SUPER RMARKETT SEAFO OOD SUR RVEY Many of th he seafoods on o this red list are common nly sold in U.S. supermarketss, and come from f fisheries and a aquacultu ure operations that harm our oceans forr one or more of the following reasons* -
exploits en ndangered, vu ulnerable and d/or protected species
destroys ha abitats or alte ers ecosystems
kills other species such as a marine mammals and seabirrds
is notoriouss for pirate fish hing
is manage ed poorly
harms loca al, fishing dep pendent comm munities
* Some e stocks and gear g types of the spe ecies listed be elow may be sustain nable. If supermarkets wantt to keep p selling spec cies on this listt, they must m demonstra ate that they are buy ying only from m sustainable source es of these sea afoods.
Visit the fre esh, frozen, and canned se ections of you ur local superm market and place a check k mark in the appropria ate column of the survey fo or each type of o seafood you find for sale e. Store nam me, city and sttreet: __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________
RED-Lisst Seafood d Species
Alaska Po ollock Theragra chalcogramm ma Atlantic Cod C or Scrod Ga adus morhua Atlantic Halibut H (US & Ca anadian) Hippoglossus hipposlo ossus Atlantic Salmon (wild and farmed) Salm mo salar Atlantic Sea Scallop Plac copecten mag gellanicus Bluefin Tuna Thunnus thyn nnus, Thunnus maccoyii m Bigeye Tu una Thunnus obe esus Chilean Sea Bass (aka Patagonian Tootthfish) Dissostich hus eleginoides Greenland Halibut (aka Black halibut, Atlantic A turbot or o Arrowhead flo ounder) Reinha ardtius hippoglosssoides Grouper (imported ( to the e US) Epinephelus morio Hoki (aka a Blue grenadie er) Macruronus novaezelandia n e (contiinued)
Monkfish Lophius americanus Ocean Quahog Arctica islandica Orange Roughy Hoplostethus atlanticus Red Snapper Lutjanus campechanus Redfish (aka Ocean Perch) Sebastes marinus, Sebastes fasciatus, Sebastes mentella Sharks Squalus acanthias, Lamna nasus, Isirus oxyrinchus Skates and Rays superorder Batoidea South Atlantic Albacore Tuna Thunnus alalunga Swordfish Xiphias gladius Tropical Shrimp (wild and farmed) Metapenaeus monoceros, Penaeus spp Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares
Log your results at, or fax them to 202-462-4507. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at
[email protected].