 27$ &'03 1$), source no. 28 (p. 35f) 2. Beit Yosef, s.v. ,'&02 %"3,, source no. 32 (p. 38)

May 6:

1. Tur, s.v. ,&,03 &'0 *&4,+, source no. 33 (p. 40f) 2. Bayit Hadash, s.v. ),! () %"3,, source no. 34 (p. 43)

May 13:

Beit Yosef, s.v. &+123! 0/+, source no. 36 (p. 47); s.v. &+1230 0,/+, source no. 37 (p. 47); s.v. 0,/+ &/)73, source no. 38 (p. 48)

May 20:

Darchei Moshe, s.v. 1,6 0/+,, source no. 39 (p. 48); s.v. ""&2!3 0/+, source no. 40 (p. 48f); s.v. &+213! 0/+, source no. 41 (p. 49)

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