Swusy Fall Kallah Application

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,019
  • Pages: 3
SOUTHWf,ST RIGION USY CODE OF COMUCT FOR INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL USY EYENTS For purposes of dris Code of Conducl a 'USY event'' or "activit/ shall include all times from when a USYer leaves his or her homg ttyough when the USYer retums to his or her home, including firce time and during transportation to and from dre event, and all times

during home-hospitality USY events.

1. Kashrut will

be observed, including during tansportation to and from

USY events, and dudng "free time"'

2. ReligiourObservance. AllUSYersand$affshallobservethereligiouspoliciesesteblishdbytreUnitedSynagogueof Conservative Judaism, including those pertaining to Shabbat obsenance (including anival prior to Shabbat aud tavel on Shabbat exclusively to a scheduled synsgogu€ event or senices); all males must wear Kippot during all services and meais, and Tallit/Tefillin for morning services, s&ere appropriate. All USYen shall wear clothing appropriate to the event/location.

3. Pms6sion or ue of

auy weapons, alcohol, tobacco products and/or illegal drugs is not pennitted at a

USY event, No

gambling is permitted. at all soheduled USY event activities is required and only ftose registered for the USY event are permitte{'o attend, unless otherwise approved by the event director. No USYer may leave fie premises in **rich a scheduled lvent is located without prior approval of the event dircctor, as well as prior permission ofthe puenVguardian. No USYer

4. Timety ettendang

shall be permitted to drive a car io,


or during a regional event'

housing assignments for home hoqpihlity are final, and any changes may only be made with the pernisiion olthe event direcmr. hior to scheduled events, USYen and $affmust Eoceed direcdy to the place for fie scheduled event Following scheduled events, USYen and staffrnust proceed directly to the assigned home, 5

. Eome Hospitelity. All


6. Camp/Hotel Horpitality. Males

are not pennitted in sleeping rooms or cabins occupied by females, and females are not

permitted in sleeping rooms or cabins occupied by males, Room changes will not be allowed without the permision of the event director, No USYer shall leave hiVher room after curfew

7. Obsen'ence of CkiUCrinlnal law. No USYer or saffshall violate any civil or criminal law, including but not limited to, those related to tampering ofor destuction to property, and destnrction ofone's own or anofiter person's physical and/or mental integrity. Inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact or languagg indecent attire or public nudity, shall not be permitted. 8

, Cooperation with Staff.


USYo shall fully cooperate wi$ every staff person, including volunber shffpersong and

shall otherwise adhere to all rules established for the event'

Each USYer shall be responsible for any damage incuned or for any violation of the rules trat occur in his/her room, regardles of fte person incuning ftose damages.


Anyone u&o violates this Code ofConduct shall be subjectto disciplinary conseque,nceg including but not limited to, being sent home at the expense ofthe violating USYer or staffmember (or hilher parenUguardian), monetary payment for personal and/or properly

fte right to enforce drese ard any othu behavioral des, bhaviorthatwould ofierwise affcctthe integrity oftheUSY eventand/or the heal$,

damage s and suspension fiom future USY events. The event director reserves and impose ad{itional sanctions with respectto

mfety and welfare of ib participants and shff. a USYer or sbffmember violates the National Youdr Commision policy regarding rtrug/slcohol abuse or any o$u cdminal offense (including but nd limitd to shoplifting), punishnent for that offenss reill include suspension tom international USY eventilactivities (including but not limited to Intemdional USY Convention and USY Summer kograms) for one year following the infraction. Individuals will also be prohibited from participating in fre next major ngional USY prognm anj o6er events occuning in ttrc interirn, and prohibited fion chairing events or staffing programs for six months, Individuals already in leadership positions would be removed. A major Regional event is a regionally sponsored overnight event, such as a

In the event

convention, Kinnus or Encarnpment Regions may impose additional sanctions


huve rcad

USYv Signuuc


their discretion.

lhe Sotdhwest Reglon USY Code of Condud ond I agree to abille by Pfiltd signaur



Registration Fee: $154 (American)


USY Application Due Date:

Please note the cost does not include transportaUon. A late fee of $30 will be assessed

for all late applications

SWUSY Region Fall Kallah October 23-25,2009 Camp Carter - Fort Worth, TX HebrewName

Name Address #

& Street

E-mail Address


City / State )




Bar/Bat Mitzvah parsha


Are you a vegetarian?_Yes_No

Ifyes, do you eat chicken? Mom's HebrewName Work Work





Father/Guardian Parent E-mail Address In an emergency, notifu Medical fnsurance Company & Policy Number


Current Medication Allergies

if being sent_

Rooming: Please make sure to write the names of three people (of the same gender) with whom you would like room. Every attempt will be made to room each USYer with at least one of his/her choices. All rooming decisions are final. I would like to be roomed with:




Chapter Chapter

I can leadthefollowing

semices (please circle):

Lead Hamotzi Maariv D'Zimra Sh4harit Minba Maariv Kabbalat Shabbat Minha Shabbat: P'sukei D'Zimra Shaharit Read Torah Be a Gabbai Lead Birkat Hamazon Read Haftarah Lead Kiddush

Weekday: P'sukei

My child has my permission to attend the SWUSY Region USY LTI. In case of emergency, I give the adult in charge my permission for medical treatment to facilitate immediate emergency action. I hereby authorize the medical personnel to order x-rays, routine tests and treatment for my child, and in the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby authorize the physician to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and order injection and/or anesthesia and/or surgery for my child as named above. I understand that I shall be responsible to pay for any medical care rendered to my child while attending this USY function.





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friendsl USY See Your

Prograrnsl Awesorne Srylel avrJSY Shabb


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