Syllabus Poft 1309 F09

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 853
  • Pages: 4
Midland College

Amy Herring

Fall 2009

POFT 1309 - Syllabus 1Administrative Office Procedure I SCH (3-0) Course Description

Text and Supplies

Goals and Objectives

1The student will develop knowledge of and skills in succeeding in an office environment, managing time and information, communicating effectively, processing technological information, and beginning and moving ahead in an office career. Proper office etiquette will also be discussed and presented through outside speakers. This course will transfer to other community colleges in Texas; however, it does not transfer to most four-year institutions. 11. The Administrative Professional, Technology and Procedures 13 Edition by FultonCalkins ISBN#: 978-0-538-72948-2. Thomson/South-Western. 2. USB Flash drive for saving your work 3. Notebook or folder Upon successful completion of the course, students will have the ability to accomplish the following competencies accurately and efficiently:

POFT 1309 ~ Office Procedures & Administration

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Midland College

Amy Herring

Fall 2009

Competencies Purpose and/or sample real life applications Used throughout the course Role of the Office Professional, organization structure To Understand your role in the structure of business organizations Yes Communicating Effectively Use interpersonal skill to develop effective working relationships and function as a member of the office time Yes Managing your Work Time Manage your work and time effectively Yes Technology and the Office Professional’s role Understand the impact of office technology on office procedures performed by office workers Yes Preparing Communications Prepare written communications and distribute processed information Yes Records Management Set up and maintain records Handling financial Procedures Perform basic financial tasks Scheduling Appointments and receiving visitors Schedule appointments, set up meetings, and receive visitors Making Travel Arrangements Make travel arrangements for air travel, car-rentals, hotels and general reservations. Telephone skill and voice recognition Page 2 of 4 Use the telephone effectively and properly

POFT 1309 ~ Office Procedures & Administration


Resumes, job interviews, coping with change and gaining more responsibility.

Midland College Student Contributions/ Class policies

Amy Herring

Fall 2009

1Students are expected to attend class and exhibit professional behavior while in class and the lab.

Labs: There is no scheduled lab time for this class. However, students may need to complete homework assignments in one of the Information Technology labs. (Note: If you have the appropriate software at home, you may complete assignments at home. Midland College does not supply software for use at home). A lab instructor/assistant will be available to assist you in the labs with homework during posted hours. Students may work in the lab during the posted hours (no appointment is necessary for the lab). Remember: Practice makes perfect! Lab Hours are as follows: Labs ATC Hours posted at each lab. 1Absences/Drops: Students cannot successfully complete the course without regular attendance. Students will NOT be dropped from class due to excessive absences, nor will a warning be sent. If a student does not wish to continue attending class: The student should go to the Office of Student Services at Midland College and drop the class by the date(s) specified in the Midland College Class Schedule catalog. Otherwise, an ‘F’ will be given for the semester grade. Homework: Homework must be turned in to BlackBoard on the date that it is due before class starts. If you turn it in after the start of the class, you will receive a 15 point deduction. Cheating: Scholastic dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, and collusion (see definitions of these terms in the Midland College Student Handbook) will result in an ‘F’ in the course. Students are expected to do their own work and may not use unauthorized materials for exams or assignments. Misc: Communication is important! If you have a problem that is interfering with your successful completion of this course, please contact the instructor. I will try to work with you to help you complete the course. Grading/Evaluation of student

Attendance, Punctuality, Professionalism, and Participation (a must)............................................10% Class Assignment and Homework...................................................................................................50% Quizzes/Exams.................................................................................................................................40%

Course schedule

1For a detailed calendar of topics scheduled for class meetings, please refer to the attachment. Topics of instruction are covered in the Course Goals/Objectives

Scans Information


POFT 1309 ~ Office Procedures & Administration

Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources. Students will: Page 3 of 4


Midland College

Amy Herring Interpersonal: Personal Qualities:

Reading: Writing: Instructor/Division Information

Fall 2009

develop time management skills and learn about office ergonomics. Works with others. Students will: participate in group work and mock meetings. Displays responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, and integrity and honesty. Students will: display customer qualities and proper office etiquette and dress. This course addresses information, technology skills (SCAN competencies 1 and 2.) Locates, understands, and interprets written information by following detailed examples given by instructor. Communicates thoughts, ideas, information, and messages in writing by completing homework assignments and taking exams. 1Midland College

Instructor: Office: Phone: Email: Skype: Pronto:

Amy Herring 103TC 432.685.5516 [email protected] aherring1020 Add Pronto from your Tools button and you can IM me.

Division Chair: Division Secretary: Division Office:

POFT 1309 ~ Office Procedures & Administration

Business Studies Division Information Gavin Frantz, (432) 685-4657, [email protected] Lisa Hain, (432) 685-6447 [email protected] 142 Technology Center Building, fax: 685-4761

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