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1.t akef ul l br eat hi nandoutwi t houtanygapbet weenbr eat hi ngi nandout 2.i nhal ef ul l yandexhal ef ul l y 3.becomeawar eofy ourf ul l bodyand 4.t el l y ourbodyt o" goi nt odeepandheav yr el axat i on" 5.sayt oy ourbody" Ev er ypar toft hebodyi sget t i ngv er yr el axed" 6.sayt oy our sel f , whenIbr eat he, wi t hev er ybr eat h, t hedeepr el axat i oni sdoubl i ng i ngt hef eel i ngofgr at i t ude 8.of f ergr at i t udet ot hemot herandf at heroft heuni v er se, 9.of f ergr at i t udet oy ourshi v y oggur u 9.of f ergr at i t udet oal l si ddhas, shi v y ogsi ddhas 10.i nv oket heshi v y ogshakt ii nbot hy ourpal ms" maij eev anday i nishi v y ogshakt ikaaawaahan kar t ahoon"t henf eelt heshi v y ogener gyi ny ourhandsandpr ost r at eandof f ergr at i t udet o shi v y ogshakt i andsi ddhas ar tmant r aj ap 12.sendshakt i ov ert hev i gr ahai fv i gr ahai st her eel sesendi tonSr i Chakr aMer u 13.assoonasy ouf eelt hatSr iChakr ai sexpandi ngand/ orr ot at i ng,apower f ulbeam ofl i ghti s f l owi ngf r om sr i chakr a 14.sendt hatbeam ofl i ghtont osunt henon12( dwaadash)sunsf r om y ourhands, byi ndent ni g t hat" mai dwadashsur y onparshakt i bhej r ahahoon. "( " I ' m sendi ngt hi sshakt i on12sur y as) 15.seeav er ybr i ghtl i ghtoft heuni v er sei nt heuni v er se, sendt heshakt it ot heconsci ousnessof t heuni v er se( j y ot i r may ashi v aandj y ot i r may aady ashakt i ) 16.f r om uni v er salconsci ounessabr i ghtl i ghti scomi ngt owar dsy ou,ent er i ngi nt oy our1000 pet al sofsahahst r ar a 17.f r om t he1000pet al sofsahast r at r ai ti sent er i ngi nt opi neal gl and owl yf r om pi nealgl andv i ai da,pi ngal a,andsushumna,i ti sgoi ngdownupt ot i poft het ai l bone 19.t her ei sabr i ghtl i ghti npi nealgl and, shakt ii sconnect edt ot hat , t hatl i ghti sexpandi ngi nt he whol ebr ai n 20.shakt i i sconnect i ngwi t ht hej y ot i i ny ourhear tandexpandi ng 21.shakt i i sconnect i ngwi t hdi amondi nt hemani purchakr aandexpandi ng 22.shakt i i sconnect i ngwi t ht het i poft ai l boneandexpandi ng 23.f r om y ourt hi ghs,bonemar r ow,knees,kneecaps,l owerl egs,cal fmuscl es,bonemar r ow, heel s, j oi ntofheel s, f eet , sol esoft hef eetandt het oest heshakt i i sf l owi ngi nt oi t . 24.shakt i i sf l owi ngbot hy ourf eet s 25.f r om t hesol esofy ourf eet s, shakt ii sconnect i ngwi t ht heconsci ousnessatcent erofmot her ear t h, andexpandi ngi nsdet heear t h 26.shakt i i sent er i ngi nt oeachandev er ycel l ofy ourbody ; eachandev er ycel l of l ef tbr ai nandr i ghtbr ai n; ey es, nose, ear s; l i ps, j aws, chi n;

neck, t hy r oi dgl andi nsi deneck; shoul der , col l arbone, f ul l ar ms, el bow, f or ear ms, wr i st s, pal ms, r i bs, shoul derbl ades, hear tandl ungs, l i v er , pancr eas, spl een, spi nal cor d, andeachv er t ebr aofspi nal cor d, bot hki dney s, andadr enal gl andsofki dney s, r epr oduct i v eor gans, hi pbones, bot ht het hi ghs, boneandbonemar r owsoft hi ghs, st omach, smal l i nt est i ne, l ar gei nt est i ne, r epr oduct i v eor gans, kneesandkneecaps, l owerl egs, bonemar r owofl ower l egs, cal fmuscl es, heel s, f eet , andt ent oesoff eet 27.f r om y ourf eeti ti sent er i ngi nt ot hecent erofear t h, andf r om t hecent erofear t hexpandi ngi n whol eofear t h. 28.shakt i i sf l owi ngi nt opr anamaykoshand72l akhnadi s 29.shakt i i sf l owi ngi nt omanomaykosh, gy anmaykosh, and anandamaykosh 30.shakt i i sf l owi ngi nt oagy achakr at i l l pi neal gl and 31.i fy ouwantheal anyofy ourf ami l ymember , puthi s/ herchakr ai ny ouragy achakr a 32.shakt i i sf l owi ngi nt oagy achakr at i l l pi neal gl and 33.r i ghtpet al , l ef tpet al ofagy achakr a 34.shakt i i nt ov i shuddhi chakr aupt ospi nal cor d 1stpet al ont het op 1stpet al ont her i ght 2ndpet al 3r dpet al pet al i nt hecent err i ghtsi de one 2nd 3r d pet al ont hebot t om l ef tsi de1stv i shuddhi 2nd 3r d pet al ont hecent erl ef tsi de 1stpet al 2nd 3r d 35.shakt i onanahat pet al ont het op

r i ghtsi de1st 2nd pet al i nt hecent er 1stpet al 2ndpet al pet al ont hebot t om 1stont hel ef t 2nd pet al i nt hecet er 1stpet al 2ndpet al 36.sendshakt i i nt hemani pur( chakr a) pet al ont het op r i ghtsi de1stpet al 2nd 3r dpet al mani pur shakt i ont he4t hpet al pet al ont hebot t om pet al ont hel ef t 2nd 3r d 4t h 37.swadi sht haan pet al ont het op one t wo pet al ont hebot t om one t wo 38.mul adhar pet al ont het op r i ghtsi de bot t om l ef t 39.sendt heshakt i i nsi desushumnanadi 40.shakt i r i seupt oswadhi st haan, l ett heshakt i r i sei nsi desushumnanadi , i ti sr i si ngupt o 41.mani purchakr a, 42.anahat a 43.v i shuddhi 44.pi neal gl and 45.f r om pi neal gl andl ef tandr i ghtsi deofbr ai nandeachandev er ycel l #SamhaarKr am -( dest r oy i ngkar mas) #Cr eat i ngsr i chakr aonour sel f 46.Bhupur -f eet , t hi ghs, 3ci r cl es 47.shodashdal kamal -mul adhar a ( 16pet al l ot us) 48.asht adal kamal -swadi sht ana( 8pet al l ot us) ur dashar -mani pur( 14t r i angl es) 50.bahy adashar -anahat ( 10t r i angl es) 51.ant ardashar -v i shuddhi ( 10i nnert r i angl es)

52.asht aar 53.f or ehead ndu

-aj na ( 8t r i angl es) -t r i angl e -sahast r ar a

# 55.Connectt heuni v er sall i ghtwi t hbi nduofsr ichakr a,andchantmat r aatbi nduanduni v er al l i ght( br ahmhandki r oshni ) 56.t hel i ght( r oshni )i sent er i ngi nt opi neal gl and 57.f r om pi neal gl andv i ai da, pi ngal a, sushumnanadi t ot hel i ghtofhear t 58.f r om l i ghtoft heheatv i asushumnanadi , t ot hedi amonofmani pur 59.f r om t hedi amondv i ai da, pi ngal a, sushumna, t ot i poft het ai l bone, t hef i r eoft het ai l bone 60.f r om t her et o bot hhi ps t hi ghs, knees l ower l egs cal fmuscl es bonemar r ow heel s f eet t oes sol eoft hef eet 61.f r om t hesol eoft hef eett ot hecent eroft hemot herear t h #Sr usht i Kr am -Mani f est i ngy ourdesi r esf r om uni v er se 62.shakt i f r om bi ndut of ul l t r i angl e( f or ehead) 63.f r om t r i angl et oagy achakr aandasht aar 63.f r om asht aart ov i shudhi chakr aandant ardashar( 10i nnert r i angl es) 64.f r om ant ardashar , anahatchakr a' s12pet al sandbahy adashaar( 10t r i angl es) 65.f r om bahy adashaart omani pur14t r i angl es( chat ur dashaar ) 66.f r om chat ur dashaart oswadi sht an8pet al l ot us 67.f r om 8pet al l ot usatswadi sht anat o16pet al l ot usofmul adhar 68.f r om mul adhaart of eet , t hi ght s, 3ci r cl es, ( i . e, )bhupur i chakr ar oat ewi t h t hespeedofi nf i ni t yi nmul t i di mensi onal di r ect i on #Iam ThatIam 70.becomeawar eofuni v er sal l i ghtandseey our sel fandsay"Iam "andt oucht heuni v er sal l i ght andsay"t hat "andagai ncomebackt oy ousel fandsay"Iam " 71.agai nt oucht heuni v er sall i ght ," That "andcomebackt oy our sel fwi t ht hef l owi ngl i ght ,and say"Iam " #dot heabov e70and713t i mes Iam , t hat, Iam Iam , t hat, Iam Iam , t hat, Iam #Br eat hf r om bodi esandChakr a 72.Takef ul l br eat hi nandout 73.I nhal ewi t ht hesr i chakr aandexhal ewi t ht hesr i chakr as

74.I nhal ewi t ht he5bodi esandexhal ewi t ht he5bodi es 75.I nhal ebot ht hr ought hesr i chakr aand5bodi esandexhal ewi t ht he5bodi esandsr i chakr a 76.i nhal ewi t ht hemant r aandexhal ewi t ht hemant r af or5mi nut es, wi t h72' si nst r uct i on #endi ng 77.of f ergr at i t udet oy ourgur u, al lt heshi v y ogl i neageandhol ysi ddhas, l al i t amabapar meshwar i , bhagwanadi nat h, maachakr eshwar i , al l t heshi v y ogl i neage, andy ourshi v y oggur u owcomeback, mov ey ourf i nger s, r uby ourpal ms, t ouchy ourf aceandopeny ourey es.

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