Svoa Summer 2008 Newsletter

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Volume 3 Issue 3 Late Summer Newsletter Summer is quickly coming to a close and time for another update of events and issues in South Village. The community continues to grow and turn over as new residents build and buy. The place is a buzz with activity. Soon a new school year will be upon us and we will start the cycle over again. Social committee The summer BBQ was a great success. Many new families were able to connect around the pool. The food went down well and was delicious. Thank you to the BBQ guys Mike Devaney and Fred Abboud. With all the rain and overcast days it was a beautiful day. Thanks to the social committee for all their hard work. Communications committee I continue to welcome new residents to the neighbourhood. If you are aware of new people moving in please contact me. If I haven’t gotten to you yet I will. There is a new forum set up and a blog. If you would like to contribute here is how to do it. The forum and blog are hosted by Martin Jones. Thank you. Residents Forum : Residents blog : I will post the newsletter on here. Just another way to get info. Community meeting for all residents of South Village. To be held at the rec. center. Wednesday 27 August, 2008 at 6:30p.m. The discussion will be regarding the vandalism and keeping our community safe and secure. Please try to attend it is important to have all the community support. Beautification committee As many of you have noticed the rec center/ pool area has been spruced up somewhat with the work of the beautification committee. We created and planted some garden beds as well as the hanging flowers around the pool. We hope you have enjoyed our efforts. A big thank you to Ken Wallingford for cutting and trimming the grass around the rec center. He has done a great job. Also to Gary Drummond who has been mowing the grass/weeds around the gazebo area on the far side of Sparkling Lake. A continued thanks to all others who take the imitative and contribute to the community. In the fall the other common areas can be tackled.

Contact Marion Pora if you would like to help with these projects. 821-0699

Physical Plant and Rec. Center Just a reminder the South Village pool closes at dark. Because the pool is not equipped with proper night lighting, the SVOA is mandated by the City of Ottawa to close the pool at dark. In addition, algaecide and chlorine "shock" treatments are done at dark, after the pool has closed. These applications are done on an as required basis, therefore, there is no schedule as to when they will be performed. Skin and eye irritations can occur if swimming in chemically treated water within a few hours of these treatments. The back gate has been padlocked to prevent access to non-members from easy entry into the pool area. The lock requires repair, and will remain padlocked until further notice. Physical Plant and Pool Committee. .Thank you to Melissa Murphy for maintaining the pool for the last part of the summer. She has done a super job. Thank you. Finance Committee Still there are outstanding dues to be gathered from the community. We are working on this. Residents corner Suzanna Caruso is available for tutoring. Qualified teacher available for summer tutoring. Elementary/ intermediate children from grades 1-8 in Math and English. Help brush up on previously learned skills or prepare for the upcoming school year. Please contact Suzanna at 613-853-1032 FOOD FOR THOUGHT by Personal Chef, Michele Piironen

Eat Well! Live Better! Sum m er is now in full swing. It’s tim e to take of advantage of Ottawa’s fresh, local produce and farm er’s m arkets. Freshness definitely counts when we ‘foodies’ are entertaining!

If the ‘sam e-old-sam e-old’ salad greens have left you feeling a little wilted, try digging yourself out of your salad rut with the following fresh and flavourful new recipe. This Hot Salmon, Bacon and Arugula Salad m akes an excellent m idday m eal when you need som ething that looks im pressive, but whips together in a snap!

2 – 6 oz. salm on fillets, skin rem oved ½ teaspoon olive oil salt & pepper m ixture of red & green leaf lettuce and baby spinach arugula ½ cup cherry tom atoes, sliced in half 1/8 cup thinly sliced red onion 5 slices of bacon 1 teaspoon fresh lem on juice 2 teaspoons white wine vinegar 1 teaspoon sugar ½ teaspoon salt

W ash and dry salm on; brush with olive oil and season with salt & pepper. Grill salm on over m edium heat until done (salm on will flake easily with a fork). You m ay also broil the salm on if you do not wish to BBQ.

Dressing: Cook bacon until crisp. Rem ove with slotted spoon, crum ble and set aside, reserving drippings. Add lem on juice and vinegar to reserved drippings. Add sugar, salt and pepper. Cook 1 m inute.

Arrange lettuce, spinach and arugula on plates. Top with grilled salm on. Scatter tom ato halves around plate with onion and bacon. Drizzle with dressing. Garnish with fresh sprigs of dill. Feel free to experim ent with your favourite fresh herbs.

Serve this dish with a loaf of crusty bread, and a chilly Pinot Gris, and you have the m akings for a lovely m eal sure to please!

(Recipe courtesy of FOOD TO GROW

I hope that you enjoy this recipe. Be sure to contact m e with any cooking questions or suggestions for future FOOD FOR THOUGHT feature ideas. I encourage you to check out m y website at

Eat W ell! Live Better!

Alterations: Contact Elvira Pasqua if you need any alterations (new school clothes perhaps) at 794-1822. Thank you for taking the time to read the information in the newsletter. If you have anything to contribute contact me (Suzanne Mackey) at 821-1448 or [email protected]

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