Swt - Lecture 1 [introduction] - 13-01-2009

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: Amna Basharat Haider : 01 : 13th January 2009

Semantic Web Technologies

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

What's the Excitement about Semantic Web? • Some say Semantic Web will be bigger than WWW. • Some consider it to be the next generation of the Web. • So what is all the excitement about? • What Wh iis S Semantic i W Web? b? • Will semantics change g the Web forever? • Why and how? • What are the underpinnings of Semantic Technology? FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

A Slide from Prof. James Hendler Hendler’ss Talk…

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

2020 VISION AND BEYOND! Motivation behind Semantic Web!

Semantic Web Technologies

2020 And Beyond …….. Middle Agent Aftab’s Agent Contacts A Middle Agent to find out some hospital in Pindi having a recently admitted Pindi General Hospital Phone: “Your wife Agent: “Your wife is patient named Hansa. Agent: “Your meeting had anAftab: accident she is admitted at Aftab: “I still don’t know “IINew should i is re-scheduled h d l d to t Aft Aftab: b “I h have admitted d Hospital at some Pindi Ward where isd she admitted inform my Aftab’s Agent Negotiates With tomorrow 5:00 PM” aNo. meeting with hospital in Pindi 9”I should in Pindiagent …. to …” use Boss’s Agent and re-schedule my boss and I my agent ….” reschedule meeting g to tomorrow. am late …….” meeting”

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Motivation for Semantic Web Limitations Li it ti of the Syntactic Web

Semantic Web

Semantic Web Structure

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

The first Generation of the Web: the Syntactic y Web

[Hendler & Miller 02] FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

i.e. the Syntactic Web is… • A place where ▫ computers do the presentation (easy) and ▫ people do the linking and interpreting (hard).

• Why y not get g computers p to do more of the hard work?

[Goble 03] FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

The first Generation of Web • Most of the first Generation of Web content is suitable for human consumption ▫ even Web content that is generated automatically from databases is usually presented without the original structural information found in databases

• Typical Web uses demand that people ▫ seek and make use of information, search for and get in touch with other people, review catalogues of online stores and order p products by y filling g out forms

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Keyword-Based Keyword Based Search Engines • Most Web activities (even as of now) are not particularly well supported by software tools ▫ Except for keyword-based search engines (e.g. Google, AltaVista, Yahoo)

• The Web would not have been the huge success it was, were it not for search engines

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Problems of Keyword-Based Search Engines High recall, low precision. Low or no recall Results are highly sensitive to vocabulary Results are single Web pages Human involvement is necessary to interpret and combine results ▫ Results of Web searches are not readily accessible by other software tools ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

The Key Problem of First Generation Web • The meaning of Web content is not machineaccessible: lack of semantics • It is simply difficult to distinguish the meaning between these two sentences: I am a p professor f off computer p science. I am a professor of computer science, you may think. Well, . . .

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Hard Work using the Syntactic Web… • Complex queries involving background knowledge – Find information about “animals animals that use sonar but are not either bats, dolphins or whales”

• Locating information in data repositories – T Travell enquiries i i – Prices of goods and services – Results of human genome experiments

• Delegating complex tasks to web “agents” – Book me a holiday next weekend somewhere warm, not too far away, away and where they speak French or English Almost impossible for machines and too hard for people without automation

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Limitations of the Web today

Machine-to-human, not machine-tomachine understanding FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Summarizing the Problem: Comp ters don’t understand Computers nderstand Meaning

• “My “M mouse is i broken. b k I need d a new one…”

“My mouse is y broken” vs. “My mouse is dead” FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider


Semantic Web Technologies

The Semantic Web Approach ▫ Represent Web content in a form that is more easily machine-processable. machine-processable g techniques q to take advantage g of ▫ Use intelligent these representations. evolve: gradually development

▫ The Semantic Web will gradually evolve out of the existing Web (or the First Generation Web), it is not a competition to the current WWW

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Approach: Semantic Web “The Semantic Web is a vision: the idea of having data on the Web defined and linked in a way that it can be used by machines not just for display purposes, b t for but f automation, t ti i t integration ti and d reuse of data across various applications” http://www.w3.org/sw/ Vision of Tim Berners Lee ! The h Semantic Web b is an initiative with h the h goall off extending d the h current Web and facilitating Web automation, universally accessible web resources, and the 'Web of Trust', providing a universally accessible platform that allows data to be shared and processed by automated tools as well as by people. FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider


Semantic Web Technologies

Course Aim and Themes • The aim of this module is: ▫ To develop a critical and practical understanding of concepts, standards and f frameworks k supporting ti systems t iintegration t ti with semantics in mind x The focus is primarily on the Semantic Web. x Standards of conceptual and technological “tools” for supporting and realising semantic integration play a significant part.

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Course Themes • Teaching, learning and assessment of the module will support these aims by providing: ▫ Practical experience of the development and use of Semantic Integration Frameworks ▫ Reflection on conceptual foundations and implications of the models and implementations ▫ An awareness of the conceptual and technological choices available when developing Semantic Web applications x ontologies, web services, inferencing mechanisms, etc.

▫ Experience and exposure to Semantic Web languages, such as XML, RDF and OWL. x The course, however, does not attempt to cover the languages comprehensively

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Course Learning Outcomes • The learning outcomes for the module are to: ▫ Describe and discuss the concepts surrounding the semantic integration of data/information alongside supporting technology frameworks ▫ Demonstrate an awareness of the core standards that provide a foundation for semantic integration frameworks ▫ Use appropriate skills/abilities to practically explore the state-of-the-art approaches to semantic integration in p practice ▫ Reflect critically on the use of semantic frameworks in the g sphere p wider organisational

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Required Background • Semantic Web is turning out to be a multidisciplinary field. • Consequently, this is an advanced course involving topics in Internet/WWW, Database Management, Information Systems, Information Retrieval and g Artificial Intelligence • Strong Background of DB, OOAD and Discrete St Structures/Logic t /L i would ld be b an advantage, d t th though h nott required!

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Course Contents •

Semantic Web Basics

Semantic Web Applications

Semantic Web Technologies

Semantic Web Tools - Protege Tutorial (Designing O Ontologies l i with i hP Protege))

Semantic Web Services Basics

Case Studies

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Course Structure • 3 Credit Hour Course ▫ 3 Hours of Theory, Theory Instruction ▫ 3 Hours of Practical Activities including Discussions, Presentations, Tutorials and Lab/Practical Work

• Core Component – Course Project ▫ Pairs P i O Only! l !

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna

Semantic Web Technologies

Labs and Practical Work • Huge amount of Practical Learning • Exposure to Various new Tools, Tools Technologies, Technologies Languages and Frameworks including: ▫ XML XML,RDF, RDF OWL, OWL OWL OWL-S S, SWRL, SWRL JESS ▫ Semantic Web Services

• Tools ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫

Protégé/SWOOP, RDF/XML Editors/Modellers Jena Semantic Web Framework SWRL/JESS Plugins Ontology Visualization Toolkits

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna

Semantic Web Technologies

Ingredients g Required q for Semantic Web Course • High Interest Level for Research – Lots of Reading • Self exploration and Motivation – Lots of Web Surfing, Surfing System Exploration • High Web usage profile, Exposure to interesting state of the Art Web Applications • Intelligent applications • Effective Programming and Modelling Skills • Efficiency in adapting to new tools and Programming Languages • Research based Reading and creativity! • XP – eXtreme Programming i.e. Pair Programming ! No Group Work☺ !! FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Textbooks and Supplementary pp y Reading g List • Text Book(s) ▫ Michael C. Daconta, Leo J. Obrst, Kevin T. Smith: “The Semantic Web: A Guide to the Future of XML, Web Services, and Knowledge Management”, John Wiley, 2003 ▫ Grigori Antoniou Antoniou, Frank van Harmelen Harmelen, A Semantic Web Primer , MIT Press, 2004 •

Reference Book(s) ▫ Dieter Fensel, Wolfgang Wahlster, Henry Lieberman, James Hendler (Eds.): “Spinning the Semantic Web: Bringing the World Wide Web to Its Full Potential”, MIT Press, 2002 ▫ John Davies, Dieter Fensel & Frank van Harmelen:, “Towards the Semantic WEB – Ontology Driven Knowledge Management”, John Wiley, 2002 Available in the Library/E-Book

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna

Semantic Web Technologies

Assessment Assignments Quizzes + Class Activities and Pariticipation P j t+P Project Presentations t ti Mids Final

10% 10% 15% 25% 40%

• No retake of quizzes, mids or final • No extension in deadline of assignments and project • Submission g guidelines must be followed!

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna

Semantic Web Technologies

Importance of Feedback • Regular Feedback and Constant Interaction is Expected • Show full involvement and Participation in the Course • Have Trust and Faith!

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna

Semantic Web Technologies

Life Lines for Course Execution • Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider ▫ Office: N -111-B ▫ email: amna [email protected] basharat@nu edu pk

• Online course content & coordination: ▫ Course Folder:

x \margala\SWT_Spring09 \ l \SWT S i 09

▫ Group Home Page:

▫ SWT_Spring2009 http://groups.google.com/group/swt_spring2009

▫ Course Group Email: [email protected] YOU MUST JOIN TODAY! • Teaching Assistant: Will be decided during the week! • Office Hours: ▫ Wednesday: 2:30 to 4:30 ▫ Thursday: 10:30 to 12.30

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Yourself and Your Higher Self!

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

NO Room for Laggers in this course! You would not be disappointed with the learning experience of this course, provided YOU WANT TO LEARN!

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider


Semantic Web Technologies

Summary • The semantic web is based on machineprocessable semantics of data. • Its backbone technology are Ontologies. g g such as • It is based on new web languages XML, RDF, and OWL, and tools that make use of these languages.

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Conclusion • Semantic Web is not only a technology as many used to name it • Semantic Web is not only an environment as many naming it now • Semantic Web it is a new context within which one should rethink and re-interpret his existing g businesses,, resources,, services,, technologies, processes, environments, products etc. to raise them to totally new level of performance… performance FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Where to find out more: Web Web-Sites Sites • OWL, OWL-S – http://www.w3.org/2004/01/sws-pressrelease – http://www.w3.org/2004/01/sws-testimonial

• Semantic S ti W Web b – http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/ – http://www.semwebcentral.org/ htt // b t l /

• Semantic Web Services – http://www.daml.org/services/ h // d l / i / – http://www.swsi.org/ – http://www.wsmo.org http://www wsmo org FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

Semantic Web Technologies

Hans-Georg Stork, European Union http://lsdis.cs.uga.edu/SemNSF

FAST-NU, Islamabad Spring 2009 - Lecture 1

Instructor: Amna Basharat Haider

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