Sylabbus - Feb 10

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  • Words: 662
  • Pages: 8
Subject code: IE001

Business communication



Description type on themes as scene, recollec working of simple machines, instrument & app


Letter writing:

simple business correspondence dealing with credit, collection.



Passages for the precis will be chosen from pu industry, economics and technological develop Covering situation in the factory and day to da Report writing and presentation: Categories of reports, Preparing of synopsis fo reading.


Reference books: 1

Basic business communication

2 The principles and the practice of Technical reporting 3

Author's Lesikar Flatley TMH - 2005 T.K. Chatterjee Kitab ghar, 1982

R.C. and Krishna Business correspondence and Tata Mc Graw report writing sharma. hill 1996 4 Shah G.P Results - Oriented letter Shilgun Prakashan writting Baroda. 1985

es as scene, recollections, visits to factories and places, nes, instrument & apparatus, events : National significance.

ndence dealing with aspects such as purrchase, sales,

ill be chosen from publications covering problems of technological developments. factory and day to day life. Subtance of the Reports eparing of synopsis for approval formats, copy ready, proof

Subject code: IE002 A

Economics & Indian Economic environment Economics (Micro & Macro) 1

General concepts of the economics - Need hierarchy, wants, producti Price income and wealth.


Concept of the utility & value; Law of diminishing marginal utility.


Demand and supply - determination of demand, law of demand, Dem Elasticity of demad and its mesurement.


Market categories - Perfect completio, Oligopoly, Monopoly, Molopolis equillibrium.


Macro economics - Income determination, Consumption, Saving and I


Employment - Full, Partial . Under employment, Unemployment and i stability.

B India Economic Environment



Meaning of the Economic Development; Various Indicators of develop


Basic Features of the Indian Economy; Natural Resourecs of India; Na year plan; Effect of the population on the economic growth.


Agricultural & Co-Operative sector - Concept of the Agriculture inputs movement and its impact on Agriculture and Agro based Industries.


Industrial Development, Planned and controlled growth of Industries; secotor; Large scale & small scale industries and their characteristics


Infrastructure in India - Transprot, Communication, Power etc; Govern the Government policies, their impact on Economy. 1

Reference Author's books: Intoduction to NCERT; New delhi Economic theory , 1988 Ruddar datt


Indian Economic


Indian Economic

K.P.N. Sundharan S chand & co . 1996 S.K.Mishra V.K.Puri Himalaya publication, 19196

Reference books:



PA. Samuelson & Tata McGraw hill Publication Co W.D.Nordhaus

Indian Economy


Centre for CMIE Publication Monitoring Indian recent edition Economy Economics & ( Books for MS3 Social environment cource;) IGNOU, ( Block 1 to 5) New delhi.

wishwa publication,1999

rarchy, wants, production & consumption; Value ,

ing marginal utility.

nd, law of demand, Demand curve and analysis,

oly, Monopoly, Molopolistic completion, Price

nsumption, Saving and Investment functions.

t, Unemployment and its effect on economic

us Indicators of development; Process of growth.

l Resourecs of India; National level planning, Five nomic growth.

of the Agriculture inputs & Productivity; Co-oprative Agro based Industries.

ed growth of Industries; Public secotor, Private and their characteristics.

ation, Power etc; Government policies, change in nomy.

ya publication, 19196

cGraw hill Publication Co ltd.


Subject code: IE004

Introducion to computers


Over view of the different generations of computers; Impact of computers - o


Elements of the computers, CPU, I/O devices, Data storage.


Bacis of Data processing, Data Hierarchy, File organisation.


Structured system analysis & Design; Data flow diagram; elements of the DO


Elements of the Data managemetn system; examples of applications.

Reference books: Fundamentals of the data base system

Author's R Elmaszri SM Navathi

Pearson edition 2004


Principles of computer programming

V.Raja raman

Prentice hall India, 1998


Computer & Data processing Gardon Davis


Mc Graw hill International stu

pact of computers - on Business and society.



m; elements of the DOS/UNIX environmetn.

f applications.

n edition 2004

e hall India, 1998

w hill International student edition 1991.

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