Syllabus For Spanish 1

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 679
  • Pages: 2
Subject: Español 1/2 Eliassen and Feider Expectations



• Follow all school rules. • Show respect to everyone. • Be responsible for your actions. • No food or drinks in the room except water. • No hats or hoods worn in the room. • No cell phones/ game systems/ music devices visible or audible in the classroom. (Be aware of school policy)

Daily Required Materials Text Book—“Así Se Dice” (must be covered) • Pens and Pencils (please do not use red or light colors) • Paper and a binder or folder to organize materials • Spanish to English dictionary is recommended, but not required •

What You Will be Learning • Tons of Vocabulary • Grammar Skills • Culture Appreciation

Grades (notas) Quarterly grades figured as follows: • 40% exams (exámenes) • 25% assignments (tarea) • 20% quizzes (pruebas or quizicitos) • 15% participation (participación)

Semester grades figured as follows: • 45% first quarter grade • 45% second quarter grade • 10% semester final

Exams and Quizzes • If you have an excused absence on the day of a quiz or exam, you have two days when you return to take it, or you will receive a zero. You must make up quizzes and exams before or after school. Please let me know when you can make up the test. If the absence is unexcused, you will receive a zero. • Those who tend to finish tests quickly should bring other work on that day. You will not be allowed to leave the room and must stay quiet until ALL tests are turned in. I may deduct points from your test or quiz if these rules are not followed. • Those who earn an “A” average at the semester grading periods and complete review assignments for the final do not have to take the semester exam!! Further requirements may be made by the teacher.

Assignments • An assignment is given nearly everyday. Often you will have SOME time in class to work on it. • Most assignments are worth 10 points. You will receive a stamp on your paper if it is completed on the due date. You are then required to correct the assignment to 100% in class for full credit. • Assignments for the chapter will be collected in a packet when the chapter test is taken. Late assignments can be turned in at this time for partial credit. • If absent, please check the homework board and folder for any missed assignments and ask other reliable students. The assignment will be due the day after you have returned. Full credit will not be given until I have seen the assignment and signed it. This takes the place of the stamp. It is your responsibility to ask for my initials on the day you return to class.

Participation • You will receive five points daily that you are in class participating in the activities. • You will lose points if you are talking when you shouldn’t, if you are not working when you should, if you are tardy, or if you have an unexcused absence. The tardy and absence policies of MLHS will be in effect for this class.

A little bit more… The hall pass is a privilege; don’t abuse it. Use the breaks between classes wisely. You will not be allowed to use the pass during the first or last ten minutes of class, nor while any member of the class is speaking to the class. Each student is given 3 passes per semester. When you have used them, you will no longer be allowed to leave. Unused passes may be submitted for extra credit at the end of the semester. • Cheating on assignments will result in earning zero points on that assignment and the loss of participation points for the week. Cheating on a test or a quiz will be the same, but in addition, you will be written up and a call will go home to the people in charge of you. That’s a lot of points and punishments…DON’T CHEAT!!! •

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