Swine Flu Video Links

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Swine/Avian flu related videos. Source; http://swineavianfluthestorysofar.blogspot.com/2009/08/these-videos-will-discreditall.html Dr. Bill Deagle Interview - Swine Flu Outbreak ¼ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3GXFjbijv4&feature=related Avian Flu! NWO Fear Tactic!! Pt 1, please watch all 4 on you tube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsM0w08IoEk Bird Flu Distributed by Dept of Homeland Security http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qJQCJp4ehc Special Weekend Broadcast: Alex Jones, Swine Flu Hoax May 4 2009 [Thank you Dave in Essex ] http://www.infowars.com/special-weekend-broadcast-alex-jones-swine-flu-hoax/ How can a vaccine be deemed safe. http://vodpod.com/watch/1949588-how-can-any-vaccine-be-deemed-safe-when-notime-is-given-to-learn-about-not-only-short-term-but-longt-term-damage-and-sideeffects-any-government-or-pharmaceutical-that-tells-you-a-vaccine-is-sa Would you take the Swine Flu Vaccine http://vodpod.com/watch/1949551-would-you-take-the-swine-flu-vaccine Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers http://vodpod.com/watch/1949559-legal-immunity-set-for-swine-flu-vaccine-makers Intelligence Report on Weaponized Avian Flu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r-njxcVt5U UPDATE IN MORE INFO: MARCH 09 http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=zcniJxck0gI&feature=PlayList&p=A9E116BF4F83F381&index=0 Bayer Exposed ( HIV Contaminated Vaccine ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&v=wg-52mHIjhs Video: H5N1 (Bird Flu) DNA Found In Ordinary Flu Vaccine! October 28 2008 http://www.kickthemallout.com/article.php/Video-H5N1_DNA_In_Flu_Vaccine Swine flu made in USA June 25, 2009 http://www.infowars.com/swine-flu-made-in-usa/

Wayne Madsen Biography:

http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/categories/20070329 Madsen: 'Swine flu virus began life in lab', You Tube version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z64mrb-M7KE&eurl=http%3A%2F %2Ftvotr.blogspot.com%2F&feature=player_embedded 1976 Swine flu video, dailymotion. [Thanks to Robert] 19/06/09 Please watch full video. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9mh9f_swine-flu-1976-propaganda_webcam Jane Buergermeister, interview, audio only. July 7, 2009 http://loveforlife.com.au/node/6671 IMPORTANT this video could save your life Part 1 of 8 July 11, 2009, audio only. http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&v=wHxHmHa9qvs Drug companies responsible for swine flu outbreak? May 1 2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDqzHQKhPzE&feature=channel IMPORTANT The bird/swine flu is man made PLEASE SHARE/FAV/COMMENT/DOWNLOAD Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgcLC0SLNK4&feature=related "Swine Flu Was Cultured in a Laboratory", Dr. John Carlo, Dallas Co. Medical Director says [Thanks to Robert] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LcKoiTEJKc&feature=related Mexican Flu Outbreak 2009: SPECIAL REPORT by Dr Leonard Horowitz [Thank you Owl] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBeKB7aKzOs Swine Flu Pandemic, 2009: Anglo-American Genocide Part I [Thank you Owl] must watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egbVv2x6FqA Swine Flu Vaccine: Will We Have A Choice? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlDjDAFW1Ck&eurl=http%3A%2F %2Fwww.infowars.com%2Fswine-flu-vaccine-will-we-have-a-choice %2F&feature=player_embedded Swine Flu Vaccine Warning http://vodpod.com/watch/1949615-swine-flu-vaccine-warning-by-david-icke Urgent Swine Flu Info! http://vodpod.com/watch/1949447-urgent-swine-flu-info

Bayer Aspirin, Rat of the week http://www.youtube.com/watch?eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.naturalnews.com %2FIndex.html&feature=player_embedded&v=spnEaO3yumk&gl=GB

Vaccine related videos. Vaccines - The True Weapons of Mass Destruction 1 to 15 Dr Carley http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Vaccines++The+True+Weapons+of+Mass+Destruction+&search_type=&aq=f Dr Tenpenny http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=7018835240451107552&hl=en The Alex Jones Death in insulin shots June 17, 2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUPepoE9DVA&feature=channel_page Alex Jones Infowars Dr. Rebecca Carley: Effects of vaccines on the immune system http://www.infowars.com/dr-rebecca-carley-effects-of-vaccines-on-the-immunesystem/ Dr Carley You Tube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/drcarley2 Global Vaccine Agenda [Thank you Welsh_messenger ] http://bbc5.tv/eyeplayer/articles/global-vaccine-agenda Other subjects Wise Up TV http://www.wiseupjournal.com/?page_id=32 BBC5TV , Lots of very good videos. http://bbc5.tv/eyeplayer/home http://bbc5.tv/eyeplayer/categories Codex Alimentarius P1 Dr Rima Laiblow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmrF9KjlGsc&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww %2Euktabloid%2Eco%2Euk%2FMainNews%2Ehtml&feature=player_embedded British Woman Arrested, Imprisoned for Asking Cop for Badge Number http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/video/2009/jun/21/fit-watch-kingsnortharrests

Alex Jones End Game http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=1070329053600562261 Alex Jones - The Obama Deception http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=441320645893216983 LaRouche Webcast: June 27, 2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXEZSTQwGh8&eurl=http%3A%2F %2Fhumanityforunity.com%2F%3Fp%3D357&feature=player_embedded Taking Liberties http://wideeyecinema.com/?p=208 Salbuchi - Global Financial Collapse - Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlDNMB6wYmI CRISIS ALERT! Are we being setup for an International Crisis? Coming to the UK soon. Google “civil contingencies act 2004” and “European Gendarmerie Force” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joVHU9n5eYA Jim Humble interview [Miracle Mineral Supplement] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=948284113233997302 Danger In The Sky - The Chemtrail Phenomenon http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&eurl=http%3A%2F %2Fhumanityforunity.com%2F&hl=en-GB&v=UdtLTyNOB0A Everything is ok. I recommend watching these videos, most of them are a good laugh, and there is a very serious underlying message however. http://www.youtube.com/user/cveitch

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